Verbi Flashcards
accasciare / accasciarsi
I. tr.
1. (fisicamente) to wear out; [caldo] to overcome
- (moralmente) to deject
II. accasciarsi
1. (cadere) to fall, to collapse
• accasciarsi al suolo - to crumple onto the floor
• accasciarsi per lo sfinimento - to collapse in an exhausted heap
- [fig.] (demoralizzarsi) to lose heart, to get depressed
• si accasciò per il dispiacere - the blow made him lose heart
accavallare / accavallarsi
1 (= incrociare) to cross
• accavallare le gambe - to cross one’s legs
• accavallare una maglia - to cross stitches
2 (= sovrapporre) to overlap
3 (caccia) to stalk
1 (= sovrapporsi) to overlap, to cross
• le due linee si accavallano in questo punto - the two lines cross at this point
2 (fig) to crowd, to pile up
• una miriade di pensieri si accavallarono nella sua mente - a myriad of thoughts crowded his mind
- (detto di nervi e sim.) to overlap, to get crossed
• mi si sono accavallati i tendini - I have strained tendons
1 (= accovacciarsi) to crouch, to grovel, to crouch (down), to squat (down)
• la tigre si accucciò davanti al domatore - the tiger crouched down in front of the tamer
2 (= accoccolarsi) to snuggle (up/down), to nestle
accusare / accusarsi
1.1 (= incolpare) to accuse (of), to blame (for)
• accusare qn - to lay a charge against sb, to point a finger at sb
• fu accusato di favorire il suo paese - he was accused of favoring his country
1.2 (= tacciare) to tax (with)
2.1 (leg) to charge (with), to accuse (of), to indict (for); (personaggi pubblici) to impeach
• accusare qn di un delitto - to charge sb with a crime
• essere accusato di corruzione - to be charged with bribery
• accusarono l’uomo di assassinio - they charged the man with murder
• il ministro fu accusato di alto tradimento - the minister was impeached
2.2 V+D (≠ difendere) to prosecute
3 V+D(+di/per+IN) (= biasimare) to condemn
• la sua indolenza è da accusare - his laziness is to be condemned
4.1 (dolori, ecc) to complain of
• accusai violenti dolori allo stomaco - I was seized with violent stomach pains
4.2 (= manifestare) to show, to reveal
• simulò indifferenza, ma accusò il colpo - he feigned indifference, but he was hurt
5 (buroc) to acknowledge
• accusiamo ricevuta della Vostra lettera - we acknowledge receipt of your letter
B accusarsi
to accuse oneself, to blame oneself
• si accusò del furto per proteggere il figlio - he took the blame for the theft to protect his son
C accusarsi
to accuse each other, to blame each other
• si accusano sempre di trascurare il bambino - they always accuse each other of neglecting the child
adagiare / adagiarsi
to lay (down), to settle, to put down gently • adagiarano il ferito nella barella - the injured man was laid on the stretcher
1 to lie down, to settle, to make oneself comfortable
• mi adagiai in poltrona - I made myself comfortable in the armchair
2 (fig) to indulge (in), to lapse (into)
• adagiarsi nel lusso - to lapse into a life of luxury
- (allacciare) to buckle, to fasten
• affibbiarsi la cintura - to buckle one’s belt - (fam. fig.) (appioppare) to saddle (sb) with (sthg), to shift (sthg onto sb)
• affibbiò la responsabilità del delitto al suo complice - he saddled his partner with the responsibility for the crime
• mi hanno affibbiato un cinquanta euro falso - they palmed off a false fifty euro bill on me
• affibbiare un soprannome a qn - to give sb a nickname - (ingiurie, botte) to give, to land
• gli affibbiai uno schiaffo - I gave him a slap in the face
• affibbiare una pedata a qn - to land b a kick
aggiudicare / aggiudicarsi
1. to award; (a un’asta) to award; to bestow:
• aggiudicare un appalto, un premio - to award a contract, a prize
• il quadro è stato aggiudicato per un milione - the picture was sold for a million
• aggiudicato! - sold! (at auction)
- (dir.) to adjudge, to adjudicate
(aggiudicare a sé stessi) to obtain, to win, to gain
• aggiudicarsi un quadro - to obtain a picture
• aggiudicarsi la vittoria - to gain a victory
• si è aggiudicato il primo posto - he won first place
ammucchiare / ammucchiarsi
1 (= accumulare) to pile up, to heap, to stack, to amass, to hoard
• ammucchia tutti i fascicoli su quello scaffale - pile up all the files on that shelf
• ammucchiò una fortuna in meno di un decennio - he amassed a fortune in less than a decade
2 (= raccogliere in mazzi) to bunch (together)
1 (= accumularsi) to collect, to crowd, to mass, to pile up, (di persone, anche) to huddle, to cluster, to bunch (up)
• la gente si ammucchiò sul ciglio della strada - a crowd formed at the side of the road
• la polvere si era ammucchiata sui mobili - dust had piled up on the furniture
2 (di neve e simili) to drift, to bank up, to build up
• la grandine si ammucchiò sul davanzale - hailstones built up on the windowsill
- to water down, to dilute
- (fig.) to moderate, to mitigate; to dilute
• annacquò il suo entusiasmo - he moderated his enthusiasm
- to stick; (attaccare) to attach, to join; (con colla liquida) to glue; (con colla in pasta) to paste
• appiccicare un’etichetta - to stick a label (on sth/sb) (anche fig.) - (fig.) (appioppare) to palm off, to fob off, to foist
• mi appiccicarono un cinquanta euro falso - they palmed off a forged fifty euro bill on me
• appiccicare uno schiaffo a qn - to slap sb’s face - v.intr.
to be sticky, gluey
• come appiccica questo tavolo! - this table is really sticky!
1 to tie (vines to poplars)
2 (agric) to plant with poplars
3 (= assestare) to deliver, to land
• appioppare un pugno - to land a punch
4 (= affibbiare) to land, to offload, to palm off
• appioppare un epiteto a qn - to coin a nickname for sb
• le hanno appioppato un mucchio di lavoro - they’ve palmed off a load of work on her
appoggiare / appoggiarsi
1 (= accostare) to rest (on), to lean (on/against), to prop, to prop up
• appoggiare la testa - to rest/to recline one’s head
• appoggia le assi contro il muro! - lean the planks against the wall!
• due sedie appoggiate alla parete - two chairs leaning against the wall
2 (= deporre) to lay (down), to put
• non appoggiare le borse sul tavolo! - don’t put the bags on the table!
3 (calcio) to pass
4.1 (= sostenere) to support, to stand for/by, to uphold, to back (up)
• appoggiare la candidatura di qn - to support sb’s candidature
• appoggiare una politica - to support a policy
• appoggiare un sistema di governo - to uphold a system of government
• è appoggiato dall’ala conservatrice del partito - he is backed by the conservative wing of the party
4.2 (= assistere) to help, to assist, to aid
• appoggiare finanziariamente - to stake, to aid, to support
• è sempre pronto ad appoggiare un amico - he’s always willing to help a friend
4.3 (= promuovere) to foster, to promote, to further, to favour, to forward
• appoggiare una causa - to further a cause
• appoggiare un’iniziativa - to favour a project
4.4 (= patrocinare) to sponsor, to back, to finance
• appoggiare un avvenimento culturale - to sponsor a cultural event
5 (= approvare) to endorse, to back; (= secondare) to second, to back
• appoggiare un piano - to endorse a plan
• la mozione fu appoggiata da una grande maggioranza - the motion was seconded by a large majority
6 (= fondare) to vest, to base
• appoggiare le speranze sui giovani - to vest one’s hopes in young people
B (= poggiare, anche fig) to rest, to lie, to be based
• la sua teoria non appoggia su niente di concreto - his theory isn’t based on anything concrete
• l’edificio appoggia su solide fondamenta - the building rests on solid foundations
1 (= reggersi) to hold (on), to support oneself
• ci appoggiammo alle rocce - we held on to the rocks
2 (= basarsi) to rest (on), to base oneself (on)
• appoggiarsi a eventi passati - to base oneself on past events
3 (= addossarsi/ricorrere) to lean (on/against), to rely (on)
• appoggiarsi a un amico - to rely on a friend
• appoggiarsi al muro - to lean against the wall
4 (di edifici) to abut
• l’edificio si appoggia a una vecchia chiesa - the building abuts on an old church
appostare / appostarsi
to lie in wait for, to ambush, to waylay
• appostare un ladro - to waylay a thief
to lurk, to skulk, to lie in ambush, to lie in wait
• i fotografi erano appostati fuori dell’albergo - the photographers were lurking outside the hotel
- to arm; to provide with arms
• armò i suoi uomini - he armed his men
• armare qn cavaliere - to dub sb knight - (mar.) to equip, to rig, to fit out; (fornire di equipaggio) to man
• armare una barca - to man a boat - (armi) to cock, to load
• armare un fucile - to cock a rifle - (edil.) to reinforce
- (mus.) armare la chiave - to put the key signature (to a piece of music)
- (fortificare) to fortify, to strengthen, to brace
- to curl
• arricciarsi i capelli - to curl one’s hair
• arricciare il naso - (fig.) to turn up one’s nose
• arricciare il pelo - (di animali) to bristle - (accartocciare) to crumple (up)
• arricciare un foglio - to crumple a sheet
avvinghiare / avvinghiarsi
to hold tight
• lo avvinghiò con forza - he held him tightly
avvinghiarsi (a)
to cling (a)
• il bimbo si avvinghiò alla madre - the child clung to its mother
1 to hang about/around/round, to loaf, to sit around/about, to sit on one’s hands
• bighellona tutto il giorno senza combinare niente - he hangs about all day doing nothing
2 to loiter, to roam, to wander
• bighellonai per la città fino all’alba - I wandered around the city till dawn
to come off, to cope; (= farla franca) to get away with, to get off; (= passarsela) to fare, to get on; (= scamparla) to save one’s hide/skin; (= tirare avanti) to survive, to get by
- cavarsela a buon mercato - to get off lightly/cheaply
- cavarsela a stento - to scrape through
- cavarsela bene - to be doing very nicely (for oneself), to fare well
- cavarsela bene in qc - to be no slouch at/in sth
- cavarsela con facilità (in qc) - to romp through (sth)
- cavarsela da solo - to shift for oneself, to fend off for oneself, to go it alone, to stand on one’s own two feet
- cavarsela in qualche modo - to muddle through
- cavarsela molto bene - to make a very good job
- cavarsela senza danni - to ride the storm
- se l’è cavata per un pelo - he got away with it by the skin of his teeth
- considerando come stava, ora se la sta cavando molto bene - considering how she was, now she is coping very well
- non cercare di cavartela con una bugia - don’t try to lie your way out of it
- se la sono sempre cavata - they’ve always got away with it
- to fasten round, to tie round; (letter.) to gird
• cingere la spada - to gird on one’s sword
• cingere la corona - to assume the crown
• cingere la corona di alloro - to be crowned with laurel(s)
• cingere le braccia al collo di qn - to put one’s arms around sb’s neck - (circondare) to encircle, to surround
• cingere di mura una città - to surround a town with walls
• cingere d’assedio - to besiege
conficcare / conficcarsi
1 to drive, to sink, to stick, to jab
• conficcare un ago - to jab a needle
• conficcare una bandiera nel terreno - to drive a flag into the ground
• conficcare un chiodo nel muro - to drive a nail into the wall
2 (fig) to hammer, to impress, to drive
• conficcare qs in mente a qn - to impress sth on sb
• gli hanno conficcato in testa quest’idea per anni - they have been hammering this idea into him for ages
to sink, to stick, to get stuck, to lodge (oneself), to bury (oneself)
• le schegge le si conficcarono sotto la pelle - the splinters lodged themselves under her skin
• lo sci si conficcò nella neve fresca - the ski got stuck in the fresh snow
• quel sospetto gli si è conficcato nel cervello - he has got that suspicion on his brain
• la lancia gli si conficcò nel fianco - the lance pierced his side
1 to behead, to decapitate, to decollate
• san Giovanni decollato - St John the Baptist beheaded
2.1 to take off, (di razzi, astronavi e simili) to blast off, to lift off
• non far decollare (aerei) - to ground
• l’aereo ha decollato alle undici - the plane took off at eleven
2.2 (fig) to take off, to get off the ground
• sembra che il progetto abbia finalmente decollato - it looks as though the project has taken off at last
to grant, to comply with (sth); to satisfy, to fulfil, to meet
- la mia preghiera fu esaudita - my prayer was answered
- Signore, esaudisci la mia preghiera - Lord, hear my prayer
- il suo desiderio fu esaudito - his wish was fulfilled
- esaudire una richiesta - to grant (or comply with) a request
- non abbiamo la capacità di esaudire la richiesta del mercato - we don’t have the capacity to meet market demand
- (cominciare) to begin, to start, to commence; (in una professione) to begin practicing (a profession)
• esordire con una battuta poco felice - to start with a joke in bad taste - (in arte) to make one’s debut, to make a first appearance
• esordì nell’ ‘Otello’ - she made her debut in ‘Othello’.
to leave quickly
- to shatter, to break (up), to smash, to crush; (ridurre in briciole) to crumble, to crush
• frantumò la noce con il pugno - he cracked the nut with his fist
• frantumare una roccia - to crush a rock - (fig.) to crush, to shatter, to smash
• frantumare le argomentazioni degli avversari - to crush one’s opponents’ arguments
- to cool; to chill
• freddare il brodo - to cool the broth (or soup) - (fig.) to cool, to damp, to dampen
• nulla poteva freddare il suo entusiasmo - nothing could dampen his enthusiasm - (ammazzare) to kill
• lo freddò con un colpo di pistola - he shot him dead
- (strofinare per pulire) to scrub (down), to rub, to scour [parquet, biancheria, tappeto]
• fregare il pavimento con una spazzola - to scrub the floor with a brush
• fregare qcs per pulirla - to scrape sth clean - (massaggiare) to chafe, to rub [pelle]
- (sfregare)
• fregare un fiammifero contro il muro - to strike a match on the wall - [colloq.] (imbrogliare) to rip off
• essere fregato - to be ripped off
• lì ti fregano - they really rip you off in that place
• non mi sono fatta fregare da lui - I wasn’t ripped off by him
• stanno cercando di fregarci! - they’re just trying to rip us off! - [colloq.] (rubare) to nick, to steal [auto, oggetto]; to lift, to rip off [file, idea]
• mi hanno fregato la bici - my bike has been stolen
• fregare qcs a qcn - to con sb out of sth
to whimper, to whine, to carry on (colloq)
fulminare / fulminarsi
fulminare (transitive)
- (folgorare) to strike down [albero]; to electrocute [persona]; (bruciare) to blow [lampadina]
• fulminare qn con lo sguardo - (fig.) to look scathingly at sb. - (uccidere sul colpo) [fulmine, malattia] to strike [sb] dead
fulminare (intransitive)
• ha tuonato e fulminato tutta la notte - it thundered and lightninged all night long
[lampadina] to blow, to burn out
• che Dio mi fulmini se… - may God strike me dead if…
to smirk, to sneer, to snicker, to laugh scornfully
1 (= muoversi di scatto) to dart, to flick
• far guizzare - to flick
• guizzare di mano come un anguilla - to be as slippery as an eel
• il gatto guizzò dietro la siepe - the cat darted behind the hedge
2 (= liberarsi) to free oneself; (= balzare di scatto) to dart, to leap
• guizzare via - to dart off, to slip
• guizzò in piedi e se ne andò - he leapt to his feet and went off
to lay, to prepare, to set (up)
• avevano imbandito ricchi piatti - they had prepared rich food
transitive verb
to introduce, to put in, to put on, to let in; (di liquido) to pour in
• immettere merci sul mercato - to put goods on the market
- (inform.) to enter
• immettere dati in un computer - to enter data into a computer
intransitive verb
to lead (in)to • il corridoio immette nel salone - the corridor leads to the lounge.
to curse (sb, sth), to imprecate • imprecò contro la sorte - he cursed his fate
inalberare / inalberasi
to hoist, to fly [bandiera]
- (impennarsi) [cavallo] to rear
• il cavallo si inalberò spaventato - the horse reared up in fright - (= adirarsi) to blow up, to bristle (up), to flare up, to get angry, to lose one’s temper
• si inalbera alla minima osservazione - he flares up at the slightest remark
1. to run into, to run up against
• incappare in un blocco della poliziato - to run into a police roadblock
1 (= collocare in casse) to put into a case, to pack in(to) cases
• incassare un morto - to put a body into a coffin
• incassarono le merci e le caricarono sul camion - they packed the goods in cases and loaded them onto the lorry
2 to build in, to set, to embed, to sink
• incassare un elettrodomestico - to build in a domestic appliance
• incassate la cassaforte in quella parete, per favore - build the safe into that wall, please
3.1 (= riscuotere) to cash, to encash, to collect
• incassare alla consegna - to collect on delivery
• ha incassato il suo primo compenso come avvocato - he has collected his first fee as a lawyer
3.2 (= introitare) to collect; (di negozi e simili) to take
• non abbiamo ancora incassato il debito - we have not yet collected the debt
• incassa più di seimila euro al mese dal suo cliente più importante - he takes more than six thousand euros a month from his main client
4 (fig) to take, to withstand
• incassare insulti - to swallow insults
inceppare / incepparsi
1 (= impacciare) to hamper, to shackle, to hinder
• quest’abito mi inceppa i movimenti - this suit hampers my movements
• gli alti interessi inceppano il commercio - high interest rates hinder trade
2 (= bloccare) to block, to hamper, to jam, to gum up
• la mancanza di fondi inceppò l’operazione - lack of funds blocked the operation
• qualcosa inceppa la fotocopiatrice - something has jammed the photocopier
• la serratura è bloccata - the lock is hampered
1 (= bloccarsi) to jam, to stick, to get stuck, to stall, to lock; (= fare cilecca) arm to misfire
• mi si è inceppata la lampo - my zip got stuck
• il fucile si inceppò - the gun jammed
• la trattativa si è inceppata - the negotiations have stalled
2 (nel parlare) to stutter, to stammer, to stumble
• quando è nervoso s’inceppa - when he gets cross he stutters
incolonnare / incolonnarsi
1 to put into a column, (= tabulare) to tabulate, to tab
• devi incolonnare tutte le cifre - you have to tabulate all the figures
2 (persone) to line up
to form a queue, to line up
• incolonnarsi a destra - to form a column on the right
• incolonnarsi su tre file - to form a queue three abreast
incrinare / incrinarsi
1 (= fendere) to crack
• un bicchiere incrinato - a cracked glass
• il calore dell’acqua può incrinare il bicchiere - the heat of the water can crack the glass
2 (= guastare) to damage
• quell’episodio ha incrinato il nostro rapporto - that episode damaged our relationship
1 (= fendersi) to crack; (di ossa) to fracture; (della voce) to break
• si incrinò una costola nell’incidente - he cracked a rib in the accident
2 (= guastarsi) to deteriorate
• il loro rapporto si è incrinato - their relationship has deteriorated
• la loro amicizia si è incrinata - their friendship has cooled
- (agire con ferocia) to act cruelly, to be pitiless
• infierire contro qn - to be pitiless towards sb - (imperversare) to rage
• l’epidemia infieriva - the epidemic was raging
to get involved, to become embroiled, to become entangled, to get mixed up
• infognarsi con gente di malaffare - to get mixed up with crooks
• infognarsi nei debiti - to become embroiled in debts
(colloq.) (nascondere) to hide
- (ordinare) to order, to bully, to warn, to advise
• intimare a qn di fare - to bully sb into doing, to summon sb to do sth
• intimare l’alt a qn - (mil) to order sb to stop
• intimare la resa al nemico - to bid the enemy surrender
• intimare a qn di andarsene dalla propria proprietà - to warn sb off one’s land - (notificare) to give notice, to serve with a notice/summons
• intimare il pagamento a qn - to give notice of payment to sb
• intimare lo sfratto a qn - to serve sb with an eviction notice
• intimare a qn un mandato di comparizione - to serve sb with a summons
to undertake, to begin, to set about, (come attività) to go into, to take up, (= lanciarsi in) to embark on, to engage in, to start out on, to start up in
• intraprendere un investimento - to undertake an investment
• intraprendere un lavoro - to undertake a job
• intraprendere una nuova carriera - to start up in a new career
• intraprendere qs di nuovo - to turn one’s hand to st new
• intraprendere una riforma - to undertake a reform
• intraprendere un viaggio - to begin a journey
• ha intrapreso l’attività di medico - he has gone into medicine
to strengthen, to fortify, to toughen up
- to grind; (grano) to mill, to grind
• macinare la farina/il caffè - to grind flour/coffee
• macinare la carne - to mince meat
• macinare i chilometri - to grind out the miles - (fig.) (rimuginare) to brood on (sth), to dwell on (sth)
• macinare rabbia/ricordi - to brood on one’s anger/memories
(colloq) to waste time chattering about
= tirarla per le lunghe
to feel like (doing) sth
pacare / pacarsi
pacare to calm (down), to appease
pacarsi to calm (oneself) down
to defend, to champion, to advocate, (law) to plead
• perorare una causa - to plead a cause
• perorare il diritto alla libertà - to champion the right to freedom
• ha perorato la tesi della loro innocenza - he championed the cause of their innocence
to perorate, (law) to plead
• perorare in difesa di qn - to plead in sb’s defense
1 (= cavillare) to quibble, to squabble, to wrangle
• ama polemizzare su tutto - he likes to quibble over everything
• polemizza con la moglie su ogni piccola cosa - he squabbles with his wife over the most trifling things
2 (= disputare) to polemicize, to polemize, to argue
• polemizzare con qn sull’interpretazione di qc - to argue with sb about the interpretation of sth
• polemizzare sulla opportunità di un intervento - to argue over the opportuneness of intervention
(fam.) to pet, to snog, to neck
- to free, to set free, to absolve, to release
• prosciogliere da un obbligo - to release from an obligation
• prosciogliere qn da un voto, una promessa, un giuramento ecc. - to free/absolve sb from a vow, a promise, an oath, etc. - (dir.) to acquit, to absolve, to release
• prosciogliere un imputato - to acquit a defendant
• è stato prosciolto da tutte le accuse - he was acquitted of all charges
- to goad
• pungolare i buoi - to goad the oxen - (fig.) (stimolare) to goad, to prod; to spur on
• se non lo pungoli non studia mai - if you don’t prod him he’ll never study
1.1 (= accogliere) to adopt, to take into account/into consideration
• il governo recepì le richieste dei lavoratori - the government took into account the workers’ demands
• il personale stenta a recepire le nuove direttive -
the staff are finding it hard to take to the new instructions
• non volle recepire il mio suggerimento - he didn’t want to take my suggestion into consideration
1.2 (= capire) to understand
• gli feci un cenno di assenso, ma non recepì - I nodded my assent to him but he failed to understand
• lei lo disse, ma lui non sembrò recepirlo - she said it, but it didn’t seem to register with him
2 (law) to implement
• gli stati membri recepirono queste misure nella legislazione nazionale - the member states implemented these measures in national legislation
- (ripetere ad alta voce) to recite, to repeat aloud, to say aloud
• recitò un sonetto - he recited a sonnet
• recitare una lezione - to repeat a lesson
• recitare le preghiere - to say one’s prayers - (teatr.) to act, to perform, to play
• recitano tutti bene in questa commedia - they all act well in this play
• recitare una parte - to play a part
• recitare la parte di Re Lear - to play (o to act) King Lear
• non sa proprio recitare - he just can’t act - (fig.) (fingere) to act, to play
• non recitare la parte dell’ingenuo con me - don’t play the innocent with me
• smettila di recitare! - stop pretending!
• recitare la commedia - to play a part - (di legge, norma) (affermare) to state
• l’articolo 3 recita… - the article 3 states…
to blackmail
• mi ricatta minacciando il suicidio, divorzio - he’s using threats of suicide, divorce to blackmail me
- (trarre, dedurre) to deduce, to draw, to come to
• ricavare una regola - to deduce (or arrive at) a rule
• ricavare una conclusione - to come to (or draw) a conclusion - (ottenere) to obtain, to make, to get
• questo vestito è stato ricavato da uno scampolo - this dress has been made out of a remnant
• ricavare due camere da un salone - to make two rooms out of a large hall - (estrarre) to extract
• questa essenza si ricava da un fiore esotico - this essence is extracted from an exotic flower
• da quest’albero si ricava la gomma - rubber is extracted from this tree - (econ., fin.) (guadagnare) to gain, to earn, to make
• ricavare un grande utile da una vendita - to make a large profit from a sale
• ricavare una forte somma di denaro - to gain (o to earn) a large sum of money
• ricavare migliaia di sterline - to turn over thousands of pounds
• ricavare poco da una vendita - to make little on a sale - (non com.) (cavare di nuovo) to draw again
- (dire di nuovo) to say again; to tell again
• dobbiamo dirglielo e ridirglielo - we have to tell him over and over again - (riferire) to repeat; (raccontare) to tell, to express
• ridire un segreto - to tell a secret - (obiettare) to object to (sb, sth); to find fault with (sb, sth); to find a blemish in (sth)
• ha sempre da ridire su ciò che faccio - he always finds fault with what I do
• non trovò niente da ridire - he found nothing to object to
• trova da ridire sul mio vestito - he objects to my dress
- (mandare di nuovo) to send again
• se lo perdi te lo rimandiamo - if you lose it, we’ll send it to you again - (restituire) to return; to send back
• rimandò tutti i regali che aveva ricevuto - she sent back all the presents she had received
• rimandare una lettera al mittente - to return a letter to the sender - (far tornare) to send back
• fu rimandato al paese di origine - he was sent back to his country of origin
• l’ho rimandato a comprare il giornale - I have sent him back to buy a paper
• la maestra l’ha rimandato a casa perché non si sentiva bene - the teacher sent him home because he didn’t feel well - (posporre) to postpone, to defer, to put off; to adjourn; (procrastinare) to delay, to protract
• la lezione è stata rimandata di una settimana - the lesson has been postponed for a week
• rimandare un dibattito - to put off (o to postpone) a debate
• abbiamo rimandato la partenza per il maltempo - we delayed (o put off) our departure because of the bad weather
• rimandare un pagamento - to delay a payment
• non rimandare a domani ciò che potresti fare oggi - don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today - (a scuola) to make (sb) repeat (an exam)
• fu rimandato a settembre in tre materie - he had to repeat three subjects in September
• mi hanno rimandato in francese - they made me sit my French exam again - (fare riferimento) to refer
• rimandare a un libro, a una pagina - to refer to a book, to a page
A transitive verb
1 to reassemble
• rimontare un motore - to reassemble an engine
2 to recover, to catch up, to pull back
• la squadra ha rimontato parecchi punti - the team has pulled back several points
3 mar to sail up along
• rimontare una corrente - to sail upstream
• rimontare un fiume - to sail up along a river
• rimontare un promontorio - to double/to round a cape
B intransitive verb
1 to go up again, to climb again, (a cavallo, in bici, ecc) to remount
• rimontare in auto - to get back into the car
• rimontare su per le scale - to go up the stairs again, to climb the stairs again
2 (= risalire) to go back, to date back
• la costruzione della torre rimonta al medioevo - the tower’s construction dates back to the Middle Ages
3 (in classifiche, ecc) to move up, to climb
• la squadra sta rimontando - the team is moving up the charts
- (rientrare nella tana) to go back to one’s den
• l’orso si è rintanato - the bear has gone back to his den - (fig) (rifugiarsi) to shut oneself up, to hole up; (nascondersi) to hide oneself
• dov’è andato a rintanarsi? - where has he gone and hidden himself?
• esci con noi, non rintanarti sempre in casa - come out with us, don’t hide yourself away at home
transitive verb
1 (= ritrovare) to find, to trace; (resti o reperti) to uncover, to discover, to unearth, to find
• rinvenire l’arma del delitto - to find the murder weapon
• rinvenire una valigia smarrita - to find a lost suitcase
• non fu possibile rinvenire i documenti scomparsi - it was not possible to trace the missing documents
• alcuni reperti di epoca tardo-romana sono stati rinvenuti nei dintorni di Napoli - some late Roman remains have been found near Naples
2 (= scoprire) to discover, to find
• gli sono state rinvenute tracce di eroina nel sangue - traces of heroin were found in his blood
transitive verb
1 (= ricuperare i sensi) to come to/round, to recover/to regain consciousness
• fare rinvenire qn - to bring sb round/to
• quando rinvenne non ricordava nulla - when she came to, she couldn’t remember anything
2 (= riprendere freschezza) to revive; (= riprendere morbidezza) to soften (up)
• con la pioggia la vegetazione rinvenne - with the rain, the vegetation revived
• i fagioli secchi rinvengono se li lasci a mollo in acqua - dried beans will soften (up) if you soak them in water
- to put off, to postpone, to defer, to adjourn
• ho rinviato il mio arrivo - I have put off (o deferred o postponed) my arrival
• rinviare l’inizio di una gara - to put back the start of a match
• l’incontro fu rinviato di una settimana - the meeting was adjourned for a week
• la lezione fu rinviata alla settimana seguente - the lesson was put off until the following week
• rinviare un pagamento - to delay a payment
• rinviare ad altra data - to defer to a later date
• (dir.) rinviare una causa - to adjourn a case - (mandare indietro) to return, to send back
• rinviare la palla - to return the ball - (rimandare) (di citazione di un’opera) to refer back
• la citazione rinvia al primo capitolo - the quotation refers back to the first chapter
ritenere / ritenersi
1 (= trattenere) to hold, to retain; (alimenti) to stomach; (= non dare) to withhold
• non riesce a ritenere cibi aromatizzati - he can’t stomach spicy food
2 (= contenere) to hold back, to keep back
• ritenere le lacrime - to keep back tears;
• ritenere una risata - to hold back laughter
• le radici degli alberi ritennero la frana - the roots of the trees held back the landslide
3 (anche ritenere a mente) to remember, to retain, to keep in mind
• non riesco a ritenere le date - I can’t remember dates
4 (somme dovute) to dock, to withhold, to retain
• ritenere un dividendo - to pass a dividend
• ritenere una percentuale su una somma - to dock a percentage off a sum
• ritenere i profitti aziendali - to retain company’s profits
5 (= giudicare) to believe, to consider, to presume; (= considerare) to regard, to consider, to hold; (= immaginare) to imagine; (= supporre) to suppose; (= credere) to reckon, to think
• ritenere qn responsabile di qs - to hold sb responsible for sth
• ritenemmo giusto informarli - we believed it to be the right thing to tell them
• l’aveva sempre ritenuta una perdita di tempo - he had always thought of it as wasting time
• ritengo che sia una brava persona - I consider him to be a nice person
• la polizia lo ritiene colpevole - the police believe he is guilty
ritengo che attendiate una spiegazione da me - I suppose/presume/imagine you’re waiting for an explanation from me
• un prezzo tale lo ritengo esagerato - I think that such a price is a little over the top
• l’ho sempre ritenuto una persona onesta - I’ve always regarded him as an honest person
1 (= considerarsi) to regard oneself, to consider oneself
• si ritiene il migliore nel suo campo - he regards himself the best in his field
• ci riteniamo fortunati - we consider ourselves lucky
2 (= frenarsi) to restrain oneself, to stop oneself
• ritenersi dal ridere - to restrain oneself from laughing
rovesciare / rovesciarsi
1 (= versare in giù, spec accidentalmente) to spill, to slosh, to slop, (spec intenzionalmente) to pour
• rovesciò il vino sulla tovaglia - he spilt the wine on the tablecloth
• rovesciò il contenuto del cassetto sul letto - he poured the contents of the drawer on the bed
• il vulcano rovesciò lava per giorni - the volcano poured out lava for days
2 (= capovolgere) to upset, to turn over, to overturn, to tip over; (imbarcazioni) to capsize, to upset; (decisioni, sentenze, ecc) to overturn, to override, to reverse; (= piegare all’indietro) to throw back; (= rivoltare) to turn inside out; (= invertire) to reverse, to invert
• rovesciare una barca - to capsize a boat
• rovesciare un calzino - to turn a sock inside out
• rovesciare un risultato/una decisione - to reverse a result/a decision
• la corte suprema ha rovesciato il verdetto - the Supreme Court overturned the verdict
• rovesciò le tasche per dimostrare che non aveva nulla con sé - he turned his pockets out to show he had nothing on him
3 (= abbattere) (political) to overthrow, to overturn, to bring down
• rovesciare un regime - to overthrow a regime
• la dittatura è stata finalmente rovesciata - the dictatorship has finally been overthrown
1 (= capovolgersi) to cant, to tip over, to fall over, to overturn; (mar) to capsize, to upset
• la bottiglia si è rovesciata sulla tovaglia - the bottle fell over on the tablecloth
• la barca si rovesciò all’improvviso - the boat suddenly capsized
2 (= versarsi) to spill, to slop
• si è rovesciato del tè dalla tazza - some tea has slopped out of the cup
3 (= riversarsi) to stream, to flood
• un sacco di gente si rovesciò per le strade - a lot of people streamed into the streets
• torme di ragazzi si rovesciarono nei cinema - hordes of young people flooded into the cinemas
- to sack, to ransack, to plunder, to loot; to rob, to raid
• saccheggiare una città - to sack a town
• saccheggiare una banca - to rob a bank
• saccheggiare un negozio - to loot a shop
• avevano fame e mi hanno saccheggiato il frigorifero - they were hungry so they raided my fridge - (un’opera, un autore) to plagiarize
- (partire) to set sail; to set out
• la nave salperà domani - the ship will sail tomorrow
• è salpato per altri lidi - he has left for foreign lands - (levare l’ancora) to take up anchor
sbarazzare (di)
to clear (up); to rid
• sbarazzare una stanza - to clear up (o to tidy up) a room
• sbarazzare la tavola - to clear the table
• vorrei poterti sbarazzare di queste noie - I wish I could clear up these problems for you
- (ostruire) to block, to bar [cammino, accesso] (con “with”); to dam (up) [fiume] (sprangare) to bar, to bolt [finestra, porta]
• sbarrare il passaggio a qn - to stand in sb’s way (anche fig.)
• sbarrare la strada (o il cammino) a qn - to block sb’s way - (barrare) to cross out [parola, paragrafo]
- (spalancare)
• sbarrare gli occhi - to open one’s eyes wide
to mock, to jeer at
sbizzarrire / sbizzarrirsi
to sober (sb) down, to cure (sb) of their whims
• il servizio militare lo sbizzarrirà - military service will bring him to his senses
to satisfy one’s whims, to indulge oneself
• alla sua età può sbizzarrirsi ogni tanto - at his age he can indulge himself from time to time
• si è sbizzarrito a fare spese - he indulged himself in a shopping spree
- (uscire) [animale] to come out, to spring (out); [veicolo, persona] to come out
• la volpe sbucò dalla tana - the fox popped out of its hole
• il treno sta sbucando dalla galleria - the train is coming out of the tunnel - (comparire all’improvviso) [auto, persona] to spring
• da dove è sbucato (fuori)? - where did he pop up from? - (avere uno sbocco) [strada] to come out
scagionare / scagionarsi
(= scolpare) to exonerate, to clear, to vindicate, to acquit; (= giustificare) to justify, to excuse
• la nuova testimonianza ha scagionato l’accusato - the new evidence has acquitted the accused
• inventò mille scuse per scagionare il figlio - he came up with a thousand and one excuses to clear his son
to excuse oneself, to clear oneself, to vindicate oneself
• scagionarsi dall’accusa di tradimento - to vindicate oneself from the charge of treason
• non cercare scuse per scagionarti - don’t try to find excuses to clear yourself
A transitive verb
1 (= salvare) to save, to rescue
• scampare qn dalla morte - to save sb from death
• Dio ce ne scampi e liberi! - may the good Lord save and deliver us!
2 to avoid, to escape, to elude
• scamparla - to survive, to save one’s hide/skin
• scamparla bella - to have a narrow escape
• scampare una malattia - to avoid a disease
• scampare un pericolo - to escape/to elude danger
• scampare la prigione - to avoid imprisonment
• l’ho scampata per un pelo - I escaped by the skin of my teeth
B intransitive verb
1 to survive, to escape, (a un certo evento) to live (through sth)
• scampare a una guerra - to live through a war
• non credo che riuscirà a scampare a questo attacco - I don’t think he’ll be able to live through this attack
• è scampato miracolosamente alla morte - he escaped death miraculously
• solo due persone sono scampate al naufragio - only two people survived the wreck
2 (= trovare scampo o rifugio) to take refuge/shelter, to shelter, to flee
• scampare in un paese straniero - to flee to a foreign country
• i due ribelli scamparono all’estero - the two rebels took refuge abroad
scannare / scannarsi
1.1 to cut/to slit the throat of, (spec animali) to stick
• non cedo neanche se mi scannano (iperbolico) - I won’t give way even if they lynch me
1.2 to slaughter, to butcher, to kill brutally
• assalirono il villaggio scannando le donne e i bambini - they attacked the village and butchered the women and children
2 fig to fleece, to skin, to bleed white
• gli usurai lo stanno scannando - the moneylenders are bleeding him white
• il ristorante è buono, ma ti scannano - it’s a good restaurant, but they fleece you
to be at each other’s throat, to slit each other’s throat
• si odiano e si scannerebbero se potessero - they hate each other and would slit each other’s throat if they could
to mock, to jeer (at), to taunt, to scoff at, to sneer at, to deride
• schernire gli ideali - to deride ideals
• schernire la religione - to mock religion
1 (= scoppiare) to burst
• schiattare dalla rabbia - to burst with anger, to be livid
2 (= crepare) to drop dead, to conk out, to kick the bucket, to croak, to snuff it, to pop off coll
• se continua a rimpinzarsi così schiatterà presto - if he goes on stuffing himself like that he’ll soon drop dead
(colloq.) to get stuck with
• mi sono sciroppato i miei suoceri per tutto il weekend - I had to put up with my in-laws for the whole weekend
1 (= esorcizzare) (letterale) to wish away
2 (= implorare) to beg, to beseech, to implore, to plead, to entreat, to conjure
• scongiurò il direttore di non licenziarlo - he begged the boss not to dismiss him
• lo scongiurai di aiutarmi - I begged/implored him to help me
• ti scongiuro! - I beseech you!
3 (= allontanare) to ward off, to avert, to head off
• scongiurare il pericolo - to ward off danger
• col suo coraggio ha scongiurato un disastro - by his courage he averted a disaster
- (banca) to discount
• scontare cambiali - to discount bills
• la banca ha rifiutato di scontare la cambiale - the bank has refused to discount the bill
• far scontare una cambiale - to have a bill discounted - (amm.) (dedurre) to deduct
• scontare una somma dal totale - to deduct an amount from the total - (fare uno sconto) to reduce, to knock off
• scontare di due sterline il prezzo di un articolo - to knock two pounds off the price of an article - (estinguere) to pay off
• scontare un debito - to pay off a debt - (espiare) to atone for (sth), to pay for (sth):
• la sconterai! - you’ll pay for it!
• si sconta tutto, prima o poi - everything has to be paid for sooner or later
• scontare i propri peccati - to atone (o pay) for one’s sins - (law) (una pena) to serve
• deve ancora scontare tre anni di carcere - he still has three years to serve in prison
• sta scontando una condanna a cinque anni di carcere - he is serving a five-year jail sentence
intransitive verb
1 (= muoversi/passare) to slide, to circulate, to flow, to pass; (di liquidi, attività) to run; (= fluire/sgorgare) to pour, to flow, to stream; (= colare) to drip, to dribble, to roll down; to travel, to run; (di traffico) to flow
• fare scorrere - to slide, (di acqua) to run
• fare scorrere sul video - to scroll
• le immagini le scorrevano davanti agli occhi - the pictures passed before her eyes
• l’acqua cominciò a scorrere fuori del lavello otturato - water began to flow out of the blocked sink
• grosse lacrime le scorrevano giù per il viso - large tears rolled down her cheeks
• oggi il traffico scorre - today the traffic is flowing smoothly
• in questa guerra è già scorso troppo sangue - too much blood has been spilt already in this war
• qui il fiume scorre lentamente - at this point the river flows sluggishly
2.1 (= correre) to run
• la penna scorreva rapida sul foglio - the pen ran swiftly over the sheet
2.2 (= essere scorrevole) to flow, (= avere coerenza) to hang together, to make sense, to be consistent/coherent
• questa frase non scorre - this sentence doesn’t flow
• il tuo ragionamento non scorre - your reasoning is not consistent
3 (= trascorrere) to elapse, to go by, to pass
• scorrere impercettibilmente - to glide
• il tempo scorre veloce - time goes by quickly
• le ore scorrevano liete - time passed lightheartedly
transitive verb
1 (= leggere in fretta/percorrere con lo sguardo) to skim, to scan, to dip in/into, to glance through/at, to browse through
• scorrere una pagina - to skim (over) a page
• scorrere una relazione - to dip into a report
• lasciami scorrere i titoli del giornale - let me glance at the newspaper headlines
2 (= percorrere con la memoria) to look back
• in un attimo scorse tutta la sua vita - in a second he looked back over/recalled his whole life
scostare / scostarsi
1 (= discostare) to move away, to push away/aside, to brush away/aside
• scostare un tavolo dal muro - to move a table away from the wall
• puoi scostare questi pacchi, per favore? - could you move these parcels away, please?
• scostò la tenda e guardò fuori - he brushed aside the curtain and looked out
• la polizia ci fece scostare dal luogo dell’incidente - the police made us move on/away from the scene of the accident
2 (= evitare) to avoid, to keep away, to shun
lo scostano tutti per il suo carattere - everyone shuns him on account of his character
3 (intransitive verb)
to be away
• il letto scosta dieci centimetri dalla parete - the bed is ten centimetres away from the wall
1 (= spostarsi) to move aside/away
• scostati e fammi passare - move aside and let me through
• ci scostammo dal gruppo rumoroso - we moved away from the noisy group
• non si è mai scostato dalla madre - he has never broken free from his mother
2 (= deviare) to diverge, to swerve
• scostarsi dalla retta via - to go astray
• scostarsi dalle proprie abitudini - to diverge from one’s habits
• la traduzione si scosta molto dall’originale - the translation diverges a lot from the original
• non scostiamoci dall’argomento - let’s not get off the subject
- (con la sega) to saw
• segare da parte a parte - to saw through - (tagliare) to cut [gola, vene]
- (stringere tagliando) to cut into
• la corda gli segava i polsi - the rope was cutting into his wrists - [gerg.] (bocciare) to fail, to flunk (colloq.) [studente]
• farsi segare a un esame - to fail o flunk an exam
• segare la scuola - to play truant, to play hooky
sfangarla / sfangarsela
(fig, coll) to manage, to get by; (= farla franca) to get away with it; (= cavarsela) to save one’s hide/skin
• quando c’è da fare riesce sempre a sfangarsela - whenever there’s something to be done he always manages to get out of it
• l’ha sfangata bella! - he got away with it all right!
