Thorax, Tracheobronchial Tree & Lungs (Part 1) Flashcards
What is the thorax?
Irregularly cylindrical cavity with openings at top & bottom composed of a thoracic wall, pleural cavities & mediastinum
What are the functions of the thorax?
Passageway between abdomen & neck/upper limb for vessels & nerves
Protection of organs
What are the 2 openings of the thorax called?
Superior thoracic aperture
Inferior thoracic aperture
What is the bottom boundary of the thorax?
What is within the mediastinum?
Great vessels
How does the thoracic wall allow breathing?
Able to withstand a range of positive & negative pressures during breathing
Mobile structure but with structural rigidity
Describe the structure of the ribs.
12 paired ribs with intercostal muscles in between
Ribs 1-10 end in costal cartilage whilst 11-12 embedded in muscle
Articulate with thoracic vertebra posteriorly around the thoracic inlet and connect to the sternum via costal cartilage anteriorly with variable articulations
Why can ribs move?
Articulation of ribs have synovial joints
What will happen if the ribs are fractured in terms of breathing?
Paradoxical movement of thoracic wall segment at point of fracture; ribs will not move normally e.g. they will depress rather than expand in inspiration
What is the lower border of the costal cartilage called?
Costal margin
What structures go through the thoracic apertures?
Part of brachial plexus
Subclavian vessels
What can happen if you are born with an cervical rib (at C7 instead of T1)?
May compress brachial plexus -> 1st dorsal webspace of hands looks deflated as these muscles are innervated by the brachial plexus and they atrophy due to lack of stimulation
What parts make up the sternum from the top down?
Suprasternal (jugular) notch (T2) Manibrium Manubrio/sternal angle (T4/5) Body Xiphoid process (T9/10)
What bit of the sternum is useful to palpate? What does this give you an indication of?
Sternal angle
Indicates that the 2nd costal cartilage is lateral & the sternal plane (T4/T5 IV disc)
Also divides sternum & mediastinum into superior & inferior parts
Are fractures of the sternum common?
No, usually only seen with serious of fatal injury
Where are the costal grooves of the rib? Why are they relevant?
On inferior margin
Where neurovascular bundle runs (collateral & accessory bundles inferior too)
What is the rib angle useful for?
Used by anaesthetists as a landmark to perform intercostal nerve blocks