Ventilation & Perfusion Flashcards
What are the functions of the respiratory system?
Primary purpose = gas exchange between air + blood - O2 in, CO2 out
But also:
- Reservoir for blood + O2 (70% of blood remains in circulation if blood stopped moving)
- Metabolism of some circulating compounds (e.g. ACE in lungs)
- Filter blood (e.g. stop microthrombi getting to brain)
What makes up the respiratory tract?
LRT = series of branching tubes that lead to blood-gas barrier at alveolar membrane (provide large SA for gas exchange)
1st 16 divisions trachea -> terminal bronchioles are conducting airways: no gas exchange (anatomical dead space) - bulk flow
17-21st division respiratory bronchioles -> alveolar sacs are respiratory airways: gas exchange - diffusion
What is the purpose of conducting airways?
To provide a convoluted tube for air to get down to gas exchange areas (dependent on pressure differences)
What is the tissue conversion as you move from the bronchi to the bronchioles? Why does the type of tissue change?
Bronchi made of cartilage whereas bronchioles made up of SM so they can vary their radius allowing a big increase in resistance + flow
What is the structure at the alveoli of the respiratory system?
Dense capillary network around each alveoli
Blood vessels are distensible + regulated by hypoxic vasoconstriction for e.g.
Thin blood-gas barrier further aids gas exchange
What is hypoxic vasoconstriction?
Vessels around alveoli will constrict if the alveoli has inadequate/low O2 levels + blood directed to alveoli with high O2 levels to maximise gas exchange
Why are alveoli blood vessels distensible?
If flow is increased, the tubes radius will increase, decreasing resistance + accommodating increased flow through vessels w/o having to increase pressure a lot
What does the composition of the alveolar air depend upon?
Relative rates of ventilation + perfusion
Concentration gradient must be established for diffusion to occur - gases move from high to low concentration area
What will happen to the pO2 + pCO2 if ventilation and perfusion are changed?
Increased ventilation: pO2 increase + pCO2 decrease in alveoli
Increased perfusion: pO2 decrease + pCO2 increase
What makes up the diffusion barrier in the alveoli?
Epithelial cell of alveolus Tissue fluid + connective tissue Endothelial cell of capillary Plasma RBC membrane + cytoplasm
What is the calculation for diffusion rate?
A x D x ∆P / T
A = area D = diffusion (sol/√MW) ∆P = pp difference (gradient) T = thickness
Why is gas exchange in the alveoli perfusion limited in healthy individuals?
O2 fully saturated Hb by the time it is 25% along capillary length (reserve for increased demand)
So gas exchange is limited by extent of blood perfusion of alveoli so O2/CO2 transfer is perfusion limited
What happens to gas exchange in disease states?
Perfusion limited -> diffusion limited with full equilibration not occurring by the end of the capillaries i.e. exchange is now limited by diffusion instead
Now need 100% of capillary length to fully saturate Hb with O2 or in severe cases, Hb will not become fully saturated at all (no reserve in increased demand)
How is the composition of alveolar gas kept relatively constant?
Exchange between alveolar gas + mixed venous blood would reduce alveolar pO2 + elevate pCO2
However, this is prevented by movement of O2 from atmospheric air into it + CO2 out of alveolus into atmospheric air by ventilation
Define ventilation.
Movement of gas in + out of lungs
What muscles + nerves are involved in ventilation?
Diaphragm (innervated by phrenic nerve C3, 4 + 5)
Intercostal muscles (innervated by intercostal nerves)
What occurs in the process of ventilation?
Inspiration bought about by expansion of chest wall + contraction/depression of diaphragm -> increases volume + reduces pressure in respiratory airways -> gas then flows down pressure gradient into lungs -> relaxation of muscles leads to reversal of process
What are the 4 lung volumes picked up by spirometry?
- Tidal volume (TV): volume of air moved in + out of lungs at rest
- Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): extra volume that can be breathed in over rest
- Expiratory reserve volume (ERV): extra volume that can be breathed out over rest
- Residual volume (RV): volume left in lungs following maximal expiration