- to unthread; (perle ecc.) to unstring
• sfilare un ago - to unthread a needle
• sfilare una collana - to unthread a necklace
• sfilare perle - to unstring pearls
• sfilare un arrosto dallo spiedo - to take a roast off the spit - (togliere di dosso) to slip off, to take off
• si sfilò i calzoni - he slipped off his trousers
• si sfilò l’anello dal dito - she took the ring off her finger
• sfilare il portafoglio di tasca a qn - to slip a wallet out of sb’s pocket - (togliere i fili a) to pull threads out of (sthg.), to take threads from (sth)
• sfilare la tela per ricamarla - to pull threads out of linen in order to embroider it
1 (= sguainare) to unsheathe, (armi) to pull, to draw, to bare
• sfoderare la spada - to draw a sword
2.1 (fig) to produce, to come out/up with
• ha sfoderato argomenti validi - he came up with valid arguments
• sfoderò una serie di domande difficili - he came out with a string of teasers
2.2 (= sfoggiare) to display, to show off, to parade, to flaunt
• sfoderare la propria cultura - to flaunt one’s culture
• ha sfoderato tutta la sua eloquenza - he displayed all his powers of eloquence
3 (abbigl) to unline, to remove the lining from; (poltrone e simili) to uncover, to remove the cover from
to speed, to dart; (fam.) to whizz
• le automobili sfrecciavano sull’autostrada - the cars sped along the motorway
• mi è sfrecciato davanti senza salutare - he whizzed past me without saying hello
• l’auto sfrecciò via - the car shot off
• vidi sfrecciare un proiettile - I saw a bullet whizz past
• la squadriglia aerea sfrecciò sulla città - the squadron streaked down on the city
(deturpare) to disfigure; (con oggetto tagliente) to slash
• le sfregiò il viso - he slashed her face
• sfregiare un quadro, to slash a painting
• sfregiare un monumento, to deface a monument
to suss out, to see through
- (mancare d’esattezza) to be inaccurate; (di orologio) (se è avanti) to gain, (se è indietro) to lose
• il mio orologio sgarra cinque minuti al giorno - my watch gains (or loses) five minutes every day
• il mio orologio non sgarra di un minuto - my watch keeps perfect time - (di persona) (sbagliare) to go wrong, to be wrong, to be mistaken, to step out of line; (venir meno al proprio dovere) to slip up, to fail to do one’s duty
• è un impiegato perfetto, non sgarra mai - he is the perfect employee, he never slips up
• ho detto così e non si sgarra - that’s what I said and that’s the way it is
- to slip away
• sgattaiolò via senza che lo vedessimo - he slipped away without our seeing him - (fig.) (cavarsi d’impaccio) to wriggle out (of sth)
• non potei sgattaiolare da quell’impegno - I could not wriggle out of that commitment
- to untrim, to strip the trimmings from/off (sth)
• sguarnire un vestito - to strip a dress of ornament - (mil) to uncover, to dismantle:
• sguarnire un fortino, un presidio - to dismantle a fort, a garrison
to chip, to crack the edge of; (lacerare) to tear the edge of
• slabbrare una ferita - to tear the margins of a wound
• slabbrare un vaso - to crack the rim of a vase
1 (= cacciare da un alloggio) to evict, to eject
• la polizia ha sloggiato gli occupanti abusivi - the police evicted the squatters
• è stato sloggiato dall’appartamento - he was evicted from the flat
2 (mil) to dislodge
• sloggiare il nemico da una posizione - to dislodge the enemy from a position
3 (anche mil) to move out, to leave, to clear out coll
• ho molto da fare ora, sloggia! - I’ve got a lot to do, clear out!
• si è piazzato a casa mia e non vuole sloggiare - he has made himself at home in my house and will not move out
transitive verb
- (scomporre in parti) to dismantle, to take apart, to take (sth) to pieces; to disassemble
• smontare un tavolo - to take a table to pieces (o apart)
• smontare gli scaffali - to take down (o to dismantle) the shelves
• smontare una radio - to take a radio to pieces (o to disassemble a radio)
• smontare un motore - to strip down (o to dismantle) an engine
• smontare una porta - to take down (o to unhinge) a door - (fig) (deprimere, scoraggiare) to discourage, to dishearten; to cool; to dampen
• avevo molta speranza, ma questo insuccesso mi ha smontato - I had great hopes but this failure has discouraged me
• è molto presuntuoso, cercherò di smontarlo - he is very self-conceited, I shall try to take him down a peg or two
• non si lascia smontare facilmente - he isn’t easily discouraged (o disheartened)
• quando ha deciso qualcosa non è facile smontarlo - when he has decided something it is not easy to discourage him
• smontare l’orgoglio di qn - to cool sb’s pride
• smontare la speranza di qn - to dampen sb’s hopes
• smontare lo zelo di qn - to dampen sb’s zeal - (fig) (demolire) to demolish
• smontare un’accusa - to demolish an accusation - (far tornare liquido) to let (sth) melt
intransitive verb
- (da un treno, autobus, tram, bicicletta ecc.) to get off, to alight (from sth); (da un’automobile) to get out (of sth); (da cavallo) to dismount
- (terminare il proprio turno) to go off duty, to stop work, to knock off
gli operai smontano alle sei - workers stop work (o knock off) at six p.m.
smontare di servizio, di guardia - to go off duty
to snub, to rebuff, to give (sb) the cold shoulder
• snobbare un invitato - to give a guest the cold shoulder
• hanno snobbato la nostra compagnia - they snubbed our company
- to stone, to remove the stone from (sth)
• snocciolare le ciliegie - to stone cherries - (fig) (sborsare) to pay out, to fork out, to shell out
• dovetti snocciolare un mucchio di denaro - I had to pay out a lot of money - (fig) (spiattellare) to tell, to speak, to say,
• snocciolare tutta la verità - to tell the whole truth - (pronunciare di seguito) to rattle off
• snocciolare le preghiere - to say one’s prayers
• snocciolare il rosario - to say the Rosary
• dopo l’incidente snocciolò una serie di insulti - after the accident he poured out a string of insults
- (scavare) to plough, to plow (AE), to furrow, to rut [campo, terreno]
• solcare un campo - to plough a field - (navigare) to sail, to ply [mare]
• solcare gli oceani - to sail the oceans - [fig] [cicatrice] to line, to score [volto]
• la cicatrice che gli solca il volto - the scar across his face
• le lacrime le solcavano il viso - tears were running down her face
1 to tickle (anche fig), to tease (fig)
• solleticare la curiosità di qn - to excite/to arouse sb’s curiosity
• solleticare la fantasia - to tickle one’s fancy
• questo profumino mi solletica l’appetito - this delicious smell is giving me an appetite
• smettila di solleticarmi! - stop tickling me! (fig) stop teasing me!
• le sue parole solleticarono la mia curiosità his words aroused my curiosity
2 (= stimolare) to titillate, to spur
• solleticare i sensi - to titillate the senses
• il successo mi solleticò a fare meglio - success spurred me on to do better
transitive verb
- (= montare al di sopra, di acque) to overflow
• il fiume in piena ha sormontato persino i ponti cittadini - the swollen river has overflowed even the bridges of the city - (= superare) to surmount, to overcome, to get around
• sormontare una difficoltà - to overcome a difficulty
• sormontare un ostacolo - to surmount an obstacle
• sormontare un problema - to get around/to overcome a problem - (= essere sopra a) to surmount, to top
• uno stemma in marmo sormonta il portale - a marble coat of arms surmounts the gateway
• uno strato di panna sormontava la torta - a layer of cream topped the cake
intransitive verb
- to overlap
spaccare / spaccarsi
(= rompere/fracassare) to break, to smash, to chop; (= dividere) to split
• spaccare il capello - to split hairs
• spaccare la legna - to chop wood
• spaccare pietre - to break stones
• spaccare la testa a qn - to split sb’s head open
• una scena da spaccare il cuore - (fig) a heart-breaking scene
• spaccare una vetrina - to smash a shop window
• spaccare un vetro - to smash a pane of glass
• mi sono spaccato la schiena nel tentativo di fare tutto da solo - I exhausted myself trying to do everything alone
• c’è un sole che spacca le pietre! - (fig) the sun is scorching!
• la questione ha spaccato il sindacato - the issue has split the union
to cleave, to split, to break, to burst (apart)
• spaccarsi a metà/in due - (anche fig) to split down the middle, to cleave in half/in two
• la lastra di ghiaccio si spaccò - the sheet of ice broke up
• mi si sono spaccate le labbra per il gelo - my lips have split on account of the cold
• il partito si è spaccato sulla riforma elettorale - the party has split over the electoral reform
• questa legna si spacca facilmente - this wood cleaves easily
• ieri notte si è spaccato un tubo dell’acqua - one of the water pipes burst last night
to throw one’s weight about, to domineer (over), to lord it (over), to call the shots
• in questo quartiere spadroneggia una banda di teppisti - in this quarter a gang of hooligans call the shots
• gli stranieri spadroneggiavano nel paese - the foreigners lorded it in the country
to sprawl (i.e. on a couch)
1 to share out, to deal out, to divide up, to divvy up
• spartire i guadagni - to share out profits
• spartire le spese per la casa - to share the housekeeping (expenses)
• spartirsi una torta - to divvy up a cake
• non avere niente a che spartire con… - to have nothing to do with…
• il patrimonio fu equamente spartito fra gli eredi - the patrimony was divided equally among the heirs
2 (= separare) to part, to pull apart, to separate
• un poliziotto tentò di spartire i due litiganti - a policeman tried to part the two fighting men
3 (music) to score
- to level, to make level; (rendere liscio) to smooth
• spianare il terreno - to level the ground
• in questo tratto la strada non è stata spianata - along this stretch the road has not been levelled
• spianare con rulli - to roll
• spianare una lamiera - to straighten out (or flatten) a metal sheet
• spianare le cuciture di un vestito - to smooth (or flatten) out the seams of a dress
• spianare a livello - to flush
• spianare la pasta - to roll out the dough
• spianare il fucile contro qn - to level one’s gun at sb - (radere al suolo) to raze (to the ground)
• spianare una fortezza, una città - to raze a fortress, a city (to the ground) - (fig) (appianare) to smooth (away)
• spianare una difficoltà, un ostacolo - to smooth a difficulty, an obstacle away
• spianare il cammino, la strada a qn - to smooth (or pave) the way for sb
spiccare / spiccarsi
spiccare (transitive)
to pluck, to remove
• spiccare foglie da una pianta - to remove leaves from a plant
• spiccare una pera - to pluck a pear
• spiccare le parole - to enunciate words
• gli spiccò la testa dal busto con un fendente - he removed his head from his torso with a blow of his sword
2 (leg) to issue; (tratta, assegno) to issue, to draw, to make out
• spiccare un mandato di arresto/di perquisizione - to issue an arrest/a search warrant
• spiccare tratta su - to draw (a bill) on
3 to start, to initiate
• spiccare il bollore - to start boiling
• spiccare un muro - to start building a wall
• spiccare un salto - to take a leap
• spiccare il volo - to take flight, to take off, (fig) to spread one’s wings
spiccare (intransitive)
(= risaltare) to stand out (in bold/sharp relief), to stick out, to rise, (= eccellere) to sparkle, to shine, to distinguish oneself
• fare spiccare - to complement, to highlight
• spiccare tra la folla - to stick out in the crowd
• spicca su tutti i suoi colleghi - he outshines all his colleagues
• il rosso spicca molto - the red stands out a lot
• spicca per la sua intelligenza - he shines for his intelligence
• la catena montuosa spiccava all’orizzonte - the mountain chain rose on the horizon
spiccarsi (reflexive)
(di frutta) to split open easily, to come loose from the stone
sputtanare / sputtanarsi
sputtanare (vulgar)
1 to defame, to slander, to smear sb’s name, to vilify; to humiliate
• lo dice per sputtanarmi - he’s saying it to smear my good name
• mi ha sputtanato davanti tutti! - he humiliated me in front of everyone!
2 to squander, to throw away, to dissipate
• sputtanare capitali al gioco - to squander one’s fortune gambling
to disgrace oneself, to shame oneself, to bring shame/disgrace on oneself
• ho promesso e se non lo faccio mi sputtano - I promised to do it, and if I don’t I’ll disgrace myself
1.1 (= durare fatica) to find it hard, to have difficulty
• stento a crederlo - it’s hard to believe
• stenta a fare l’università - he’s finding it hard at university
• stentò a non addormentarsi - he had difficulty in not falling asleep
• stentò a riconoscermi - he hardly recognized me
1.2 to have problems, to have/to find difficulty
• stenta in latino - he’s weak in Latin
2 (= sopportare stenti) to suffer privations, to be badly off, to pinch and scrape
• la sua famiglia stenta - his family is hard up
1 to stow
• stivare alla rinfusa - to stow in bulk
• le macchine sono stivate nella stiva prodiera - the machines are stowed in the fore hold
2 (= caricare) to load
• stivare un aereo/una nave - to load a plane/a ship
3 (= accalcare) to cram, to crowd, to jam, to pack, to stuff
• stivò tutto in una sola valigia - he packed everything in one suitcase
stordire / stordirsi
1 (= stupire/sbalordire) to stun, to stupefy
• la bellezza del luogo mi stordì - the beauty of the place stunned me
2 (= tramortire) to stun
• la caduta lo aveva stordito - the fall had stunned him
• lo stordirono con una botta in testa - they stunned him with a blow on the head
3 (= intontire) to numb, to muddle, to befuddle, to confuse mentally
• era stato stordito dal dolore - he had been numbed by pain
• il vino lo ha stordito - the wine has befuddled him
• questa confusione mi stordisce - this chaos confuses me
(fig) to stupefy oneself, to dull one’s senses
• cominciò a stordirsi con l’alcol - he started to stupefy himself with drink
• per non pensare alle sue disgrazie si stordisce col lavoro - in order not to think about his misfortunes he wears himself out working
stravolgere / stravolgersi
1.1 (= agitare malamente) to shake, to toss
• la burrasca stravolse le navi - the squall tossed the ships
1.2 (= contorcere) to contort, to distort
• stravolgere gli occhi - to roll one’s eyes
• il dolore gli stravolgeva il viso - his face was contorted with pain
2 (= turbare) to upset, to disrupt
• stravolgere l’equilibrio di un mercato - to disrupt the equilibrium of a market
• stravolgere i piani di qn - to upset sb’s plans
• la notizia lo stravolgerà - the news is going to upset him
3.1 (= distorcere) to distort, to twist
• stravolgere una storia - to twist a story
• i giornali hanno completamente stravolto la mia dichiarazione - the media have completely distorted my statement
3.2 (= travisare) to change completely, to alter radically
• stravolse il significato delle mie parole - he completely changed the meaning of my words
(= contorcersi) to writhe, to twist
stroncare / stroncarsi
1 (= troncare con violenza) to break off; (fig) to strike down, to cut down/off, to wear out
• stroncare un legame - to break off a relationship
• stroncare un ramo - to break off a branch
• stroncare una vita - to take a life away
• lo stroncò il cancro - cancer struck him down
• la salita mi ha stroncato - the climb has worn me out
2 (= reprimere) to squash, to put down, to suppress, to stamp out, to crush
• stroncare il dissenso - to squash dissent
• stroncare una rivolta - to suppress a revolt
• stroncare il traffico della droga - to stamp out drug trading
3 (= criticare aspramente) to slash, to savage, to slate, to maul, to demolish
• stroncare un autore - to maul an author
• la critica ha stroncato il suo ultimo libro - the critics slated his latest book
stroncarsi (reflexive)
to snap, to break
1 (= liquidare/vendere a prezzo ridotto) to sell off, to close out; to sell out
• in periodi di saldi, i negozi svendono tutto - during the sales, shops sell off everything
• svendiamo tutto - we’re selling off everything
2 (vendere a prezzi inferiori a quelli della concorrenza) to undersell, to dump; (= vendere sottocosto/in perdita) to sell at a loss
• svendendo i loro prodotti sono stati scorretti verso la concorrenza - by underselling their products they were unfair towards their competitors
3 (diritti, rivendicazioni e simili) to bargain away, to trade off
svitare / svitarsi
to unscrew, to screw off, to loosen (a screw)
• svitare i piedi di un tavolo - to unscrew the legs of a table
• svitare la serratura - to unscrew the lock
• svitare un tappo - to unscrew a cap
to loosen, to unscrew, to become loose, to come/to work loose, to come unscrewed
• la maniglia si è svitata - the handle has become loose
• si è svitato un bullone - a bolt has worked loose
- (trascinare via) to sweep away, to carry away
• l’alluvione travolse tutto - the flood swept (o carried) away everything
• la casa fu travolta da una frana - the house was swept away by a landslide - (sopraffare) to overwhelm; to rout, to crush
• travolgere il nemico - to overwhelm (or crush) the enemy
• essere travolto da una passione - to be overwhelmed (or swept away) by passion - (investire) to run over (sb, sth)
• fu travolto da un autobus - he got run over by a bus
- to dominate (sth); (con autorità) to lord it (over sb, sth)
• il presidente troneggiava nella sua poltrona - the President dominated the proceedings from his armchair
• troneggiava nel salotto - she was dominating the drawing room - (torreggiare) to tower (over sb, sth)
• la torta nuziale troneggiava in mezzo alla tavola - the wedding cake towered in the middle of the table - (spiccare) to stand out, to be conspicuous
(prendere) to seize; to catch
• acciuffò il portafoglio e fuggì - he seized the wallet and ran away
• il poliziotto acciuffò il ladro - the policeman caught the thief
to gladden; to cheer (up); to raise sb’s spirits
- to accommodate, to lodge, to house, to give (sb) lodgings
• ti posso alloggiare per la notte - I can put you up for the night - (mil.) (in caserma) to quarter; (in casa privata) to billet; (in accampamento) to camp
- (mecc.) to lodge, to seat, to house; to fit in a slot
to flirt
• amoreggiare con qn - to flirt with sb
annaffiare (also: innaffiare)
1 to water
• annaffiare le piante - to water plants
2 (fig) to wash down, to rinse down
• una bistecca annaffiata con vino rosso - a steak washed down with red wine
to roost, to perch
• si appollaiò sul bracciolo della poltrona - he perched on the arm of the chair
- (verificare) to verify; to check
• bisognerà appurare se i fatti stanno proprio così - we will have to check the accuracy of the facts - (chiarire) to make clear, to clear up
- (accertare) to ascertain
arenare / arenarsi
1 (= dare in secco) to ground, to run aground, to take ground; (sulla spiaggia) to strand, to be beached
• fare arenare un’imbarcazione - to ground a boat
• la nave si arenò su un banco di sabbia - the ship was grounded on a sand bank
2 (fig) to reach a deadlock, to end in a deadlock, to come to a standstill, to go aground
• il progetto si è arenato - the project has come to a standstill
• la trattativa si è arenata - the negotiations come to a standstill
- (sistemare) to arrange; to settle
• assestare una faccenda - to settle a matter - (mettere in ordine) to tidy
• assestare la propria stanza - to tidy (up) one’s room - (regolare con cura) to adjust (carefully)
• assestare la mira - to adjust one’s aim - (dare) to deal, to deliver, to land
• assestare un colpo - to deal a blow
1 to ensure, to assure, to guarantee
• assicurare controlli adeguati contro le frodi - to ensure adequate controls against fraud
• mi hanno assicurato che sarà tutto pronto per domani - they’ve assured me everything will be ready tomorrow
• non possiamo assicurare la consegna immediata - we cannot guarantee immediate delivery
2.1 (= dare per certo) to assure
• farò di tutto per venire, te l’assicuro - I’ll do my best to come, I assure you
2.2 (= convincere) to convince, to satisfy
• mi assicurò della sua buona fede - he convinced me he was in good faith
2.3 (= dare assicurazione) to guarantee, to assure
• assicurare la buona qualità della merce - to guarantee the quality of the goods
3 (= fissare) to secure, to make fast/secure, (con funi) to lash
• assicurò le imposte e chiuse la finestra - he secured the shutters and closed the window
• assicurarono bene il carico nella stiva - they made the cargo secure in the hold
4 (= coprire con assicurazione) to insure, to assure, to underwrite, to cover
• assicurare qs contro un rischio - to insure st against a risk
• assicurare un rischio - to underwrite a risk
• voglio assicurare la casa contro il furto - I want to insure my house against burglary
(= conformarsi) to abide (by), to comply (with), to adhere (to), to keep (to), to observe (vt), to stick (to)
• attenersi al contratto - to abide by/to observe the contract
• attenersi agli ordini (spec polit) - to toe the (party) line
• attenersi ai fatti - to keep to the facts
• attenersi scrupolosamente a una legge - to stick to the letter of the law, to go by the book
• attenersi alle norme - to stick to the rules, to comply with the rules
• attenersi alle regole grammaticali - to keep to the grammar rules
- (trarre) to draw
• attingere acqua da un pozzo - to draw water from a well
• attingere denaro da qn - (fig) to get money from sb - (procurarsi) to get
• attingere informazioni da qn - to get (o to obtain) information from sb
• attingere notizie - to get news - (letter.) (raggiungere) to reach, to attain
attutire / attutirsi
(= attenuare, rumori) to dampen down, to damp down, to muffle; (emozioni, sentimenti, ecc) to blunt; (sensazioni o suoni) to deaden, to tone down; (colpi e simili) to cushion, to buffer
• voci attutite - muffled voices
• il rumore dello sparo fu attutito dal silenziatore - the noise of the shot was muffled by the silencer
• il tempo attutì il dolore della separazione - time blunted the pain of separation
• la caduta fu attutita dall’erba - the fall was cushioned by the grass
(= diminuire d’intensità) to ease off, to diminish, to die down
• dopo un po’ il rumore si attutì - after a while the noise diminished
to avail oneself, to make use
• avvalersi di una prerogativa - to exercise a prerogative
• non si avvalse dell’opportunità - he didn’t avail himself of the opportunity
to hobble, to render lame/limping
to swindle, to cheat
• sono stato bidonato ad arte - I was cheated in a most artful way
to mutter, to mumble
• bofonchiò delle scuse - he mumbled some excuse
- (accomiatare) to take leave of sb, to say goodbye to sb; (mandare via) to dismiss
• congedare gli ospiti - to take leave of one’s guests
• mi hanno congedato bruscamente - they said goodbye to me unceremoniously
• congedò il maggiordomo e andò a dormire - he dismissed his butler and went to bed - (mil.) to discharge
congedare qn - to discharge sb from the force
- (moralmente) to corrupt, to deprave
• molti giovani sono corrotti dalle cattive compagnie - many young people are corrupted by bad company - (con denaro) to bribe, to corrupt
• corrompere un testimone - to bribe (o to suborn o fam. to fix) a witness
• lasciarsi corrompere - to accept a bribe - (guastare) to corrupt; (contaminare) to contaminate, to taint; to pollute
• il caldo corrompe i cibi - heat makes food go bad
• corrompere l’acqua - to pollute (or contaminate) water
• corrompere un documento - to corrupt a document
• corrompere una lingua - to corrupt a language
- (fendersi) to crack (i.e. a vase)
- (fam.) (scoppiare) to burst, to die (of sthg.)
• crepare dalle risa - to split one’s sides laughing
• crepare di rabbia - to fume with rage
• crepare di salute - to be in the pink of health (or to be bursting with health) - (fam.) (morire) to snuff it, to croak
• si augurano che io crepi in fretta - they hope I snuff it soon
• crepare solo come un cane - to die like a dog
• crepi l’avarizia - to hell with the expense
• crepa! - drop dead!
• sto crepando di sete - I’m dying of thirst
disdire / disdirsi
1.1 (= negare) to deny
• ha disdetto le nostre dichiarazioni alla stampa - he denied our statements to the press
1.2 (= ritrattare) to retract, to unsay, to withdraw, to take back
• disdire promesse - to withdraw promises
2.1 (= rescindere) to terminate, to cancel, to denounce
• disdire l’affitto - to terminate the lease
• disdire un abbonamento - to cancel a subcription/a season ticket
• disdire una polizza assicurativa - to terminate an insurance policy
2.2 (= annullare) to call off, to cancel
• disdire un appuntamento - to cancel an appointment
• disdire un impegno - to call off/to cancel an engagement
• disdire uno sciopero - to call off a strike
to contradict oneself
to think up, to contrive, to devise, to concoct
• escogitare un complotto - to cook up a scheme
• escogitare un piano - to devise a plan
• escogitare una scusa - to invent/to contrive an excuse
• devo escogitare un sistema per impedirgli di nuocerti - I’ll have to devise a system to stop him from hurting you
• escogita sempre le soluzioni migliori - he always thinks up the best solutions
• le escogita tutte per non studiare - he comes up with every possible excuse not to study
• dovrai escogitare qs di nuovo per scusarti - you’ll have to think up something new to get out of this one
- to expel; to turn out, to throw out, to drive out
• fu espulso dalla scuola - he was expelled from school
• espellere dal partito - to expel (o to throw out) of the party
• espellere un giocatore (dal campo) - to send a player off - (emettere) to discharge, to eliminate, to eject
• espellere gas di scarico - to discharge exhaust fumes - (med.) to expel; to excrete, to evacuate, to pass
to drive out; to exclude, to expel; to oust
• estromettere qn da un partito - to drive out (or oust) sb from a party
• sono stato estromesso dalle trattative - I have been excluded from the talks
ficcare / ficcarsi
- to thrust; to drive (in), to ram
• ficca bene il chiodo nella parete - drive the nail well into the wall
• ficcare un palo nel terreno - to ram a post into the ground
• ficcarsi le mani in tasca - to stick one’s hand into one’s pocket
• gli ficcarono un bavaglio in bocca - they thrust a gag into his mouth
• poco mancò che mi ficcasse un dito in un occhio - he nearly poked me in the eye
• ficcare qc in testa a qn - to hammer (o to get) sth into sb’s head
• non riesco a ficcarmi in testa tutte queste date - I just can’t get all these dates into my head
• ficcare il naso dappertutto - to poke (o to thrust) one’s nose into everything
• ficcare gli occhi addosso a qc - to stare hard at sb - (fam.) (mettere) to put (away), to stick, to stuff
• ho ficcato le chiavi da qualche parte - I stuck the keys somewhere
• ho ficcato qualche cosa in valigia e sono partita - I stuffed a few things in my suitcase and left
- to get oneself (into), to hide (oneself)
• ficcarsi sotto le lenzuola - to dive/to hide oneself under the bedcovers
• ficcarsi in un angolo buio - to hide oneself in a dark corner
• è andato a ficcarsi in un bel pasticcio - he got himself into a fine mess
• dove ti eri ficcato? - where were you hiding yourself?
2 (= intromettersi) to interfere, to meddle
1 (= strofinare) to rub, to scrub; (= massaggiare) to rub, to massage
• fregare il pavimento - to scrub the floor
• fregare una pentola sporca - to scrub a dirty pot
• fregarsi le mani - to rub one’s hands
• fregarsi gli occhi - to rub one’s eyes
2 (= segnare con un frego) to scratch; (= cancellare con un frego) to strike out, to cross out
• fregare la carrozzeria di un’auto - to scratch a car paintwork
• fregare un muro - to scratch a wall
3 (= truffare) to rip (off), to sting (for); (= sgraffignare) to filch, to nick, to snitch
• mi ha fregato più di diecimila euro - he stung me for over ten thousand euros
• chi mi ha fregato il cellulare? - who filched my mobile?
giovare / giovarsi
1 (= essere utile) to be of help/of use, to help, to be good, to benefit
• il loro aiuto ci ha giovato molto - their help benefited us a lot
• camminare giova alla salute e allo spirito - walking is good for health of body and mind
• gli giova conoscere un po’ le lingue - it helps him to speak the languages a little
• a che ti giova piangere così? - what good does it do you to cry like that?
2 (= fare bene) to agree, to suit, to benefit, to do (sb) good
• l’aria di mare gli giova - the sea air agrees with him
• la cura mi ha giovato - the treatment did me good
• questo clima non gli giova - this climate doesn’t suit him
to avail oneself (of), to use, to make use (of)
• giovarsi di un’occasione propizia - to take advantage of a suitable occasion
• per fare carriera si è giovato delle conoscenze che aveva - to get ahead in his career he made use of the acquaintances he had
gironzolare (also: gironzare)
to roam, to wander, to range, to tootle, to hang about/around
• gironzolare per la città - to wander round town
• mi gironzola sempre intorno - he’s always hanging around me
to swear vengeance (against sb)
• gli ha giurato vendetta - he has sworn his revenge against him
• da quando hanno litigato, gliel’ha giurata - ever since their quarrel, he has sworn he would have his revenge
imbattersi (in)
to come across, to bump into (colloquial)
impratichire / impratichirsi
(fare pratica) to train, to drill (i.e. a skill)
to practice
• frequenta uno studio notarile per impratichirsi prima del concorso - he’s working in a notary’s office to get experience before the exam
• devi impratichirti nell’uso del computer - you’ve got to get some practice in using the computer
inchiodare / inchiodarsi
1 to nail; (su superficie verticale) to nail up
• inchiodare una foto alla parete - to nail up a photograph
• inchiodò il quadro a una parete del soggiorno - he hung the picture in the living room
• inchiodammo il tappeto al pavimento - we nailed the carpet to the floor
2 (= immobilizzare) to pin down, (= tener fermo) (fig) to pin, to hold; (= paralizzare) (fig) to transfix, to rivet; (= incolpare) to nail
• inchiodare qn alle sue responsabilità - to hold sb to his/her responsibilities
• il poliziotto lo inchiodò al muro - the policeman pinned him to the wall
• l’ingessatura l’ha inchiodato a letto - his plaster kept him laid up in bed
• sono inchiodato in ufficio dal lunedì al venerdì - I’m stuck in the office from Monday to Friday
• gli investigatori sono riusciti a inchiodare tutti i componenti della banda - the investigators managed to nail all the members of the gang
3 (fig) to stiff, to welsh, to evade paying (sb) a debt
(= indebitarsi) to fall into debt, to incur debts
• s’è inchiodato per le nozze della figlia - he got into debt because of his daughter’s marriage
(= bloccarsi) to stop dead, to freeze, to halt; (mecc) to jam, to stick
• l’auto si inchiodò al centro della strada - the car stopped dead in the middle of the road
1 to pitchfork, to fork (up)
• inforcare il fieno - to pitchfork hay
2 (bicicletta, cavallo) to mount, to get on, to put on
• inforcare una bici - to get on a bike
3 (occhiali) to put on
• inforcare gli occhiali - to put on one’s glasses
4 (fig, scacchi) in chess, to threaten two pieces simultaneously with the same piece
innestare / innestarsi
1 (agric) to graft
• innestare un arancio su un limone - to graft an orange cutting onto a lemon tree
• innestare per approssimazione - to inarch
• innestare una pianta - to graft a plant
2 (mecc) to engage; (= inserire, spine, ecc) to plug (into)
• cosa aspetti a innestare la frizione e partire? - why don’t you push the clutch in and move off?
• innesta la spina del rasoio - plug in the shaver
• innesta la prima - go into first (gear)
3 (med) to graft, to implant
• innestare un organo artificiale - to implant an artificial organ
4 (= inserire) to insert, to graft
• innestare il nuovo sul vecchio - to graft the new onto the old
• innestare un racconto in un discorso - to insert a story/an anecdote into a speech
1 to engage
• il fermo non vuole innestarsi - the catch won’t engage
2 (med) to graft (to/onto)
• l’organo artificiale si innestò facilmente al suo corpo - the artificial organ grafted easily onto his organism
3 (= inserirsi) to be grafted, (di strade a simili) to join, to debouch (into), to come out (onto)
• le nuove tradizioni si innestano sulle vecchie - new traditions are grafted onto old ones
• il sentiero si innesta sulla strada statale - the path comes out onto the main road
- (raro) to table, to place or lay on a table
- (= cominciare) to broach, to bring up, to open
• intavolare un argomento - to broach a subject
• intavolare una discussione - to open a discussion
• intavolare una trattativa - to open talks - (scacchi - chess) to place on the board
to frighten, to intimidate
• le sue minacce lo intimorirono - his threats frightened him
to sparkle, to shine, to glimmer, to twinkle
• il diamante le luccicava al dito - the diamond sparkled on her finger
• le stelle luccicavano in cielo - the stars were twinkling in the sky
• una luce luccicava in lontananza - a light glimmered in the distance
• gli occhi le luccicavano di gioia - her eyes shone with joy
1 to manoeuvre, to work, to handle
• manovrare una gru - to manoeuvre a crane
• manovrare un trattore - to handle a tractor
2 (= guidare) to navigate, to manoeuvre, to steer
• manovrare una discussione - to steer a discussion
• manovrare la nave in porto - to manoeuvre/to navigate the ship into the harbour
3 (= manipolare) to manipulate, to manoeuvre; (a proprio vantaggio) to engineer, to rig
• manovrare una persona - to manipulate a person
• manovra il marito come vuole - she twists her husband round her little finger
• riesce sempre a manovrare in suo favore - she always manages to engineer things in her favour
• qualcuno ha cercato di manovrare le elezioni - somebody tried to rig the elections
4 (fig) to scheme, to manoeuvre, to pull strings
• da mesi manovra per riuscire nel suo scopo - he has been scheming for months to reach his goal
• ha manovrato per essere eletto - he pulled a few strings to get elected
• manovrando abilmente il ministro ha evitato lo sciopero - the minister averted the strike by skilful manoeuvring
• non lasciarti manovrare da loro - don’t let them twist your arm
- (colpire con il mazzuolo) to hit with a mallet; (bastonare) to club
- (fig. fam.) (sgridare) to scold, to tell off
to press, to squeeze; (schiacciare) to crush
• pigiare un pulsante - to press a button
• eravamo pigiati come sardine - we were packed like sardines
• pigiare qc in una valigia - to cram sth into a suitcase
• pigiare l’uva - to squeeze grapes
(spingere) to push
• la gente pigiava per entrare nel vagone - the people pushed to get into the train car
to pick up, to grab, to catch
• piglia questa sedia, non quella - take this chair, not that one
to take root
• i fiori non hanno pigliato - the flowers didn’t take root
to incline, to lean, to be inclined, to be disposed, to tend
• propende sempre verso l’indulgenza - he is always inclined to be indulgent
• propendo a credere che - I am inclined to believe that
• propendo per il nuovo candidato - I favour the new candidate
• propendere per il no, per il sì - to be rather against, in favour
• riguardo alla sua proposta propendo per il no - as regards his proposal, I am rather against it
- to prolong, to extend, to draw out
• protrarre una discussione, una visita - to prolong a discussion, a visit - (differire) to put off, to postpone, to defer
• ha protratto la partenza - he has put off his departure
punzecchiare / punzecchiarsi
- (di insetti) to sting; to bite
- (estens.) (toccare ripetutamente) to poke, to prod, to jab
• continuava a punzecchiarmi con una matita - he kept prodding me with his pencil - (fig.) (molestare) to tease; to taunt, (fam.) to get at (sb)
• smettila di punzecchiarlo - stop teasing him
to tease each other
• quei due non fanno che punzecchiarsi - those two are always teasing each other
rallegrare / rallegrarsi
(= allietare) to enliven, to brighten, to gladden, to cheer (up)
• rallegrare il cuore a qn - to gladden sb’s heart
• rallegrare una festa - to enliven a party
• la vista dei fiori lo rallegrò - the sight of the flowers cheered him up
• occorre aggiungere una nota di colore che rallegri l’ambiente - a touch of colour needs to be added to cheer up the room
1 (= gioire) to rejoice, to be glad, to cheer up, to buck up coll
• si rallegrò alla prospettiva di un nuovo viaggio - she cheered up at the prospect of a new trip
• tutto il mondo si rallegrò sapendo che era stato evitato il pericolo di una catastrofe - the whole world rejoiced at the news that the danger of a catastrophe had been averted
2 (= congratularsi) to congratulate oneself, to congratulate (sb else)
• rallegrarsi con se stesso - to congratulate oneself
• mi rallegro con te per la promozione - I congratulate you on your promotion
• hai ben poco di cui rallegrarti - you have very little reason to congratulate yourself
rannicchiare / rannicchiarsi
to curl up, to crouch, to draw in, to shrink
• rannicchiare le gambe - to curl up one’s legs
(= raggomitolarsi) to cuddle up, to curl (up), to nestle, to huddle up, (= accovacciarsi) to crouch, to burrow, to snuggle, to squat, (= appollaiarsi) to perch
• rannicchiarsi nel proprio guscio - to go into one’s shell
• rannicchiarsi su uno sgabello - to perch on a stool
• si rannicchiarono l’uno vicino all’altro per riscaldarsi - they cuddled up to each other to get warm
• si rannicchiò sul divano e si addormentò - she curled up on the couch and went to sleep
to increase the price of
• i produttori di automobili hanno rincarato i prezzi - carmakers have raised their prices
to rise in price, to become more expensive
• i generi alimentari stanno rincarando - food products are rising in price
risentire / risentirsi
risentire (transitive)
1 (= provare di nuovo) to feel again; (= udire di nuovo) to hear again
• risentire freddo - to feel cold again
• risentire una registrazione - to hear a recording again
2 (= provare/subire) to suffer, to experience, to feel
• risente ancora quella delusione - he still feels the effects of that disappointment
• risentii a lungo le conseguenze del colpo - I felt the effects of the blow for a long time
risentire (intransitive)
to suffer (from); to show the consequences (of) • risente molto degli sbalzi di temperatura - he suffers a lot from temperature changes • il mercato non sembra risentire dell’attuale situazione politica - the market doesn’t seem to be suffering from the present political situation • la zona risente ancora della contaminazione - the area is still suffering from the effects of contamination
1 (= svegliarsi/riaversi) (literal) to wake; to come round
2 (= inalberarsi) to rear up, to resent, to take offense (at), to take umbrage (at), to bridle, to bristle
• risentirsi con qn - to be resentful at sb
• si risentì della nostra ingerenza - he took umbrage at our meddling
• non risentirti se te lo dico - don’t get offended if I tell you
3 to hear (from) each other, to talk to each other again
• a risentirci! - good-bye!
• ci risentiremo presto - we’ll hear from one another soon
transitive verb
- to unpack, to unwrap, to uncrate:
• sballare la merce - to unpack the goods - (fig. fam.) (millantare) to brag, to boast, to talk big
• sballarle grosse - to tell tall stories - (mecc.) to put out of order, to run an engine/motor too high out of gear
intranstive verb
- (a carte) to go bust, to lose
- (fam.) (sbagliare per eccesso) to overestimate, to go over
• sballare nelle previsioni - to be out in one’s forecast
• basta con il whisky, non vorrei sballare - enough whiskey, I don’t want to overdo it - (gergo) (per la droga) to be high
sbarazzare / sbarazzarsi
(= liberare) to clear, to relieve, to free, to disencumber
• sbarazzare l’intestino - to clear the intestine
• sbarazzare qn da un peso - to relieve sb of a burden
• sbarazzare la scrivania - to clear the desk
• sbarazzare la tavola - to clear the table
• sbarazzare la vescica - to relieve the bladder
• sbarazzò la stanza da tutte le cose inutili - she cleared the room of all the useless objects
1 (= liberarsi) to get rid, to rid oneself, to dispose, to throw off, to ditch; (= uccidere) (eufem) to get rid of sb
• sbarazzarsi di qc - to get rid of
• sbarazzarsi di qn - to get rid of
• essersi sbarazzato di qn/qc - to be rid of sb/sth
• si è sbarazzato di tutti gli impiegati inefficienti - he got rid of all the inefficient employees
• mi sono sbarazzato di un grosso peso! - that’s a big load off my mind!
• non riuscii a sbarazzarmi di quel seccatore - I didn’t manage to get rid of that pest
• si sbarazzò dei suoi vecchi mobili - she ditched her old furniture
• tentò di sbarazzarsi di quei tristi ricordi - she tried to throw off those sad memories
2 (= smerciare) to unload, to offload
• sbarazzarsi di fondi di magazzino - to offload old stock
not to give a fuck about
• me ne sbatto! - I don’t give a fuck!
• sbattitene! - fuck it!
• se ne sbattono - they don’t give a fuck
sbigottire / sbigottirsi
1 (= sconcertare) to shock, to stagger, to take aback, to dismay, to dumbfound
• la scena ci sbigottì - the sight shocked us
• la sua improvvisa partenza mi ha sbigottito - his sudden departure took me aback
2 (= sgomentare) to appal, to horrify
• la disgrazia ci lasciò tutti sbigottiti - the misfortune left us all appalled
• la sua rivelazione sbigottì tutti - his revelation horrified everyone
to be flabbergasted/staggered, to reel, to be stunned, to be appalled
• di fronte a tanto coraggio ci sbigottimmo - in the face of such courage we were staggered
- (guardare di nascosto) to peep; to glance at (sb, sth); to cast a sidelong glance at (sb, sth)
• sbirciò attraverso le imposte - he peeped through the shutters
• ho sbirciato sul suo tavolo per vedere la lettera - I glanced at his table to see the letter - (guardare attentamente) to eye
• lo sbirciò con molta attenzione - he eyed him very carefully
to burst out
• sbottare in pianto, in riso - to burst out crying, laughing
• non ce l’ha fatta più ed è sbottato in una risata - he couldn’t control himself any longer and burst out laughing
- to expire, to fall due, to be due, to mature; (di polizza) to lapse
• il contratto scade oggi - the contract expires today
• il termine è scaduto il… - the term expired on…
• l’affitto scade domani - the rent is due tomorrow
• questa cambiale scade fra un mese - this bill will fall due (o will mature) in a month’s time
• il suo permesso di soggiorno scadrà domani - his residence permit expires tomorrow
• la sua carica scadrà alla fine del mese - his term of office will expire at the end of the month
• quando scade questo latte? - when’s the sell-by date of this milk? - (peggiorare) to fall off; (diminuire) to go down, to decrease
• la qualità della vostra merce è scaduta in questi ultimi anni - the quality of your goods has fallen off these last few years
• lo spettacolo sta scadendo di qualità - the show is deteriorating in quality
• scadere di valore - to decrease in value
• mi è molto scaduto - he has sunk very much in my estimation
- (fam.) (rompere) to break; to wreck; to bust
• ha scassato la bicicletta - he has wrecked his bicycle
• smettila di scassare (le scatole) - (fam.) stop getting on my nerves - (agr.) (dissodare) to break up; to plough up
to force open; to pick the lock of (sth); to break open
• scassinare una porta - to force a door open
• scassinare una cassaforte - to crack a safe
- (registrare su schede) to card-index; (annotare, catalogare) to register, to catalogue, to record; (persone) to keep a file on (sb)
• schedare i libri di una biblioteca - to card-index the books of a library
• schedare le entrate, le uscite - to record revenues, expenditure
• (trib.) schedare i contribuenti - to keep a file on taxpayers - (da parte della polizia) to put down in the police records; to book
- (mil.) to marshal, to draw up, to array
• schierare truppe - to draw up troops
• passare in rassegna le truppe schierate - to inspect the troops that were lined up - (disporre in un certo ordine) to line up (anche sport)
• schierare le statuine sulla mensola del camino - to line up the statues on the mantelpiece
• schierare i giocatori in campo - to line the players up on the field
1 (di animali) to wag its tail
2 (popolare) (spec di donne) to walk with a wiggle, (fig) to shake one’s tail
• guarda come scodinzola quella ragazza! - check out that girl shaking her tail!
