Avverbi Flashcards
1 (= forse) perhaps, maybe
• “esci domani?” “chissà” - “are you going out tomorrow?” “maybe”
• chissà se verrà all’appuntamento - maybe he’ll come to the appointment
2 who knows, I wonder
• chissà chi è stato a lasciare il telefono fuori posto - who knows who left the telephone off the hook
• chissà come andrà a finire - who knows how it will end
• chissà cos’è - I wonder what it is
even (including)
let alone, even less so
at least
generally, in general, in most cases, for the most part, mostly
• perlopiù i giovani d’oggi la pensano così - generally today’s young people think that way
• alla festa c’erano perlopiù donne - at the party there were mostly women
• viaggia perlopiù in aereo - in general he travels by air
1 (tramite i sensi) sensibly, sensitively
• percepire sensibilmente - to perceive through the senses
2 (= notevolmente) notably, markedly, significantly, remarkably
• le condizioni del paziente sono sensibilmente migliorate - the patient’s condition has improved remarkably
• la produzione è sensibilmente calata - production has dropped significantly
(sì) absolutely, certainly
• “Ti piace?” – “Altroché!” - “Do you like it?” – “Sure!”
theatrically, spectacularly, ostentatiously
impudently, shamelessly
enough, fairly, quite (a bit), considerably, rather, somewhat, pretty (coll)
• è stato alquanto generoso con noi - he has really been quite generous to us
• è alquanto giovane - she’s pretty young
• ora mi sento alquanto meglio - I’m feeling altogether better now
• il progresso ha alquanto alterato i rapporti umani - progress has changed human relations considerably
1 (= capovolto) upside down, topsy-turvy, (= a rovescio) wrong side up
• tenere il giornale sottosopra - to hold the newspaper upside down
• hai messo la tovaglia sottosopra - you’ve put the tablecloth on wrong side up
2 (= in disordine) topsy-turvy, upside down, in a shambles, in a clutter/mess
• essere sottosopra - to be in a mess
• mettere un luogo sottosopra alla ricerca di qs - to scour a place for sth
• mettere sottosopra - to disorder, to upset, to mess up, to turn upside down
• la stanza era tutta sottosopra - the room was in a terrible mess
• trovai la casa sottosopra - I found the house in a shambles
1.1 (= assolutamente) absolutely, completely, totally, quite
• tutto ciò è addirittura ridicolo - that is all quite ridiculous
1.2 (= persino) (enfat) even, if not
• gli rubarono addirittura gli abiti che indossava - they stole even the clothes he was wearing
2 (= direttamente) directly
• vediamoci addirittura all’aeroporto - let’s meet directly at the airport
elsewhere, somewhere else
• grazie lo stesso, mi rivolgerò altrove - thank you anyway, I’ll try somewhere else
• in quel periodo ero altrove - at that time I was elsewhere
1 (= deliberatamente) on purpose, designedly, deliberately, purposely, intentionally
• fatto apposta - contrived
• nemmeno a farlo apposta - without meaning to, as luck would have it
• non l’ho fatto apposta - I didn’t do it on purpose
• l’hai fatto apposta - you did it purposely
2 (= espressamente) specially, expressly
• venne apposta per parlarmi - he came specially to talk to me
3 (= proprio) just, simply
• l’hanno raccontato apposta per farti arrabbiare - they reported it just to make you angry
4 (in funzione di a inv) special, specially made/designed
• ho un libretto apposta per le ricette - I have a special notebook for recipes
not even
• Non dirlo manco per scherzo! - Don’t even joke about it!
• manco per idea! - absolutely not
• non lo farei manco se mi pagassi - I wouldn’t do it even if you paid me
much less, even less, least of all, certainly not, let alone, especially not
• Non aiuta nessuno, tantomeno voi. - It’s not helping anyone, least of all you.
• non fare menzione dell’accaduto, specie alla stampa - don’t mention what happened, especially to the press
lost in thought