3 (fig) to bow and scrape, to suck up
• tutti scodinzolano davanti al capo - everybody bows and scrapes to the boss
4 (di veicoli) to fishtail
- to sow
• seminare frumento - to sow wheat
• seminare un campo a frumento - to sow a field with wheat
• è troppo presto per seminare - it is too soon to sow yet - (sparpagliare) to scatter; (fig.) (diffondere) to sow; to spread
• smettila di seminare la tua roba dappertutto - stop scattering your stuff all over the place
• seminare il malcontento, l’odio tra i cittadini - to sow the seeds of discontent, of hatred among the citizens
• seminare il terrore - to sow (o to spread) terror - (fam.) (lasciare indietro) to leave behind; (far perdere le proprie tracce) to shake off, to lose
• il ciclista seminò gli avversari - the cyclist left his competitors behind
• i ladri riuscirono a seminare gli sbirri - the thieves managed to lose the cop pigs
- to sift; to sieve
• setacciare la farina - to sift the flour - (fig.) to search; to comb
• setacciate tutto il quartiere! - comb the whole area!
to crush, to thrash, to defeat
• sgominare gli avversari - to crush one’s opponents
• sgominare il nemico - to defeat the enemy
• la banda di rapinatori è stata sgominata - the gang of robbers has been broken up
(colloquial) to work as a sex worker
- (attenuare) (luce) to shade; to dim; (colori) to tone down; to soften; (suoni) to deaden, to lower, to muffle; (oscillazioni) to damp, to dampen
• in questo quadro i rossi vanno smorzati - in this picture the reds must be toned down
• per smorzare questa luce violenta devi chiudere le imposte - in order to soften this harsh light you must close the shutters
• smorzare un suono - to deaden a sound
• smorzare la voce, il tono della voce - to lower one’s voice - (passioni, sentimenti) to quench, to appease; to damp
• smorzare la collera di qn - to appease sb’s anger
• smorzare le speranze - to damp hopes - (region.) (spegnere) to put out; to extinguish
• smorzare il fuoco - to put out the fire
• smorzare il lume, la luce - to put out the light
• smorzare la sete - (fig.) to quench one’s thirst
1 (= volare sopra) to fly past/beyond, to overfly, to fly over
• sorvolare a bassa quota - to buzz
• l’aereo sta sorvolando Parigi - the plane is flying over Paris
2 (= lasciar correre) to overlook, to gloss over, to slide over; (= tralasciare) to skip, to ignore, to slur over
• sorvolare su una domanda - to ignore a question
• sorvolare sugli errori di qn - to gloss over sb’s mistakes
• sorvolare su una questione molto importante - to slide over a very important issue
• sorvoliamo su questo punto - let’s skip this point
• sorvoliamo i particolari! - let’s ignore the details!
- (muoversi in ampio spazio) to sweep
• le aquile spaziano nel cielo - eagles sweep through the sky - (fig.) (estendersi) to sweep, to range
• il suo sguardo spaziava su tutta la vallata - his gaze swept over the valley
• i suoi interessi spaziano in molti campi - his interests cover many fields
- to fake out (anche fig.), to catch (sb) on the wrong foot
• spiazzare il portiere con una finta - to fake out the goalkeeper with a dummy
• con il suo intervento ci ha spiazzato - he faked us out with his intervention - (econ.) (escludere) to place out, to crowd out (anche fin.)
• la contrazione di prestiti da parte dello stato spesso spiazza le richieste dei privati - government borrowing often crowds out private requests
spicciare / spicciarsi
spicciare (transitive)
1 (= sbrigare) to finish off, to rush through, to deal with, to handle
• spicciare le faccende domestiche - to rush through the housework
• spicciarsela (popol) - to disentangle oneself, to get off the hook
• spiccio questa pratica e ti raggiungo - I’ll rush through this case and join you
2 (= servire) to attend to, to serve
• spicciare un cliente - to attend to a customer
• se mi spicciano subito sarò da te fra poco - if they serve me quickly I’ll be with you shortly
3 (= spicciolare) to change
• spicciare una banconota da dieci euro - to change a ten-euro note
spicciare (transitive)
(= sgorgare) to gush, to flow out, to spout, to spurt
• il sangue spiccia dalla ferita - blood is gushing from the wound
(= fare presto/sbrigarsi) to hasten, to hurry (up), to rush, to zap
• spicciati, siamo in ritardo! - hurry up, we’re late!
sprecare / sprecarsi
(= usare male, anche fig to waste, to squander, to throw away, to misspend
• sprecare una buona occasione - to throw away/to waste/to squander an opportunity
• sprecare energia in - to waste energy on
• sprecare la giovinezza - to waste one’s youth
• sprecare l’inchiostro - to write to no purpose
• con lui ho sprecato tempo e fatica - I wasted my time and energy with him
1 to waste one’s time/energy
• si è sprecato in studi inutili - he wasted his time and energy in fruitless studies
2 (dialet), (ironia) to put oneself out, to go to the trouble
• non si è neanche sprecato a telefonare - he didn’t even go to the trouble of ringing up
- to flea, to rid of fleas
• spulciare un cane - to rid a dog of fleas - (fig) to vet, to screen, to sift (through)
• spulciare documenti - to sift (through) documents
to flea oneself, to rid oneself of fleas
• i gorilla passano ore a spulciarsi - gorillas spend hours ridding themselves of fleas
spupazzare / spupazzarsi
to cuddle, to fondle, to pet, to canoodle with
• spupazzare la fidanzata - to canoodle with one’s girlfriend
• spupazzare un bambino - to cuddle a child
to cuddle, to fondle, to pet, to neck, to spoon
• si spupazzavano tutto il giorno! - they were necking all day!
- to establish, to fix, to set
• stabilire il prezzo di qc - to fix the price of sth
• resta da stabilire il giorno della partenza - the departure date remains to be settled (o fixed o decided upon)
• stabilire una data - to fix a date
• stabilite voi le condizioni - name your own terms
• stabilire delle norme - to lay down rules
• stabilire dei turni di lavoro per il personale - to stagger the staff’s working hours
• la legge stabilisce che… - the law provides that…
• stabilire per legge - to decree
• stabilire un calendario - to lay down a timetable
• (comm.) stabilire quote di vendita - to set sales quotas
• stabilire la propria dimora in un luogo - to take up one’s residence in a place - (accertare) to establish, to ascertain
• prima di tutto devo stabilire se questo è vero o no - first of all I must ascertain whether this is true or not
• stabilire un fatto - to establish a fact - (decidere) to decide, to arrange, to state
• stabilire le condizioni di pagamento, di un accordo - to state the terms of payment, of an agreement
• stabilì di partire subito - he decided to leave at once - (assegnare) to assign, to allot
• stabilirono due case in dote alla ragazza - they allotted the girl two houses as a dowry - (mar.) to set (sails)
• stabilire le vele - to set the sails
1.1 (= maltrattare) to maltreat, to ill-treat, to mistreat, to mishandle; (= surclassare) to maul, to thrash, to trounce; (culin) to scramble
• strapazzare la servitù - to ill-treat the servants
• la polizia ha strapazzato i due dimostranti - the police manhandled the two demonstrators
• la nostra squadra è stata strapazzata ieri - our team was mauled yesterday
1.2 (= criticare aspramente) to maul, to tear to shreds; (= rimproverare duramente) to tell off, to scold
• i critici hanno strapazzato il suo ultimo romanzo - the critics tore his latest novel to shreds
2 (= sciupare) to misuse, to spoil, to treat badly, to not take care of
• strapazzare i vestiti - to spoil one’s clothes
• non strapazzare così i miei libri! - don’t treat my books so badly!
• strapazzare un’automobile - to treat a car badly
3 (= affaticare) to overwork
• non devi strapazzare così i tuoi dipendenti - you must not overwork your staff like that
• strapazzare un cavallo - to overwork a horse
• strapazzarsi gli occhi - to strain one’s eyes
- (interpretare male) to botch, to bungle, to make a mess of (sth)
• strapazzare una commedia - to make a mess of a play
• strapazzare un pezzo di musica - to play a piece of music badly
• strapazzare uno scrittore - to misinterpret a writer
to squeeze, to press, (anche fig) to wring out; (= centrifugare) to spin, to spin-dry
• strizzare un’arancia - to squeeze/to press an orange
• strizzare un foruncolo - to squeeze/to press a spot
• strizzare l’occhio - to wink (at)
• strizzare un panno bagnato - to wring a wet cloth
• strizza strizza - all in all, in conclusion
sventolare / sventolarsi
1 (= muovere al vento) to wave, to brandish, to flourish
• sventolare il fazzoletto in segno di saluto - to wave one’s handkerchief (in greeting)
• il pubblico sventolava bandierine multicolori - the crowd waved multicoloured pennants
• mi sventolò la lettera sotto il naso - he flourished the letter under my nose
2 (= fare vento a) to fan; (= arieggiare) to air
• sventolare il fuoco - to fan the fire
• sventolare il grano - to winnow grain
• la sventolò con un giornale - he fanned her with a newspaper
1 to fan oneself
• sventolarsi con un giornale - to fan oneself with a newspaper
(= muoversi per il vento) to whip, to flutter, to wave, to fly
• le bandiere sventolavano al vento - flags were fluttering in the wind
• aprì il balcone e la tenda cominciò a sventolarsi - he opened the French window and the curtain began to flap
• il bucato sventolava sul terrazzo - the washing flapped on the terrace
1 to stamp, to rubber-stamp, to postmark
• timbrare un documento - to rubber-stamp a document
• timbrare una lettera - to postmark a letter
2 (in entrata o uscita dal posto di lavoro) to clock
• timbrare il cartellino in entrata - to clock in
• timbrare il cartellino in uscita - to clock out
(= rimpinzarsi) to stuff oneself, to gorge oneself
• si abbuffò di dolci - she stuffed herself with cakes
accartocciare / accartocciarsi
to crumple up, to screw up, to scrunch up
• accartocciare un pezzo di carta - to crumple up a piece of paper
1 (= ripiegarsi) to curl (up)
• le foglie si erano accartocciate - the leaves had curled up
2 (= raggomitolarsi) to curl (up), to curl (oneself) into a ball
• il gatto si accartocciò nella poltrona - the cat curled up in the armchair
to destine (for), to adapt (to/as) • adibire un palazzo a uffici - to adapt a building as office premises
aggirare / aggirarsi
1.1 (= girare intorno) to skirt, to skate around, to pass by
• aggirare un’isola - to skirt an island
1.2 to encircle, to ring, to surround
• aggirare sull’ala mil - to outflank
1.3 (leggi, regolamenti, problemi, ecc) to get around, to get round, to circumvent, to skirt, to bypass
• aggirare la normativa - to circumvent the rules
• aggirare un ostacolo - to get round/to skirt an obstacle
• riuscirono ad aggirare la legge - they managed to get round the law
1.4 (= doppiare) to round
• aggirammo il capo e vedemmo la nave - we rounded the cape and saw the ship
2 (= raggirare) to cheat, to con, to deceive, to trick
1 (= gironzolare) to hang around, to wander, to prowl (around), to lurk
• aggirarsi nei paraggi - to wander around in the vicinity
• l’uomo fu visto aggirarsi attorno alla casa - the man was seen lurking around outside the house
2 to hover around/near, to approximate, to come close
• il prezzo si aggira attorno a un milione di dollari - the price is somewhere around $1m
(used only in the third person) to like, to please
• fa’ come ti aggrada - do as you please
1 (= preparare) to prepare, to organize, to run up
• allestì un pranzo in quattro e quattr’otto - she ran up a meal in a moment
2 (negozi, navi, ecc) to fit out, to rig
• allestire un negozio - to fit out a shop
3 (= inscenare) to stage, to put on, to produce
• allestire una commedia - to put on a play
4 (= disporre) to lay out
annientare / annientarsi
1 (= annichilire) to annihilate, to obliterate, to pulverize, to wipe out, to blot out
• annientare l’opposizione - to annihilate the opposition
2 (= distruggere) to destroy, to wreck
• l’esplosione annientò due interi edifici - the explosion destroyed two entire buildings
3 (= sgominare) to thrash, to crush, to smash
• annientare una banda - to smash a gang
• annientare il nemico - to crush the enemy
• annientare un rivale - (coll) to wipe the floor with one’s rival
• riuscirono ad annientare la concorrenza - they managed to crush the competition
4 (teorie e simili) to demolish, to refute
• le prove schiaccianti annientarono la difesa - the inconfutable evidence demolished the defence case
(= umiliarsi) to abase oneself, to lower oneself
1 to climb, to climb up
• arrampicarsi con le mani e con i piedi - to clamber, to scramble, to swarm up
• arrampicarsi socialmente - to climb up the class ladder
• arrampicarsi su una scala - to climb (up) a ladder
• arrampicarsi sugli specchi - (fig) to clutch at straws
• il gatto si arrampicò su un albero - the cat climbed a tree
• il bambino tentò di arrampicarsi su una sedia - the child tried to clamber onto a chair
• la strada si arrampica ripidamente sulla montagna - the road climbs steeply up the mountain
2 (di piante) to creep (up), to climb
• abbiamo una pianta di edera che si arrampica sulle pareti della casa - we have an ivy climbing up the walls of our house
arrangiare / arrangiarsi
1.1 (= accomodare, anche fig) to patch (up), to arrange, to sort out, to settle
• arrangiò il tetto - he patched up the roof
• hanno arrangiato tutto da soli - they arranged everything by themselves
1.2 to beat up, to fix
• ti arrangio io! - I’ll see to you!, I’ll settle your hash!
• se mi capita fra le mani lo arrangio io! - if I get ahold of him I’ll wallop him good!
2.1 (fig) to knock up/together, to put together
• arrangiò una cena in pochi minuti - he knocked up supper in no time at all
2.2 (coll) to lift, to nick, to pinch
• il barbone arrangiò solo pochi spiccioli - the tramp only nicked a few coins
3 (= orchestrare) to arrange, to score
1 (= accordarsi) to come to an agreement
• si arrangiarono senza coinvolgere i legali - they came to an agreement without involving lawyers
2 (= tirare avanti) to get by, to manage, to struggle along
• arrangiarsi per la notte - to get by for the night
• si arrangia come può con lo stipendio del marito - she manages the best she can on her husband’s salary
3 to do odd jobs, to deal in this and that, to get by, to live by one’s wits
• tira avanti arrangiandosi - he struggles on doing odd jobs
• se non vuoi ascoltarmi, arrangiati! - if you don’t want to listen to me, do it your own way!
• si arrangia a fare la serva - she gets by working as a servant
• è tempo che ti arrangi da solo - it’s time you looked after yourself
1 to get worked up, to fret, to worry
• non arrovellarti per così poco - don’t get worked up over such a small matter
• arrovellarsi il cervello - to rack one’s brains
2 to struggle, to endeavor
• si arrovella da un’ora per risolvere il problema - he’s been struggling for an hour to solve the problem
1 (= secondare) to humor
• assecondare qn servilmente - to bow and scrape to sb
• assecondalo, così forse se ne va - humor him, so maybe he’ll go away
2 (= appoggiare) to second, to favor
• asseconda sempre il presidente - he always seconds the chairman
3 (= indulgere) to indulge, to pander to
• assecondare i capricci di qn - to indulge sb’s whims
• assecondare ogni desiderio di qn - to pander to sb’s every wish
• è meglio non assecondare tutti i desideri dei bambini - it’s better not to indulge children all the time
4 (= seguire, spec sport) to follow through
• assecondare un colpo - to follow through (on a hit/stroke)
(= tormentare/perseguitare) to badger, to pester, to harass, to obsess, to besiege
• mi assilla con continue domande - he harasses me with endless questions
• era assillato da mille preoccupazioni sul futuro - he was obsessed with a thousand worries about his future
• non assillarlo! - don’t pester him!
avanzare / avanzarsi
avanzare (intransitive)
1 (= andare/venire avanti) to advance, to move forward, to forge forward, to go forward, to come/to step forward; (= progredire) to progress, to advance, to make progress, to make headway; (di grado, qualifica, ecc) to move on, to move up; (= aumentare lentamente) to edge up; (in classifiche) to go up
• avanzare a piedi - to go forward on foot
• avanzare carponi/con le mani e con i piedi - to scramble, to clamber
• avanzare lungo/per - to follow, to go along
• avanzare nella conoscenza - to become more knowledgeable
• fare avanzare (pellicole e simili) - to wind forward
• avanzammo di qualche passo con circospezione - we stepped forward carefully
• avanzavamo a tentoni nell’oscurità - we groped our way in the dark
• avanzammo di un chilometro - we moved on one kilometre
• le vendite avanzano ogni giorno di più - sales are improving every day
• i corsi azionari avanzano lentamente - share prices are edging up
2 (mil) to push (into), to advance
3 (= sporgere) to jut out, to protrude, to stick out, to project form
- i rami avanzano un metro dalla recinzione - the branches jut out one metre over the fence
4.1 (essere d’avanzo) to be left over, remain
• è avanzato del pane da ieri - there is some bread left over from yesterday
• non m’avanza molto tempo - I haven’t (got) much time left
• basta e avanza -that’s more than enough
4.2 (Mathematics)
• sette diviso tre fa due e avanza uno - seven divided by three is two remainder one
avanzare (transitive)
1 (= spostare in avanti) to move forward, to put forward
• avanzare il fronte - to move the front forward
• avanzò un piede per saggiare la stabilità del pavimento - he put a foot out in front of him to test the firmness of the floor
2 (= proporre/suggerire) to propose, to put forward, to table, to canvass, to advance form
• avanzare domande/ipotesi - to put forward questions/conjectures
3.1 (= superare) to surpass, to outdo
• avanzare qn in bravura - to outshine sb
• avanzare qn in furbizia - to outdo sb in trickery
3.2 (= vincere) to beat, to defeat
• nel salto avanza tutti - in the highjump he beats all-comers
4 (= promuovere) to promote
• lo hanno avanzato a caporeparto - he’s been promoted to head of department
1 (= farsi avanti) to move forward, to advance
• si avanzò furtivamente - he advanced stealthily
2 (= approssimarsi) to approach, to come, to draw on
• la fine dell’anno s’avanza - the end of the year is drawing on
1 (= tartagliare) to stutter, to stammer; (= esitare nel parlare) to falter; (= farfugliare) to babble, to sputter
• balbettava a seguito del trauma - as a result of his injury, he was left with a stammer
• il teste balbettava durante l’interrogatorio - the witness stammered during the hearing
2 (di bambini) to babble
• il bambino cominciò a balbettare - the child started to babble
3 to stammer (out), to gabble, to babble
• balbettare un po’ di inglese - to have a smattering of English
• balbettò qualcosa di incomprensibile - he stammered something incomprehensible
1 (= masticare rumorosamente) to champ, to chomp, to munch
• biascicare una gomma - to chew gum over
2 (fig) to mumble, to mutter
• biascicare parole - to mumble words
to prattle, to babble, to chatter, to waffle
• la televisione continuava a blaterare - the television went on babbling away
• comari blateravano tra di loro - the gossips were chattering away together
to babble, to chatter about, to prattle about
• ma cosa state blaterando? - what are you prattling about?
• sta ancora blaterando i pregi della sua idea - he’s still going on about the merits of his idea
to groan, to grumble, to grunt
• bofonchiava per la lunga attesa - he was grumbling about the long wait
to groan about, to grumble over, to grunt, to mutter, to mumble
• bofonchiò vaghe accuse - he muttered a few vague accusations
• bofonchiò qualcosa sull’ingiustizia del mondo - he mumbled something about the injustice in the world
1 (= andare a tentoni) to grope, to feel one’s way
• andò brancolando fino in cucina - she groped her way to the kitchen
• brancolare nel buio - to grope in the dark (also fig)
2 (= agire con incertezza) to fumble, to grope, to hesitate, to waver
• brancolano ancora alla ricerca di una soluzione - they are still groping for a solution
• sto brancolando, non so che soluzione prendere - I’m hesitating, I don’t know which solution to choose
to tease, to kid, to rib, to make fun of
• la canzonano per la sua goffaggine - they tease her about her clumsiness
• smettila di canzonarlo - stop teasing him
1.1 (= oppugnare/contraddire) to confute, to refute, to rebut
• confutare un’affermazione/una rivendicazione/una teoria - to refute a statement/a claim/a theory
1.2 (= negare) to negate
2 (= ribattere) (leg) to answer, to reply
1 (= ammirare) to contemplate, to admire
• contemplare un panorama - to contemplate a view
2.1 (= considerare) to contemplate, to think about, to ponder over
• questo aspetto non è stato contemplato nelle trattative - this aspect was not considered in the talks
• contemplò le varie offerte ricevute - he pondered over the various offers that had been received
• sto contemplando l’idea di scrivere un libro - I am thinking over the idea of writing a book
2.2 (= prendere in esame) to include, to deal with
occorre contemplare anche un’altra possibilità - it’s necessary to include also another possibility
• la questione va contemplata subito - this matter should be dealt with immediately
• la polizza contempla questi rischi - the policy covers these risks
3 (= meditare) to meditate, to contemplate
• dopo aver contemplato le sue disgrazie per giorni e giorni decise di reagire - after having meditated his misfortunes for days and days, he decided to react
4 (= disporre, di leggi, decisioni, ecc) to provide (for)
• la legge non contempla questo caso - the law does not provide for this case
1 (= disseminare) to star, to dot, to spangle, to stud
• eventi strani costellano il suo passato - his past is dotted with odd events
• miriadi di fiori costellavano il prato - thousands of flowers covered the field
2 (= ornare) to constellate
transitive verb
1 to hatch, to brood, to incubate
• covare le uova - to sit on/to hatch eggs
2 (= custodire) to treasure, to nurse
• covare le lenzuola - to idle in bed
• covare qn con gli occhi - to gaze sb with desire
• cova i suoi risparmi in casa - he stashes his savings away at home
3.1 (= nutrire) to harbor, to nurse, to hatch
• ha covato vendetta per nove lunghi anni - he nursed revenge for nine long years
• secondo me sta covando un piano - I think he’s hatching a scheme
• cova rancore verso tutti - he harbors a sense of rancour towards everyone
• covare odio verso qn - to nurse hatred for sb
3.2 (malattie) to be coming down with
• sto covando un raffreddore - I’m coming down with a cold
intransitive verb
1 (= annidarsi) to smoulder, to lurk
• gatta ci cova! - I smell a rat! (literally, “the cat is hiding something”)
• l’invidia covava sotto la cenere - envy was smouldering under the ashes
2 (= addensarsi/prepararsi) to brew
• sta covando un temporale - a storm is brewing
3 (di malattie) to be latent
• quest’influenza cova per giorni - this flu lies latent for days
cullare / cullarsi
1 to rock, to cradle
• la madre cullò il bimbo fino a farlo addormentare - the mother rocked the baby to sleep
• le onde cullano la barca - the waves are rocking the boat
• cullò il piccino tra le braccia - she cradled the little boy in her arms
2 (lett, fig) to rock, to lull, to cradle
• il fruscio delle fronde cullava il loro sonno - the rustling of the leaves lulled them to sleep
3 (= custodire) (fig) to cherish
• cullare propositi ambiziosi - to cherish ambitious plans
4 (= ingannare) fig to fool, to deceive
• cullare qn in una illusione - to fill sb’s head with an illusion
1 (= dondolarsi) to rock
• cullarsi sul dondolo - to rock on the swing-chair
2.1 (= illudersi) to deceive oneself, to delude oneself, to fool oneself
• si è cullato per anni nella speranza di rivederla - he fooled himself for years in the hope of seeing her again
2.2 (= abbandonarsi) to indulge, to wallow
• cullarsi in un bagno caldo - to wallow in a hot bath
1 (= tralignare) to degenerate
2 (= mutare in peggio) to degenerate
• la discussione degenerò in lite furibonda - the discussion degenerated into a furious argument
3 (fig) to boil over, to erupt
• le agitazioni degenerarono in rivolta - the protests erupted in a revolt
to degrade, to degenerate
• l’inquinamento degenera l’ambiente - pollution degrades the environment
to delete, to strike off, to cross out
• depennare un nome - to cross out a name
• è stato depennato dall’albo - he was struck off the register
dilettare / dilettarsi
(= divertire) to delight, to amuse
• dilettare lo spirito - to delight the soul
• il comico dilettò il pubblico con le sue battute - the comedian amused the audience with his jokes
1 (= provare piacere) to delight (in/at), to take (a) delight (in)
• mi diletto ad ascoltare musica - I take delight in listening to music
2 (= fare per diletto) to dabble (in/at)
• dilettarsi di pesca subacquea - to dabble in underwater fishing
to lose weight, to slim, to slim down
• dimagrire a vista d’occhio - to get thinner every day, to lose weight visibly
• come hai fatto a dimagrire tanto? - how did you lose so much weight?
• ti trovo dimagrito - you’re looking thinner
• è dimagrito per la malattia - he lost weight after his illness
dimenare / dimenarsi
to wag, to waggle, to wiggle, to flail, to lash
• dimenare le braccia - to wave one’s arms
• dimenare i fianchi - to wiggle one’s hips
• il cane dimenò la coda - the dog wagged its tail
1 (= divincolarsi) to thrash, to writhe, to struggle
• si dimenava per liberarsi dalle catene - he struggled to free himself from the chains
2 (= agitarsi) to wiggle, to wag, to waggle, to flail, to thrash (about)
• dimenarsi come un ossesso - to throw oneself about like someone possessed
• lo vidi dimenarsi e mi tuffai - I saw him thrashing about and I dived in
3 (= adoperarsi) to exert oneself, to bustle about
• non vale la pena dimenarsi per lui - it’s not worth going out of one’s way to help him
1 (≠ osservare) to disregard, to ignore, to fail to comply with
• disattendere i consigli di qn - to ignore sb’s advice
• disattendere una norma - to disregard a rule
2 (= deludere) to disappoint
• ha disatteso tutte le mie aspettative - she disappointed all my expectations
divincolare / divincolarsi
to wriggle, to wag
• il cane divincolava la coda - the dog was wagging its tail
(= dimenarsi) to wriggle, to writhe, to thrash about/around, to struggle
• divincolarsi come un serpente - to wriggle like a snake
• divincolarsi con uno strattone - to wrench free
donare / donarsi
1 (= regalare) to give, to present
• le abbiamo donato un libro per il suo onomastico - we gave her a book for her name day
• dona tutto sé stesso al lavoro - he gives all he has in his work
• al paese fu donata una nuova scuola - the village was presented with a new school
2 (= contribuire) to donate, to subscribe, to contribute; leg to donate, to grant
• donare denaro - to donate/to contribute money
• donare organi - to donate organs
• donare un terreno per la costruzione di un ospizio - to donate a site for the building of a home
3 (= conferire) to bestow, to lend, to add
• spezie che donano sapore al cibo - spices that lend flavour to food
• i fiori donavano grazia all’abito - the flowers added a graceful touch to the outfit
4 (= addirsi) to suit; (= abbellire) to flatter, to do
• quel colore non ti dona - that colour doesn’t suit you
• il verde ti dona - green flatters you
• questa nuova pettinatura ti dona molto - this new hairstyle does a lot for you
to give oneself, to devote/to dedicate oneself
• donarsi a una causa - to devote oneself to a cause
• donarsi alla patria - to dedicate oneself to one’s country
1 (relig) to exorcize
2 (= allontanare) to exorcize, to wish away
• esorcizzare la paura - to exorcize fear
(buroc) to fulfil, to execute, to carry out, to perform, to attend to
• espletare un compito - to fulfil a task
• espletare un dovere - to execute a duty
• espletare le operazioni di imbarco - to carry out the embarking operations
• espletare pratiche - to attend to items of business
(= carpire) to extort, to squeeze; (informazioni, risposte) to extract, to obtain
• estorcere denaro - to extort money
• estorcere una confessione a qn - to squeeze a confession out of sb
• estorcere informazioni a un prigioniero - to extract information from a prisoner
• cercare di estorcere informazioni a qn - to tap sb for information
• estorcevano denaro con minacce - they extorted money with threats
• non credo che riesca a estorcerle questa promessa - I don’t think he can extort this promise from her
to slur, to babble, to gabble; to mumble, to mutter
• ha farfugliato qualcosa di incomprensibile - he slurred his words
• cosa stai farfugliando? - what are you mumbling on about?
fasciare / fasciarsi
1 (= bendare) to bandage (up), to dress, to strap, (= avvolgere) to swathe, to bind (up), to wrap up; (neonati, in passato) to swaddle
• fasciare completamente - to bandage up
• fasciare una ferita - to dress/to strap a wound
• essere fasciato - to be in bandages
• l’infermiera gli fasciò le ferite - the nurse dressed his wounds
• dopo l’incidente era tutto fasciato - after the accident he was all bandaged up
2 (= rivestire) to cover
3 (= cingere) (lett) to surround, to encircle
4 (abbigl) to hug, to fit tightly
• l’abito le fasciava i fianchi - the dress hugged her hips
1 (= bendarsi) to bandage (oneself) up
• fasciarsi la testa prima di rompersela - to cross one’s bridges before one comes to them
2 (= avvolgersi) to wrap (oneself) up
1 (= agevolare) to favor, to assist, to encourage, to help, to benefit
• il regolamento vieta di favorire i conoscenti - regulations forbid helping acquaintances
• cercheremo di favorirti - we’ll try to assist you
• l’aumento di produttività ha favorito le esportazioni - the increase in productivity benefited our exports
• una riduzione dell’IVA favorirà i consumi - a drop in VAT will encourage consumption
2 (= promuovere/appoggiare) to patronize, to facilitate, to promote, to pander to, to further, to forward, to contribute to
• il consiglio comunale favorì l’iniziativa - the council patronized the initiative
• il bel tempo ha favorito la traversata - good weather facilitated the crossing
• l’associazione favorisce le iniziative culturali - the association promotes cultural initiatives
• questa legge favorisce gli interessi dei proprietari terrieri - this act panders to the interests of landowners
• si preoccupa solo di favorire i propri interessi - he’s only concerned in furthering his interests
• farò quanto posso per favorire la tua carriera - I’ll do all I can to forward your career
• lo scandalo favorì la sua sconfitta elettorale - the scandal contributed to his electoral defeat
3 (banco) to accommodate
• il sig Bianchi ha favorito un prestito all’amico - Mr. Bianchi accommodated his friend with a loan
4 (= avvantaggiare) to favor
• una riduzione fiscale che favorisce i ricchi - a tax cut that favors the rich
5 (= dare) to favor
• favorire qc a qn - to favour sb with sth
• per cortesia, favoriteci una pronta risposta - please favor us with an early reply
6 (con costruzione intransitiva), in espressioni di cortesia
• favorisca! - do come in! / please come in!
• favorisca alla cassa - please pay at the cash register
• favorisca da questa parte - come this way, please
• favorisca seguirmi! - please follow me!
• favorisca il biglietto, per favore - give your ticket, please
• tanto per favorire - just to try/just a taste
• vuoi favorire? - would you like some? / will you join me?
fottersene (di)
to not give a fuck (about)
fremere (frèmere)
1 (= tremare) to shake, to tremble, to quiver, to tingle
• fremere per l’eccitazione - to tingle with excitement
• fremere per la rabbia - to tremble with rage, to quiver with anger
• far fremere - to thrill, to twitch
• fremevamo al pensiero di ciò che sarebbe successo di lì a poco - we shook at the thought of what was about to happen
• fremeva mentre ascoltava i rimproveri - he trembled on being ticked off
2 (= bollire) (fig) to writhe, to seethe, to burn
• fremere d’ira - to be burning with rage
• fremere per la/di vergogna - to writhe with shame
• stava fremendo perché voleva andarsene - he was seething because he wanted to go away
3 (di vento, alberi, ecc) to sigh, to whisper, to rustle; (del mare) to roar
• le foglie fremevano al vento - the leaves rustled in the wind
to search, to rummage, to poke around, to ransack, to root around
• frugare nella mente alla ricerca di qc - to search sb’s mind for st
• frugare tra i rifiuti - to scavenge
• i ladri hanno frugato dappertutto - the burglers ransacked the whole place
• frugai nell’armadio ma non trovai ciò che cercavo - I rummaged in the wardrobe but didn’t find what I was looking for
• qualcuno ha frugato nei miei cassetti - somebody has ransacked my drawers
2 (= perquisire con cura) to search
frullare (transitive)
to beat, to whip, to whisk
• frullare le uova - to beat/whisk eggs
frullare (intransitive)
1 (= agitarsi con rumore) to flap, to flutter, to whirr
• un uccello frullava sopra la casa - a bird was fluttering over the house
• le vele frullavano al vento - the sails flapped in the wind
• un piccione frullò attorno alla fontana per un po’ - a pigeon flapped around the fountain for a while
2 (= girare su se stesso) to spin, to whirl
• le pale dell’elicottero frullavano nell’aria - the helicopter blades whirled in the air
• cosa ti frulla in testa? - what’s on your mind?
• il bambino faceva frullare la trottola - the child was spinning the top
to please, to suit, to like (impersonal conjugation)
• questa musica non mi garba - I don’t like this music
• questa sistemazione non mi garba - I don’t like this arrangement
• faccio quello che mi garba - I do as I please
1 (di corvo o rana) to croak; (di corvo o cornacchia) to caw, to croak; (di radio e simili) to crackle
2 (fig) (di persone) to rasp (out), to caw
1 to move, (anche fig) to gravitate, to be drawn
• gravitare attorno a qn - to gravitate around sb
• le imprese minori del gruppo gravitano intorno alle maggiori - the group’s smaller companies move around the bigger ones
• sempre più persone gravitano verso la città - more and more people are drawn towards the city
2 (= orbitare) to orbit, to go/to move (round)
• la Terra gravita intorno al sole - the Earth goes round the sun
3 to press, to exert weight or pressure
1 (= mettere il bavaglio) to gag
• i rapinatori imbavagliarono il custode - the robbers gagged the guard
2 (= mettere a tacere) to silence, to gag, to muzzle
• imbavagliare la stampa - to gag/to muzzle the press
impalare / impalarsi
1 (uccidere mediante impalamento) to impale
2 (agric) to stake, to prop up
• impalare una vigna - to stake a vineyard
to stand completely still
impiccare / impiccarsi
to hang, to choke, to strangle
• neanche se mi impiccano! - over my dead body!
• fu impiccato a un albero - he was strung up/hanged from a tree
• questa cravatta mi sta impiccando - this tie is choking me
to hang oneself
inarcare / inarcarsi
to arch, to hunch, to bend
• inarcare la schiena - to hunch one’s shoulders, to bend one’s back
• il gatto inarcò la schiena - the cat arched its back
• inarcò le sopracciglia dubbioso -he arched his eyebrows in doubt
to arch, to bow, to bend
• la trave si è inarcata - the beam has bent
indispettire / indispettirsi
(= irritare) to irritate, to aggravate, to irk, to vex
• un tale atteggiamento certamente lo indispettirà - such an attitude will certainly irritate him
• se ne andò tutto indispettito - he went away in a huff
• non farmi indispettire - don’t get me worked up
• erano le piccolezze che la indispettivano - it was the little things that aggravated her
• fu indispettito dal mio atteggiamento - he was vexed by my attitude
• sarebbe meglio non indispettirlo - it would be better not to aggravate him
to be vexed, to get annoyed
• si indispettì alla vista della scrivania disordinata - he got annoyed at the sight of the untidy desk
1 to be pitiless/merciless, to act cruelly
• infierire con i vinti - to be merciless towards the vanquished
• infierire sulla popolazione inerme - to use violence on the defenceless population
2 to rage, to bluster, (di elementi, anche) to lash
• la tormenta infierì sul paese - the blizzard/snowstorm lashed the village
(= ostacolare) to hamper, to hinder, to impede, to obstruct
• intralciare il corso della giustizia - to obstruct/to pervert the course of justice
• intralciare qn - to get in sb’s way
• i colpevoli hanno cercato di intralciare le indagini - the culprits tried to hamper the inquiries
• con la tua presenza m’intralci il lavoro - your presence hinders me getting on with the job
• la nebbia intralciava il traffico - the fog made driving difficult
• questo abito stretto mi intralcia i movimenti - this tight suit hampers my movements
- to hamper/to hinder each other, to get in each other’s way
• in quello spazio angusto ci intralceremo a vicenda - in that cramped space we’ll get in each other’s way - to become complicated
• la trattativa si è intralciata - the negotiations have got complicated
intrecciare / intrecciarsi
1 (= unire in treccia) to plait, to braid, to entwine, to interlace; (rami, siepi, ecc) to pleach; (trefoli di una corda) to strand
• intrecciare l’aglio - to braid bulbs of garlic
• intrecciare i capelli - to plait hair
• intrecciare un cestino - to plait a basket
• intrecciare le mani - to entwine one’s hands
• intrecciai le mie dita con le sue - I laced my fingers through hers
2 (= intessere, anche fig to weave, to interweave, to intertwine
• intrecciare le fila di un racconto - to weave together the threads of a story
• intrecciare fiori per fare una ghirlanda - to intertwine flowers to make a wreath
• intrecciare una relazione d’amore - to begin/to bring about a romance
• intrecciare vimini - to do wickerwork
to interlock with each other, to become entwined/interlaced, to intertwine
• i nostri destini si sono intrecciati - our destinies have become entwined
invischiare / invischiarsi
1 (= spalmare di vischio) to lime, to birdlime, to smear with lime
2 (= prendere col vischio) to birdlime, to catch with birdlime
3 (= impelagare) to involve, to entangle, to entice, to embroil
• invischiare qn in operazioni losche - to involve sb in shady transactions
• lasciarsi invischiare - to get mixed-up, to get entangled
(= impelagarsi) to be/to become entangled, to be embroiled, to become involved, to get caught up, to get mixed-up
• invischiarsi con gente di malaffare - to become involved with crooks
• mi sono invischiato in un brutto guaio - I’ve got myself caught up in a real mess
1 (= fare economie) to skimp, to scrape, to stint, to pinch and scrape, to pinch and save, to scrimp (and save)
• lesinare sul cibo - to skimp on food
• quando si tratta dei figli non lesina mai - when it comes to her children she never skimps
2 (= risparmiare) to scrimp, to skimp, to stint
• lesinare il centesimo - to count the pennies
• quel politico non lesina favori - that politician is certainly not stingy with favors
to haggle, to bargain
1 to stipulate, to agree, to bargain
• pattuire le condizioni della tregua - to stipulate the conditions of the truce
• pattuire la resa - to agree the terms of the surrender
1 (= calpestare) to tread, to trample (on), to stamp on, to step on
• pestare l’erba - to walk on/to trample the grass
• pestare un mozzicone - to tread out a cigarette butt
• pestare le orme di qn - to follow in sb’s footsteps
• pestare il piede a qn - to step on/to stamp on sb’s foot
• pestare i piedi a qn - (fig) to tread on sb’s toes
2 (= frantumare/sminuzzare) to crush, to pound, (min) to stamp
• pepe pestato - ground pepper
• pestare l’acqua nel mortaio - to flog a dead horse
• pestare la carne - to mince meat
• pestare l’uva - to crush grapes
3 (= riempire di botte) to beat up/soundly, to thrash, to thump, to duff up slang
• pestare qn a morte - to beat sb to death
• pestare qn a sangue - to beat sb up until they bleed
• pestare qn di santa ragione - to beat sb up, to beat sb to pulp, to beat the shit out of sb
• pestare su un pianoforte - (scherz) to pound a piano
to whine, to whinge, to whimper, to grizzle, to blubber
• il cagnolino piagnucolò per ore - the puppy whined for hours
• smettila di piagnucolare! - stop whingeing!
to bleat, to whine, to whimper, to blubber, to snivel
• cosa sta piagnucolando? - what is he whining about?
pizzicare / pizzicarsi
pizzicare (transitive)
1 (di alimenti o bevande) to burn; (= solleticare) to tickle
• questa salsa pizzica la lingua - this sauce burns your tongue
• è un piatto che pizzica il palato - it’s a dish that tickles your palate, it’s a mouthwatering dish
2 (= dare pizzicotti) to pinch, (torcendo) to tweak
• pizzicare una guancia a qn - to tweak sb’s cheek
3 (= pungere/pinzare) to prick, to sting, to bite, to nip
• essere pizzicato da un’ape - to be stung by a bee
4 (mus) to pick, to pluck
• pizzicare le corde della chitarra - to pluck the guitar strings
5 (= cogliere sul fatto) (popo)l to nab, to catch; (= catturare) to nick, to nab, to pick up
• l’hanno pizzicato con la refurtiva in mano - they caught him with the stolen goods
• la polizia non è riuscita a pizzicarlo - the police didn’t manage to nab him
6 (= punzecchiare/stuzzicare) to tease, to chaff
• cerca di pizzicarmi col suo sarcasmo - he tries to chaff me with his sarcasm
7 (= rubare) to pinch, to lift
• lo hanno visto mentre pizzicava un anello dal bancone - he was seen pinching a ring from the counter
pizzicare (intransitive)
1 (= sentire prurito) to tickle, to itch
• mi pizzica la gola - I’ve got a tickly throat
• mi pizzica la schiena - my back is itching
2 (= essere piccante) to burn, to be hot
• questo peperone - pizzica troppo this chilli is too hot
3 (= avere sentore) fig to smack (of)
• le sue parole pizzicano di minaccia - his words smack of a threat
4 V(+IN) (= produrre pizzicore) to prickle, to sting
• questa maglia pizzica - this vest prickles
• la lozione pizzica un po’ - the lotion stings a bit
to peck (at) each other, to tease each other • quando stanno insieme non fanno che pizzicarsi - whenever they’re together they do nothing but tease each other
precipitare / precipitarsi
precipitare (transitive)
1 (= gettare dall’alto in basso) to throw down headlong, to plunge, to fling down
• in un gesto d’ira precipitò tutte le sue carte dalla finestra - in a fit of anger he flung all his papers out of the window
• fu precipitato da una rupe - he was thrown headlong from a clifftop
2 (= affrettare) to hurry, to precipitate
• hanno precipitato la partenza a causa di alcuni inconvenienti - they have had to hurry their departure because of some problems
• dovettero precipitare le nozze - they had to get married in a hurry
3 (chim) to settle, to precipitate
• precipitare un composto - to precipitate a compound
precipitare (intransitive)
1 (= cadere con velocità) to fall (headlong), to drop, to plunge, (= scendere a candela) to dive, (di prezzi e simili, anche) to slump, to tumble, to plummet, to drop, (di aerei) to crash, to come down
• fare precipitare (aerei e simili) - to bring down, to shoot down
• precipitare in un baratro - to fall into a chasm
• precipitare nella recessione - to plunge into recession
• precipitare nel vuoto - to fall headlong, to plunge down
• la valanga precipitò a valle in un baleno - the avalanche plunged into the valley in no time at all
• le vendite sono precipitate del 25% rispetto a novembre - sales have plummeted by 25% compared with November
• l’aereo è precipitato in questo punto - the plane crashed here
2 (= andare in rovina) to be ruined, to fall to ruin, to go to the wall
• precipitò dopo l’incendio del negozio - he went to the wall after the shop was destroyed by fire
3 (= susseguirsi precipitosamente) to come to a head, to reach a tipping point, to come to a crisis
• gli eventi precipitano - events are coming to a head
4 (chim) to precipitate, to subside, to settle
(= gettarsi dall’alto) to fling/to throw oneself down
• si precipitò da una rupe - he threw himself over a cliff
to rush, to dash, to hurry, to dive; (= correre) to race, to run
• precipitarsi in massa - to stampede
• appena seppe la notizia si precipitò in ufficio - as soon as he heard the news he rushed to the office
• i compratori si precipitarono ad acquistare i saldi - the buyers hurried to buy up the sales goods
• quando la vide, si precipito verso la porta - when he saw her, he dove for the door
to anticipate, to foretaste, to look forward to
• pregustare un lauto pasto - to look forward to a hearty meal
• pregustare il piacere della vittoria - to have a foretaste of victory
• pregustare il successo - to anticipate success
• pregustare una vacanza - to look forward to a holiday
1 (= punzecchiare) to poke (at), to prod (at)
• pungolare l’asino - to prod the donkey
2 (= stimolare) to spur (on), to goad (on), to stimulate
• per studiare deve essere pungolato - he needs spurring on to study
1 (= riconoscere) to recognize
2 (= rappresentare) to portray, to represent, to depict; (= descrivere) to describe, to picture, to present; (= dipingere) to paint
• la statua raffigura Venere - the statue represents Venus
• raffigurò l’evento come una sciagura - he presented the event as a disaster
• il soggetto è raffigurato di profilo - the subject is shown in profile
• non riesco a raffigurarmi nelle vesti di padre - I can’t see myself in the role of father
• il quadro raffigura il re e i suoi figli - the painting portrays the king and his children
3 (= simboleggiare) to represent, to symbolize
• il dipinto raffigura la bellezza e la grazia - the painting symbolizes beauty and grace
• la fiaccola raffigura la civiltà - the torch represents civilization
to think again; to change one’s mind, to think better
• dovettero ricredersi sul suo conto - they had to change their minds about him
1 (tess) to spin again
2 (= cimare/livellare) to trim (off/away), to clip, to pare (down), to crop, (spec tess) to shear; (= spuntare) to snip
• rifilare un foglio di carta - to trim a sheet of paper
• rifilare una siepe - to trim/to snip/to crop a hedge
• rifilare un sigaro - to snip a cigar
3 (= appioppare) to unload, to palm off, to fob off, to flog coll
• mi hanno rifilato merce scadente - they palmed off cheap goods on me
4 (= affibbiare) to give, to land
• rifilare uno schiaffone a qn - to give a smack on sb
• mi hanno rifilato la figlia per tutto il giorno - they stuck me with their daughter all day
1 to stir again/anew
2 (fig) to rake up/over, to dredge up
• rimestare un’annosa controversia - to rake up an old controversy
• rimestare nel passato di qn - to root around in sb’s past
rincoglionire / rincoglionirsi
(vulgar) to make senile/stupid/dull
(vulgar) to get senile/stupid/dull
1 (= recuperare) to recover, to recuperate, to improve; (= ristabilirsi) to recreate oneself, to reinvigorate oneself; (= tirarsi su) fig to pull oneself together, to get a grip on oneself; (= correggersi) to correct oneself; (di prezzi e simili) to recover, to rally, to rebound, to turn up, to bounce back
• essersi ripreso - to be back on one’s feet
• dammi un minuto e mi riprenderò - give me a minute and I’ll recover
• appena calerà la febbre, si riprenderà - as soon as his temperature drops, he’ll recover
• dopo un attimo di smarrimento, si riprese - after a moment of bewilderment, he pulled himself together
• sbagliai, ma mi ripresi subito - I made a mistake, but I corrected myself immediately
• il prezzo dell’oro si è ripreso - the price of gold has recovered
• i corsi azionari si ripresero presto - share prices rebounded soon
• il mercato si è ripreso un po’ - the market has revived a little
• si sta riprendendo dall’operazione - he is recuperating from the operation
2 (= ravvedersi) to reform, to mend one’s ways
3 (= fermarsi in tempo) to catch/to stop oneself
• stava per cedere, ma si riprese - he was on the point of giving in, but he stopped himself
1 (= toccare di nuovo) to touch again
2 foto e simili) to retouch, to touch up
• ritoccare un dipinto - to touch up a painting
• ritoccarsi il trucco - to fix/to retouch one’s make-up
3 (= rivedere) to revise, to adjust; (= ridimensionare) to trim, to cut back; (prezzi e simili) to readjust, to adjust, to revise
• ritoccare i prezzi - to readjust prices
• ritoccare le tariffe - to readjust rates
• le previsioni di vendita vengono ritoccate ogni anno - sales forecasts are revised annually
• i prezzi sono stati ritoccati per tener conto dell’inflazione - prices have been adjusted for inflation
1 (agric) to dig (up) again
2 (fig) to rake up, to dredge up, to dig up
• rivangare vecchi argomenti - to dig up old arguments
• non rivangare il passato! - don’t dig up the past!
rivoltare / rivoltarsi
1 (= voltare di nuovo) to turn again
• rivoltare una pagina - to turn over a page again
2.1 (= voltare da un’altra parte) to turn, to turn aside/away/round; (= voltare sottosopra) to turn upside down, to turn over; (= voltare a rovescio) to turn inside out
• rivoltare un calzino - to turn a sock inside out
• rivoltare un hamburger - to turn over a hamburger
• fare rivoltare un abito - to have a suit turned up
• rivoltò il contenitore e lo svuotò - he turned the container upside down and emptied it
• voltai e rivoltai l’articolo alla ricerca del cartellino del prezzo - I turned the article over and over looking for the price sticker
• rivoltò il maglione prima di indossarlo - she turned the jumper inside out before putting it on
• rivoltò la bicicletta e tornò indietro - he turned the bike round and went back
• rivoltai il cappotto e lo poggiai sulla sedia - I turned the coat inside out and laid it on the chair
2.2 (= rimestare) to stir, to shuffle about
• rivoltare la minestra - to stir the soup
• ho rivoltato tutte le carte sulla scrivania alla ricerca della tua lettera - I have shuffled about all the papers on the desk looking for your letter
3.1 (= disgustare) to revolt, to repel, to sicken
• l’odore di pollo fritto mi rivoltò - the smell of fried chicken sickened me
3.2 (= turbare) to upset
• il suo atteggiamento mi rivolta - his attitude upsets me
4 (agric) to ted, to turn (over)
• rivoltare il terreno - to turn the soil (over)
5 (mus) to invert
1 (= volgersi) to turn, to turn round/around/over
• rivoltarsi nel letto - to turn over in one’s bed
• rivoltati, così potremo parlare meglio - turn round so we can speak better
2 (= insorgere) to rise, to revolt, to rebel; (= reagire) to react; (= mettersi contro) to turn against
• prima o poi i figli si rivoltano contro i genitori - sooner or later children rebel against their parents
3 (= cambiarsi) to change, to turn
• le sorti della guerra si sono rivoltate - the outcome of the war has changed
4 (= sconvolgersi) to turn, to become upset, (dello stomaco, anche) to churn
• nel vederlo, mi si rivoltò lo stomaco - on seeing it, my stomach became upset
rizzare / rizzarsi
1 (= ergere/erigere) to erect, to raise, to put up; (peli, capelli) to bristle
• rizzare il capo - to raise one’s head
• rizzare la cresta (fig) - to get on one’s high horse
• rizzare le orecchie - to prick up one’s ears
• rizzare una statua - to erect a statue
• rizzare una tenda - to put up/to raise a tent
2 (= costruire) to build, to erect, to put up
• rizzare un muro - to put up/to erect a wall
1 to stand up, to rise
• rizzarsi sulle punte dei piedi - to stand on tiptoe
• si rizzò di scatto - he jumped up
2 to bristle (up), to stand on end
• sentii i capelli rizzarmisi in testa - I felt my hair bristle
salassare / salassarsi
1 (med) to bleed
2 (= spremere denaro) to bleed dry/white, to drain, to squeeze dry; (= fare pagare troppo) to fleece
• in pochi anni i suoi tre figli lo hanno salassato - his three sons have bled him dry in a few years
• il nuovo progetto di investimento ha salassato i nostri profitti - the new investment plan has drained our profits
• in quel ristorante ti salassano - they fleece you in that restaurant
(coll, fig) to make sacrifices, to bleed oneself dry/white, to incur high costs
• si è salassato per sposare la figlia - he has made great sacrifices to marry off his daughter
1.1 (= guardare con occhi socchiusi) to squint at
1.2 (= squadrare) to peer, to eye
• sbirciare qn da capo a piedi - to eye/to look sb up and down
2 (= guardare di sfuggita) to peek at, to peep at, to glance at
• ha sbirciato appena i gioielli - he just peeped at the jewels
• ogni tanto sbirciava il compito del compagno - every now and again he stole a glance at his classmate’s test
1 (= scaraventare/proiettare) to throw, to fling, to hurl
• scagliare sassi - to throw stones
• si arrabbiò e scagliò tutto per aria - he got angry and threw everything up in the air
• scagliò il vaso fuori della finestra - he flung/hurled the vase out of the window
2 (critiche, accuse, ecc) to level, to hurl
• scagliare ingiurie contro qn - to hurl insults at sb, to revile sb
• la stampa ha scagliato violente accuse contro di lui - the press has levelled violent accusations at him
3 (= dire con ira) to bellow, to rail
• “non farti più vedere” le scagliò - “don’t dare to show your face again!” he bellowed at her
• gli scagliò parole di rimprovero - he railed at him
1 (= avventarsi/lanciarsi) to throw oneself, to fling oneself, to spring
• scagliarsi su/contro qn - to throw oneself at sb, to run at sb
• il prigioniero si scagliò contro i suoi carcerieri - the prisoner flung himself at the warders
2 (= inveire) to rail against, to let rip about, to let sb have it
• scagliarsi contro qn/qc - to let rip at sb/about sth
• preso dalla rabbia si è scagliato contro il personale - he railed against the staff in a fit of anger
1 to scan
2 to articulate, to enunciate, to pronounce clearly; (= ripetere ritmicamente) to chant
• parola scandita - (med) scanning speech
• scandire le parole - to enunciate/to articulate words, to pronounce words clearly
• scandire slogan - to chant slogans
• la folla scandiva a gran voce il suo nome - the crowd chanted his name
3 fig to accompany, to mark
• un mese scandito da eventi tragici - a month marked by tragic events
• scandire le ore - to tick the hours away
4 (= esplorare) to scan
• scandire il cielo - to scan the sky
1 (= stanare) to drive (out), to flush out, to rout out, to hound out
• i cani scovarono la lepre - the dogs flushed out the hare
2 (= scoprire) to run down, to hound down, to seek out, to hunt out/up/down, to track down, (informazioni e simili) to chase up, to ferret out, to unearth
• è riuscito a scovare i vecchi documenti - he managed to chase up/to unearth the old documents
• il ladro è stato finalmente scovato - at last the thief has been tracked down
• ho scovato questo lume al mercato delle pulci - I came across this lamp at the flea market
1 (= calmare/placare) to appease, to pacify, to soothe; (med) to sedate
• sedare l’ira - to appease wrath
• sedare la sete - to quench thirst
• tenere un paziente sedato - to keep a patient under sedation
2 (= reprimere) to quell, to repress
• sedare una rissa - to quell a brawl
• sedare una rivolta - to repress a riot
1 to sieve, to riddle, to sift, to screen
• setacciare la farina - to sieve flour
• setacciare la sabbia - to sift sand
2 (= esaminare con cura) to sift (through), to screen; (= perlustrare) to comb, to scour; (= frugare) to rake (through), to root through/among, to trawl
• la polizia ha setacciato tutta la zona alla ricerca dell’evaso - the police have scoured the whole area for the fugitive
• qualcuno ha setacciato le mie carte - somebody has raked through my papers
sfamare / sfamarsi
to feed, to satiate, to appease/to satisfy (sb’s) hunger
• non riesce a sfamare la famiglia - he is not able to feed his family
• per sfamarlo ci vuole altro che un panino - a roll’s not enough to satisfy his hunger
to feed/to satiate oneself, to appease/to satisfy one’s hunger
• col lavoro che ha riesce appena a sfamarsi - with his job it’s all he can do to keep the wolf from the door (have enough money to avert hunger or starvation)
• non ti sei ancora sfamato? - haven’t you eaten your fill yet?
sfottere / sfottersi
(coll) to taunt, to tease
• c’è poco da sfottere - there’s no reason to taunt
• lo sfottono per il suo accento - they tease because of his accent
• vuoi sfottere? - are you taking the piss?
to taunt/to tease each other
to pickpocket, to filch, to lift, to pinch, to nick
• gli hanno sgraffignato l’orologio - his watch was nicked
sincerare / sincerarsi
to assure, to reassure
• l’ho sincerato del nostro interessamento - I assured him of our assistance
1 (= assicurarsi) to make sure, to make certain
• sincerarsi della buona fede di qn - to make certain that sb is in good faith
• si sincerò che fossi stato avvertito - he made sure I had been informed
2 (= controllare) to make sure, to ascertain
• volle sincerarsi che non ci fosse nessuno - he wanted to make sure there was no one
1 (= digerire) to digest
• cibo difficile da smaltire - indigestible food
• smaltire un pasto - to digest a meal
2 (= fare passare) to shake off, to get rid of
• smaltire l’ira - to work off anger
• smaltire qc dormendo - to sleep st off
• smaltire la sbornia - to sober up, to get over one’s hangover, to sober up; (dormendo) to sleep it off
3 (= smerciare) to clear, to dispose of, to sell off/out
• smaltire scorte eccedenti - to dispose of excess stock
• bisogna smaltire le scorte prima di fare nuovi ordini - the stock must be sold off before reordering
4 (rifiuti e simili) to dispose of; (liquidi) to drain (off/away)
• smaltire le acque piovane - to drain off rainwater
5 (lavoro) to clear up, to get through, to deal with, to carry out, to finish off
• smaltire la corrispondenza - to deal with correspondence (mail)
• smaltire pratiche arretrate - to clear up pending cases
smascherare / smascherarsi
1 to unmask
2 (fig) to expose, to unmask, to reveal, (qualcosa di losco) to blow the lid off (sth)
• smascherare uno scandalo - to expose a scandal
• smascherare un traditore - to unmask a traitor
• ho smascherato il suo gioco - I revealed what he was up to
• l’assassino fu smascherato - the murderer was exposed
to unmask (anche fig), to remove one’s mask • con quel gesto si è smascherato - with that gesture he showed himself in his true light
soffermare / soffermarsi
(= trattenere) to linger on, to dwell on
• soffermare l’attenzione su qn/qc - to dwell on sb/sth
• soffermò lo sguardo sul sole che tramontava - he let his gaze linger on the setting sun
(= fermarsi alquanto) to stop, to pause; (= indugiare) to dwell, to linger, (su argomenti, anche) to enlarge, to expand, to spread
• soffermarsi a guardare le vetrine - to stop to look in the shop windows
• si soffermò a pensare - he paused to think
• non mi soffermerò a lungo su questo punto - I won’t dwell long on this point
• venne al sodo, senza soffermarsi sui particolari - he came to the point without going into details
• potresti soffermarti su quest’ultimo punto? - could you enlarge on this last point?
1 (= scandagliare), (anche fig) to sound, to fathom, to plumb
• sondare le profondità marine - to sound the marine depths
• sondare gli spazi stellari - to send a probe into outer space
2 (med) to sound, to probe
• sondare lo stomaco - to sound the stomach
3 (min) to survey, to explore, to drill
• sondare il suolo - to survey the ground/soil
4 (= saggiare) to probe, to sound out; (= intervistare) to poll; (atteggiamenti, opinioni mediante votazione) to ballot, to poll
• sondare le opinioni/le intenzioni di qn - to sound out sb’s opinions/intentions
• sondare il terreno (fig) - to spy out the land, to find out/to see how the land lies
• sondare gli umori del pubblico - to test the mood of the public
(intransitive verb)
1 (= arrivare improvvisamente) to arrive unexpectedly, to show up
• sopraggiunsero altri ospiti quando la festa stava per finire - other guests arrived unexpectedly when the party was almost over
• sopraggiunse la notizia della disgrazia - the news of the disaster broke
2 (= accadere improvvisamente) to intervene, to arise, to crop up, to happen suddenly
• dopo un buon inizio, sono sopraggiunti gli ostacoli - after a good start, obstacles suddenly cropped up
• se non sopraggiungono complicazioni, sarà dimesso in settimana - if no complications arise, he will be discharged by the end of the week
• stava per espatriare quando sopraggiunse la guerra - he was about to expatriate when the war intervened
3 (= accadere in aggiunta ad altro) to supervene
• è sopraggiunta l’infezione alla ferita - infection supervened on the wound
(transitive verb)
1 (= cogliere di sorpresa) to take by surprise, to occur to
• lo sopraggiunse uno strano pensiero - a strange thought occurred to him
• ci sopraggiunse un forte vento di tramontana - a strong north wind took us by surprise
2 (= raggiungere) to reach, to catch up with
• la volpe fu sopraggiunta dai cani - the dogs caught up with the fox
1.1 (= sorseggiare) to sip, to drink slowly
• sorbire un cognac - to sip a cognac
1.2 (= aspirare) to suck
• sorbire aranciata con una cannuccia - to suck orangeade through a straw
2 (= sopportare) to put up with, to bear with, to sit through
• si è dovuto sorbire l’intera conferenza - he had to sit through the whole lecture
• gli impiegati devono sorbire il cattivo carattere del direttore - the staff have to put up with the manager’s difficult character
1 to brush
• spazzolare un abito - to brush a dress/a suit
• spazzolare la schiena di qn - (fig) to beat sb up
2 (= ripulire) (fig) to clean out
• gli hanno completamente spazzolato la casa - they cleaned out his house
3 (= mangiare con appetito) (popol) to eat up, to polish off, to devour, to wolf down, to gobble up
• gli ospiti hanno spazzolato tutto il buffet - the guests polished off the whole buffet meal
spogliare / spogliarsi
1 (= denudare) to undress, to strip, to strip off (sb’s clothes)
• spogliare qn con gli occhi - to strip sb mentally, to undress sb with one’s eyes
• spoglia il bambino e mettilo a letto - undress the baby and put him to bed
2 (= privare) to strip (away); to divest, to bare, to denude, to shear
• spogliare un albero - to bare a tree
• spogliare una chiesa degli arredi sacri - to strip a church of the holy furnishings
• fu spogliato di ogni privilegio - he was stripped of all privileges
• spogliò il discorso di ogni retorica - he divested his speech of all rhetoric
• fui spogliato della mia forza - I was shorn of my strength
3 (= depredare) to strip, to plunder, to dispossess, to rob, to despoil
• spogliare la città - to sack the city
• l’hanno spogliato al gioco - they took the shirt off his back at gambling
• i ladri la spogliarono di tutti i gioielli - the thieves robbed her of all her jewels
• è stato spogliato di tutti i suoi averi - he has been stripped of all his possessions
4 (= fare lo spoglio) to sift (through); (in votazioni) to count
• spogliare la corrispondenza - to sift through the post
• spogliare le schede elettorali - to count votes
1 (= denudarsi) to undress, to get undressed, to strip (oneself), to strip off one’s clothes
• spogliarsi completamente - to strip naked
• si spogliò e si tuffò in acqua - she got undressed and dived into the water
2 (= cambiare la pelle) (zool) to molt
• nel periodo della muta i serpenti si spogliano - in the molting season snakes shed their skins
3 (= privarsi) to deprive oneself (of), to give up
• si è spogliato di tutto per i figli - he gave up everything for his children
4 (= abbandonare) to strip oneself (of), to get rid (of), to divest oneself (of)
• spogliarsi di abitudini inveterate - to strip oneself of old habits
• spogliarsi dei pregiudizi - to get rid of prejudices
5 (= diventare spoglio, di alberi e simili) to shed/to lose leaves
• con l’approssimarsi dell’autunno gli alberi si spogliano - the trees lose their leaves as autumn approaches
to shake violently, to toss
• la barca veniva squassata dalla tempesta - the boat was tossed by the storm
• il suo petto era squassato dalla tosse - his chest was racked by coughing
• il vento squassò le vele - the wind shook the sails violently
1 (= fare uscire) to flush out, to rout out, (animali, anche) to start
• è difficile stanarlo durante il fine settimana - it’s hard to get him to go out at weekends
• i cani stanarono la volpe • the dogs routed out the fox
• i rapinatori furono stanati dalla polizia - the robbers were flushed out by the police
2 (= scoprire) to track down, to hound down, to run to ground
• non siamo riusciti a stanarlo - we didn’t manage to track him down
3 (fig) to bring into the open, to flush out
• la votazione per alzata di mano stanò gli oppositori - the voting by show of hands brought the opponents into the open
stanziare / stanziarsi
1 to appropriate, to allocate, to allot, to grant; (mediante votazione) to vote; (in preventivo) to budget; (= destinare) to appropriate
• stanziare una somma di denaro per un progetto - to appropriate a sum of money for a project
• stanziare una somma per le vacanze - to budget a sum for one’s holidays
2 (cont) to enter, to record
(= insediarsi) to settle
• stanziarsi in un nuovo territorio - to resettle
1 to see badly, to see wrongly
• avrò straveduto, non era certo lei - I must have made a mistake, it certainly wasn’t her
• Stravedo o c’è una gallina nel mio giardino? - Am I seeing sth that isn’t there or is there a chicken in the yard?
2 to be crazy about sb
• stravedere per i figli - to dote on one’s children
• stravedere per qn - to dote on sb
1 (= frugare qua e là) to pick, to poke
• stuzzicarsi i denti - to pick one’s teeth
• non stuzzicare la ferita! - don’t pick at the scab!
2 (= molestare) to tease, to provoke
• non stuzzicarlo! - don’t tease him!
• non stuzzicare il cane che dorme - let sleeping dogs lie
• smettila di stuzzicare il gatto! - stop provoking/teasing the cat!
3 (= stimolare) to stimulate, to excite, to stir, to whet, to rouse
• stuzzicare i sensi - to excite/to stir the senses
• la notizia stuzzicò la mia curiosità - the news roused my curiosity
• questo antipasto stuzzica l’appetito - this hors d’oeuvre whets the appetite!
(= rapinare) to rob, to stick up, to hold up; (case e simili) to burgle, to burglarize, to ransack, to clean out
• svaligiare una banca - to stick up/to rob a bank
• la sua casa è stata svaligiata due volte negli ultimi cinque mesi - his house has been burgled twice over the past five months
• hanno svaligiato il furgone blindato - they robbed the armoured van
• i ragazzi mi svaligiano il frigorifero - the children clean out my fridge
(= vessare) to harass, to pester; (= maltrattare) to maltreat, to ill-treat
• tartassare uno strumento - to thump on a musical instrument, to play an instrument badly
• tartassare la tastiera - to hammer away at the keyboard, to thump on the keyboard
• lo hanno tartassato di domande - they pestered him with questions
• li hanno tartassati di botte - they have beaten them up
• siamo tartassati dalle tasse - we’re taxed left, right and centre
tingere / tingersi
1 to dye, (anche fig) to tint, to tinge; (oggetti di legno) to stain, to paint
• dolore tinto di fatalismo - sorrow tinged with fatalism
• tingere un vestito - to dye a dress
• voglio tingere tutti i mobili di giallo - I want to paint all the furniture yellow
• voglio tingere di nero il mio abito bianco - I want to dye my white dress black
2 (= macchiare) to stain; (= insudiciare) to dirty, to soil
• tingersi le dita d’inchiostro - to get ink on one’s fingers
3 (= colorare) to color, to tincture, to dye; (a tono lieve) to tinge
1 (= truccarsi) to make (oneself) up
• prima di uscire si tinge sempre - she always makes herself up before she goes out
2 (= colorarsi) to color, to dye, to be tinged
• questa stoffa si tinge bene - this fabric dyes well
• il cielo si tinse di rosso - the sky was tinged with red
3 (fig) to be tinged
• tingersi di rassegnazione - to be tinged with resignation
4 (= macchiarsi) to stain; (= insudiciarsi) to get dirty
1 to press
• torchiare a freddo - to cold-press
• torchiare olive - to press olives
2 (fig) to put through the mill, to grill, to pump
• torchiare qn - to give sb a grilling
• la polizia lo ha proprio torchiato - the police really put him through the mill
to guzzle down, to gulp (down), to knock back, to down
• hanno tracannato due bottiglie di birra a testa - they knocked back two bottles of beer each
1.1 (= tirare/trascinare) to draw, to haul, to pull
• trainare un carro - to pull/to draw a cart
• trainare un rimorchio - to pull a trailer
• due cavalli trainavano la carrozza - two horses were drawing the carriage
1.2 (= rimorchiare) to tug, to haul, to (have in) tow
• essere trainato - to be on tow
• trainare una roulotte - to have a caravan on tow
• l’auto fu trainata in officina - the car was towed to a garage
2 (fig) to drive, to stimulate
• la sua allegria traina tutti - his cheerfulness is infectious
(intransitive) to faint, to pass out
• stava per tramortire - she was about to pass out
(transitive) to knock out, to knock unconscious
• un colpo in testa lo tramortì - a blow to the head knocked him out
1(= stillare/gocciolare) to seep, to weep, to transpire, (spec med) to transude, (anche fig) to exude, to ooze
• l’acqua trasudava da una crepa - water was seeping through a crack
• il siero trasudò dalla ferita per un mese - serum continued to ooze from the wound for a month
2 (= emettere/mandar fuori) to transpire, to ooze, to exude, to perspire
• il vaso trasuda acqua - water oozes through the vase
• le piante trasudano acqua - plants transpire water
• la parete trasuda umidità - the wall oozes dampness
3 (= rivelare) to reveal, to ooze, to show
• trasudare cortesia - to ooze (with) politeness
• le sue parole non hanno trasudato niente - his words revealed nothing
to triturate, to crush, to grind (up), to pulverize
• triturare il grano - to grind corn
• triturare minerali - to pulverize minerals
• triturare i rifiuti - to crush refuse
to fog up, to steam up
- (tagliare, corteccia, legno) to cut into, to carve
(scolpire, pietra) to engrave
• incidere un’iscrizione su - to engrave an inscription on
• incidere ad acquaforte - to etch
• incidere una ferita (Medicine) - to lance a wound - (canzone) to record
• incidere un disco - to make a record
• incidere su - to influence, to affect, to have a bearing upon
• le spese di riscaldamento incidono molto sull’economia domestica - heating costs are an important item of household expenditure
abbigliare / abbigliarsi
- to dress, to dress up, to deck out, to robe (formal)
• abbigliarono la bimba con un abito rosa - the little girl was decked out in a pink gown - to adorn, to bedeck
to dress (oneself) up, to smarten oneself up • abbigliarsi per una festa - to dress up for a party • la domenica tutto il paese si abbigliava a festa - on Sundays the whole village dressed up
1 to match, to couple, to twin
• abbinare male - to mismatch
• non sa proprio abbinare i colori - he really doesn’t know how to match colors
• ha una camicia da abbinare a questi pantaloni? - have you got a shirt to go with these trousers?
2 (= binare) (tess) to couple, to double
abbonare / abbonarsi
anche abbuonare
1.1 (= ridurre) to deduct, to take off
• hanno abbonato la metà delle spese di spedizione - they took off half the forwarding charges
1.2 (= condonare) to remit, to waive
• abbonare un debito - to remit a debt
• abbonare una multa - to waive a fine
2 (= perdonare) to forgive
(anche fig) to calm down
1 (= prendere) to catch, to snare
• accalappiare cani randagi - to catch stray dogs
2 (fig) to trap, to hook, to ensnare
• lasciarsi accalappiare - to fall into the trap, to get hooked
acconciare / acconciarsi
1.1 (= preparare/disporre) to prepare, to arrange, to adjust
• acconciare i fiori in un vaso - to arrange flowers in a vase
1.2 (= riparare) to mend, to repair
• acconciò il danno in pochi minuti - he repaired the damage in next to no time
1.3 (= risolvere) to settle, to sort out
• acconciare una disputa - to settle a dispute
2.1 (= adornare) to decorate, to adorn, to deck, to dress
• acconciare i capelli a qn - to dress sb’s hair
• acconciare un abito con ricami - to decorate a dress with embroidery
2.2 (= riassettare) to straighten up, to tidy up
• ti dispiace acconciare il salotto? - will you straighten up the sitting room, please?
2.3 (= pettinare) to comb, to do (one’s hair)
• acconciare i capelli con cura - to do one’s hair with care
2.4 (= conciare) (iron) to beat, to thrash
• acconciare qn per le feste - to beat sb’s ass, to thrash sb’s hide
1 (= prepararsi) to get ready, to set about
2 (= abbigliarsi) to dress up, to deck oneself out, to spruce oneself up
• acconciarsi per una festa - to dress up for a party
3 (= adattarsi) to comply, to conform, to adapt
• ci acconciammo alla nuova vita - we adapted to the new way of life
• si acconciò alle nuove norme - he complied with the new norms.
acuire / acuirsi
to sharpen, to intensify
• acuire l’ingegno/la vista - to sharpen one’s wits/one’s eyesight
• acuire il proprio senso di fiducia - to boost one’s self-confidence
• la cecità gli ha acuito gli altri sensi - blindness has sharpened his other senses
to intensify, to sharpen, to worsen
• la crisi si acuì nel giro di pochi giorni - the crisis worsened in the space of a few days
addobbare / addobbarsi
1) to deck, to dress, to decorate (anche culin)
• addobbare una strada con luminarie - to deck a street with lamps
• addobberemo la casa per la festa - we’ll decorate the house for the party
2) (fig, scherz) to spruce up, to dress/to doll up
• addobbarono la bimba da fatina - they dressed the little girl up as a fairy
(= adornarsi) to dress/to doll (oneself) up, to spruce/to smarten oneself up, to deck oneself out
• si addobbò e andò alla festa - he dressed up in his Sunday best and went to the party
• dove vai così addobbato? - where are you going all dolled up like that?
affinare / affinarsi
1 (= affilare) to sharpen (up)
• affinare la punta a una matita - to sharpen a pencil
2.1 (= aguzzare, anche fig) to sharpen, to whet
• affinare la mente - to sharpen one’s mind
• affinare l’ingegno - to sharpen one’s wits
2.2 (= assottigliare) to fine down, to thin down, to whittle down, to make thin(ner)
• affinare un legno - to whittle down a piece of wood
3 (= raffinare) (metall) to refine, to purify
• affinare l’oro - to purify gold
4 (= perfezionare) to refine, to polish up, to improve, to fine-tune; (teorie e simili) to fine down
• affinare lo stile - to polish up one’s style
• le difficoltà affinano l’ingegno - necessity is the mother of invention
5 (= incivilire) to civilize, to refine
• affinare il gusto - to refine taste
1 (= assottigliarsi) to thin down, to become thin(ner), to fine down
• si è affinato troppo! - he has lost too much weight!
2 (= migliorarsi) to improve, to be perfected
• le sue capacità si sono affinate con l’esercizio - his skills have been perfected by practice
1 (org az) to file, (anche elab) to archive; (buroc) to put in the archive
• archiviare una lettera to file a letter
• archiviare in ordine alfabetico - to file alphabetically, to file in alphabetical order
• archiviare in ordine di data to file by date
2 (= accantonare) to shelve, (US) to table
• per il momento il piano è stato archiviato for the moment the plan has been shelved
3 (leg) to dismiss
• archiviare un caso to dismiss a case
arrotondare / arrotondarsi
1 (math) to round
• arrotondare per difetto - to round down (to)
• arrotondare per eccesso - to round up (to)
2 (= integrare) to supplement, to eke out
• arrotondare il reddito familiare - to supplement the family income
3 (= dare forma rotonda) to round, to make round
1 to become round
2 (spec di donne) to round out, to fill out, to plump out/up
• con l’età si è arrotondata - she’s filled out with age
arruolare / arruolarsi
(= reclutare, anche mil) to recruit, to enrol, to enlist, to conscript, (US) to induct, to draft
• arruolare l’equipaggio di una nave - to recruit a ship’s crew
to join up, to sign up, to enlist
• arruolarsi come volontario - to volunteer
• arruolarsi nell’esercito - to sign up for the army
• arruolarsi nella Legione straniera - to enlist in the Foreign Legio
1 to claw
2 (fig) to clutch, to grasp
1 (= circondare) to besiege, (anche fig) to lay siege to
• il nemico assediò la città - the enemy besieged the city
2.1 (= bloccare) to block, to isolate
• la neve assediò il paese - snow isolated the village
2.2 (= attorniare) to crowd round, to beset, to mob
• era assediato dalle ammiratrici - he was mobbed by admirers
3.1 (= importunare) to besiege, to pester, to ply
• lo assediò finché non ottenne ciò che voleva - she pestered him till she got what she wanted
• lo assediarono di domande - they plied him with questions
3.2 (= circuire) to harass
• assediare una donna - to harass a woman
1 to grip with pincers
2 (= stringere) to clutch, to grasp attanagliare
• il collo a qn - to grasp sb round the neck
3 (= assillare) to torment, to obsess
• è attanagliato dal rimorso - he is tormented by remorse
atteggiare / atteggiarsi
to set (spec il volto), to posture (raro) • atteggiare la bocca ad un sorriso - to turn one’s mouth up into a smile
to posture, to pose (as), to set oneself up (as); (= fingersi) to act
• atteggiarsi a grand’uomo - to give oneself airs, to lord it
• atteggiarsi a vittima - to act the victim
• si atteggia a presidente dell’azienda - he acts as though he were the company chairman
1 (anche assol) (= aspettare) to wait (for), to await
• attendere con ansia - to await anxiously
• sono ore che attendiamo! - we’ve been waiting for hours!
• è arrivata la conferma che attendevamo - the confirmation we were waiting for has arrived
• attese il suo ritorno per tutta la vita - she spent her whole life waiting for his return
2 (= aspettarsi) to expect
• ormai non si attendeva più nulla dalla vita - he no longer expected anything from life
1 (= dedicarsi) to attend (to), to apply/to devote oneself (to), to see (to), to deal (with)
• attendere alle cure della famiglia - to devote oneself to looking after the family
• attendere al proprio lavoro con grande dedizione - to deal with one’s work with great dedication
2 (= badare) to look (after), to attend (to), to take care (of), to mind (vt), to tend (vt), to nurse (vt)
• è lei che attende alla vecchia madre - she’s the one who nurses their old mother
1 (= attrarre) to pull, to catch, to draw, to attract; (folla, spettatori) to pack in
• attirare l’attenzione di qn - to draw sb’s attention
• attirare capitali/investimenti esteri - to attract foreign capital/investment
• attirare clienti - to draw customers
• questo articolo attirerà molti lettori - this article will draw a lot of readers
• la calamita attira il ferro - a magnet attracts iron
• gli alberi attirano i fulmini - trees attract lightning strikes
2 (= allettare) to allure, to lure, to entice, to beckon
• attirare con lusinghe - to lure with flattery
• fu attirato dal miraggio di una vita spensierata - he was lured by the mirage of a carefree existence
3 (= avvincere) to captivate, to intrigue, to involve
• fui attirato dal suo fascino - I was captivated by his charm
4 (= causare) to bring (on/to/upon)
• la guerra attira sofferenze e sventure - war brings suffering and hardships
5 (= cattivarsi) to win, to attract
• attirare le simpatie di qn - to win sb’s sympathy
6 (= risucchiare) to suck
• essere attirato in una situazione - to be sucked into a situation
avviluppare / avvilupparsi
1 (= ingarbugliare) to tangle (up), to entangle; (fig) to shroud, to enshroud, to wreathe, to wrap
• non far avviluppare i fili! - don’t let the strands get tangled!
2 (= avvolgere) to envelop, to wrap (up), to engulf
• avviluppò il bambino in una coperta e corse via - she wrapped the baby in a blanket and ran away
• la casa era avviluppata dalle fiamme - the house was engulfed in flames
1 (= avvolgersi) to wrap/to roll oneself up, to bundle up
• si avviluppò nello scialle e fuggì - she wrapped herself up in the shawl and fled
2 (fig) (raro) to get entangled (in), to become involved (in)
3 (= ingarbugliarsi/impigliarsi) to mat, to twine, to entangle oneself, to get tangled (up)
• la pecora si avviluppò nel filo spinato - the sheep got tangled up in the barbed wire
azzardare / azzardarsi
(anche assol) (= arrischiare) to risk, to venture, to gamble, to hazard, to jeopardize, to take chances
azzardare un’ipotesi - to hazard a guess, to venture a suggestion
• azzardare un’opinione - to venture an opinion
• azzardare tutto il capitale in un’impresa - to risk all one’s capital in a venture, to put all one’s eggs in one basket
• è molto prudente, non azzarda mai - he is very prudent, he never takes chances
1 (= avventurarsi) to venture
• azzardarsi in mare aperto con un gommone - to venture out to sea in a rubber dinghy
2 (= osare) to dare
• dopo il litigio non si azzardò a farsi vivo - after the argument he didn’t dare to show up
1 (bersaglio) to hit the bullseye, to be dead on
• azzeccare il bersaglio - to hit the target
2 (fig) (indovinare, risposta, pronostico) to guess correctly, to get sth right
• azzeccare la risposta - to guess the answer correctly
• non ne azzecca mai una - he never gets anything right
3 (coll) to have to do with
• che ci azzecca? - what’s that got to do with it?
(luoghi) to haunt, to frequent; (persone) to frequent, to knock about with, to hobnob with, to consort with
• bazzicare cattive compagnie - to hobnob with bad company
• bazzicare (in) un luogo - to frequent a place
• bazzicare strane persone - to consort with strange people
to loiter, to hang out, to frequent
• quel tale bazzica spesso qui - that chap often hangs out here
1 (= fasciare, anche med) to bandage, to dress, to swathe, to strap (up)
• bendare una ferita - to dress a wound
2 (= impedire la vista) to blindfold, to bandage
• bendare gli occhi a qn (fig) - to confuse sb, to befuddle sb
• bendare un prigioniero - to blindfold a prisoner
3 (mar) to parcel
• bendare un cavo - to parcel a rope
1 to capitalize, to compute the current value of
• capitalizzare una rendita - to capitalize a rent
2 (finance) to compound, to capitalize
• capitalizzare gli interessi - to compound interest
caricare / caricarsi
1 (= mettere a bordo) to load, to ship, to freight; (= prendere a bordo) to take aboard/on board, to load, to take on; (assol) to load cargo, to take on cargo
• caricare a massa/alla rinfusa - to load in bulk
• caricare in auto (= dare un passaggio) - to pick up
• caricare merci (per il trasporto) - to take on freight
• caricare merci su una nave - to load cargo on board a ship
• caricare una nave - to load a ship
• caricare su un veicolo - to onload
2.1 (= appesantire) to load, to burden, to charge
• non voglio caricarmi la memoria di tanti dettagli - I don’t want to burden my memory with so many details
2.2 (= gravare) to load (down/up), to burden, to encumber, to saddle
• caricare qn di bagagli - to load sb up with luggage
• caricare qn di tasse - to saddle sb with taxes
• lo hanno caricato di troppe responsabilità - they saddled him with too much responsibility
• mi hanno caricato di compiti - they saddled me with a lot of homework
3 (= esagerare) to exaggerate, to emphasize, (racconti, ecc) (teatro) (anche) to overact, to overdo
• caricare la mano - to be heavy-handed, to exaggerate
• caricare le tinte (fig) - to lay it on thick
• ha caricato il racconto per renderlo più avvincente - he exaggerated the story to make it sound more enthralling
• quell’attore carica la parte - that actor overacts his part
4 (foto) (ecc) to load; (meccanismi a molla) to wind (up); (= riempire) to fill
• caricare una cassetta in un giranastri - to load a cassette into a player
• caricare una macchina fotografica - to load a camera
• caricare una stufa - to fill a stove
• carica la sveglia prima di andare a letto - he winds up the alarm clock before going to bed
5 (arma) to charge, to prime, to load
• caricò la pistola per ogni evenienza - he loaded the pistol just in case
6 (spec mil) to rush (at), to make a rush at, (anche assol) to attack, to charge
• caricare qn col proprio cavallo - to ride sb down
• l’esercito nemico caricò il campo all’alba - the enemy army attacked the camp at dawn
• la polizia caricò i dimostranti - the police charged at the demonstrators
• il toro sta caricando the bull is charging
7 (sport) to tackle, to charge
• il difensore caricò l’attaccante - the full-back charged the forward
8 (electronics) to load
• caricare automaticamente - to boot
• carica il programma prima di iniziare a digitare - load the program before you start typing
• prima di adoperarlo, questo aggeggio va caricato con le pile - before use, this device must be loaded with batteries
9 (commercio) to charge, to add
• tutte le spese vanno caricate ai fornitori - all expenses are paid by the suppliers
• i costi addizionali saranno caricati sul prezzo finale - extra charges will be added onto the final price
1 to burden/to overburden oneself (with), to take on oneself
• si carica di impegni - he takes on too many commitments/engagements
2 (fig) to psych oneself up, to wind/to charge oneself up
• il giocatore si sta caricando per la partita - the player is getting psyched up for the game
• prima di affrontarlo devo caricarmi - before dealing with him, I have to charge myself up
1 to piss about, to fuck around, to do fuck all
2 to talk bullshit
1 (di uccelli) to sing, to chirp, to chirrup, to tweet, to twitter
2.1 (fig) (spec di bambini) to prattle, to babble
• il bimbo cinguettava nel passeggino - the baby was babbling in the pushchair
2.2 (di persone) to chirp, to chatter
• le signore cinguettavano nel salotto - the ladies were chattering in the drawing-room
(far dondolare) to dangle, to swing
• ciondolare la testa - to loll one’s head
• ciondolare le gambe da seduto - to swing one’s legs while sitting
1 to dangle, to hang loosely, to swing
• le braccia ciondolavano lungo i fianchi - his arms hung loosely at his sides
2 (fig) (bighellonare) to hang around, loaf (about), to lounge
• l’ubriaco camminava ciondolando - the drunk swayed from side to side as he walked
• ciondolare per la casa - to loaf around the house
1 (in cattivo stato) to get dirty, to get oneself into a bad state, (ridursi male) to get into a mess
• ti sei conciato da buttare via - you’ve really gotten yourself into a horrendous state
2 (vestirsi male) to dress badly, to be wearing terrible clothes
• ma guarda come si è conciata! - what on earth has she got on?
(felicitarsi, complimentarsi) to congratulate
• mi congratulo con voi per la vittoria - I congratulate you on your victory
1 to imitate, to copy, to mimic
• contraffare la voce - to imitate a voice
2 to counterfeit, to forge, to fake
• contraffare una firma - to forge a signature
• contraffare merce - to counterfeit goods
crivellare (di)
to riddle (with), to riddle with holes, to make/shoot holes in • crivellare un muro di pallottole - to riddle a wall with bullets
1 (scandire, enunciare) dictate, articulate
2 (indicare, stabilire) dictate, instruct
3 (prescrivere, comandare) prescribe, order
4 (imporre) impose
• dettare legge - lay down the law
to disdain, to scorn
dotare (di)
1 (persone o istituzioni) to endow
• dotare una biblioteca - to endow a library
• ha dotato la figlia di numerose proprietà - he endowed his daughter with numerous properties
2.1 (= fornire) (attrezzature) to equip with, to provide or supply with
• dotare una città di spazi verdi - to provide a town with parks
2.2 (fig) to endue, to endow (with), to gift
• la natura l’ha dotata di ingegno acuto - nature has endowed her with a keen mind
1 (palo, quadro) to straighten
2 (innalzare, antenna, muro) to erect
3 (volgere, sguardo, occhi) to turn, to direct
• drizzare le orecchie - to prick up one’s ears
to give (generously), to bestow, to lavish
1 (pianta) to uproot, to pull up
2 (dente) to extract
3 (tumore) to remove
4 (figurative) (vizio) to eradicate
to whistle
1 (dubbi, incertezze) to dispel, to drive out, to chase away
gongolare (per)
to look pleased with o.s. (about)
• gongolare di gioia - to be overjoyed
1 (sotto forma di balle) to bale/bundle
• imballare il fieno - to bale hay
2 (in contenitori, impacchettare) to pack/package, to wrap (up)
• imballare i libri per il trasloco - to package books for delivery
3 (automobiles) (motore) to race, to rev up (informal)
1 (cucire) to tack/baste
• imbastire un vestito - to tack a suit
2 (fig) to outline, to sketch out
• imbastire un programma - to outline a program
- (disturbare) to bother, to disturb
• non vorrei importunarti con le mie richieste - I don’t want to bother you with my requests
• mi perdoni se la importuno - please excuse me if I’m bothering you - (molestare) to pester, to annoy; (sessualmente) to harass
• importunare una ragazza - to harass a young girl
1 to make bad/wicked
• Gli anni di prigione lo hanno incattivito. - The years in prison made him wicked.
2 to make bitter, to become embittered
• Con la vecchiaia si è incattivito. - He got bitter with age.
1 (gen) to incinerate
2 (casa, albero) to burn (down), to burn to ashes
• Il fulmine ha incenerito l’albero. - The lightning reduced the tree to ashes.
3 to crush
• incenerire l’esercito nemico - to crush the enemy army
4 (fig) to give sb a nasty look
• (fig) incenerire qn con uno sguardo - to give sb a nasty look
to arouse, to inspire, to command
• incutere timore/rispetto - to inspire fear/respect
• incutere rispetto a qn - to command sb’s respect
• incutere paura a qn - to strike fear into sb
• incutere soggezione a qn - to cow sb
indurire / indurirsi
(anche fig) (cuore) to harden
• viene usato per indurire l’acciaio - it’s used to harden steel
• indurire i muscoli - to harden one’s muscles
• il dolore gli ha indurito il cuore - the grief hardened his heart
to harden, to get hard; (fig) to become callous
• il pane di ieri si è indurito - the day-old bread got hard
• il suo carattere si è indurito - his character grew callous
infagottare / infagottarsi
to bundle up, to wrap up; (fig) (di abiti) to bundle up
• essere infagottato - to be well wrapped up
• infagotta bene i bambini e portali fuori - bundle the children up and take them out
to wrap (o.s.) up
(pacchetto) to tie up with ribbons
ingarbugliare / ingarbugliarsi
1 (fili, corde) to tangle
• ingarbugliare i fili - to get wires tangled up
2 (fig) (situazione) to complicate, to muddle, to confuse
• ingarbugliare una faccenda - to complicate a matter
1 (fili, corde, capelli) to get tangled
• le cose si ingarbugliano - the plot thickens
• il filo si è ingarbugliato - the string/wire got tangled
• la questione si è ingarbugliata - the issue has gotten confused
2 (fig) (situazione) to become confused or muddled
• ingarbugliarsi per l’emozione - to get confused on account of emotion
• all’esame si è ingarbugliato - he got flustered at the exam
innervosire / innervosirsi
1 to irritate/annoy, to make nervous
• Tutte quelle domande lo hanno innervosito. - All of those questions got on his nerves.
• il traffico mi innervosisce - the traffic gets on my nerves
• non innervosite il capo - don’t get the boss worked up
• questo fracasso mi innervosisce - this mess is getting on my nerves
2 to fluster, to cause to be worried or nervous; to agitate
3 to rattle, to upset and confuse (a person)
to get nervous, to get flustered, (coll) to get windy, to pick up steam, to get (all) steamed-up
• quando è stanca, si innervosisce per un nonnulla - when she is tired, she gets into a tizzy over nothing
• si innervosì per le mie osservazioni - he got flustered at my remarks
1 (membra) to numb
• questa posizione mi ha intorpidito le gambe - this position has put my legs to sleep
2 (mente) to slow down, to make sluggish, to cloud/dull
• intorpidire l’ingegno - to dull one’s wits
• l’alcol intorpidisce la mente - alcohol clouds the mind.
(fare irruzione) to break/burst into, to raid
• gli agenti irruppero nell’abitazione - the agents burst into the house
• i suoi legali irruppero nella stanza e fecero rinviare la riunione - his lawyers burst into the room and had the meeting postponed
1 (spennare) to pluck
• pelare un pollo - to pluck a chicken
2 (spellare) to skin
3 (sbucciare) to peel, to pare
• pelare le patate - to peel potatoes
4 (familiar) (tagliare i capelli) to scalp
• farsi pelare dal barbiere - to get scalped by the barber
5 to rip off, to fleece
• ti hanno pelato! (di capelli) - they’ve scalped you!
• in quel negozio ti pelano - they make you pay through the nose in that shop
• In quel bar ci hanno pelato. - We got fleeced in that bar.
1 (bere) to sip, to nurse
• centellinare un liquore - to nurse a drink
2 (fig) to savor
• centellinare una vacanza - to savor a vacation
3 (fig) to stretch out, to ration, to conserve
• centellinare le forze - to conserve one’s strength
• centellinare il denaro - to make one’s money stretch
• centellinare le parole - to use words sparingly
(negoziare) to negotiate
• patteggiare una tregua - to negotiate a truce
1 to negotiate, to bargain
• patteggiare con le istituzioni - to negotiate with institutions
2 (scendere a compromesso) to compromise, to come to terms with, to reach an agreement
• patteggiare con la propria coscienza - to compromise with one’s conscience
- (mettere) (gen) to place, to put; (colpo) to land, to place
• piazzare la lampada al centro del tavolo - to place the lamp at the center of the table - (business) (vendere) to place, to sell, to market
• piazzare una merce presso un rivenditore - to place goods with a retailer
• piazzare titoli sul mercato azionario - to sell shares on the stock market
(adirarsi) to get annoyed; (preoccuparsi) to get upset, to worry
• prendersela a male - to take offence
• prendersela con qn - to get angry with sb
• perché te la prendi sempre con me? - why do you always pick on me?
• prendersela comoda - to take it easy
1 (moltiplicarsi) to proliferate, to multiply, to spring/sprout up
• gli insetti pullulano - the insects are multiplying
2 (essere pieno) to swarm/teem with
• Lo stagno pullulava di rane. - The pond was teeming with frogs.
• il fiume pullula di pesci - the river is teeming with fish
• la piazza pullulava di turisti - the square was swarming with tourists
• in questa zona i ristoranti cinesi pullulano - there are lots of Chinese restaurants in this area
1 (di polli, ecc) to scratch about, to root, to hen-scratch
• le galline razzolavano sull’aia - the chickens were scratching about in the yard
2 (= frugare) (fig) to rummage, to root (about/around)
• lo trovai a razzolare tra la mia roba - I found him rummaging around in my belongings
(consegnare) to deliver
• recapitare una raccomandata - to deliver a registered letter
• non recapitato - undelivered
• recapitare una lettera/un pacco - to deliver a letter/a parcel
• le faccio recapitare i documenti al più presto - I’ll have the documents delivered to you as soon as possible
(considerare) to consider, to deem, to judge
• La reputavo più intelligente. - I thought she was more intelligent.
• reputare qn intelligente - to consider or judge sb (to be) intelligent
• reputo che si possa fare - I think it can be done
• se lo reputerai opportuno - if you think it advisable
1 (con un gancio) to rehook
2 (vagone) to re-couple
3 (telecommunications) to hang up
• riagganciare (il ricevitore) - to hang up
• non riagganciare, premi il pulsante e rifai il numero - don’t hang up, press the button and redial
1 (lacci) to retie
2 (cravatta) to reknot
3 (fig) (amicizia) to renew
• riannodare i rapporti con qn - to re-establish ties/a relationship with sb
1 (tagliare) to trim
• rifilare un orlo - to hem
2 (coll) to give, to palm sth off on sb, to dump sth on sb
• rifilare un incaricoto - dump a chore on sb
• Gli ha rifilato due pugni in faccia. - He gave him two punches in the face.
• gli ho rifilato un ceffone - I gave him a slap
- (rimborsare) to refund, to reimburse
• rifondere le spese a qn - to refund sb’s expenses
• rifondere i danni a qn - to compensate sb for damages - (metalli, cera) to remelt, to melt down again
3 (= rimaneggiare) to rewrite
• rifondere l’introduzione a un libro - to rewrite the introduction to a book
1 (ricordare) to remember with sadness/nostalgia, to mourn
• rimpiangere un’amica scomparsa - to mourn for a lost friend
• rimpiangere i vecchi tempito have nostalgia - for the past
2 (dispiacersi) to regret, to rue
• Rimpiango di averlo detto. - I regret having said it.
• ora rimpiange di non essere andato all’università - he regrets not having gone to university
1 to propose, to intend, to resolve
• Mi sono ripromesso di andarla a trovare in ospedale. - I intended to go and see her in the hospital.
• mi riprometto di ultimare il lavoro entro i termini - I intend to finish the job on time
• il governo si ripromette di sanare il deficit - it is the government’s intentions to heal the deficit
2 (= sperare) to hope (for), to expect
• si ripromette un grosso guadagno - he expects handsome profits
to reimburse, to refund, to compensate/indemnify
• risarcire le spese - to reimburse for expenses
• risarcire qlcu di un torto - to compensate sb for a wrong
• risarcire qn di qc - to compensate sb for sth
• risarcire i danni a qn - to pay sb damages
ritirare / ritirarsi
- (mano, braccio) to pull back
• ritirare la mano dal fuoco - to pull one’s hand back from the flame
2 (= togliere dalla circolazione) to withdraw (i.e. from campaign, race, position, etc); (= togliere dalla circolazione) to recall, to withdraw
• ritirare dal commercio - to recall
• ritirare dal servizio - to decommission
• ritirare una moneta dalla circolazione - to take a coin out of circulation
• ritirare qc gradualmente/per fasi - to phase sth out
• gli articoli difettosi sono stati tutti ritirati - all the faulty items have been recalled
• ritirare le truppe da un territorio occupato - to withdraw troops from occupied territory
3 (soldi) to withdraw, to take out
• ha ritirato dei soldi - he took out some money
4 (certificato, bagaglio) to collect, pick up
• ritirare un pacco alla posta - to pick up a parcel at the post office
• ritirare lo scontrino alla cassato - get a receipt at the cash register
• dove si ritirano i bagagli? - where is the baggage pickup?
5 (bucato) to bring in
• ritira il bucato prima che piova! - bring the clean laundry in before it rains!
- (tirare di nuovo) to pull again; (lanciare di nuovo) to throw again, to to throw/kick/pass (again)
• ritirare la palla - to kick the ball
7 (= revocare) to suspend, to revoke
• gli hanno ritirato la patente - they took away/they suspended his driving licence
8 (= ritrattare) to retract, to take back,
• ritirare un’accusa - to withdraw an accusation
• il teste ha ritirato la deposizione precedente - the witness has retracted his previous statement
• ritiro tutto ciò che ho detto - I withdraw all I said
1.1 (= tirarsi indietro) to back away/off/down, to draw back, to retreat, to withdraw
• si ritirò per non farsi vedere - he backed away so as not to be seen
• al primo ostacolo si sono ritirati - they backed down at the first sign of trouble
1.2 (= ripiegare) to withdraw, to retreat, to turn tail, to pull back/out
• le truppe nemiche si stanno ritirando the enemy troops are retreating
2 (= tornare a casa) to go in, to return home, to go back home
• la sera si ritira sempre tardi - he always goes back home late in the evening
3.1 (= andare ad abitare lontano) to withdraw, to retreat
• ritirarsi in campagna - to retreat/to withdraw to the country, to retire to the country, to go to live in the country
3.2 (= appartarsi) to withdraw, to retire, to retreat, to adjourn
• si è ritirata in camera sua - she has retired to her room
• la corte si ritira - the court adjourns
4 (= andare a letto) to retire, to go to bed, to turn in
• ritirarsi per la notte - to turn in for the night
• ci siamo ritirati dopo mezzanotte - we went to bed after midnight
5 (= abbandonare l’attività) to retire, (coll) to hang up one’s hat
• ritirarsi dalla vita pubblica - to retire from public life
• vuole ritirarsi a cinquant’anni - he wants to retire at fifty
6 (= rinunciare) to back out, to get out, to pull out, to cop out, to withdraw; (sport) to default, to retire, to scratch; (= dimettersi) to stand aside, to withdraw, to step down, to bow out
• ritirarsi da un esame - to withdraw from/to pull out of an exam
• due concorrenti si sono ritirati - two competitors have pulled out
• si è ritirato dalla giuria - he has stepped down from the jury
7 (= disdire) to retreat (from), to reneg (on), to go back (on); (da un’attività) to abstract oneself (from), to withdraw (from)
• tre mesi dopo si ritirarono dall’accordo - three months later they went back on the agreement
• si ritirarono dall’affare e dovettero pagare una penale - they reneged on the deal and had to pay a penalty
8 (= restringersi) to shrink
• questo maglione si è ritirato al primo lavaggio - this sweatshirt shrunk in the first wash
9 (= defluire) to subside, to drain away/off; (della marea) to go out
• la marea si ritirò rapidamente - the tide went out very quickly
to roll/rotate, to twirl/swirl/whirl
• roteare gli occhi - to roll one’s eyes
• roteare un bastone - to twirl a baton
(uccello rapace) to circle, to wheel, to revolve
• l’avvoltoio roteava sul cadavere - the vulture revolved over the dead body
1 (animali) to disembowel, to eviscerate, (pesci, anche) to gut
• sbudellare un capretto - to gut a kid
• sbudellare un tacchino - to gut a turkey
2 (= ferire al ventre) to stab/to knife in the stomach
• lo sbudellò con una coltellata - he knifed him in the stomach
1 to take/pull/remove nails out of
• schiodare un asse - to take the nails out of a board
2 (fig, coll) (far spostare qn) to uproot, to pry away from
• schiodare qlcu dal televisore - to pry sb away from the TV
• non riesco a schiodarlo dal computer - I can’t get him away from the computer
1 (contenitori per liquidi) to drain, to empty
• scolare le botti - to drain barrels
• scolare un fiasco - to empty/to drain a flask
2 (= togliere scolando) to drip-dry, to drain, to drain dry; (con un colino) to strain, to drain
3 (= tracannare) to down, to drink down
• scolare in un solo sorso - to drink off
• si è scolato un’intera bottiglia di vino - he downed a whole bottle of wine
to drain, to dry, (= gocciolare) to drip, to dribble
• lasciare i piatti a scolare - to leave the plates to dry
• attento! l’olio scola sul tavolo - look out! the oil is dripping on the table
• il sangue continuava a scolare dalla ferita - blood continued to dribble out of the wound
1 (= valicare il confine) to cross the border, (= intrudersi) to trespass, to encroach, to poach
• hanno sconfinato nella nostra proprietà - they have trespassed on our property
• reparti armati hanno sconfinato in Italia - armed units have encroached on Italian soil
2 (fig) to digress
• non sconfinare, attieniti all’argomento - don’t digress, keep to the subject
1 (coll) (a spese altrui) to mooch, to sponge, to bum
• scroccare la cena a qn - to mooch a dinner off sb
• scroccare un passaggio - to bum a ride
• scrocca sempre soldi ai genitori - he always scrounges money off his parents
• mi ha scroccato il pranzo - he bummed lunch off me
2 (senza meritare) to get sth without deserving it
• scroccare lo stipendio - to get paid for doing nothing
1 (un passaggio) to lock, to block/bar/bolt
• serrare la porta con il catenaccio - to bolt the door
2 (stringere) to clasp/clamp, to clench, to tighten
• serrare i pugni - to clench fists
• serrare un bullone - to tighten a bolt
3 to intensify, to accelerate, to pick up
• serrare i ritmi di lavoro - to pick up the pace of work
(dimenare le gambe) to kick one’s legs about
• sgambettare sull’altalena - to kick one’s legs on a swing
• Il neonato sgambetta nella culla. - The baby kicked its legs in the crib.
(camminare) to trip, to scurry, to scuttle; (bambino) to toddle
• sgambettare per la stanza - to scurry about the room
• il cagnolino mi sgambettava dietro - the little dog was trotting/scampering along behind me
• guarda il bimbo come sgambetta! - just look at the baby toddling!
1 (gen) to unhook
• sganciare un rimorchioto unhook a trailer
2 (chiusura) to unfasten, to undo
3 (treno) to uncouple
4 (bombe) to drop, to release
• l’aereo sganciò due bombe - the plane dropped two bombs
5 (figurative) (informal) (soldi) to fork over, to cough up
• Non ho intenzione di sganciare nemmeno un centesimo. - I don’t intend to fork over even one cent.
1 (uccidere, anche fig) to cut/slit sth’s (or sb’s) throat, to slaughter
• sgozzare una pecora - to slaughter a sheep
• è stato sgozzato nel sonno da un ignoto assassino - his throat was slit by an unknown assassin while he was sleeping
2 (fig) to fleece, to skin, to bleed white
• in quella boutique ti sgozzano - they fleece you in that boutique
(cane) to let off the leash (anche fig), to let loose
• sguinzagliare i cani contro qn - to set one’s dog on sb
• sguinzagliare qn dietro a qn - to set sb on sb
• sguinzagliare un investigatore sulle tracce di qn - to put an investigator on sb’s trail
1 to demagnetize
2 (nastri) to wipe, to erase
smentire / smentirsi
1 (= dimostrare falso) to disprove, to negate; (= negare) to deny, to contradict
• smentire un’affermazione/una teoria/una rivendicazione - to disprove a statement/a theory/a claim
• lo ha smentito in pubblico - he denied it in public
• i fatti smentirono i nostri timori - the facts of the matter belied our fears
• il governo ha smentito ogni voce di crisi - the government denied all rumours of a crisis
• quest’azione smentisce le sue parole - this act gives the lie to his affirmations
2 (= ritrattare) to retract, to recant
• il teste ha smentito la deposizione precedente - the witness has retracted his previous statement
3 (= deludere le aspettative) to disappoint expectations; (non essere all’altezza di) to fail to live up to, to fall short of
• smentire il proprio buon nome - not to live up to one’s reputation
• l’ultimo romanzo ha smentito la sua fama - the latest novel does not live up to his reputation
• L’atleta non ha smentito la propria fama e ha vinto la finale. - The athlete lived up to his name and won the final.
(= agire contrariamente al solito) to behave out of character; (= contraddirsi) to contradict oneself
• è un uomo che non si smentisce mai - he’s a man who never behaves out of character
• si smentì senza accorgersene - he contradicted himself without realizing it
1 (anche assol) (= pulire con la scopa) to sweep
• spazzare davanti a casa propria (fig) - to mind one’s own business
• spazzare il pavimento/una stanza - to sweep the floor/a room
spazzare l’aria - to make a sweeping gesture with one’s hand
2 (= portar via) to sweep (away), (di acque, anche) to wash away
• il vento ha spazzato tutte le foglie secche - the wind has swept away all the dead leaves
• la sua presenza spazza via ogni dubbio - his presence sweeps aside/dispels all doubts
• i marosi hanno spazzato via il molo - the breakers have washed away the quay
• la piena spazzò via un intero villaggio di 200 anime - the flood washed away an entire village of 200 people
3 (= mangiare avidamente) to eat up, to polish off, to devour, to wolf, to gobble
• era tanto affamato che spazzò il pasto in pochi secondi - he was so famished that he wolfed the meal in a matter of seconds
4 (= liberare da/eliminare) to wipe out, to eradicate, to do away (with)
• spazzare via i pregiudizi - to eradicate/to do away with prejudices
• hanno deciso di spazzare ogni forma di criminalità - they have decided to wipe out every kind of criminal activity
spennare / spennarsi
1 (= privare delle penne) to pluck, to deplume
• spennare una gallina - to pluck a chicken
2.1 (= fare pagare troppo) to overcharge, to rip off
• in quell’albergo ci hanno spennato - we were overcharged in that hotel
2.2 (= ghermire denaro) to soak, to milk, to fleece
• quegli imbroglioni lo hanno spennato - those swindlers fleeced him
• alla roulette si è fatto spennare - he let himself be milked at roulette
to moult, to shed its feathers
(anche fig) to lash, to scourge, to flog, to whip
• staffilare i politici corrotti - (fig) to lash/to castigate corrupt politicians
stravaccarsi (su)
to flop down on, to sprawl out on
stritolare / stritolarsi
1 to crush, to smash, to mangle
• il treno stritolò sia l’auto che i passeggeri - the train mangled the car and the occupants alike
• gli stritolò la mascella con un pugno - he smashed his jaw with a punch
• la pressa gli stritolò una mano - the press crushed his hand
2 (= annientare) (fig) to demolish, to thrash, to crush
• stritolare l’avversario - to demolish one’s opponent
(= sbriciolarsi) to crumble, to disintegrate
• nell’esplosione l’edificio si stritolò - the building disintegrated in the explosion
1 (agric) to cut the top off (a tree), to trim
2 (di albero) to wave its top
3 (= ergersi/spiccare) to soar, to tower
• la cima del monte svettava nell’azzurro del cielo - the mountain peak soared aloft in the blue sky
(estorcere denaro) to extort money from, to shake down, to racketeer
• taglieggiare i commercianti - to shake down business owners
• i commercianti della zona sono taglieggiati - the shopkeepers in the district pay protection money
1 (inseguire) to follow (hot) on the heels of, to pursue
2 (sport) to pursue
1 to stop, to stem, to dam up
• tamponare una falla - to stop a leak
2 (autom) to ram/to bump into the back of
• la colpa è sempre di chi ti tampona - it’s always the fault of the person who runs into the back of you
• l’auto tamponò un grosso autobus - the car rammed into the back of a big bus
3 (med) to tampon, to plug
4 (chim) to buffer
5 (applicare o pulire con colpetti) to dab at
6 (fig) (porre rimedio) to fix/remedy, to make a quick fix
• tamponare la situazione - to remedy the situation
tamponare un erroreto fix a mistake
torcere / torcersi
torcere transitive)
1 to twist, (= contorcere, anche fig) to twist, to wring, to contort; (tess) to slub, to twine, (seta) to throw
• torcere la biancheria bagnata - to wring out wet clothes
• torcere la bocca - to (make a) grimace, to make a wry face
• torcere un cavo - to twist a cable
• torcere filo di ferro - to twist wire
• torcersi le mani - to wring one’s hands
• non gli hanno torto neppure un capello - they didn’t touch a hair on his head
2 (= incurvare) to bend
• torcere una sbarra di ferro - to bend an iron bar
torcere (intransitive)
(= piegare/voltare, raro) to turn, to bend
1 (= contorcersi) to twist, to contort, to writhe
• torcersi dal dolore - to writhe in pain
• torcersi dalle risa - to roll with laughter
• i presenti si torcevano dalle risa - those present split their sides laughing
2 (= volgersi) to turn
3 (= incurvarsi) to bend, to curl
4 (= deformarsi) to contort
1 to bore, to drill, to pierce
• traforare un muro - to drill a hole in a wall
• il proiettile gli ha traforato il cuore - the bullet pierced his heart
2 (a traforo) to do fretwork
• traforare un ricamo - to do fretwork embroidery
1 (= apparire in trasparenza) to show (through), to shine (through)
• questo cristallo lascia trasparire la luce - this crystal lets the light shine through
2 (= palesarsi) to transpire, to come/to show through, to emerge
• lasciar trasparire - to reveal, to ooze, to show
• il suo viso lasciava trasparire fiducia - his face oozed confidence
• dai loro sguardi traspariva una certa preoccupazione - a certain worry showed through their looks
• durante l’interrogatorio non lasciò trasparire nulla - during the interrogation he revealed nothing
trastullare / trastullarsi
(= baloccare) to amuse, to entertain, to play with
• trastullò il bambino tutto il pomeriggio - he spent the whole afternoon playing with the little boy
1 (= divertirsi) to play, to amuse oneself
• ci trastullammo tutta la sera con quel videogioco - we spent the whole evening amusing ourselves with that video game
2 (= gingillarsi) to dawdle, to fool around/about, to fiddle about/around
• passò tutto il giorno a trastullarsi - he spent the whole day fiddling around
1 (volgare) (avere rapporti sessuali) to fuck, to screw
2 (fig, scherz) to fail, to flunk, to reject
• è stato trombato alle ultime elezioni - they rejected him at the last election
1 (tagliare) to truncate, to cut/break off
• troncare una fune - to cut off a rope
• troncare un ramo - to break off a branch
2 (fig) (interrompere) to cut/break off, to interrupt, to end
• troncare una relazione sentimentale - to break off a romantic relationship
• troncare un discorso - to interrupt a discussion
3 (ling) to apocopate
• troncare una parola - to apocopate a word
to ballast, to steady
to clear out/off, to shove off, to get lost, to skedaddle
• Vedi di smammare. - You should get lost.
• Sarebbe meglio smammare prima che arrivino qui. - We better skedaddle before they get here.
1 to bite; to take the bait
• Oggi i pesci non abboccano. - The fish are not biting today.
• abboccare all’amo - to take the bait
• L’anguilla ha abboccato all’amo. - The eel took the bait.
2 (fig) to take the bait, to be suckered; (fig) (farsi imbrogliare) to be fooled, to be deceived, to be taken in
• Ha abboccato all’amo senza il minimo sospetto. - He took the bait completely unawares.
• Ha abboccato come un pesce. - He swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
3 (combaciare) to join, to connect
• Le due tubature non abboccano. - The two pipes don’t fit together.
• abboccare due condutture - to connect two conduits
1 to be merciless/unrelenting, to act cruelly
• Nerone si accanì contro i Cristiani - Nero persecuted the Christians savagely
2 to keep on stubbornly
• accanirsi in qlco - to go at st hammer and tongs
• accanirsi nel lavoro - to throw oneself into one’s work, to work flat out
affacciare / affacciarsi
1 to show, to exhibit
• affacciare il viso alla finestra - to put one’s head out of the window
2 (= prospettare) to put forward, to raise
• affacciare un dubbio - to raise a doubt
• affacciare difficoltà insormontabili - to raise insurmountable difficulties
• affacciare pretese - to put forward demands
1 (= mostrarsi) to show, to appear
• si affacciò alla porta - she appeared at the door
2 (= presentarsi) (fig) to occur, to come
• un dubbio mi si affacciò in mente - a doubt came into my mind/a doubt struck me
3 (= guardare/dare su) to look (onto), to open (in/into/onto), to overlook (vt), to face (vti), to front (vt)
• il salotto si affaccia a mezzogiorno - the living room faces south
• la finestra della cucina si affaccia sul lago - the kitchen window overlooks the lake
1 to slice, to cut, to carve
• affetta il pane, per favore - slice the bread, please
• la nebbia era così fitta che si poteva affettare - the fog was so thick you could cut it with a knife
2 (= fare a pezzi) (fig) to thrash, to trounce, to hammer
3 (= ostentare) to affect, to show, to assume
• affettare indifferenza - to affect indifference
• affetta sempre grande entusiasmo - he always shows great enthusiasm
4 (= simulare) to pretend, to simulate, to feign
• affettare un grande dolore - to feign immense grief
affidare / affidarsi
1.1 to entrust, to trust, to confide
• affidare alla memoria - to trust to one’s memory
• affidare in deposito - to bail, to deposit
• affidare qs a qn - to entrust sb with sth, to entrust sth to sb, to trust sb with sth
• gli affidai un incarico molto difficile - I entrusted him with a very difficult task
1.2 (= consegnare) to commit, to leave, to consign
• affidare (un condannato) al servizio sociale - to free on probation
• essere affidato a qn - to be in/under sb’s charge
1.3 (= trasferire) to transfer, to hand over
1.4 (= delegare) to delegate, to assign
• affiderà la trattativa al suo braccio destro - he will delegate the negotiations to his right-hand man
2 (speranze e simili) to pin (on/upon), to repose (in)
• affidiamo a te tutte le nostre speranze - we are pinning all our hopes on you
(= fidarsi di) to trust (to/in)
• affidarsi a Dio - to trust in God
• affidarsi alla buona sorte - to trust to luck
• affidarsi completamente a qn/qs - to throw oneself on sb/sth
aggrovigliare / aggrovigliarsi
to entangle, to tangle (up), to mat, to knot
• aggrovigliare un gomitolo - to tangle a skein of wool
(anche fig) to tangle, to get into a tangle, to knot, to mat
• i fili si sono aggrovigliati - the strings tangled
allagare / allagarsi
1 to drown, to inundate, to swamp, anche fig to flood, to deluge
• il fiume ha allagato i campi - the river has flooded the fields
• la pioggia allagò la cantina - the rain flooded the cellar
• quando nella valle si fece la diga, fu allagato un intero villaggio - a whole village was drowned when the valley was made into a reservoir
2 (= affollare) to crowd, to fill
• la città era allagata di turisti - the town was crowded with tourists
to flood, to be flooded
• si è allagata tutta la casa per una perdita - a leak caused the whole house to flood
animare / animarsi
1 (= dare vita a) to animate, to breathe life into, to vivify
• la folla animava la piazza - the crowd animated the square
2.1 to bring to life, to give life to
• il pittore riusciva ad animare i personaggi dei suoi dipinti - the painter knew how to give life to the characters in his paintings
2.2 (= vivacizzare) to animate, to enliven, to liven up, to light up
• la notizia le animò il volto - at the news her face lit up
• riuscimmo ad animare l’ambiente con un po’ di musica - we managed to liven up the atmosphere with some music
3 (= incitare/esortare) to encourage, to animate, to pep up
• gli scambi azionari sono stati animati dalle buone notizie - share dealings have been encouraged by the good news
• la animava una forte passione - she was driven by a strong passion
• è animato da buoni propositi - he means well
4 (cinem) to animate
1 (= prendere animo) to take heart/courage, to liven up
• quando mi vide si animò - on seeing me he livened up
2 (= acquistare vita) to liven up, to come to life
• la conversazione si animò appena si toccò quell’argomento - the conversation livened up as soon as that subject was mentioned
3 (= accalorarsi) to become animated, to get/to become heated, to get worked up
• si animò molto nella discussione - he got quite worked up in the discussion
1 (= dare notizia) to announce, to proclaim; (mediante affissione) to post
• un incidente annunciato - an accident waiting to happen
• annunciare il lancio di un prodotto - to announce a product launch
• annunciare ufficialmente (legale) - to serve notice
• hanno annunciato il loro matrimonio per il prossimo giugno - they’ve announced their wedding for next June
• la segretaria entrò per annunciargli l’arrivo dell’ospite - his secretary came in to tell him the guest had arrived
• piombò nel mio ufficio senza farsi annunciare - he barged into my office without being announced
2.1 (= fare presagire) to herald, to promise, to augur; (= dare inizio a/inaugurare) to usher in
• il suo atteggiamento non annuncia nulla di buono - his manner does not augur well
2.2 (= predire) to foretell, to predict
• annunciare un’eclisse - to predict an eclipse
nere nubi annunciavano la pioggia dark clouds foretold rain
3 (= segnalare) to announce
• le rondini annunciano la primavera - swallows announce the arrival of spring
appannare / appannarsi
appannare (transitive)
1 (vetri e simili) to steam up, to fog, to cloud, to mist; (metalli) to tarnish
• il vapore appannò i vetri delle finestre - the steam clouded the windows
2 (= offuscare) to dim, to make misty; (fig) to slow, to make dull
• appannare i riflessi di qn - to slow sb’s reactions
• le lacrime le appannarono gli occhi - the tears made her eyes misty
appannare (intransitive)
to cream, to form cream
1 to steam up, to get steamed up, to cloud, to fog, to mist up/over; (di metalli) to tarnish
• il parabrezza si appannò - the windscreen steamed up
• i riflessi si appannano con l’età - one’s reflexes become less sharp with age
• gli si appannò la voce per l’emozione - his voice became husky because he was so overcome
2 (degli occhi) to dim, to cloud over
• le si appannò la vista e svenne - her sight clouded over and she fainted
3 (= offuscarsi) to dim, to grow dim, to fade
• i miei ricordi si sono appannati - my memories have grown dim
approfittare / approfittarsi
1 (= trarre vantaggio) to take advantage (of), to avail oneself (of), to benefit (from), to profit (from/by)
• approfittare della propria importanza/autorità - to throw one’s weight about
• approfittare della situazione - to take advantage of the situation
2 (= cogliere) to snatch (vt), to grab (vt)
• approfittare di un’occasione - to grab a chance, to push an opportunity
3 (= abusare) to abuse (vt), to presume (on), to trespass (on), to trade (on)
• approfittare della pazienza di qn - to abuse sb’s patience
• stava chiaramente abusando della sua generosità - he was clearly abusing her generosity
to abuse (vt), to exploit (vt), to trespass (on), to take advantage of
• approfittarsi di un lavoratore - to exploit a worker
• non approfittarti della tua posizione - don’t abuse your position
• Se ne approfitta perché sono vecchio. - They’re taking advantage of me because I’m old.
1 (= fornire di argini) to embank, to bank up
• arginare un fiume - to embank a river
2 (= porre freno, anche fig) to keep back, to stem, to check
• arginare un’alluvione - to stem a flood
• arginare un flusso d’acqua - to stem a flow of water
• arginare l’avanzata del nemico - to check the enemy advance
• arginare l’inflazione to check inflation
1 (da obblighi e simili) to release, to discharge
• assolvere un debito - to discharge/to release a debt
2.1 (leg) to acquit, to exonerate, to discharge
• l’imputato fu assolto per insufficienza di prove - the accused was acquitted for lack of evidence
2.2 (= perdonare) to absolve, to pardon
3 (= espletare) to perform, to discharge
• assolvere i propri doveri - to discharge one’s duties
1 (= prendere su di sé) to take on, to assume, to accept, to underwrite, to undertake
• assumere un debito - to assume a debt
• assumere un impegno - to accept an engagement, to undertake an engagement, to give an undertaking
• assumere un nuovo significato - to take on a new significance
• assumere un rischio - to underwrite/to assume a risk
• si è assunto una responsabilità più grande di lui - he has taken on more responsibility than he can cope with
2.1 (= adottare) to adopt, to take (up), to assume
• assumere un nuovo stile di vita - to adopt a new way of life
• assumere qn a modello - to take sb as a model
2.2 (pose, atteggiamenti) to take (on/up), to strike, to adopt, to assume, to put on
• assumere un atteggiamento - to take (up) a position/a stance
• assumere una posa - to strike a pose
• non assumere quell’atteggiamento provocatorio - don’t take on that provocative manner
3.1 (= prendere) (gen) to take, to assume
• assumere la forma di - to take the form of
• assumere informazioni su qn - to run a check on sb, to check sb out
3.2 (cariche) to take on, to accede to
• assumere una carica - to accede to a post
3.3 (= ingerire) to take
• da assumere prima dei pasti - to be taken before meals
• assumere farmaci - to be under medication
4 (= ingaggiare) to recruit, to employ, to engage, to hire, to take on
• assumere nuovo personale - to recruit new staff
• assumere qn per fare un lavoro - to hire sb to do a job
5 (= innalzare) (fig) to raise
• assumere al trono - to raise to the throne
6 (= procurarsi) to gather
• assumere prove - to gather evidence
7 (= ammettere come ipotesi) to assume, to posit
• assumendo che tu dica il vero… - assuming you’re telling the truth…
augurare / augurarsi
augurare (transitive)
1 to wish
• augurare buona fortuna a qn - to wish sb (good) luck
• augurare del bene/del male a qn - to wish sb well/ill
• ti auguro ogni bene - I wish you all the best
• ti auguro un’ottima serata - have a lovely evening
• non lo augurerei al mio peggiore nemico - I would not wish it on my worst enemy
2 (= sperare) to hope
• ci auguriamo di non dover più affrontare simili problemi - we hope we won’t have to face such problems again
• mi auguro che tutto vada bene - I hope all goes well
• mi auguro di rivederti presto - I hope to see you again soon
3 (= predire) to predict, to forebode
augurare (intransitive)
(= pronosticare) to augur
to wish (for o.s.), to hope (for)
- augurarsi qlco - to hope for sth
- Mi auguro che tu riesca. - I hope you succeed
- augurarsi qc/che succeda qc - to hope for sth/that sth will happen
- me lo auguro - I hope so
- mi auguro di no/sì - I hope not/so
- mi auguro che tu guarisca presto - I hope you get well soon
1 to maul, to bite
• azzannò l’osso e fuggì - it seized the bone and made off
• il leone azzannò la preda - the lion mauled its prey
• Il cane lo ha azzannato al polpaccio. - The dog snapped at the calf muscle
2 (scherz.) to bite into, to chomp
• azzannare un panino - to bite into a sandwich
beccare / beccarsi
1 (uccello, col becco) to peck
• La gallina becca il granoturco. - Hens peck corn.
2 (fig) (in flagrante) to catch, to surprise
• L’hanno beccato mentre passava col rosso. - They caught her running a red light.
1 to peck each other
2 (= bisticciarsi) to quarrel, to argue, to row, to spar
• si beccano in continuazione - they quarrel all the time
3 (fam) (ottenere) to get, to receive
• Si è beccato una bella ricompensa. - He got a big reward.
4 (fam) (prendersi) to get, to catch
• beccarsi un ceffone - to get a slap
• beccarsi l’influenza - to catch the flu
(impers intrans verb) to be necessary
• bisogna aspettare il turno - you must wait your turn
• non bisogna scoraggiarsi - you mustn’t get downhearted
• di guai ne ho più che non bisogni - I have more than enough troubles
• bisognava vedere la sua faccia! - you should have seen his face!
• bisogna rifare l’intero lavoro - the whole work needs re-doing
• bisogna riparare l’auto - the car needs repairing
• bisogna che ti tagli i capelli - your hair needs cutting
• bisogna che tu vada - you’d better go
• bisogna che tu venga con noi - you must come with us
• bisognava proprio che ci fossimo tutti? - was it necessary for all of us to be present?
• bisognava proprio che lo dicessi? - was it really necessary for you to say that?
• bisognerà spedirglielo - we will have to send it to him
1 (ammissioni, ecc) to blackball, (proposte e simili) to defeat, to vote down; (= non rieleggere) to vote out
• bocciare un progetto di legge - to scupper a bill
• il consiglio ha bocciato la proposta - the board voted the proposal down
• il provvedimento è stato bocciato dalla Camera - the measure was defeated by the Lower Chamber
• gli elettori hanno bocciato il governo uscente - the electors have given the thumbs down to the outgoing government
2 (scolastico) to fail, to flunk
• è stato bocciato agli esami di maturità - he failed his school-leaving exams
• l’esaminatore bocciò il candidato - the examiner failed the candidate
3 (alle bocce) to hit, to strike
• bocciare una palla - to strike a ball
1 (tirare avanti) to manage, to get by, to survive
• campare del proprio lavoro - to earn a living
• campare alla giornata - to live from day to day
• campare alle spalle di qn - to live off sb else
• campare con poco - to get by on a little
• campare d’aria - to live on air
• campare del proprio lavoro - to live by the fruits of one’s own labour
• campare di elemosina - to live on charity
• campare di rendita - to live on an unearned income
• gli piace campare bene - he likes the easy life
2 (= tirare avanti) to survive, to get along/by
• riuscire a campare - to eke out a living/an existence, to scrape along/by
• tirare a campare - to get along, to get by, to manage, to survive
• riusciva a campare facendo turni di notte - he managed to get by by working nights
• campa come meglio può - he gets by as best he can
3 (fam) (restare in vita) to stay alive
• Non me lo dimenticherò finché campo. - I won’t forget it as long as I live.
1.1 (= rovesciare) to invert, to cant, to turn inside out, to turn upside down, to turn over
• non capovolgere il bicchiere - don’t turn the glass upside down
• hai il maglione capovolto - you’re wearing your jumper inside out
• capovolgete i fogli! - turn the sheets over!
1.2 (= fare ribaltare) to capsize, to overturn, to tip over
• un’immensa onda capovolse la barca - a huge wave capsized the boat
• i risultati hanno capovolto le nostre aspettative - the results have overturned our expectations
2 (fig) to reverse, to turn upside down
• capovolgere l’ordine delle priorità - to reverse the order of priorities
• un imprevisto capovolse i piani - the plans were unexpectedly turned upside down
1 to overturn, to tip over, to cant, to keel over, (autom) (anche) to somersault; (mar) to turn turtle, to capsize
• la canoa si capovolse all’improvviso - the canoe suddenly capsized
2 to be reversed, to change completely
• l’andamento si capovolse - the trend was reversed
1 (= assestare colpi) to hit, to strike, to knock, (sonoramente) to thwack, to whack; (con violenza) to batter; (con forza) to smash, to bash; (= dare un pugno) to hit, to sock, to punch; (con arma da fuoco) to shoot; (con oggetto piatto) to swat
• colpire alla testa - to hit/to knock on the head
• colpire in risposta - to strike back
• colpire male (sport) - to mishit, to slice
• colpire qn nel vivo - to cut sb to the quick
• riuscire a colpire - to get a blow in
• lo colpì con un pugno - she hit him
• il ferito è stato colpito da un proiettile - the injured man was hit by a bullet
• lo colpirono ripetutamente con un bastone - they battered him over and over again with a stick
• il pugile rivale lo ha colpito all’occhio - the rival boxer punched him in the eye
• il cecchino colpì due persone - the sniper shot two people
• la palla colpì i bicchieri - the ball smashed the glasses
• colpisci quella zanzara! - swat that mosquito!
• una manciata di sassolini colpì la vetrata - a handful of gravel rattled against the window pane
• la nave fu colpita in pieno da un siluro - the ship was struck amidships by a torpedo
• fu colpito da ictus - he suffered a stroke
• il virus ha colpito ancora - the virus has struck again
• fu colpito alla testa - he was knocked on the head
2 (= far colpo su) to impress, to strike, to smite; (= shoccare) to shock; (= commuovere) to touch, to move, to stir
• essere molto colpito da - to be greatly impressed by
• il suo atteggiamento mi colpì - his attitude shocked me
• l’uomo rimase colpito dall’avvenenza della ragazza - the man was struck by the girl’s attractiveness
• fui profondamente colpito dalla sua gentilezza - I was profoundly moved by his kindness
• la notizia colpì l’opinione pubblica - the news stirred public opinion
3 (fig) to hit, to affect
• la recessione ha colpito il cuore dell’industria britannica - the recession has hit the heartland of British manufacturing
• il provvedimento è volto a colpire gli evasori fiscali - the measure aims at hitting tax evaders
• una carestia sta colpendo la zona a famine - is affecting the area
4 (= percuotere, di imposte) to fall on, to be levied on
• questa imposta colpisce i redditi di capitale - this tax is levied on capital gains
1 (= commettere) to fit
• fare combaciare qs - to fit sth in, to marry sth up
• le due superfici combaciano perfettamente - the two surfaces fit perfectly
• i margini combaciano - the margins are in line
2 (= coincidere) fig to coincide, to agree, to tie in, to fit (in), to tally, to correspond
• i nostri punti di vista non combaciano - our points of view do not coincide
• le tessere del mosaico combaciano - the pieces of the puzzle fit together
• gli eventi combaciarono con le previsioni - things turned out as expected
• la sua esposizione combacia con i fatti - his statement tallies with the facts
• le due dichiarazioni non combaciano - the two statements do not agree/correspond
• i tuoi risultati combaciano con i nostri - your results tie in with ours
(= agire/condursi) to behave, to act, to conduct/to comport oneself, to acquit oneself
• comportarsi al meglio delle proprie capacità - to acquit oneself to the best of one’s abilities
• comportarsi bene - to behave (oneself), to do/to behave well/properly
• comportarsi coraggiosamente - to keep/to hold one’s end up
• comportarsi freddamente/con distacco - to play it cool
• comportarsi male - to misbehave, to misconduct oneself, to behave badly
• comportati bene! - mind your manners/behave yourself!
• si comporta sempre male in presenza di estranei - he always behaves badly in the company of strangers
• si comportò da villano - he behaved like a boor
• come ti comporteresti al mio posto? - what would you do in my place?
• è uno che sa come comportarsi - he knows how to go about things
confondere / confondersi
1 (= mescolare/disordinare) to confuse, to muddle (up), to mix up, to jumble (up)
• mi confuse le idee invece di chiarirmele - he muddled up my ideas instead of making them clear
• questo nuovo problema non farà altro che confondere la questione - this new problem will only confuse the issue
• non confondere l’ordine dei fogli! - don’t muddle up the order of sheets!
2 (= scambiare) to confuse, to mix up, to mistake
• mi scusi, l’ho confuso con un amico - excuse me, I mistook you for a friend
• ho confuso un numero con un altro - I mistook a number for another
• confondo sempre i due gemelli - I always confuse the two twins
3 (= turbare) to confound, to confuse, to addle, to throw out, to mix up
• le domande di tutti quei giornalisti mi hanno confuso - I was confused by all those journalists’ questions
• la profezia lo confuse profondamente - the prophecy perturbed him greatly
• l’attacco a sorpresa confuse il nemico - the surprise attack threw the enemy out of synch
• la malattia gli confonde la mente - his illness has addled his brain
4.1 (= abbagliare) to dazzle, to blind
• un bagliore mi confuse la vista - a flash dazzled my eyes
4.2 (= offuscare) to blur, to cloud, to befog; (= intorbidare, (anche fig) to muddy, to stir up
• confondere le acque (fig) - to stir things up
• il tempo confonde i ricordi - time blurs memories
1 (= mescolarsi) to mix, to merge, to blur, to mingle
• confondersi fra la gente - to merge into the crowd
• il borsaiolo si confuse tra la folla - the pickpocket mingled in the crowd
• il mare e il cielo si confondono - the sea and the sky merge together
• la scritta si confondeva con lo sfondo - the writing was blurred into the background
• nel tempo le due etnie si sono confuse - in time the two populations got mixed up
2 (= smarrirsi) to get/to be confused, to get mixed/muddled up
• si è confuso su una domanda - he muddled up a question
• all’incrocio ci siamo confusi - we got muddled up at the crossroads
• se lo interrompi si confonde - if you interrupt him, he’ll get confused
3 (= invischiarsi) to get involved, to get mixed up
non confonderti con gente simile - don’t get mixed up with such people
costituire / costituirsi
1 (= fondare/creare) to set up, to establish, to found, to constitute, (imprese e simili, anche) to start (up), to incorporate
• costituire una compagnia teatrale - to start a theatre company
• costituire un fondo per i non abbienti - to start up a fund for the poor
2 (= accumulare) to build up, to accumulate; (= assegnare) to settle
• costituire una fortuna - to accumulate a fortune
• negli anni ha costituito un impero finanziario - over the years he has built up a financial empire
• lo zio gli costituì una rendita his uncle settled an annuity on him
3 (= formare) to form, to compose, to make up
• l’associazione è costituita da vari industriali - the association is composed of various industrialists
• questa pietanza è costituita da molti ingredienti - this dish is made up of many ingredients
• la coalizione è costituita da tre partiti - the coalition is formed by three parties
4 (= rappresentare) to constitute, to pose, to be, to represent
• costituire una seria minaccia a/per - to pose a serious threat to
• il Colosseo costituisce il simbolo di Roma - the Colosseum represents the symbol of Rome
• un simile gesto costituisce un’offesa - such a gesture is an offense
• ciò costituisce un reato - it constitutes a crime
5 (= dichiarare) (leg) to declare
6 (= nominare) to appoint, to constitute, to make
• mi costituì suo rappresentante - he appointed me his representative
• lo costituimmo presidente - we constituted him chairman
1 (= formarsi) to form, to be formed/established
• si vanno costituendo nuove professioni - new professions are forming
2 to constitute oneself, to appear
• costituirsi in giudizio - to appear in court
• costituirsi parte civile - to appear as a plaintiff
3 (= consegnarsi) to give oneself up, to turn oneself in
• i ricercati si sono costituiti alla polizia - the wanted men gave themselves up to the police
(anche assol) (= inghiottire) to swallow
• deglutire un boccone - to swallow a bite
1 (= dichiarare) to declare, to report
• denunciare un furto/un reato - to report a theft/a crime
• denunciare i redditi - to declare one’s income
• denunciare un sinistro - to report an accident
2 (= rendere noto) to denounce, to expose, to blow the whistle on
• denunciare un intrigo - to denounce a plot
• denunciare uno scandalo - to expose a scandal
• denunciare una situazione - to blow the whistle on a situation
3 (= manifestare) to show, to betray
• il suo sguardo denuncia tristezza - his look shows sadness
• ciò denuncia la sua malafede - that shows up his duplicity
4 (= fare la spia) to inform on/against, to denounce, to betray, to shop, to put the finger on
• un informatore lo denunciò alla polizia - an informer denounced him to the police
5 to cancel, to denounce
• denunciare un accordo - to cancel an agreement
diffondere / diffondersi
1 (= spandere) to diffuse, to shed, to cast, to waft; (calore, energia, ecc) to emanate, to give out/off, to spread
• diffondere luce - to diffuse light
• la stufa diffuse un gradevole calore - the heater gave off a pleasant warmth
• la luna diffondeva una pallida luce - the moon cast a pale light
• la candela diffondeva una luce tremolante - the candle shed a flickering light
• la rosa diffonde un tenue profumo - the rose gives off a delicate scent
2 (= divulgare) to divulge, to diffuse, to spread, to make known; (segreti e simili) to release, to make public, to leak, (credi politici, religiosi, ecc) to carry, to implant, to propagate
• diffondere una religione - to propagate a religion
• diffondere i risultati di una ricerca - to make known the results of a survey/of a research project
• ha diffuso voci infondate sul suo licenziamento - he spread groundless rumours about his dismissal
3 (= distribuire) to distribute, (film e simili, anche) to release
• è un film diffuso dalla Paramount - it’s a film released by Paramount
4 (= trasmettere) to transmit, to broadcast
• diffondere per radio - to beam, to broadcast, to radio, to transmit by radio
• diffondere per televisione - to televise, to telecast, to broadcast
• il messaggio fu diffuso in tutte le lingue - the message was broadcast in all the languages
• la radio ha diffuso un nuovo bollettino meteorologico - the radio broadcast a new weather forecast
5 (comm) to launch
• il prodotto non è ancora stato diffuso sul mercato - the product has not yet been launched on the market
1 (= spargersi) to spread, to emanate, to circulate, to diffuse; (= aleggiare) to waft, (a onde) to ripple
• diffondersi lentamente - to creep in
• diffondersi rapidamente - to sweep, to spread like wildfire
• la macchia di petrolio si diffuse rapidamente - the oil slick spread fast
• dalla finestra si diffondeva un dolce canto - sweet singing wafted from the window
2 (= propagarsi) to spread, to propagate, to circulate; (fig) to filter, to percolate, to trickle; (= filtrare, di notizie) to seep, to leak out; (del fuoco) to catch; (di calore, energia, ecc) to radiate
• la notizia si diffuse in un batter d’occhio - the news circulated in a flash
• l’epidemia si diffuse in tutto il paese - the epidemic spread throughout the country
3 (= dilungarsi) to enlarge, to expand, to expatiate
• l’oratore si diffonderà sull’argomento - the speaker will enlarge on the subject
4 (= estendersi) to extend, to range (from…to; between… and)
• l’eco si diffuse da est a ovest - the echo extended from east to west
5 (= permeare) to trickle (down)
• il sangue gli si diffuse sulla camicia - the blood trickled down his shirt
6 (= espandersi) to grow (up), to spread
• l’uso del computer si va sempre più diffondendo - the use of the computer is becoming increasingly widespread
• il consumo di droga si diffonde - drug abuse is growing
7 (= attecchire) to catch, to come into vogue, to gain ground
• la coscienza ecologica si diffonde col crescere del degrado ambientale - ecological awareness is gaining ground as more and more damage is done to the environment
1 (= rinnegare) to repudiate, to disown, to disavow (form)
• disconoscere la paternità di un quadro - to disown the authorship of a painting
• disconobbe il figlio per quello che aveva fatto - he repudiated his son for what he had done
2 (= negare) to disclaim, to deny
• disconoscere la verità - to disclaim the truth
• non disconoscere i suoi meriti - don’t deny his merits
3 (= ignorare) to pretend not to know, to ignore
1 (= sceneggiare) to dramatize
• drammatizzare un romanzo - to dramatize a novel
2 (= esagerare) to play up, to exaggerate, to dramatize, to magnify
• drammatizzare l’importanza di qs - to magnify the importance of sth
• tende sempre a drammatizzare la situazione - he always tends to exaggerate the situation
• fu tentato di drammatizzare la storia - he was tempted to play up the story
• non bisogna drammatizzare - there is no need to exagerate
1 (edil, min) to drain, to dewater
2 (med) to drain, to tap
• drenare un ascesso - to drain an abscess
3 (fig) to drain
• drenare fondi/denari - to drain funds/money
1 (fondi) to disburse, to pay out
• la fondazione ha erogato un’ingente somma a favore dei senzatetto - the foundation has paid out a large sum in favour of the homeless
2 (= fornire) to distribute, to supply, (mediante contatore) to meter
• questa condotta può erogare circa sessantamila litri all’ora - this main can supply approximately sixty thousand litres per hour
• l’acqua viene erogata a giorni alterni - water is only available on alternate days
(intransitive) (= ruttare) to burp, to belch
(intransitive) (= emettere) (geol e fig) to erupt, to spew (out), to belch (out)
• il vulcano eruttò lava per tre giorni di seguito - the volcano erupted lava for three days in a row
• eruttò insulti di ogni genere - he fired off all sorts of insults
1 (= realizzare) to perform, to carry out, to execute, to accomplish
• eseguire un compito - to accomplish/to perform a task
• eseguire un dovere - to perform a duty
• eseguire un incarico - to carry out an assignment
• eseguire un pagamento - to effect a payment
• eseguire un progetto - to carry out/to execute a plan, to put a plan into operation
• il lavoro è stato eseguito alla perfezione - the work was carried out to perfection
2 (= mettere in pratica) to follow (out), to implement, to carry out
• eseguire ordini superiori - to carry out/to act on orders from above
• eseguire un piano - to implement a plan
• eseguire qs a puntino - to follow sth through
3 (= interpretare) to interpret, to render, to execute, to perform
• eseguire un brano al piano - to perform a piece of music on the piano
• nessuno sa eseguire Chopin come lui - no one plays Chopin like him
1 to start, to begin, to commence
• esordì con un cordiale saluto - he began with a warm greeting
2 to start, to begin, to make one’s debut
• esordire nel lavoro come - to start (off/out) as
• ha esordito come attrice che era ancora bambina - she began as an actress when she was still a child;
• esordì con una raccolta di poesie - he made his debut with a collection of poems
fidare / fidarsi
fidare (transitive)
1 (= affidare) to entrust, to trust
2 (= dare a fido) to supply on a sale or return basis, to sell on credit
• gli hanno fidato molta merce - he has been supplied with a lot of goods on a sale or return basis
fidare (intransitive)
(= confidare) to rely (on), to trust (in), to depend (on)
• fidare in Dio - to trust in God
• fidare solo sulle proprie forze - to rely on one’s own strength
• non fidare sul suo aiuto! - don’t depend on his support!
1 to trust (vti), to rely (on), to have faith (in)
• fidarsi delle promesse di qn - to trust in sb’s promises
• non è una persona di cui ci si può fidare - you can’t rely on him
• posso fidarmi di lui? - can I trust him?
• si fida solo di se stesso - he only trusts himself
• ci possiamo fidare a fargli tenere tutti quei contanti? - can he be trusted with all that cash?
• non ti fidare! - be careful!
• fidarsi è bene, non fidarsi è meglio - to trust is good, not to trust is better
• come avrebbe mai potuto fidarsi ancora di lui? - how could she ever trust him again?
• non ci si può fidare di lui - he is not to be trusted
2 (coll) to feel up (to), to dare
• non mi fido a camminare di notte da solo - I daren’t go walking alone at night
• non mi fido di farlo tutto da solo - I don’t feel up to doing it all alone
(anche assol) (= equivocare) to misunderstand, to misinterpret, to get wrong, to misconstrue, to misapprehend, (= travisare) to misconceive, (= udire male) to mishear
• fraintendere le intenzioni di qn - to misinterpret sb’s intentions
• non fraintendere quello che dico - don’t get me wrong
• hanno frainteso il senso delle mie parole - they have misunderstood/misconstrued the meaning of my words
• hai frainteso le sue intenzioni - you have misapprehended his intentions
(popol) to blow-dry
to snivel, to blubber, to whimper
• per favore, finiscila di frignare! - please stop blubbering
to function (as), to serve (as/for), to act (as/like) • questa stanza funge da sala riunioni - this room acts as a meeting room • funge da segretaria - she’s acting as secretary
1 (= sporgere) to stick out, to protrude, to thrust, to jut, to poke out/through/up
• l’ombrello fuoriesce dalla borsa - the umbrella sticks out of the bag
• un tubo di ferro fuoriusciva dalla parete - an iron pipe protruded from the wall
2 (= sgorgare) to leak, to pour, to escape
• sono fuoriusciti vapori velenosi da due serbatoi chimici - poisonous fumes leaked from two chemical tanks
3 (= provenire) to issue
giurare (transitive)
1 to swear
• giurare amore eterno a qn - to swear eternal love to sb
• giurare di dire la verità - to swear to tell the truth
• giurare e spergiurare - to swear black and blue
• giurare il falso - to perjure (oneself), to commit perjury, to forswear
• giurare nelle mani di qn - to be sworn in by sb
• giurare sul proprio onore - to swear on one’s honour
• giurare sulla testa di qn - to swear by sb
• giurarla a qn - to swear revenge on sb
• aver giurato di mantenere il segreto - to be sworn to secrecy
• lo giuro! - (coll) cross my heart (and hope to die)!
• potrei giurare di averlo visto vicino casa sua - I could swear I have seen him near his house
• gli ha giurato vendetta - he has sworn his revenge against him
• da quando hanno litigato, gliel’ha giurata - ever since their quarrel, he has sworn he would have his revenge
2 (= promettere solennemente) to vow, to swear
• ti giuro che studierò - I swear to you that I’ll study
giurare (intransitive)
to swear
• giurarci - to swear to sth
• giurare su Dio - to swear by God
• giurare sulla Bibbia - to swear on the Bible
• fare giurare - to swear
• “andrai in vacanza il mese prossimo?” “ci puoi giurare!” - “are you going on holiday next month?” “you bet!”
imbrattare / imbrattarsi
(anche assol) (= impataccare) to stain, to smear, to smudge, to besmear, to bedaub; (mura e simili, anche) to deface
• imbrattare una camicia di inchiostro - to get ink on/all over a shirt, to stain a shirt with ink
• imbrattare uno specchio di grasso - to besmear a mirror with grease
• imbrattare tele - to daub
• imbrattare qs di olio - to stain sth with oil
• dei teppisti hanno imbrattato il portone con disegni osceni - vandals have defaced the gate with obscene drawings
• ha imbrattato il muro con pittura verde - he has smeared the wall with green paint
to smear, to smudge, to become/to get dirty
• non imbrattarti! - don’t get dirty!
• si è tutto imbrattato di fango - he got covered in mud
• si imbrattò il viso di cioccolato - his face was smeared with chocolate
imbrogliare / imbrogliarsi
1 (= ingarbugliare) to tangle, to foul up
• hanno imbrogliato le carte per prendere tempo - they have muddied the waters to gain time
2 (mar) to clew up, to truss (up), to furl (up)
• imbrogliare le vele - to truss/to furl the sails, to clew up the sails
3 (= intralciare) to hinder, to clutter up
• imbrogliare un affare - to hinder a deal
• troppi mobili imbrogliavano l’entrata - there was too much furniture cluttering up the entrance
4 (= confondere) to confuse, to bewilder
• tutti questi discorsi mi imbrogliano - all this talk confuses me
5 (anche assol) (= raggirare) to cheat, to deceive, to swindle, to dupe, to trick, to fool, to hoodwink
• imbrogliare qn sul prezzo - to sell sb short
• è gente che imbroglia senza nessuno scrupolo - those people cheat without any scruples
• attenzione a non farvi imbrogliare da quei truffatori - careful not to be swindled by those tricksters
• mescola bene le carte, non imbrogliare - shuffle the cards well, don’t cheat
• la imbrogliarono per farle vendere il negozio - they deceived her into selling her shop
• non si è mai accorto di essere stato imbrogliato - he never realized he had been tricked
• tentarono di imbrogliare il negoziante - they tried to fool the shopkeeper
1 (= ingarbugliarsi) to get (en)tangled, to foul
• la lenza si è imbrogliata - the line has got tangled
• quando beve gli si imbroglia la lingua - when he’s had something to drink his speech becomes slurred
2 (= smarrirsi) to get confused, to get mixed up
• si è imbrogliato sull’ultima risposta - he got confused on the last answer
• non sa mentire, si imbroglia - he can’t tell lies, he gets all mixed up
3 (= complicarsi) to thicken, to get complicated
• la cosa si imbroglia - the plot thickens
(= infastidire) to bother, to trouble, to pester, to importune
• importunare una donna per strada - to importune a woman in the street
• non importunarlo mentre lavora - don’t bother him while he is working
mi dispiace importunarti, ma ho bisogno di un favore - I’m sorry to trouble you/I hate to bother you, but I need to ask a favour
• smettila di importunarmi - stop pestering me
1 (med) to sphacelate, to become gangrenous, to gangrene
2 (fig) to fester, to become critical/chronic
• la situazione si sta incancrenendo rapidamente - the situation is rapidly becoming critical
incastrare / incastrarsi
1 to insert, to fit into place, to wedge, to lodge; (= incassare) to embed, to bed; oref to *set (solit pass), to mount
• incastrare un cuneo - to insert a wedge
• incastrare a linguetta - to tongue
• incastrare le tessere di un mosaico - to fit together the pieces of a mosaic
• non riuscì a incastrare il pezzo - he didn’t manage to fit the piece into place
• il proiettile era incastrato nel muro - the bullet was lodged in the wall
2 (= fare apparire colpevole) to set up, to frame, to fit up
• s’è fatto incastrare come un novellino - he allowed himself to be framed like a novice
• gli inquirenti lo hanno incastrato - the investigators have set him up
1 to stick (fast), to get stuck, to lodge, to get wedged; (fig) to fall/to click/to fit into place
• essere/trovarsi incastrato (in una data situazione) - to be roped in
• restare incastrato - to stick fast, to jam
• rimasi incastrato in un ingorgo per oltre due ore - I got stuck in a traffic jam for more than two hours
• il coperchio si è incastrato - the lid has got stuck/has jammed
• la moto si incastrò sotto il camion - the motorbike got trapped/wedged under the lorry
2 (= ingranare) to engage, to interlock
incentrare / incentrarsi
to base on, to focus on
• incentrare la lezione sulla filosofia di Hegel - to base the lesson on Hegel’s philosophy
to center, to revolve, to be based
• la commedia si incentra sul classico triangolo - the comedy revolves around the classic triangle
1 (= incespicare) to trip (up/over), to stumble
• fare inciampare - to trip
• inciampare e cadere - to take a tumble
• inciampò nella sedia e cadde - he tripped over the chair and fell
2 (= intoppare) to stumble (across), to run (into), to come (across), to encounter (vt)
• inciampare nella legge - to fall foul of the law
• sono inciampato in un vero rompiscatole - I ran into a real pain in the neck
3 (fig) to stutter, to stammer, to stumble
• inciampare nello scrivere - to make a blunder while writing
• quando parla svelto inciampa - when he talks quickly he stammers
indebolire / indebolirsi
1 (= debilitare; ≠ rafforzare) to weaken, to debilitate, to enfeeble; (= svigorire) to sap, to enervate (lett)
• indebolire la difesa nemica - to weaken the enemy defences
• indebolire un governo - to enfeeble a government
• indebolire la resistenza del nemico - to sap the enemy’s resistance
• la malattia lo ha indebolito - the illness has weakened him
• la lunga marcia li indebolì - the long march left them debilitated
2 (= minare) to weaken, to undermine, to cripple, to impair
• indebolire la posizione di qn - to undermine sb’s position
• indebolire un sistema economico - to cripple an economic system
• l’insuccesso ha indebolito il suo prestigio - the failure undermined his prestige
• l’alcol gli ha indebolito i riflessi - alcohol has impaired his reflexes
3 (= rilassare) to relax, to loosen, to ease off
• indebolire la disciplina - to ease off discipline
• indebolire la presa - to loosen one’s grip
• indebolire la sorveglianza - to relax supervision
4 (= attutire) to soften; (emozioni, sentimenti, ecc) to blunt
• l’ozio gli ha indebolito la mente - idleness has blunted his intellect
5 (valute) to weaken
6 (foto) to reduce
1 (= deperire) to weaken, to get weak, to wilt; (di malati e simili) to sink
• indebolirsi per il digiuno - to get weak as a result of fasting
• le sue forze si indebolivano di giorno in giorno - his strength ebbed away/diminished day by day
2 (= ammorbidirsi) to soften, to weaken, to relax
• il suo rigido puritanesimo si è indebolito grazie alla moglie - his strict puritanism has softened, thanks to his wife
3 (di valute, prezzi, ecc) to weaken, to sag, to soften
• i prezzi si stanno indebolendo - prices are softening
• lo yen si è molto indebolito rispetto al dollaro - the yen has weakened a lot against the dollar
4 (= attenuarsi) to fade, to dwindle, to drop; (di vista, udito) to fail; (di segnali radio, suoni, ecc) to fade out, to die away; (di sentimenti, ecc) to subside, to die down, to ebb
• la mia fiducia in lui si è indebolita - my trust in him has dwindled
• il vento si è indebolito - the wind has dropped
• con la lontananza il suo amore si indebolì - once he was far away his love died down
• mi si sta indebolendo la vista - my sight is failing
• la sua memoria si stava indebolendo lentamente - his memory was slowly fading
5 (di interesse, sostegno e simili) to drop away/off, to wither (away), to wane
• il loro interesse nell’acquisto si è indebolito - their interest in purchasing has waned
ingannare / ingannarsi
1.1 (= indurre in errore) to mislead, to deceive, to fool
• quell’imitazione ingannerebbe anche un esperto - that imitation would fool even an expert
1.2 (assol) to be deceptive
• le apparenze ingannano - appearances are deceptive
1.3 (= truffare) to swindle, to bamboozle, to cheat, to diddle
• lo hanno ingannato - they have swindled him
1.4 (= abbindolare) to trick, to dupe, to take in, to take for a ride/to lead up the garden path (coll)
• ingannare una ragazza - to seduce a girl
• è stato ingannato dal suo migliore amico - he was tricked by his best friend
• non farti ingannare dalle apparenze - don’t be taken in by appearances
1.5 (= tradire) to betray, to be unfaithful to, to cheat (on), to two-time
• la moglie lo inganna col dentista - his wife is two-timing him with their dentist
2 (= deludere) to fail, to let down
3 (= eludere) to dodge
• ingannare la fame - to stave off hunger
• ingannare il tempo - to kill time, to while away/to pass the time
• il prigioniero ha ingannato la sorveglianza - the prisoner dodged surveillance
1 (= sbagliarsi) to be mistaken, to be wrong
• ingannarsi di grosso - to be making a big mistake
• ti inganni, non ha mai detto queste cose - you are wrong, he never said such things
• mi sono ingannato sul tuo conto - I was wrong about you
• se non m’inganno - if I’m not mistaken
2 (= illudersi) to deceive oneself, to delude oneself
• mi sono ingannato di poter vincere - I deluded myself about my chances of winning
1 to water
• annaffiare le piante - to water plants
2 (fig) to wash down, to rinse down
• una bistecca annaffiata con vino rosso - a steak washed down with red wine
inseguire / inseguirsi
1 (= rincorrere) to pursue, to chase, to run after, to go/to come after; (= incalzare) to track, to dog
• il negoziante inseguì i rapinatori - the shopkeeper pursued the robbers
• lo inseguimmo, ma non riuscimmo a raggiungerlo - we ran after him, but couldn’t catch up with him
• i cani inseguirono la volpe - the dogs went after the fox
• il rimorso lo inseguiva - remorse dogged him
2 (= vagheggiare) to woo, to pursue, to cherish, to chase
• inseguire il successo/la fama - to woo/to chase success/fame
• insegue questo sogno da venti anni - he has cherished/pursued this dream for twenty years
3 (spec radar) to track
• inseguire sullo schermo radar - to track on the radar screen
to chase each other, to run after each other
intontire / intontirsi
to befuddle, to stun, to daze, to stupefy
• le droghe lo hanno intontito - drugs have befuddled him
• tutte quelle chiacchiere mi hanno intontito - all that talk has left me befuddled
• la notizia lo intontì - he was stunned by the news
to become stupid, to become stupefied/dazed
• si intontì per la canicola - he became stupefied in the midsummer heat
intorbidare / intorbidarsi
intorbidire / intorbidirsi
intorbidare / intorbidire
1 (anche intorbidìre e (raro) intorbàre) (= rendere torbido) to make turbid/murky, to muddy, to cloud
• intorbidare le acque - to trouble/to muddy the waters
• intorbidare una situazione - to muddy a situation
• intorbidare la vista - to cloud vision
2 (= turbare) to upset, to taint
• intorbidare le acque - (fig) to rock the boat, to stir things up
• intorbidare un’amicizia con pettegolezzi - to taint a friendship with gossip
• intorbidare gli animi - to upset people
3 (= offuscare) to cloud, to muddy
• l’ira può intorbidare la mente - anger can cloud one’s reason
intorbidarsi / intorbidirsi
1 (= diventare torbido) to go cloudy, to become turbid/murky
• il vino si è intorbidato - the wine has gone cloudy
2 (= offuscarsi) to cloud over, to get murky
• il cielo si sta intorbidando - the sky is clouding over
• la situazione si è intorbidata - the situation has got murkier
• mi si intorbidò la vista - my sight clouded over
intralciare / intralciarsi
(= ostacolare) to hamper, to hinder, to impede, to obstruct
• intralciare il corso della giustizia - to obstruct/to pervert the course of justice
• intralciare qn - to get in sb’s way
• i colpevoli hanno cercato di intralciare le indagini - the culprits tried to hamper the inquiries
• con la tua presenza m’intralci il lavoro - your presence hinders me getting on with the job
• la nebbia intralciava il traffico - fog made driving difficult
• questo abito stretto mi intralcia i movimenti - this tight suit hampers my movements
1 to hamper/to hinder each other, to get in each other’s way
• in quello spazio angusto ci intralceremo a vicenda - in that cramped space we’ll get in each other’s way
2 to get/to become complicated
• la trattativa si è intralciata - the negotiations have got complicated
1 (= ideare) to invent, to create
• inventare un nuovo prodotto - to create a new product
• inventare un nuovo sistema di vendita - to invent a new sales system
• ha inventato un nuovo tipo di macchina per cucire - he invented a new type of sewing machine
2 (fig) to invent, to devise, to fabricate, to trump up, to come up with, to manufacture
• inventare un’accusa - to trump up an accusation
• inventare prove - to fabricate evidence
• inventare una storia/un alibi - to invent/to manufacture a story/an alibi
• bisognerà inventare qualcosa per passare la serata - we’ll have to devise/come up with some way of spending the evening
• ne inventa una al giorno - he comes up with a new one every day
3 (= escogitare) to think up, to cook up, to concoct, to devise
• che cosa hai inventato questa volta? - what have you thought up this time
• bisogna inventare un nuovo metodo per ridurre i costi - we need to devise a new method to reduce costs
• ne inventa di tutti i colori - he concocts all sorts of schemes
• la fidanzata inventò una storia assurda - his girlfriend cooked up an unbelievable story
4 (= coniare) to mint, to coin
• inventare una nuova parola - to coin a new word
scendere (intransitivo)
1.1 (≠ salire) to descend, to walk down, to get down, to go down, to come down; (di corsi d’acqua) to flow down, to run down; (di grado, qualifica, ecc) to move down, to go down, to drop down; (in classifica e simili) to drop (to)
• scendere aiutandosi con i piedi e con le mani - to swarm down
• scendere a rete (calcio) - to move into the area/goalmouth, (tennis) to go to the net
• scendere a spirale - to spiral downwards
• scendere dal letto - to get out of bed
• scendere da una scala a pioli - to climb down a ladder
• scendere di cattedra (fig) - to get off one’s high horse
• scendere di corsa - to run down, to rush down
• scendere e salire - to go down and up
• scendere in cantina - to go down into the cellar
• scendo subito! - I’ll be right down!
• scendi, devo parlarti - come down, I need to speak to you
• il fiume scende a valle con una piccola cascata - the river runs down to the valley with a little waterfall
• questo errore lo ha fatto scendere a un grado inferiore - this mistake moved him down to a lower grade
• Dante scese all’inferno - Dante descended into hell
• la squadra è scesa all’ultimo posto - the team has dropped to the bottom
• non volle scendere dall’albero - he wouldn’t come down from the tree
• scendo a comprare il latte - I’m just going down/out to get some milk
• quelle parole mi scesero al cuore (fig) - those words moved me
1.2 (da mezzi di trasporto) to get off/out, to disembark, to alight; (da cavallo, ecc) to alight, to get off, to dismount
• scendere da un’auto - to get out of a car
• scendere da cavallo - to get off a horse, to dismount from a horse
• fare/lasciare scendere - to drop, to let off
• scendi alla prossima fermata - get off at the next stop
• non scesero dalla carrozza - they didn’t alight from the carriage
• la ragazza scese alla stazione - the girl got out at the station
1.3 (= cadere dall’alto) to rain, to fall, to drop, to come down; (di acqua) to cascade, to fall
• la neve scendeva fitta - the snow was falling heavily
• la pioggia scende a catinelle - it’s raining cats and dogs, it’s pouring
• molta acqua scendeva dal tetto - water was cascading off the roof
2 (da luogo più a nord) to descend, to come down, to go down
• scendi a Capri per qualche giorno - come down to Capri for a few days
• i barbari scesero in Italia dalle regioni germaniche - barbarians descended from the Germanic areas into Italy
3 (= sostare/prendere alloggio) to stay
• è sceso all’albergo Ritz - he is staying at the Ritz Hotel
4 (nelle loc)
• scendere in lizza - to enter the lists/fray, to compete
• scendere in piazza - to demonstrate, to take part in a march, to take to the streets, to go out into the streets
5 V(+verso+IN) (= essere in pendenza) to slope, to go down • parcheggiò dove la strada incomincia a scendere - he parked where the road begins to slope • il sentiero scende verso il mare - the path goes down towards the sea
6 (= abbassarsi) (fig) to descend, to stoop, to sink
• scendere a compromessi - to stoop to compromises
• non intendo scendere a queste tattiche - I don’t intend to stoop to these tactics
• è sceso a più miti consigli - he has thought again/he has listened to reason
• non riesco a credere che scenderesti a tanto! - I can’t believe you would sink so low/to such a level!
7.1 (= diminuire) to drop, to fall, to decrease, to decline
• scendere gradatamente (di prezzi e simili) - to slide
• scendere rapidamente (di prezzi e simili) - to nosedive, to plunge, to plummet
• fare scendere qc - to send sth down, to bring sth down
• il livello della benzina è sceso - the level of fuel has fallen
• i profitti scesero del 40% rispetto all’anno precedente - profits dropped (by) 40% against the previous year
• gli acquisti scesero al livello più basso mai registrato - purchases dropped to the lowest level ever recorded
• i risparmi personali sono scesi al 14% del reddito disponibile - personal savings have fallen to 14% of disposable income
• il prezzo dell’oro è sceso - the price of gold has fallen
• la temperatura tende a scendere - temperatures are falling
• gli è scesa la febbre - his temperature has dropped
7.2 (= calare) to fall, to descend
• la notte/il buio scese rapidamente - night/darkness came on quickly
7.3 (= pendere) to hang, to be suspended; (di capelli) to flow, to cascade, to tumble down; (di abiti) to hang, to fall, to sit
• dal soffitto scende un enorme lampadario - a huge chandelier hangs from the ceiling
• la chioma rigogliosa le scende sulle spalle - her luxuriant hair cascades onto her shoulders
7.4 (= tramontare) to set
• il sole scende alle otto - the sun sets at eight
8 (= atterrare) to land, to touch down
• l’aereo scese alle dieci esatte - the plane touched down at ten sharp
9 (= abbassarsi) to sink, to subside; (di tensione e simili) to ease off
• improvvisamente la tensione scese - all of a sudden the tension eased off
10 (dialet, improp) to go to location at a lower sea level
• scendo ad avellino - I’m going down to Avellino
scendere (transitivo)
1 (≠ salire) to descend, to walk down, to go down, to come down
• scendere un pendio - to descend a slope/a hill
• scendere una scaletta - to climb down a ladder
• scendere le scale - to descend the stairs, to go/to walk down (the) stairs/the steps
• stava scendendo le scale quando lo chiamai - he was walking down the steps when I called him
2 (dialet, improp, usato come abbassare) to lower
• mi scendi il paniere? - could you lower the basket?
cacciare / cacciarsi
cacciare (transitive)
1 (anche assol) (= andare a caccia di) to shoot, to hunt, to chase
• cacciare il fagiano - to shoot the pheasant
• cacciare la lepre - to hunt the hare
• i lupi cacciano in branchi - wolves hunt in packs
2 (= scacciare) to oust, to drive, to banish; (= espellere) to expel, to throw out; (dalle forze armate e simili) to cashier, to drum out
• cacciare di casa un figlio - to drive a son away from home
• cacciare gli invasori - to oust the invaders
• è stato cacciato da scuola - he was thrown out of school
3 (= infilare) to shove, to stick, to throw, to thrust, to drive; (= mettere) (coll) to put, to get into, to involve, to embroil
• cacciare il naso in qc (fig) - to poke/to stick one’s nose into sth
• cacciare un palo nella sabbia - to thrust a pole into the sand
• cacciare qc in testa a qn - to get/to drive st into sb’s head
• cacciò tutta la sua roba in un sacco e se ne andò - he threw all his stuff in a bag and left
• ma cosa ti sei cacciato in mente? - what have you got into your head?
• dove hai cacciato le chiavi dell’auto? - where did you put the car keys?
• mi avete cacciato in un grosso guaio - you got me into some big trouble
• Dove hai cacciato i miei guanti? - Where did you stick my gloves?
4 (= estrarre) to pull out, to put out; (= emettere) to give out, to let out
• cacciare un urlo - to let out a scream
• cacciò fuori il portafogli e pagò il conto - he pulled out his wallet and paid the bill
• cacciò un grido di dolore - he gave out a cry of pain
cacciare (intransitive)
to hunt, to shoot, to go hunting/shooting
• cacciare di frodo - to poach
(= infilarsi) to dive, to get oneself; (= nascondersi) (esten) to hide (oneself)
• si cacciò sul primo treno - he dove onto the first train
• si è cacciato in un bel pasticcio - he’s got himself into a fine mess
• dove ti sei cacciato? - where have you got to?
• il topo si cacciò in un buco - the mouse hid in a hole
1 (= conferire) to invest, to vest
• investire qn di un diritto - to invest sb with a right
• è stato investito dei pieni poteri - he has been invested/vested with full powers
2 (= incaricare) to delegate, to appoint
• fu investita di un compito molto delicato - she was appointed to do a very delicate task
3 (econ, finance) to invest, to employ
• investire all’estero - to invest abroad
• investire capitali in una fabbrica - to invest capital in a factory
• investire in obbligazioni - to invest in bonds
• ha investito tutto il suo denaro in un negozio - he invested all his money in a shop
• le è stato consigliato di investire in beni immobili - she was advised to invest in real estate
4 (= urtare) to hit, to run into, to plough into; (= travolgere) to run down/over, to knock down
• il treno investì l’auto al passaggio a livello - the train ran into/hit the car at the level crossing
• l’autobus impazzito investì i passanti - the careering bus ploughed into passers-by
• fu investito da un taxi - he was run over by a cab
5 (= assalire) to attack, (anche fig) to assail
• investire qn di domande/di ingiurie - to assail sb with questions/insults
6 (= spargersi in) to sweep over/across, to spread over
• un’epidemia di epatite ha investito la nostra città - a hepatitis epidemic has swept across our city
1 to collide (with each other), to enter into collision
• i due vagoni si sono investiti durante la manovra - the two carriages collided during the manoeuvre
2 to attack each other
• si investirono con le armi in pugno - they attacked each other weapons in hand
3 to invest oneself
• si investì del potere regale - he invested himself with regal authority
4 to empathize, to sympathize
• investirsi del dolore altrui - to empathize with the grief of another
5 (mar) to strike (contro scogli, ecc); to collide (altri natanti)
1 (= lamentarsi) to groan, to wail, to moan, to bellyache; (fig) to complain, to whinge
• si lagna in continuazione per la mancanza di soldi - he’s always complaining about his lack of money
• il malato si lagna per il dolore - the patient is complaining about/is crying out for the pain
• si lagna sempre del cibo - he’s all the time whinging about food
2 (= reclamare) to complain, to groan, to grumble, to murmur, to beef, to grouse (coll)
• lagnarsi in continuazione - to gripe
• se qualcosa va storto non venire a lagnarti con me - if something goes wrong, don’t come complaining to me
• si lagna del suo lavoro - he’s groaning/grumbling about his work
• di che cosa si lagna adesso? - what is she beefing about now?
1 (= mattare) to butcher, to slaughter
2 (fig) to slaughter, to massacre, to butcher
• migliaia di civili furono macellati - thousands of civilians were massacred
3 (= rovinare) (fig) to butcher, to murder
• disossando il pollo l’hai macellato - you really screwed up de-boning that chicken
• hanno macellato la commedia - they butchered the play
munire / munirsi
1 (= armare/fortificare) to arm, to fortify
• munire di armi un soldato - to arm a soldier
• munire una fortezza - to fortify a stronghold
• munire una nave di cannoni - to arm a ship with cannon
2 (= fornire/dotare) to provide, to issue
• munire le finestre di zanzariere - to provide the windows with mosquito nets
• hanno munito l’ufficio di tutti i confort - they provided the office with every comfort
• i dipendenti verranno muniti di un permesso d’ingresso - staff will be issued with an entry permit
1 to arm oneself, to provide/to equip oneself
• munirsi di abiti pesanti - to provide oneself with warm clothing
• munirsi di coraggio/di pazienza - to arm oneself with courage/patience
• muniamoci di tutto l’occorrente e cominciamo il lavoro - let’s get organized with everything we need and start work
• si era già munito del necessario prima della partenza - he had already equipped himself with all he needed before leaving
• venite muniti di abiti pesanti - come armed with warm clothing
2 (= premunirsi) to provide, to guard
• munirsi contro le brutte sorprese - to guard against nasty surprises
1 (anche imper) (= bisognare) to need, to have (to), must, to be necessary, to be essential; (riferito a tempo) to take; (= essere necessario) to be needed, to be necessary, to be required; (= abbisognare) to need, to require, to want
• occorre che tu intervenga al più presto - you must intervene as soon as possible
• non occorreva che venisse - it wasn’t necessary for him to come
• se occorre, bisogna che le si dica tutto - if necessary, we must tell her everything
• occorre urgentemente sangue per una trasfusione - blood is urgently required for a transfusion
• se ti occorre una mano, sono a tua disposizione - if you need a hand, I’m willing to help
• occorrono grandi capitali - large capital is required
• vi occorre qualcosa? - do you need anything
• occorrono due ore per arrivare a Roma - it takes two hours to get to Rome
• “posso aiutarti?” “no, non occorre” - “can I help you?” “no, it’s not necessary”
2 (= accadere/verificarsi) to occur, to happen, to take place
• è occorso diverse volte - it has occurred several times
• gli occorrono le cose più strane - the strangest things are happening to him
1 (= muoversi con l’onda) to rock
• la boa ondeggiava sulla superficie dell’acqua - the buoy rocked on the water
2 (= muoversi come le onde) (fig) to wave, to waver, to ripple, to sway, to shake, (= sventolare) to stream, to flutter, to fly, (di fiamma e simili) to flicker
• fare ondeggiare - to swing, to rock, to dangle
• muoversi ondeggiando - to undulate
• l’edificio ondeggiò senza crollare - the building shook without collapsing
• la bandiera ondeggiava sul pennone - the flag fluttered on the pole
• i capelli le ondeggiavano sulle spalle - her hair bobbed up and down on her shoulders
• il grano ondeggia all’orizzonte - the corn is swaying/rippling on the horizon
• la folla ondeggiò e poi sparì - the crowd wavered and then disappeared
3 (= barcollare) to stagger, to roll
• stordito dall’alcol, camminava ondeggiando - he staggered under the influence of alcohol
4 (= titubare) to dither
• ondeggiava fra il rimanere a casa e l’uscire - he dithered between staying at home and going out
5 (= avere disposizione a onde) to undulate
patire (transitive)
1 (= subire) to suffer, to undergo
• ho patito molti torti nella mia vita - I have suffered many wrongs in my life
• la casa ha patito gravi danni per il terremoto - the house suffered severe damage in the earthquake
2 (= soffrire) to suffer
• patire la fame - to suffer hunger
3 (= sopportare) to suffer, to put up with
• pativa ogni sorta di prepotenze - he put up with every kind of arrogance
• non riesco a patire quel presuntuoso - I can’t stand that know-all
patire (intransitive)
1 (= soffrire) to suffer (from)
• patire di mal di schiena - to suffer from backache
• il poverino ha finito di patire - the poor fellow has finished his tribulations
2 (= guastarsi) to suffer
• la felce patisce per la scarsezza d’acqua - the fern suffers from lack of water
piegare / piegarsi
piegare (transitive)
1 (≠ raddrizzare) to bend, to buckle, to twist, to kink; (le labbra) to curl
• piegare il braccio - to bend one’s arm
• piegare il braccio a qn (anche fig) - to twist sb’s arm
• piegare il busto in avanti - to bend forward
• piegare una sbarra di ferro - to bend an iron bar
• essere piegato in due - to be bent double
• le raffiche di vento piegarono i fiori - the gusts of wind bent the flowers
• l’urto ha piegato il cofano - the impact has buckled the bonnet
2 (= ripiegare) to fold (up)
• piegare un foglio - to fold a sheet of paper
• piegare una tovaglia - to fold a tablecloth
3 (= inclinare/curvare) to bend, to tilt, to bow
• piegare il capo - to tilt/to bow one’s head, to hang one’s head, (per salutare) to nod
• piegare il capo da un lato - to cock one’s head to one side
4 (= domare/indurre/persuadere) to bend, to subdue, to crush; to convince
• piegare l’avversario - to subdue one’s opponent
• piegare qn alla propria opinione - to convince sb of one’s opinion
• piegare la resistenza - to crush resistance
5 (oggetti pieghevoli) to collapse, to fold
• piegare una sedia a sdraio/un tavolo - to fold a deckchair/a table
piegare (intransitive)
(= volgere) to turn, to curve
• arrivati all’incrocio, piegammo a sinistra - at the crossroads, we turned left
• lì il fiume piega a est - there the river curves eastwards
1 (= incurvarsi/inclinarsi) to bend, to lean, to stoop, to turn; (= cedere) to yield, to collapse, to buckle; (delle labbra) to curl; (di arti e articolazioni) to buckle
• piegarsi in due/su se stesso - to curl up, to fold up, to double over/up, to bend double
• piegarsi in due dalle risate - to double up with laughter
• piegarsi sotto il peso degli anni - to stoop under the weight of the advancing years
• piegarsi sotto un peso - to buckle under a weight
• piegarsi verso l’interno/l’esterno - to turn in/out
• col calore il ferro si piegò - the iron bar buckled in the heat
• si piegò e le disse alcune parole all’orecchio - he leant over and said a few words in her ear
2.1 (= arrendersi/cedere) to yield, to give in, to capitulate, to cave in, to bow, to bend, to comply (form)
• piegarsi al nemico - to give in to the enemy
• non volle piegarsi alle nostre richieste - he would not comply to our requests
• si spezza ma non si piega (fig) - he can be broken but not bowed
• alla fine si piegarono alle nostre richieste - at the end they caved in to our demands
• dovettero piegarsi alle pressione delle altre nazioni - they had to bow to pressure from other nations
2.2 (= inchinarsi) to bow (down)
• si piegò al cospetto della regina - he bowed before the queen
3 (= essere pieghevole) to collapse, to fold away
piantare / piantarsi
1 (= interrare) to plant, to root, (= seminare) to sow
• andare a piantare cavoli (fig) - to withdraw from public life
• piantare un albero di limoni - to plant a lemon tree
• piantare un campo a piselli - to plant a field with peas
• piantare fiori - to plant flowers
• piantare semi nel terreno - to sow seed in the ground
2 (= conficcare) to plant, to drive, to thrust, to sink
• piantare un coltello nel petto a qn - to plant/to thrust a knife in sb’s chest
• piantare gli occhi addosso a qn (fig) - to stare at sb
• piantare un palo nel terreno - to drive a pole into the ground
3 (= abbandonare) fig to drop, to ditch, to chuck, to jilt, to abandon, (un lavoro e simili) to quit, to give up, to pack in
• piantare il fidanzato - to chuck/to drop/to jilt one’s boyfriend, to finish with one’s boyfriend
• ha piantato moglie e figli ed è partito - he abandoned his wife and children and left
4 (= smettere) to quit, to stop, to jack in, to chuck, to pack in
• piantarla - to cut it out
• piantala! - pack it in!, knock it off!, cut it out
• piantala di fare chiasso! - stop making a noise!
1 (= conficcarsi) to stick, to lodge
• il proiettile si piantò nella parete - the bullet lodged in the wall
• mi si è piantata una spina nell’alluce - I’ve got a thorn sticking in my big toe
2 (di sistemi operativi) (elab) to crash, to bomb
• questo nuovo sistema non si pianta così spesso come i precedenti - this new system doesn’t crash as much as its predecessors did
3 (= fermarsi) to plant oneself, to place oneself
• le si piantò dinanzi - he planted himself in front of her
• si è piantato in casa mia - he has taken up residence in my house
piazzare / piazzarsi
1 (= collocare) to place; (ordinativi e simili) to place; (= piantare) to plant; (= postare) to post, to station (solit pass)
• piazzare una bomba in una stazione - to plant a bomb in a station
• piazzare un ordinativo - to place an order
• hanno piazzato delle guardie all’ingresso del palazzo - they have posted guards at the building entrance
2 (= vendere) to place, to sell, to dispose of
• piazzare un prestito - to place a loan
• non riesce a piazzare la merce - he can’t sell the goods
1 (= classificarsi, in una scala) to rank, to rate, (in una gara) to be placed, to come out, to come in; to show (ippica), US
• piazzarsi bene/male - to be well/badly placed
• piazzarsi al primo posto - to come out on top
2 (= collocarsi) to plant oneself, to place oneself
• si piazzò davanti a loro - he planted himself in front of them
• si è piazzato nella mia poltrona - he made himself comfortable in my armchair
presentare / presentarsi
1.1 (= mostrare) to show, to produce, to present; (= rappresentare) to portray, to present (as/in), to represent, to depict
• lo stilista presentò la nuova collezione invernale - the designer presented his new winter collection
• il dipinto presenta una scena marina - the painting represents a seascape
1.2 (= enunciare) to present, to advance; (= inoltrare) to present, to file, to lodge, to hand in, to enter form; (conti e simili) to render
• presentare un estratto conto - to render an account
• presentare un’istanza - to lodge a request
• presentare una nuova teoria - to advance a new theory
• presentare un’offerta per un appalto - to enter a bid for a contract
• presentare un ricorso - to lodge an appeal, to petition
• disse che avrebbe presentato la sua argomentazione - he said he would present his argument
• devi presentare la domanda entro mezzogiorno - you have to file your application by midday
• i conti vengono presentati ogni tre mesi - accounts are rendered quarterly
2 (= prospettare) to pose, to present
• il perito ci ha presentato grosse difficoltà - the assessor raised some major difficulties
• l’acquisizione presenta grossi problemi - the acquisition poses great problems
3 (= offrire/porgere) to present, to offer, to tender
• presentare le dimissioni - to tender one’s resignation
• presentò le sue scuse ai miei genitori - he apologized to my parents
• la soluzione presenta molti vantaggi - the solution offers many advantages
• presenterò! - I shall do so!
4 (= esporre) to set forth, to set out, to expound, to present, to show
• presentare il fianco al nemico (anche fig) - to show one’s flank to the enemy
• presentare la prua al vento - to swing head to wind
• presenteremo il piano alla riunione di domani - we’ll set out our plan at tomorrow’s meeting
• ha presentato una nuova teoria economica - he has expounded a new economic theory
• così esposto presenta un facile bersaglio - being so exposed it makes an easy target
• il cadavere presenta ferite da taglio - the corpse bears knife wounds
5 (= esibire) to present, to show, to exhibit, to produce; (= metter su, spettacoli) to put on, to stage, to present, (come presentatore) to compere, to host, to front; (= eseguire/interpretare) to present, to perform
• l’addetto al controllo immigrazione ci chiese di presentare i nostri passaporti - the immigration officer asked us to show our passports
• la compagnia presenterà una commedia di Pirandello - the company will put on a play by Pirandello
• chi presenterà lo spettacolo? - who will compere the show?
6 (= proporre) to submit, to present; (mozioni e simili) to propose, to move, to table; (proposte, prove e simili) to bring forward, to produce, to present; (disegni di legge) to introduce, to propose; (come candidato) to nominate, to propose
• presentare una candidatura - to present a candidacy
• presenteremo una mozione all’assemblea generale - we’ll move a motion at the general meeting
• l’accusa ha presentato il corpo del reato - the prosecution produced physical evidence
7 (= fare conoscere) to introduce
• presentare un cliente - to introduce a client
• presentami a tua zia - introduce me to your aunt
8 (= introdurre) to introduce, to present
• presentare le debuttanti in società - to present débutantes in society
• poche parole dell’autore presentano la novella che segue - a few words by the author introduce the following short story
9 (programmi e simili) to present, to bill; (= offrire) pub to sponsor
• questo film è presentato da una impresa alimentare - this film is sponsored by a food company
10 (= notificare) to serve
• gli è stata presentata una citazione a comparire - he has been served with a writ of summons
1 (= recarsi di persona) to present oneself, to turn out, (= farsi vivo) to turn up, to show up, to appear, to arrive
• presentarsi in ritardo - to arrive late
• lo aspettavamo, ma non si è presentato - we were waiting for him, but he didn’t show up
• deve presentarsi al commissariato tutti i giorni - he has to appear at the police station everyday
• si è presentato in jeans - he turned up in jeans
2 (= comparire in giudizio) to appear
• l’imputato si è rifiutato di presentarsi in tribunale - the accused refused to appear in court
3 (= farsi vedere) to show (oneself), to appear, to loom; (del feto) to present
• presentarsi minacciosamente - to loom up
• un dubbio gli si presentò alla mente - a doubt loomed in his mind
4 (= offrirsi) to volunteer, to come/to step forward
• ci presentammo per offrire il nostro aiuto - we volunteered our help
5 (= farsi conoscere) to introduce oneself
• si presentò da solo - he introduced himself
6 (= mettersi a rapporto) to report; (dopo un periodo di ferie o assenza) to report back
• si è presentato in ufficio dopo quattro giorni di assenza - he reported back to the office after a four-day absence
7 (= capitare) to occur, to crop up, to pop up, to arise
• non si è ancora presentata l’occasione giusta - the right opportunity has not yet arisen
• si presentarono diversi problemi - several hitches cropped up
8 (= offrirsi) to offer (oneself), to present oneself, to come up
• presentarsi alle elezioni - to come up for election, to stand for election
• un’occasione simile si presenta solo una volta - a chance like this comes up once in a lifetime
9 (= mostrarsi/sembrare) to appear, to look
• il problema si presenta alquanto complicato - the problem appears rather complicated
• il viaggio si presenta bene - the trip is looking good
• il parto si presenta difficile - the delivery looks complicated
prestare / prestarsi
1 to lend, to loan; ban to advance, to loan, to lend, to on-lend
• prestare denaro al 10% di interesse - to lend money at 10% interest
• prestare denaro contro garanzia - to lend/to advance money against security
• prestare una somma di denaro a qn - to lend sb a sum of money, to lend a sum of money to sb
• farsi prestare qc - to borrow sth
• abbiamo prestato soldi ai nostri vicini - we have lent money to our neighbours
• mi presti l’auto? - can I borrow your car?
2 (= concedere/dare) to lend, to give; (aiuto, assistenza, anche) to render, to provide
• prestare ascolto a - to lend an ear to, to listen to
• prestare il fianco alle critiche - to expose one’s flank to criticisms
• prestare mallevadoria - to stand surety, to give security
• prestare soccorso a qn - to render assistance to sb, to give help to sb
• prestare i primi soccorsi a qn - to give first aid to sb
• prestano assistenza agli infermi - they provide assistance to the infirm
1 to lend oneself (to)
• le sue parole si prestano a fraintendimenti - his words lend themselves to misinterpretation
2 (= essere adatto) to be fit, to be suited, to be suitable, to fill/to fit the bill (coll)
• la borsa non si presta a contenere i documenti - the bag is not suitable for containing the documents
• il suo fisico non si presta alle fatiche - his physique is not suited to strenuous tasks
• questa lana si presta per un soprabito - this wool is suitable for an overcoat
3 (= offrirsi) to volunteer
• si prestò per soccorrere i feriti - he volunteered to treat the casualties
4 (= adoperarsi) to help, to lend a hand
• si è prestato per trovarci un lavoro - he helped us to find work
1 (= esigere) to demand, to expect
• pretendere l’impossibile - to expect the impossible
• pretendere molto da - to make heavy demands on
• pretendere ubbidienza assoluta - to expect absolute obedience
• pretendono il pagamento entro la prossima settimana - they demand payment by next week
• pretende il massimo rendimento dai suoi impiegati - he expects total commitment from his employees
• pretendo la massima attenzione - I demand maximum attention
• nessuno pretende questo da te - nobody expects that from you
• è uno che pretende molto da se stesso - he is very demanding on himself
2 (= volere per forza) to claim, to lay claim to, to exact
• pretendere un prezzo esorbitante - to ask for/to charge an exorbitant price
• pretendere privilegi - to lay claim to privileges
• pretese tutti i soldi da noi - he exacted all the money from us
3 (= presumere) to presume, to fancy
• pretende di aver sempre ragione - he presumes he is always right
4 (= sostenere) to claim, to purport (form)
• pretendere di essere - to make oneself out to be
• pretende di essere più bravo di te - he purports to be cleverer than you
• pretendeva di non ricordare nulla - he claimed not to remember anything
5 (= ambire/aspirare) to pretend, to lay claim, to claim
pretendere al trono - to pretend to/to claim the throne
rassegnare / rassegnarsi
(= consegnare/presentare) to hand in, to send in, to give in
• rassegnare le dimissioni - to hand in one’s resignation, to resign
(= adattarsi/piegarsi) to resign oneself, to accept, to give in, to submit, to yield, to reconcile oneself, to put up (with)
• rassegnarsi a fare qs - to make up one’s mind to doing sth
• rassegnarsi a qs - to make the best of sth
• si è rassegnato a vivere in questo paesetto - he has resigned himself to living in this village
• col tempo si rassegnerà all’assenza del figlio - with time she’ll accept her son’s absence
• non ci resta che rassegnarci - we’ll just have to get used to it
• non mi rassegnerò mai a questo ricatto - I will never give in/yield to this blackmail
• non credo che si rassegnerà a questa disciplina - I don’t think he’ll submit to this discipline
reggere / reggersi
reggere (transitive)
1 to hold
• reggere la coda a qn - to be a toady to sb, to toady sb, to fawn on sb
• reggere il sacco a qn (fig) - to be in cahoots with sb
• reggere il timone - to be at the helm
• reggersi la pancia dal gran ridere - to hold one’s sides with laughter
• mentre tu reggi il quadro, io metto il chiodo - while you hold the picture steady, I’ll put the nail in
• reggimi il bicchiere - hold my glass
2 (= sorreggere) to support, to hold (up), to sustain, to carry, to bear
• reggere il fiato coi denti - to be at death’s door, to be at one’s last gasp
• è questa colonna che regge tutto il peso - it’s this column that carries/supports all the weight
• le gambe non lo reggevano più - his legs wouldn’t hold him up any more
• la fede lo regge nelle avversità - his faith keeps him going in the face of adversity
• questa mensola può reggere un peso notevole - this shelf can bear a considerable weight
• il pavimento non reggerà un simile peso - the floor will not sustain such a weight
3 (= sopportare, anche fig) to bear, to stand, to put up with
• reggere il caldo/il freddo - to stand the heat/the cold
• reggere il confronto con - to bear comparison with
• reggere il mare - to ride the sea well, to be seaworthy
• non reggevo più quella situazione - I couldn’t stand that situation any longer
• è incapace di reggere anche un solo sorso di vino - she can’t take even a drop of wine
• non reggo a lungo la folla - I can’t put up with crowds for long
4 (gramm) to take, to govern
• reggere un nome/un pronome - to govern a noun/a pronoun
• reggere una preposizione - to take a preposition
5 (= guidare/dirigere) to manage, to run; (= essere a capo) to head, to lead; (= governare) to govern, to rule
• reggere un’azienda - to run a business
• reggere una nazione - to rule a country
• regge le redini dell’azienda da oltre venti anni - he has held the reins of the company for more than twenty years
• la piccola impresa regge le sorti dell’economia - small businesses hold the key to the future of the economy
reggere (intransitive)
1 (= resistere, anche fig) to hold out/up, to last out, to stand (vt), to bear up
• non ho retto più e gliene ho detto quattro - I couldn’t stand it any longer and I gave him a piece of my mind
• non regge alle sofferenze - she can’t stand suffering
• la città resse all’assedio - the city held out against the siege
• senza viveri non reggeranno a lungo - they won’t last (out) long without food and provisions
2 (= durare) to last, (di fortuna, ecc) to hold; (meteor) to keep up, to hold; (di alimenti) to keep
• lo spettacolo resse l’intera stagione - the show lasted the whole season
• spero che il bel tempo regga per alcuni giorni - I hope the good weather will keep up for a few days
3 (= essere coerente) to hold up, to stand up, to be consistent, to stick (coll)
• questa teoria ha retto molto bene alla prova dei fatti - this theory has stood up to the facts quite well
• il suo alibi non regge - his alibi isn’t consistent
• ha sempre retto ai suoi principi - he has always stuck to his principles
1 (= stare/tenersi ritto) to support oneself, to hold, to stand; (= mantenersi) to hang on (to); (= restare in posizione) to stay on
• reggersi a galla - to float
• reggersi forte - to hold fast
• comincia adesso a reggersi sulle gambe - he’s beginning to stand on his own
• reggiti mentre vado a cercare aiuto - hold on while I go for help
• la dittatura si reggeva sul terrore - the dictatorship was founded on terror
• quest’interpretazione si regge su un equivoco - this interpretation is based on a misunderstanding
2 (= dominarsi/controllarsi) to control oneself, to restrain oneself
• non mi ressi più e gli telefonai - I couldn’t control myself any longer and phoned to him
3 (= governarsi) to rule oneself, to govern oneself
• Monaco si regge a principato - Monaco is a self-ruling principality
4 to hold/to keep each other up, (fig) to stick together
• le due strutture si reggono a vicenda - the two structures keep each other up
ribaltare / ribaltarsi
1 (= capovolgere) to overturn, to turn over, to tip over, (spec mar) to upset, (imbarcazioni) to capsize
• ribaltammo lo scatolone alla ricerca dell’apertura - we turned the box over looking for the opening
• questa prova ribalta la posizione dell’imputato - this piece of evidence overturns the position of the accused
2 (= contraddire) to contradict, to go back on
• ribaltare le proprie affermazioni - to go back on one’s statements, to contradict one’s statements
to overturn, to turn over, to tip over, (autom, anche) to somersault, (spec mar) to upset, (di imbarcazioni) to turn turtle, to capsize
• vedemmo la barca che si ribaltava - we saw the boat capsize
• l’auto slittò e si ribaltò - the car skidded and overturned
1 to embroider
• ricamare a mano - to hand embroider
2 (anche assol fig) to embroider, to embellish
• la stampa ha ricamato ampiamente sull’episodio - the press has embroidered the episode considerably
riempire / riempirsi
1 (= colmare) to fill, to top up, to stuff; (di gente) to crowd, to fill, to throng, to pack; (teatri e simili) to pack out; (= saziare) to fill up; (mercati e simili) to glut, to flood
• riempire un bicchiere - to top up/to fill a glass
• riempire un cioccolatino di liquore - to stuff a chocolate with liqueur
• riempire un cuscino - to stuff a cushion
• riempire di gioia/di meraviglia - to fill with joy/with wonder
• riempire una lacuna - to bridge/to fill a gap
• riempire gli spazi vuoti - to fill empty spaces, (in moduli) to fill in the blanks
• riempire un tramezzino - to fill a sandwich
• riempirsi il cervello di nozioni - to stuff one’s brain with notions
• riempirsi la pancia - to fill one’s stomach
• per favore, riempi questa brocca di vino - fill this jug with wine, please
• la stanza fu riempita di persone - the room was packed with people
• riempì lo zaino di cose inutili - he filled his haversack with useless things
• mi ha riempito di chiacchiere - she gave me an earful of gossip
2 (= compilare) to fill in, to fill out, to write out, to make out
• riempire un modulo - to fill in a form, to fill out a form
3 (= ricaricare) to refill, to replenish
1 (= diventare pieno) to fill (up), to become full
• il serbatoio si è riempito in mezza giornata - the tank filled up in half a day
• col sole il volto le si riempie di lentiggini - under the sunshine her face becomes full of freckles
• gli occhi le si riempirono di lacrime - her eyes filled with tears
• la sala si riempì di studenti - the room filled with students
2 (= ingrassare) to plump out/up, to grow fat
• si è riempito di viso - his face has become rounder
3 (= rimpinzarsi) to glut oneself, to gorge (oneself), to fill/to stuff oneself
• ogni volta che può, si riempie di dolci - whenever he can, he gorges himself on sweets
1 (= trainare, spec mar) to tow, to tug, to haul
• rimorchiare al largo - to tow off
• rimorchiare di fianco - to tow abreast/alongside
• rimorchiare di poppa/di prua - to tow astern/ahead
• rimorchiare in porto - to tow into a port
• essere rimorchiato - to be on tow
• farsi rimorchiare - to take a tow
• l’auto fu rimorchiata da un carro attrezzi - the car was towed away by a breakdown van
2 (= trascinare) to pull, to drag along
• si fece rimorchiare in un brutto affare - he got dragged into a bad business
3 (= portare con sé) to have in tow
4 (persone di sesso opposto) to pick up
• cercare di rimorchiare qn (di donne) - to throw oneself at sb
• ha rimorchiato una bionda - he has picked up a blonde
to get back home, to go/to come back home, to return home
• ieri sera non è rincasato - he didn’t come back home last night
riversare / riversarsi
1 (= versare di nuovo) to pour (out) again, to outpour again, (= rimettere) to pour back
• riversò il vino dal bicchiere nella boccia - he poured the wine from the glass back into the decanter
2 (= rovesciare) to spill
• mi ha riversato del latte sui pantaloni - he spilt some milk on my trousers
3 (= profondere) to lavish, to heap; (denaro, energie, ecc) to pour, to shower, to pump
• riversare denaro in un’azienda - to pump money into a company
• riversare favori sui propri sostenitori - to lavish one’s supporters with favours
• riversare la propria ira su qn - to pour one’s anger onto sb
• abbiamo riversato troppo denaro in questo progetto - we have poured too much money into this project
• riversa tutto il suo affetto sui figli - he showers all his love onto his children
4 (= scaricare) to tip, to dump, to disgorge
• non si possono riversare rifiuti in questa zona - rubbish cannot be dumped in this area
5 (= fare ricadere) to shift, to transfer, to shuffle off
• riversare la colpa su qn - to put/to shift the blame onto sb
6 (= copiare) (elab) to transcribe, to download, to transfer, to dump, to copy
• riversare un’intervista registrata - to transcribe a recorded interview
1 (= cadere in quantità) to rain down, to cascade
• gli si riversarono addosso una quantità di sassi - a lot of stones rained down on him
2 (= defluire) to stream, to flow, to cascade, to tumble
• l’acqua si riversa in questi canali - the water flows into these channels
3 (= affluire) to stream, to pour, to flock, to flood, to cascade; (= uscire in folla) to overflow, to spill over (from)
• sul mercato interno si riversano sempre più prodotti d’importazione - more and more imports are pouring onto the home market
• un sacco di gente si riversò per le strade per festeggiare l’evento - a lot of people poured into the streets to celebrate the event
• una folla si riversò dall’edificio nelle strade - a crowd spilt over from the building into the streets
4 (= sfociare) to flow
in questo punto il fiume si riversa nel lago - the river flows into the lake here
5 (= rovesciarsi) to spill
• l’olio si riversò sul pavimento - the oil spilt over the floor
rivolgere / rivolgersi
1 (= volgere di nuovo) to turn again
2.1 (= girare) to turn
• rivolgere una chiave nella toppa - to turn a key in the lock
2.2 (= esaminare con cura) to turn over
• mentre guidava, rivolgeva la sua risposta nella mente - while driving, he turned her answer over in his mind
3.1 (= dirigere) to turn, to direct, to aim, to give; (spec luce o acqua) to play; (critiche, accusa, ecc) to level, to direct
• rivolgere un’accusa a qn - to level a charge against sb
• rivolgere la propria attenzione a - to turn one’s attention to
• rivolgere i propri sforzi verso qc - to turn one’s efforts towards sth
• gli rivolse di nuovo la stessa domanda - she asked him the same question again
• rivolse lo sguardo verso il fiume - he turned his eyes to the river
• abbiamo rivolto tutta la nostra attenzione a questo problema - we have given all our attention to this problem
• rivolse l’estintore verso la base delle fiamme - he played the extinguisher onto the base of the fire
• tutte le critiche rivolte all’azienda si ritorcono sui dipendenti - all the criticism directed at the company backfires on the staff
• hanno rivolto accuse molto pesanti alla nostra attività - they have levelled serious accusations against our activity
3.2 (= indirizzare) to address
• rivolgere una preghiera a qn - to address a prayer to sb
• rivolgere il saluto a qn - to greet sb
• rivolse le sue parole alla folla - he addressed the crowd
4.1 (= volgere da un’altra parte o indietro) to turn away, to turn aside, to turn back
• rivolse lo sguardo per non vedere la scena - she turned her eyes away from the sight
4.2 (= rovesciare) to overturn, to turn around; (imbarcazioni) to capsize
• rivolgere una barca - to capsize a boat
• rivolgere le sorti di una gara - to turn a match around
4.3 (= dissuadere) to deter, to discourage
• rivolgere qn da un proposito - to deter/to discourage sb from doing sth
1.1 (= girarsi) to turn
• si rivolse all’improvviso e ci vide - he suddenly turned and saw us
1.2 (= applicarsi) to apply oneself, to devote oneself
• rivolgiti unicamente a questo compito - apply yourself solely to this task
2 (= ricorrere) to turn, to apply
• rivolgersi al tribunale - to apply to the court
• rivolgersi a un ufficio - to apply to an office
• si rivolsero a me per un prestito - they applied to me for a loan
• si è rivolto a tutti gli amici chiedendo collaborazione - he applied to all his friends asking for collaboration
• rivolgiti al responsabile- apply to the person responsible
3 (= indirizzarsi) to refer, to address, to appeal, to speak
• rivolgersi alla nazione - to appeal to the nation
• rivolgersi al traente ban - to refer to drawer
• si rivolse a lui e lo costrinse a rispondere - she spoke to him and forced him to answer
• la figlia si rivolse al padre con voce alta - the daughter addressed her father in a loud voice
4 (per fornire servizi) to cater
• la nuova rete informativa si rivolge alle aziende - the new information network caters for businesses
5 (= essere diretto) to appeal, to cater
• questa rivista si rivolge solo agli adulti - this magazine caters to adults only
• il nuovo prodotto si rivolge a un diverso gruppo di consumatori - the new product appeals to a different group of consumers
6 (astron) to revolve, to go round
• la terra si rivolge intorno al sole - the earth goes/revolves round the sun
scaricare / scaricarsi
1.1 (= levare il carico) to unload, to discharge; (= deporre il carico) to lay down, to put down; (= portare a destinazione) to land, to drop, to let off; (= sbarcare, da navi o aerei) to land, to disembark, (mar) to unship; (rifiuti e simili) to ditch, to dump, to tip; (fumi, gas, ecc) to release, to disgorge, to emit, to discharge, gas combusti, mot to scavenge; (spese e simili) to deduct
• scaricare merci da una nave - to unload cargo from a ship
• scaricare una nave - to discharge/to unload a ship
• scaricare spese dalla dichiarazione dei redditi - to deduct expenses from one’s income tax returns
• scaricare una vela (mar) - to fill a sail
• scaricare la zavorra (mar) - to unballast, to deballast
• dovete scaricare il camion prima delle cinque - you have to unload the lorry before five o’clock
• il camion scaricherà la merce domani mattina - the lorry will unload the goods tomorrow morning
• scaricammo l’autostoppista nei pressi della città - we let the hitch-hiker off near the town
• dopo aver scaricato alcuni passeggeri, l’aereo proseguì per la destinazione finale - after having disembarked some passengers, the plane went on to its final destination
• è vietato scaricare rifiuti in questa zona - it’s forbidden to dump rubbish in this area
• dove scarico questa valigia? - where can I put this case down?
• scaricami al semaforo - drop me at the traffic lights
1.2 (elab) to download
• scaricare musica dalla rete - to download music from the web
2.1 (= svuotare) to empty
• scaricare l’acqua (in un gabinetto) - to flush (the toilet)
• bisogna scaricare la cisterna - the tank must be emptied
2.2 (arma) to unload (privando della carica); (sparando i colpi) to discharge, to fire
• gli scaricò contro il fucile - he discharged his rifle at him
3 (= versare/immettere, di corsi d’acqua) to discharge, to empty, (di fogne e simili) to drain (off)
• scaricare liquami al largo - to discharge sewage at sea
• il fiume scarica le sue acque in un lago - the river flows into a lake
4.1 (= liberare da un peso morale) to unload, to unburden, to relieve
• scaricare qn da una responsabilità - to relieve sb of a responsibility
• la confessione di ciò che aveva fatto le scaricò la coscienza - confessing what she had done unburdened her conscience
4.2 (= sfogare) to vent, to release
• scaricò la sua ira su di lui - she vented her anger on him
• un po’ di quiete e silenzio aiuterà a scaricare la tensione - a little peace and quiet will help to release tension
4.3 (= riversare/addossare) to shift, to shuffle off, to offload
• scaricare la colpa su qn - to lay the blame on sb, to shift the blame onto sb
• scaricare costi sulla clientela - to offload costs onto customers
• scaricare le proprie responsabilità su qn - to shuffle one’s responsibilities off onto sb
• i costi più alti saranno scaricati su un altro settore - the higher costs will be shifted onto another sector
4.4 (= abbandonare) coll to drop, to ditch, to chuck, to give (sb) the brush-off
• scaricare il fidanzato - to chuck/to ditch one’s boyfriend
• scaricare un socio - to ditch a partner
• è stata scaricata anche dal nuovo fidanzato - her new boyfriend dumped her too
5 (= scaraventare) to throw, to fling, to hurl
• scaricare insulti contro qn - to hurl abuse at sb
• gli scaricò addosso una marea di insulti - she hurled a flood of insults at him
6 (= privare della carica elettrica) to discharge
1 (= togliersi di dosso) to unburden oneself, to unload oneself
• si scaricò dello zaino - he unburdened himself of the rucksack
2 (= liberarsi da un peso morale) to unburden oneself, to be released, to relieve oneself
• scaricarsi di un segreto - to unburden oneself of a secret
• si scaricò con la sua migliore amica - he unburdened himself to his best friend
3 (assol) (= rilassarsi) to relax, to wind down, to calm down
• è andata in camera sua a scaricarsi - she went into her room to wind down
• dopo la sfuriata si scaricò - after the fit of frenzy he calmed down
4 (= sbiadire) to bleed, to run
• questo tessuto scaricherà un po’ al primo lavaggio - this material will run a little in the first wash
5 (= sbarcare) to unload cargo
• la nave scaricherà a Genova - the ship will unload cargo at Genoa
• dopo aver scaricato, la nave salpò per lo scalo successivo - after unloading her cargo, the ship left for the next port of call
6 (= versarsi, di corsi d’acqua) to flow, to empty, to drain (off)
• questa condotta fognaria si scarica in mare - this sewage pipe drains off into the sea
• il Po si scarica nell’Adriatico - the Po flows into the Adriatic Sea
7 (di fulmini) to strike
• il fulmine si è scaricato sull’albero - the lightning struck the tree
8 (di batterie e simili) to run down, to go dead/flat; (di orologi e simili) to wind down, to run down
• le pile si sono scaricate - the batteries have run down
scatenare / scatenarsi
1.1 (= liberare dalla catena, raro) to unchain, to set free from a chain or chains
1.2 (= liberare) to loose, to let loose; (fig) to loose, to unleash
• scatenare forze distruttive - to unleash destructive forces
• scatenare la propria ira su qn - to unleash one’s anger on sb
• il malcontento fu scatenato dalla nuova legge - the unrest was precipitated by the new law
2 (= incitare/aizzare) to incite, to stir up, to instigate
• scatenare la folla - to stir up/to incite the crowd
• scatenare una rivolta - to instigate a rebellion
3 (= innescare/provocare) to trigger, to touch off, to spark off, to provoke, to cause
• scatenare una crisi - to spark off a crisis
• scatenare la gelosia - to spark off jealousy
• scatenare una guerra - to trigger off/to cause a war
• scatenare l’ilarità generale - to cause/to provoke general merriment
• scatenare una reazione da parte di qn - to provoke sb’s reaction
• la sua decisione ha scatenato una reazione a catena - his decision sparked off a chain reaction
• il discorso del politico scatenò i disordini - the politician’s speech touched off the rioting
1 (raro) to unchain oneself, to free oneself from a chain or chains
2 (= sollevarsi con furia) to go wild, to run wild/riot/amok, to go/to run berserk; (scherz) (spec di bimbi e cuccioli) to romp
• i dimostranti si sono scatenati in città - the demonstrators ran amok in the town
• a quelle accuse si scatenò contro di me - at those accusations he rounded on me
• i bambini si scatenarono a correre - the children went wild running all over the place
• quando si scatena ne dice di tutti i colori - when he goes berserk he says the most outrageous things
3 (= prendere a infuriare) to break loose, to flare (up), to rage
• si scatenò un forte vento - a strong wind raged
• l’incendio si scatenò in pochi minuti - the fire flared up in just a few minutes
• filiamo via prima che si scateni l’inferno - let’s make off before all hell breaks loose
schiacciare / schiacciarsi
1.1 (= premere/pigiare) to press (on/down), to push, to depress; (= strizzare) to squeeze; (sotto il piede) to tread, to crush, to trample, to stamp on; (insetti) to swat
• schiacciare l’acceleratore - to step on the gas
• schiacciare un pedale - to press down a pedal
• schiacciare un pulsante/un bottone - to push a button
• attento a non schiacciare i fiori - take care not to crush the flowers
• mi hai schiacciato un piede - you stepped on my foot
• molte persone furono schiacciate nella calca - many people were crushed in the crowd
• il cane ha schiacciato tutta l’erba - the dog trampled all the grass
1.2 (= investire) to run down, to knock down, to run over
• è stato schiacciato sulle strisce pedonali - he was run down on the crosswalk
2 (anche assol) (= appiattire, anche fig) to squash, to flatten, to squeeze
• questo reggiseno mi schiaccia - this bra flattens me
3 (= annientare) (fig) to thrash, to trounce, to crush, to steamroller; (= domare) to quell, to squash, to subdue, to put down
• schiacciare il nemico - to crush the enemy
• schiacciare una rivolta - to quell a rebellion
• li schiacciò con prove irrefutabili - he trounced them with incontestable evidence
• sono stati schiacciati dalla concorrenza - they were crushed by their competitors
4.1 (= ridurre in polvere) to grind, to crush; (= ridurre in poltiglia) to squash, to mash
calca schiacciare le patate - to mash potatoes
• schiacciare il pepe - to grind pepper
• schiacciare l’uva - to crush grapes
4.2 (= frantumare) to crack, to crush
• schiacciare una noce - to crack a nut
• schiacciare olive - to crush olives
• schiacciare sassi - to crush rocks
5 (anche assol) sport (spec tennis) to smash, to kill, (basket) to dunk
• schiacciare la palla (tennis) - to smash the ball; (pallavolo) to spike the ball; (basket) to dunk the ball
1 (= appiattirsi) to flatten (oneself), to press oneself
• il ladro si schiacciò sotto il muro - the thief pressed himself against the wall
2) (= spiaccicarsi) to squash, to get squashed
• le prugne si sono tutte schiacciate - the plums have got all squashed
• i fichi si schiacciano molto facilmente - figs squash very easily
schiantare / schiantarsi
1 (= rompere/spezzare) to snap, to smash, to break
• schiantare il cuore a qn - to break sb’s heart
• l’autobus schiantò il parapetto - the bus broke through the guardrail/parapet
2 (= svellere) to uproot, to root up
• il vento ha schiantato il pino - the wind uprooted the pine
1 (= spezzarsi/rompersi) to snap, to break, to smash, to crash; (di edifici e simili) to collapse, to fall down, to crash down
• schiantarsi al suolo (di aerei) - to crash
• l’auto andò a schiantarsi contro un muro - the car crashed into a wall
• il palazzo si schiantò in pochi secondi - the building collapsed in a few seconds
• se lo saprà gli si schianterà il cuore - if he finds out it will break his heart
2 (= scoppiare) to burst
3 (= morire) to die suddenly, to conk out, to kick the bucket, to croak, to snuff it
• schiantare dal dolore - to die of a broken heart
• schiantare dalla fatica - to collapse under the strain
• schiantare dal ridere - to die laughing
1 to snatch
• le hanno scippato la borsa - they snatched her bag
• fu scippato dell’orologio - he had his watch snatched
2 (fig) to rob
• scippare la vittoria all’avversario - to rob the opponent of victor
(coll) to flip/freak out
• far sclerare qlcu - to make sb freak out
1 (= versare, minestra e simili) to dish up/out, to serve out, to ladle
• scodellare la zuppa - to serve the soup
• volere la pappa bell’e scodellata - to want everything served on a silver plate
2 (= distribuire) to dish out, to dole out; (= dire/dare con facilità) to pour out
• scodellare bugie in quantità - to trot out lots of lies
• scodellare la lezione - to rattle off the lesson
• scodellò tutti i suoi fatti privati - he poured out all his personal affairs
3 (= produrre in grande quantità) to churn out, to turn out
• questa fabbrica scodella fino a tremila motori al giorno - this factory can churn out up to three thousand engines a day
• scodella due romanzi all’anno - he turns out two novels a year
scomodare / scomodarsi
scomodare (transitive)
(= arrecare disturbo) to disturb, to trouble
• spero di non scomodarti - I hope I’m not disturbing you
• non vorrai scomodare il dottore per un banale raffreddore - you’re not going to trouble your doctor for a common or garden cold, are you?
scomodare (intransitive)
(= causare disagio) to cause inconvenience, to be inconvenient
• se a te non scomoda dormirei qui - if it’s not inconvenient for you, I’d sleep here
• una forte spesa in questo momento mi scomoderebbe - a large outlay at the moment would be very inconvenient/would cause me problems
to put oneself out, to go to some trouble, to bother
• non ti scomodare, conosco la strada - don’t put yourself out; I know the way
• non volle scomodarsi per noi - he didn’t want to go to any trouble for us
• il dono è bello ma non dovevi scomodarti - it’s a lovely gift, but you really shouldn’t have bothered
• non si scomoda per niente - he doesn’t put himself out for nothing
• non scomodarti ad accompagnarmi - don’t bother about accompanying me
scontrare / scontrarsi
1 (= incontrare) to meet, to encounter, to run into
• scontrare un conoscente - to run into an acquaintance
1 (= andare a cozzare) to run (into), to collide (with), to plough (into), to bang (into), to crash (into)
• l’auto si è scontrata con un autobus - the car collided with a bus
2 (= cozzare l’uno contro l’altro) to collide, to hit each other, to crash into each other
• i due veicoli si sono scontrati frontalmente - the two vehicles collided head on
3 (= venire a combattimento) (mil e sport) to clash, to fight, to meet, to take (on)
• la Juve si scontrerà con la Roma - Juventus will take on Roma
• i due avversari si scontrano domani per la finale - the two opponents will meet in the final tomorrow
• gli eserciti si scontrarono all’alba - the armies engaged at dawn
4 (= divergere) to clash, to collide
• ci scontriamo sempre su questioni amministrative - we always clash on administrative matters
(volgare) to fart
to minimize, to play down, to defuse
• sdrammatizzare un contrasto - to minimize a conflict
• sdrammatizza sempre ciò che gli accade - he always plays down what happens to him
sfoggiare (transitive)
(= ostentare) to display, to flaunt, to parade, to show off
• sfoggiare un gioiello/un abito nuovo - to flaunt a piece of jewellery/a new dress
• sfoggiare la propria conoscenza di un argomento - to show off one’s knowledge of a subject
sfoggiare (intransitive)
(= fare sfoggio) to show off, (= vivere con sfarzo) to splurge
• sfoggiare nel vestire - to splurge out on clothes
• dopo il fallimento non può più sfoggiare - after the failure he can’t show off any more
(anche fig) to unravel, to disentangle
• sgrovigliare una matassa di lana - to disentangle a ball of wool
• sgrovigliare una situazione difficile - to disentangle a difficult situation
1 to splash about, (anche di liquidi) to slop/to slosh about/around; (di animali) to wallow
• sguazzare in acqua bassa - to paddle
• gli piace sguazzare in piscina - he enjoys splashing about in the swimming pool
• i porci amano sguazzare nel fango - pigs like wallowing in mud
• il vino sguazzava nella damigiana - the wine sloshed about in the demijohn
2 (= trovarsi a proprio agio) to be in one’s element; (= bearsi) to wallow, to luxuriate, to revel
• certa stampa negli scandali ci sguazza - some newspapers revel in scandal
• nelle dispute ci sguazzo - I revel in debates
3 (= avere in abbondanza) to wallow (in), to have plenty (of)
• sguazzare nell’oro - to be rolling in money
• sguazzare nel vestito - to be lost in one’s suit
1 (= alzarsi, di persone) to stand up, to get up, to rise
• tutti sorsero per dargli il benvenuto - everybody got up to welcome him
• sorse dalla sedia - he rose from his chair
2 (= ergersi, di cose) to rise, to stand
• intorno alla valle sorgono alte montagne - high mountains rise round the valley
• l’edificio sorge alla periferia della città - the building stands in the outskirts of town
3.1 (= levarsi, di astri) to rise, to come up
• a che ora sorge il sole? - at what time does the sun rise?
3.2 (= spuntare, del giorno) to dawn, to break
• tra poco vedremo sorgere il nuovo giorno - we’ll see the new day dawn soon
4 (= scaturire, di acqua o corsi d’acqua) to spring, to rise
• gran parte dei fiumi sorge dalle montagne - most rivers spring in the mountains
5.1 (= presentarsi) to come (up), to crop up, to arise; (= insorgere) to erupt, to break out; (= profilarsi) to dawn, to be dawning
• mi sorse un dubbio - a doubt came to my mind
• sono sorte delle difficoltà - some difficulties have arisen
• sta per sorgere una nuova era - a new era is about to dawn
• è sorto un incendio - a fire broke out
5.2 (= venire su improvvisamente) to spring up, to mushroom
• stanno sorgendo grattacieli in ogni parte della città - skyscrapers are springing up/mushrooming all over town
6 (= assurgere) to rise
• sorgere a grande potenza - to rise to a position of great power
• sorgere in ricchezza - to increase one’s wealth
B nm solo sing astron rise, rising
il sorgere del sole the rising of the sun
to quarter (anche stor); to dismember
• squartare un bue - to quarter an ox
• mandare qn a farsi squartare (fig) - to send sb to the devil
• il rapitore fu squartato dalla folla inferocita - the kidnapper was torn limb from limb by the irate crowd
squilibrare / squilibrarsi
1 (= sbilanciare) to throw out of balance, to unbalance, to overbalance; (= dissestare finanziariamente) to ruin
• l’acquisto della casa mi ha squilibrato - buying the house has ruined me
• lo spostamento del carico squilibrò il camion - the shifting of the load threw the lorry out of balance
2 (fig) to unbalance, to unhinge, to derange, to drive mad
• la perdita della moglie l’ha squilibrato - the loss of his wife left him deranged
1 to overbalance, to lose one’s balance
2 (fig) to lose one’s mental balance
staccare / staccarsi
staccare (transitive)
1.1 (≠ attaccare) to remove, to take off, to detach, to unstick; (parti di aziende) to hive off; (frutta, foglie, fiori, ecc) to pluck, to pick; (= strappare) to break (off), to tear
• staccare con un colpo - to strike off
• staccare con un movimento rotatorio - to twist off
• staccare un’etichetta - to remove a label
• staccare una maniglia - to take off a handle
• staccare gli occhi/il pensiero da - to wrench one’s eyes/mind away from
• staccare una pagina da un libro - to tear a page out of/from a book
• staccare qc con un morso - to bite sth off
• staccai la pagina che mi interessava - I removed the page that interested me
• staccò una mela dall’albero - he picked an apple from the tree
• non mi staccò gli occhi di dosso per tutta la serata - he didn’t take his eyes off me the whole evening
• stacca quel ramo, per favore - break off that branch, please
1.2 (= scostare/rimuovere) to move away, to push/to pull away
• staccare un mobile da una parete - to move a piece of furniture away from a wall
• staccare un quadro dal muro - to take down a picture
1.3 (anche assol) (animali) to unhitch, to unharness, to unyoke
• staccare i cavalli - to unharness horses
2.1 (= disinnestare) to disconnect, to disengage; (= sganciare) to uncouple, to unhitch; (da rete di distribuzione) to cut off, to disconnect, (una presa) to unplug
• staccare la frizione - to disengage the clutch
• staccare la motrice da un treno - to uncouple the engine from a train
• staccare la spina - to disconnect the plug, (anche fig) to pull the plug out
• il telefono fu staccato perché la casa era disabitata - the telephone was disconnected because the house was vacant
• decisero di staccare la corrente elettrica - they decided to disconnect the electricity
2.2 (= isolare) to isolate, to cut off, to insulate
• la moglie lo ha staccato dagli amici - his wife has isolated him from his friends
• vive staccato da tutti - he lives cut off from everybody
3 (= distanziare) to outdistance, to outstrip, to leave far behind
• ha staccato tutti gli avversari nella corsa - he outdistanced all his opponents in the race
4 (mus) to staccato, to play staccato
• staccare le note - to play staccato notes
5 (= spiccare) to start, to begin
• staccare il bollore - to start boiling
• staccare la corsa - to start running
6 (cinem) to cut
staccare (intransitive)
1 (= risaltare) to stand out, to stick out
• il rosso stacca su molti colori - red stands out against many colors
• la figura del santo stacca bene dal fondo - the figure of the saint stands out well against the background
2 V (= cessare il lavoro) (coll) to finish work, to be through, to knock off • a che ora stacchi stasera? - at what time do you finish work this evening?
1 (= separarsi) to detach oneself, to part, to break away, to tear oneself away, to pull away; (di paesi o gruppi) to secede, to break away
• staccarsi a malavoglia/a stento da - to drag oneself away from
• staccarsi dalla famiglia - to break away from the family
• staccarsi dal paese natio - to move away from one’s home town
• non riescono a staccarsi - they can’t part
• il tacco si è staccato dalla suola - the heel pulled away from the sole
• un corridore si è staccato dal gruppo - one runner has broken away from the group
2 (= venire via) to come away/off, to break off, to unstick, to come unstuck; (di pelle, vernice) to peel, to flake
• staccarsi a scaglie - to chip, to flake
• le si staccò un bottone dalla giacca - a button came off her jacket
• l’intonaco comincia a staccarsi - the plaster is beginning to flake
• si è staccata l’etichetta - the label has come off
• si è staccato il manico - the handle has broken off
3 (= deviare) to stray, to straggle, to wander
• questo si stacca dalle procedure usuali - this strays from the normal procedure
4 (= allontanarsi) to pull away, to draw away, to pull away, to break away
• staccarsi da terra/dall’acqua (aeron) - to take off
• la barca si è staccata dagli ormeggi - the boat broke away from its moorings
• il rimorchio si staccò dalla motrice - the trailer broke free from the engine
stipare / stiparsi
1 (= ammassare) to cram, to crowd, to squeeze, to pack, to stuff
• stipò tutti i documenti in una cartellina - he crammed all the documents into a folder
• stipammo di gente ogni stanza del palazzo - we crowded every room in the building with people
• stiparono i prigionieri in un vagone - they packed the prisoners into a truck
• stipò tutto in una valigia - he stuffed everything into a suitcase
2 (fig, lett) to condense, to concentrate
to crowd, to jam, to pack
• i pendolari si stiparono nel treno stracolmo - the commuters packed into the overcrowded train
to tug, to pull, to shove, to jerk
• strattonare l’avversario - to pull/to shove one’s opponent
1 (= sollevare) (fig) to raise
• suscitare proteste - to raise protests
2 (= provocare) to rouse, to arouse, to provoke, to whip up, to excite, to spark (off); (= ispirare) to inspire, to kindle, to call forth
• suscitare critiche - to provoke criticism
• suscitare forti emozioni - to call forth strong emotions
• suscitare la gelosia di una persona - to excite a person to jealousy
• suscitare l’interesse di qn per/in - to spark/to arouse/to kindle sb’s interest in
• suscitare l’ira di qn - to rouse sb’s anger
• suscitare l’odio - to whip up hatred
• suscitare il pianto/il riso - to produce tears/laughter
• suscitare una rivolta - to spark off a revolt
• suscitare timori - to rouse fears
susseguire / susseguirsi
to follow
• al fallimento susseguì uno scandalo - a scandal followed (in the wake of) the bankruptcy
to follow each other, to come after each other, to come one after the other
• si sono susseguiti una serie di eventi curiosi - a series of curious events came/happened one after another
1 (= esistere) to subsist, to exist
• il fatto non sussiste - the fact does not exist
2 (= essere valido/reggere) to hold, to stand, to be coherent
• queste motivazioni non sussistono - these motive are not coherent
svoltare (transitive)
1 (= scartare) to unwrap
• svoltare un pacco - to unwrap a parcel
2 (= svolgere) to unwind, to unroll
svoltare (intransitive)
to turn, to bend, to curve, to go round a corner, to turn a corner, to round a bend
• svoltare a destra/a sinistra - to turn right/left
• svoltare in una stradina - to turn into a side-road
• vai dritto senza svoltare - go straight ahead without turning off
(= trasmettere) to hand down/on, to pass on/down, to transmit, to bequeath
• tramandare un ricordo/un’usanza - to hand down a memory/a custom
• è una tradizione tramandata attraverso i secoli - it’s a tradition that has been passed down over the centuries
temperare / temperarsi
1 (raro) to blend, to mix, to dilute
• temperare una tonalità forte - to dilute a strong shade of colour
2.1 (= mitigare) to temper, to water down
• temperare la dura realtà della vita - to temper the harsh reality of life
• temperare la giustizia con la ragione - to temper justice with reason
• temperare la severità - to temper severity
2.2 (= moderare) to moderate, to temper
• temperare il desiderio/la passione - to moderate desire/passion
3 (= accordare) mus to tune, to temper
4 (= affilare) to sharpen
• temperare una matita - to sharpen a pencil
5.1 (= dare la tempra a) to temper, to harden
• temperare l’acciaio - to temper steel
5.2 (= fortificare) to strengthen, to fortify, to toughen
1 (= moderarsi) to control oneself, to moderate oneself, to restrain oneself
• temperarsi nel fumare - to smoke in moderation
2 (= fortificarsi) to strengthen oneself, to fortify oneself
• temperarsi contro il mondo - to strengthen oneself against the world
• si era temperato sugli anni di privazioni - he had strengthened himself on those hard years
3 (= rafforzarsi) to become stronger, to strengthen, to toughen
• si è temperato molto da quando ha divorziato da lei - he has toughened a lot since he divorced her
tendere / tendersi
tendere (transitive)
1.1 (= distendere) to spread, to stretch
• tendere la biancheria ad asciugare - to hang the linen out to dry
• tendere la rete (fig) - to spread one’s net
• tendere un telo - to stretch out a length of material
1.2 (= tirare) to pull, to stretch; (= mettere in tensione/tesare) to strain, to stretch, to tighten, to tauten; (archi, ecc) to draw
• tendere un cavo - to strain a rope, to stretch a wire
• tendere una corda attraverso un sentiero - to stretch a rope across a path
• tendere le corde di una chitarra - to stretch a guitar strings tightly
1.3 (= preparare) to set
• tendere una trappola a qn - to set a trap for sb
2 (= stendere/porgere) to hold out, to put out, to stretch out, to extend; (per prendere) to reach out for
• tendere le braccia - to stretch out one’s arms
• tendere il collo - to stretch one’s neck, to crane
• tendere la mano a qn - to hold out/to put out/to extend one’s hand to sb, (fig) to help sb, to give sb a hand
• tendere la mano per prendere qs - to stretch out one’s hand to take sth, to reach out for sth
• tese le braccia per abbracciarla - he stretched out his arms to embrace her
tendere (intransitive)
1 (= aspirare) to aim, to tend, to aspire
• tendere al comando - to aspire to leadership
• tendere a fare qs - to aim to do st
• tendere ad una maggiore stabilità - to tend to become more stable, to aspire to greater stability
• tendere al meglio - to aim for the best
2 (= propendere) to tend, to incline, to lean (towards)
• tendere al bene/al male - to tend towards good/evil
• tendere a sinistra (polit) - to lean towards the left
• tende a essere aggressiva - she inclines to be aggressive
3 (= avere la tendenza/essere incline) to tend, to be inclined, to be prone, to trend
• tendere a fare qs - to be inclined to do st
• tendere al rialzo - to trend upwards, to have/to show an upward tendency, to improve
• tendere al ribasso - to trend downwards, to have/to show a downward tendency, to slide
• le condizioni del malato tendono a migliorare - the patient’s condition is beginning to improve
• il tempo tende al bello/al brutto - the weather is looking/promises to be fine/bad
• tende a esagerare - he’s prone to exaggerate
• tende a ingrassare - she tends to put on weight
• il pane tende a indurirsi se esposto all’aria - bread tends to go hard if left open
4 (= avvicinarsi) (fig) to verge (on), to border (on)
• questa sfumatura di arancione tende al rosso - this shade of orange is reddish
1 (= contrarsi, di muscoli) to knot, to tense (up), to stiffen
• era talmente nervosa che le si tesero tutti i muscoli - she was so nervous that all her muscles stiffened
2 (= entrare in tensione) to get tense
• si tende quando lo contraddico - whenever I contradict him he gets tense
tormentare / tormentarsi
1 (= torturare) to torture, to rack, to torment
• tormentarono i prigionieri fino a farli confessare - they tormented the prisoners until they confessed
2.1 (= affliggere) to afflict, to tribulate, to eat; (= flagellare) (fig) to tear, to scourge, to bedevil; (di disturbi, malanni) to trouble, to plague
• essere tormentato da un dubbio - to be torn (apart) by a doubt
• a furia di tormentare il capo ha ottenuto l’aumento - he kept on at his boss until he gave him a raise
• il mal di schiena lo tormenta - he is plagued with back-ache
• la gelosia lo tormenta - jealousy is eating him
2.2 (= molestare) to harass
• il suo capo la tormenta da anni - her boss has been harassing her for years
3 (= assillare) to nag, to badger, to pester, to haunt
• continuò a tormentarmi con le sue domande - she continued badgering me with her questions
• fu tormentata per mesi da un incubo ricorrente - she was haunted for months by a recurring nightmare
(= crucciarsi/struggersi) to torment oneself, to torture oneself, to agonize (over)
• tormentarsi pensando al futuro - to agonize over the future
• si tormentava al pensiero di non potere mai più rivedere il suo paese - he was agonized by the thought of never being able to see his country again
1 (leg) to have the use (of), to enjoy the usufruct (of), to usufruct
2 (= giovarsi) to make use, to avail oneself, to use, to take advantage
• usufruire di un privilegio - to take advantage of a privilege
• usufruire di un ribasso dei prezzi - to avail oneself of a price reduction
• usufruire di un vantaggio - to make use of an advantage
voltare / voltarsi
voltare (transitive)
1 (= volgere) to turn
• voltare i passi verso casa - to direct one’s steps homeward, to head homeward
• voltare le spalle al nemico - to run away from the enemy
• non voltare le spalle alla fortuna! (fig) - don’t pass up a good opportunity!
• voltò gli occhi verso di me - he glanced towards me
2 (= dirigere) to turn; (per tornare indietro) to turn round
• voltare l’auto - to turn the car round
• voltare la prua verso riva - to head towards shore
• voltò l’arma contro se stesso - he turned the gun on himself
3 (= rivoltare) to turn over/up, to overturn; (= capovolgere) to turn upside down, to overturn, to upturn
• il vento ha voltato tutte le sedie in giardino - the wind has overturned all the seats in the garden
• voltò la prima carta - he turned up the top card
4.1 (= mutare il senso) to turn, to twist
• voltare qc in burla - to turn sth into a joke
• voltò le mie parole in cattivo senso - he twisted my words
4.2 (= tradurre) lett to translate
5 (= girare) to turn
• voltare l’angolo - to turn the corner
• voltare pagina - to turn the page, to turn over a new leaf
voltare (intransitive)
(= cambiare direzione) to turn, to veer, to bend, to curve
• voltò e prese la prima a sinistra - he turned and took the first on the left
• la strada volta a destra - the road bends/curves right
1 (= mutare) to change, to turn
• sembra che il tempo si volti al brutto - it looks as though the weather is changing for the worse
• il vento si voltò all’improvviso - the wind suddenly changed
2 (= girarsi/volgersi) to turn, to swivel, to spin round, to turn (a)round, to wheel (a)round
• voltarsi indietro - to turn round
• andò via senza voltarsi - he went off without turning round
• voltati verso di me - turn towards me
• non so da che parte voltarmi (fig) - I don’t know which way to turn
• si voltava e rivoltava nel letto - he tossed and turned in his bed
• si voltò per guardarmi - he span round to look at me
• vidi una luce a mi voltai - I saw a light and wheeled round
3 (= ribellarsi) to revolt, to react, to rise
• il popolo si voltò contro il dittatore - the population revolted against the dictator
1 (= dividere in sillabe) to syllabize
2 (= compitare) to spell
allontanare / allontanarsi
1 to remove, to draw away, to move away; (= distogliere) to avert
• allontanare lo sguardo - to avert one’s eyes/gaze
• allontanare i sospetti - to remove suspicion
• allontanare nel tempo - to stave off
• hanno allontanato ogni pericolo di contagio - they’ve removed all risk of infection
2 (= mandare via/licenziare) to dismiss, to sack; (= sospendere) to suspend; (da un luogo) to evict, to expel; (persone indesiderate) to weed out; (= radiare) to expel, to throw out
• il direttore alle vendite è stato allontanato - the sales manager has been dismissed
• sarà presto allontanato dall’incarico - he will soon be suspended from the post
• gli occupanti abusivi furono allontanati dall’edificio - the squatters were evicted from the building
• furono allontanati dal paese - they were banished from the country
• è stato allontanato dal circolo - he has been expelled from the club
3 (anche assol) (= alienare) to estrange, to alienate
• ciò che ha fatto gli ha allontanato tutti gli amici - what he did alienated all his friends
4 (= distanziare) to leave behind, to shake off
• i rapinatori riuscirono ad allontanare la polizia che li inseguiva - the robbers managed to shake off the police in pursuit
5 (= ricacciare/respingere) to repel, to fend off, to ward off
• questo apparecchio allontana le zanzare - this appliance repels mosquitoes
6 (dubbi, paure e simili) to still, to dismiss
• allontanare cattivi pensieri - to dismiss evil thoughts
7 (problemi, ecc) to lift
• fece di tutto per allontanare il problema - he did everything to lift the problem
8 (= evitare/prevenire) to avert, to keep at bay, to wish away
• furono prese misure per allontanare l’inflazione - steps were taken to keep inflation at bay
1 (= andare lontano) to move away, to go away, to go off, to draw away (from); (di veicoli) to pull off, to draw away, to pull away
• allontanarsi di nascosto - to slink off
• allontanarsi improvvisamente da - to lurch away from
• la madre si assicurò che il figlio si allontanasse dalle cattive amicizie - the mother made sure that her son kept away from bad company
• ci eravamo allontanati troppo - we had gone too far
2 (= arretrare) to back off, to recoil, to stand back, to move back, to shrink away/back, to cringe
• si allontanò alla vista del sangue - she backed off at the sight of blood
3 (= deviare) to deviate, to depart, to straggle, to diverge, to wander; (= divagare) to digress
• allontanarsi dal punto/dal tema - to wander off the point
• allontanarsi dalla retta via - to leave the straight and narrow
• allontanarsi dalla tradizione - to depart from tradition
• dopo la curva la strada si allontana dal fiume - after the bend the road deviates from the river
4 (= smarrirsi) to stray
• una pecora si è allontanata dal gregge - a sheep has strayed from the flock
5 (di problemi e simili) to lift
• per fortuna, il problema si è allontanato - luckily, the problem has lifted
6 (= svanire) to recede, to disappear
• l’ombra si allontanò - the shadow disappeared
7 (= non andare più d’accordo) to grow apart, to drift apart
• dopo il litigio, si sono sempre più allontanati - after the argument, they grew more and more apart
8 (= assentarsi) to leave (vt), to go out
• si allontanarono da casa nel pomeriggio - they left home in the afternoon
• non allontanarti dalla stanza - don’t leave the room
• ci allontanammo dall’ufficio in silenzio - we left the office in silence
• si è allontanato un minuto, ma torna subito - he’s gone out for a minute, but will be back soon
9 (= distaccarsi) to detach oneself
• non devi allontanarti dalla realtà - you mustn’t detach yourself from reality
sgretolare / sgretolarsi
1 (= ridurre in schegge) to crumble, to shatter
• lo scoppio sgretolò la villa - the explosion reduced the villa to rubble
• l’umidità ha sgretolato l’intonaco - the damp has reduced the plaster to powder
• l’urto ha sgretolato il vetro - the impact shattered the glass
2 (= vanificare/distruggere) to destroy, to shatter
• sgretolare prove - to destroy evidence
• sgretolare speranze - to shatter hopes
(= fendersi/rompersi in schegge) to crumble, to disintegrate, to shatter
• questa roccia si sgretola facilmente - this rock crumbles easily
• la classe politica si va sgretolando - the political class is disintegrating
• l’impero si sgretolò - the empire crumbled
1.1 (frutta, fiori, ecc) to pick, to pluck, to gather, to crop
• hanno assunto dei braccianti per cogliere i pomodori - they’ve taken on farmhands to pick the tomatoes
1.2 (= raccogliere) (fig) to reap, to gather
• cogliere il meglio della vita - to get the best out of life
• cogliere i risultati del proprio lavoro - to reap the results of one’s hard work
2.1 (= afferrare) to seize, to grab
• cogliere qn per il braccio - to seize/to grab sb by the arm
• l’ho colto a un passo dal suicidio - I caught him on the brink of suicide
• mi colse una profonda emozione - I was overcome by emotion
2.2 (= approfittare) to snatch, to grab, to grasp, to take advantage of
• cogliere al volo (fig) - to grab, to grasp (at), to seize (on/upon
• cogliere l’occasione - to seize an/the opportunity
• colgo l’occasione per inviarle cordiali saluti - I should like to take this opportunity to send you my warmest regards
• colse un mio attimo di disattenzione e colpì - he took advantage of my momentary lack of attention and struck
• colsero una scusa per andarsene - they seized upon an excuse to leave
2.3 (= sorprendere) to catch, to nab
• cogliere qn in flagrante - to catch/to nab sb in the act, to catch sb red-handed
• cogliere qn in fallo - to find sb out, to catch sb out
• a metà strada fui colto da un’acquazzone - I was caught in a downpour halfway
• l’offerta mi colse impreparato - the offer caught me unawares
2.4 (= rappresentare efficacemente) to capture, to catch
• questa poesia coglie il mistero dell’esistenza - this poem gets to the heart of the mystery of existence
• il dipinto coglie la drammaticità del soggetto - the painting captures the drama of the subject
• il fotografo l’ha colta di profilo - the photographer got a sideways shot of her
3 (= colpire) to strike, to hit; (= andare a segno) to connect with
• cogliere qn alla testa - to hit sb in the head
• fu colto da un malore - he was taken ill
• hai colto nel segno - you’ve hit the mark
4 (= capire) to catch, to understand, to see; (= intuire) to sense, to scent, to feel
• cogliere al volo - to be quick on the uptake
• non colse il senso delle mie battute - he didn’t catch the meaning of my remarks
• colgo perfettamente la natura del problema - I perfectly understand the nature of the problem
• ho colto imbarazzo nei suoi occhi - I sensed/scented embarrassment in her eyes
• colsi subito che qualcosa non andava - I immediately got the feeling/impression that something was wrong
• non si coglie una parola di ciò che dici - it’s quite impossible to understand a single word of what you are saying
5 (= sentire per caso/di sfuggita) to overhear
• ho colto la notizia nel corridoio - I overheard this piece of news in the corridor
to prevent, to impede
• nulla osta al suo trasferimento - nothing prevents his transfer
provvedere / provvedersi
provvedere (intransitive)
1.1 (= prendersi cura) to care (for), to take care (of), to look (after), to nurture (vt)
• provvedere a se stesso - to fend for oneself
• provvede all’anziana donna per ogni suo bisogno - he takes care of all the old woman’s needs
• ha provveduto a tutto per la festa - he took care of everything for the party
• chi provvederà al mio giardino? - who’s going to look after my garden?
1.2 (= sostentare) to support (vt), to maintain (vt), to provide (for), to make provision (for)
• provvedere a qn - to provide for/to support sb
• ha cinque persone cui provvedere - he has five people to support
• deve provvedere ai figli - he has to provide for his children
2.1 (= prendere provvedimenti) to take steps/measures
• provvedere a che non si verifichi qs - to take steps/measures to prevent sth from happening
• hanno provveduto a porre fine allo sciopero - they have taken measures to end the strike
• provvederanno a isolare gli infetti measures - will be taken to isolate the cases of infection
• è troppo discolo, bisogna provvedere - he’s too wild, something will have to be done
2.2 (= incaricarsi) to see (to/that), to attend (to), to arrange (vti)
• provvedere ai preparativi - to see to the preparations
• provvederò a mandargli una lettera - I shall see that he receives a letter
• ha detto che provvederà di persona - he has said he’ll attend to it personally
• provvederemo subito - we’ll see to it immediately
• è lui che provvede a tutto he’s the one who sees to everything
provvedere (inintransitive)
1 (= procacciare/procurare) to get, to obtain, to procure
• provvedere l’occorrente per la pulizia - to procure the wherewithal for doing the cleaning
• provvedere le provviste per l’inverno - to obtain/to procure provisions for the winter
2 (= dotare/fornire) to supply, to endow, to provide
• la natura lo ha provvisto di un solo occhio - nature has endowed him with only one eye
• ha provveduto la spedizione di tutto il necessario - he supplied the expedition with all that was necessary
(= fornirsi) to supply oneself, to provide/to arm oneself
• provvedersi del passaporto - to provide oneself with a passport
• bisognerà provvedersi di pazienza - we shall need to arm ourselves with patience
to yawn
to sneeze
(stufarsi) to get fed up, (seccarsi) to get annoyed
• si è un po’ scocciato - he was rather annoyed
- com’è andata?- how did it go? (la “la” misteriosa)
- come va la scuola?- how’s school?
- come vai a scuola?- how are you getting on at school?
- la macchina va a benzina- the car runs on petrol
- andare a qn(calzare,scarpe, vestito)- to fit sb, to look good on sb
- (essere gradito) quest’idea non mi va- I don’t like this idea
- questi jeans non mi vanno più- these jeans don’t fit me any more
- ti va del cioccolato?- do you want some chocolate?
- ti va di andare al cinema?- do you feel like going to the cinema?
- ti va (bene) se ci vediamo alle 5?- is it O.K. if we meet at 5?
- un modello che va molto- a style that sells well
- ma va! - c’mon
- vada per una birra(sempre con la costruzione “vada per”) - O.K., I’ll have a beer
- va da sé- it goes without saying
- per questa volta vada- let’s say no more about it this time
- a lungo andare-in the long run
- a lungo termine - in the long term
- a lungo andare, fumare ti daneggierà i polmoni - in the long run, smoking will damage your lungs
- vado e vengo - I’ll be back in a minute
- le leggi vanno rispettate - the laws must be respected
- i reati vanno fermati a tutti i costi - the crimes must be stopped at any cost
- il bambino andava punito per il capriccio - the child had to be punished for the tantrum
- non va trascurato il fatto che…- we shouldn’t forgetoroverlook the fact that…
- non va trascurata la pericolosità del coronavirus durante la fase 2 - we should not forget about the danger of the coronavirus during phase 2
sollevare / sollevarsi
1 (≠ abbassare) to raise, to pick up, to lift (up), to take up, to hoist, to heave, (spec la testa) to rear; (con un martinetto) to jack up; (del vento) to whip up
• sollevare un’auto - to jack up a car
• sollevare il bicchiere - to raise one’s glass
• sollevare una macchina - to hoist a machine
• sollevare la mano - to raise one’s hand
• sollevare gli occhi - to lift one’s eyes
• sollevare gli occhi al cielo - to raise one’s eyes to the sky
• sollevare le persiane - to raise the shutters
• sollevare la polvere - to whip up dust
• sollevare un polverone (fig) - to raise a storm
• sollevare qs di scatto - to yank/to hoick sth
• sollevare un sasso - to pick up a stone
• sollevò il cofano e prese le valige - he opened the boot and took out the suitcases
2.1 (porre in condizione migliore) to raise
• la vincita lo sollevò dalla miseria - his win raised him out of poverty
2.2 (= liberare/esimere) to release, to exempt, to frank; (da incarichi) to relieve
• sollevare qn da un dovere - to release sb from a duty; • sollevare qn dal suo incarico - to relieve sb of their duties/post
• lo sollevai dal lavoro più faticoso - I exempted him from the most onerous work
2.3 (= dare sollievo) to relieve
• questo farmaco lo solleverà - this drug will relieve him
2.4 (= confortare) to comfort, to solace
• la notizia lo solleverà - the news will comfort him/will cheer him up
• fu sollevata dalla presenza di lui - she was comforted by his presence
3 (= fare insorgere) to raise, to stir (up)
• sollevare il popolo contro il dittatore - to raise the population against the dictator
• il suo discorso sollevò la folla all’azione - his speech stirred the crowd into action
4 (= fare sorgere) to raise, to broach, to pose, to bring up, (= proporre) to moot
• sollevare un argomento - to broach a subject
• sollevare un problema - to moot a problem
• sollevare proteste - to raise protests
• sollevare un putiferio - to kick up a shindy, to raise Cain/hell/the roof, to kick up/to raise a rumpus
• sollevare una questione - to bring up/to pose a question
• sollevare speranze - to raise hopes
• ha sollevato la questione dei senzatetto - he raised/broached the question of the homeless
1.1 (= levarsi verso l’alto) to move upwards, to rise; (di nebbia e simili) to lift, (di onde) to surge
• sollevarsi a pelo d’acqua (mar, aeron) - to hydroplane
• la nebbia si sollevò nella tarda mattinata - the fog lifted late in the morning
• l’aereo tardava a sollevarsi da terra - the aeroplane was slow to get off the ground
1.2 (= rizzarsi) to rise, to raise oneself, to pick oneself up
• non riusciva a sollevarsi sul letto - he could not raise himself in the bed
• si sollevò sulla punta dei piedi - he rose on tiptoe
2.1 (= provare sollievo) to be relieved, to cheer up, to buck up; (di umore) to rise
• dopo la bella notizia si sollevò - he cheered up after the good news
2.2 (= riprendersi) to get over (vt)
• non riesce a sollevarsi dalla perdita della moglie - he cannot get over the death of his wife
3 (= insorgere) to rise (up), to riot, to revolt, to rebel, to rise in revolt
• sollevarsi contro l’oppressore - to rise (up) against the oppressor
• il popolo si sollevò contro il regime - the population rose up against the regime
risollevare / risollevarsi
1.1 (= sollevare di nuovo) to lift again, to raise again
• risollevò la mano per chiedere la parola - he raised his hand again to ask to speak
1.2 (= riproporre) to raise again, to broach again, to bring up again
• hanno risollevato la stessa questione - they have brought up the same question again
1.3 (= migliorare) fig to improve, to raise, to uplift
• è riuscito a risollevare le sorti dell’azienda in pochi mesi - he managed to improve the company’s fortunes in a few months
2 (= confortare) to cheer up, to buck up, to give (sb) a lift
• con quella storiella ci risollevò il morale - he cheered us up with that story
1 (dopo essere caduto) to pick oneself up
• si risollevò da solo - he picked himself up alone
2 (fig) to cheer up, to buck up
• ci risollevammo alla vista degli amici - we cheered up at the sight of our friends
3 (= ricuperare) to recover, to improve, to pick up
• il mercato non si è ancora risollevato dalla caduta della scorsa settimana - the market has not yet recovered from last week’s fall
speculare (transitivo)
(= indagare con l’intelletto) to inquire into, to speculate about/on
• speculare la natura umana - to inquire into human nature
speculare (intransitivo)
1 (= meditare) to speculate
• speculare sui come e perché - to speculate on the whys and wherefores
• speculare su come e perché sia successo qs - to speculate on how and why sth happened
• speculare sui misteri della vita - to speculate on the mysteries of life
2 (= compiere operazioni speculatorie) to speculate, (borsa) to gamble, to punt, to play (vti), to speculate
• speculare al rialzo - to speculate for a rise, to sell for a rise
• speculare al rialzo su nuove emissioni - to stag
• speculare al ribasso - to speculate for a fall, to sell for a fall
• speculare con denaro preso in prestito - to leverage
• speculare sul dollaro - to speculate on the dollar
3 (= sfruttare) to profit (from/by), to exploit (vt), to take advantage (of)
• speculare sugli operai - to exploit the workers
• speculare sulle disgrazie altrui - to profit from the misfortunes of others
• speculare sull’ignoranza di qn - to take advantage of sb’s ignorance
sbattere / sbattersi
sbattere (transitivo)
1 (= battere forte o rapidamente) to beat, to pound; (= agitare) to shake; (ali, vele, ecc) to flap, to flutter; (= scrollare) to flick
• sbattere le palpebre - to blink (one’s eyes)
• sbattere i tappeti - to beat carpets
• l’uccello sbattè le ali e si levò in volo - the bird flapped its wings and took off
• i dimostranti sbattevano i piedi per terra - the demonstrators stamped their feet
• sbatti la lattina per bene - shake the can well
• non sbattere il flacone - don’t shake the bottle
2 (= scagliare/gettare con violenza) to dash, to fling, to throw; to slap (down/on), to slam (down); (= chiudere con forza) to slam, to bang
• sbattere fuori qn - to throw sb out
• sbattere giù il telefono - to slam the phone down
• sbattere la porta - to slam the door
• sbattere qn fuori a calci - to kick sb out
• sbattè tutte le carte per terra - she flung all the papers on the floor
• sbattè la porta dietro di sé - he slammed the door behind him
• sbattilo fuori di qui! - throw him out of here!
• sbattè i libri sul tavolo e uscì - he slammed the books on the table and left
• è stato sbattuto fuori dal club per alcolismo - he was thrown out of the club for being an alcoholic
• la barca fu sbattuta contro gli scogli - the boat was flung onto the rocks
• la ragazza sbattè il bicchiere a terra - the girl dashed the glass to the ground
3.1 (= riporre a casaccio) to chuck, to plank down
• sbattere giù una valigia - to plank down a suitcase (US)
• sbattè tutto in un cassetto - he chucked everything into a drawer
3.2 (= mettere frettolosamente) to slap (on), to slosh onto, to clap, to bundle
• sbattere qn dentro/in galera - to clap sb in prison
• l’hanno sbattuto in prigione he was clapped into prison
• sbattè il bimbo in auto e partì - he bundled the child into the car and drove off
• sbatterono un po’ di pittura sulla parete e dissero che avevano tinteggiato la stanza - they slapped some paint on the wall and said they had painted the room
3.3 (= urtare) to bang, to knock, to hit
• sbattere la testa contro un muro (fig) - to bang one’s head against a brick wall
• ho sbattuto il ginocchio contro il tavolo - I’ve knocked my knee against the table
3.4 (= spedire via) to pack off, to send off
• fu sbattuto in un ufficio di periferia - he was packed off to an out-of-the-way office
• l’hanno sbattuto in un paese di montagna - he was posted to a village up in the mountains
4 (culin) to beat, to whip (up); (= montare) to whip, to whisk
• sbattere gelatina (gergo, teat) - to play to the gallery, to ham it up
• sbattere la panna - to whip cream
• sbatti le uova mentre si scioglie il burro - beat the eggs while the butter melts
5 (= dare risalto) giorn to splash
• sbattere una notizia in prima pagina - to splash a story across the front page
6 (= fottere) (volg) to bang, to fuck, to screw, to frig
7 (anche assol) (= rendere smorto) (coll) to make (sb) look pale
• il giallo mi sbatte - yellow makes me look pale
sbattere (intransitivo)
1 (= battere violentemente) to bang, to bash, to slam; (= schiantarsi) to smash, to crash, to bash, to hit
• sbattere con fragore - to clash
• sbattere contro qn/qs - to run/to bump into sb/st
• si sentiva una porta che sbatteva - a door could be heard banging
• si sentì sbattere una porta - we heard a door bang
• l’auto sbandò e andò a sbattere contro un albero - the car skidded and hit a tree
• sbatto sempre contro questo spigolo - I always hit myself on this projection
• quando parcheggiò, andò a sbattere contro una palo - when he was parking his car, he bumped into a post
• l’autobus ha sbattuto contro il muro - the bus crashed into the wall
2 (= scuotersi) to flap; (di vele) to shiver
• fare sbattere (vele) - to shiver
• la tenda sbatteva contro la finestra - the curtain flapped against the windowpane
(= agitarsi) to toss, to flap, to be in a flap
• si sbatteva per il dolore - he tossed and turned in pain
• al posto tuo non mi sbatterei tanto per lui - if I were you I wouldn’t get so worked up about him
(coll) to work hard
• Il capo non mi riconosce nessun merito nonostante io sia l’unico del reparto che si sbatte per far andare avanti il lavoro. - My boss doesn’t give me any recognition even though I’m the only one in the department who works hard to get things done.
(volg) to fuck, to bang, to screw, to shag
• Mi sono portato a casa la bionda della discoteca e me la sono sbattuta. - I brought the blonde from the club home and I banged her.
(volg) not to give/to care a damn/a fuck (about)
• se ne sbattè delle nostre proteste - he didn’t give a damn about our protests
trascinare / trascinarsi
trascinare (transitivo)
1 (= tirare) to drag (anche elab), to draw, to pull, to trail, to haul, (a fatica) to lug, to tug; (i piedi) to scuff, to shuffle
• dovette trascinare i bagagli fino all’autobus - he had to drag his luggage to the bus
• trascinò le due valige pesanti su per le scale - she lugged the two heavy suitcases up the stairs
• trascinò la gamba fino all’ospedale - he managed to get himself to hospital with his bad leg
• trascina una magra esistenza (fig) - he ekes out a living; trascina e rilascia elab drag and drop
2 (= condurre a forza) to drag, to haul, to drive
• ma perché devi trascinarmi a tutte le tue feste? - why do you have to drag me to all your parties?
• la polizia lo trascinò davanti al giudice - the police hauled him before the judge
• lo trascinarono sul palco - they dragged him onto the platform
• fu trascinato dagli altri acquirenti - he was driven along by the other customers
3 (= attirare) to lead, to draw; (= coinvolgere) to suck (in/into), to press (into), to rope (in)
• trascinare qn in una discussione - to suck sb into an argument
• trascinare qn sulla via del male - to lead sb along the path of evil
4 (anche assol) (= affascinare) to captivate, to spellbind, to carry away
• trascinare la folla - to captivate the crowd
• essere trascinato dalla passione - to be carried away by passion
• è un ritmo che trascina - it’s a rhythm that carries you away
• l’attore ha una personalità che trascina - the actor has a fascinating personality
5 (= travolgere, spec di acque) to wash (away), to sweep (away), to carry away
• la piena trascinò a valle alberi e baracche - the flood swept trees and shacks downstream
• fummo trascinati dalla folla - we were swept along by the crowd
1 to drag oneself, to pull oneself, to haul oneself, to plod (along/on), to trail (along/behind)
• riuscì a trascinarsi fino al telefono - he managed to drag himself to the phone
2 to go on, to drag (on/along), to wear on
• questa faccenda si trascina ormai da mesi - this matter has been dragging on for months now
1.1 (= interrompere) to interrupt, to drop
• tralasciamo la discussione di questo punto e passiamo al successivo - let’s drop the discussion of this item and move onto the next one
• per dedicarsi allo sport ha tralasciato gli studi - he has interrupted his studies in order to devote himself to sport
1.2 (= lasciare da parte) to leave aside/off
• tralasciando… - leaving aside…, to the exclusion of…
• tralasciare un punto all’ordine del giorno - to leave an item off the agenda
2 (= omettere) to leave out, to drop, to omit, to neglect; (= saltare) to skip, to jump; (= ignorare) to neglect, to overlook; (= sorvolare) to slur over, to slide over
• tralasciare di fare qs - to omit to do sth
• il testimone tralasciò alcuni dettagli rilevanti - the witness left out some significant details
• ha finito il lavoro da solo, ma ha tralasciato di avvisarci - he finished the job on his own, but neglected to inform us
• quando legge, tralascia sempre i punti meno importanti - when he reads, he always skips the least important points
• ha tralasciato la parte più difficile - he left out the most difficult part
to reproach, to scold, to rebuke, to blame
• redarguire qn aspramente - to reprimand sb
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