Where may arterial thrombitic events occur?
- coronary
- cerebral
- peripheral
Cause of blood clots in arterial system?
- chronic high pressure damages the vascular endothelium leading to eventual atherosclerosis> presents as angina if in heart/ claudication in legs
- rupture results in PLATELET rich thrombus !
How to treat arterial thrombosis?
- modify risk factors (high BP/ smoking)
How does venous thrombosis occur?
- its a low pressure system
- —tends to be stasis problem
- which ACTIVATES the coagulation cascade> fibrin clot formation
What is given to treat venous thrombosis?
- Heparin and Warfarin
- Anti-coagulants
What is involved in Virchow’s triad?
- stasis
- vessel wall (deterioration of the valves) —occurs with AGE and blood clot formation
- hypercoagulability (Tissue factor/ vWF)
How does DVT present as?
Blood fails to return to heart!
- —limb feels HOT, swollen, tender
- pitting edema
What is a DDX for dvt?
- -CELLULITIS (also unilateral)
- lymphedema (cancer blocking the lymphatic flow)
- -CHF is b.l
How does a P.E come about
blood clot from DVT travels through the IVC to the heart, through the pulmonary artery into the LUNGS
—occludes small vessel in lungs> tissue hypoxia
How does P.E present as?
- pleuritic pain (STABBING pain on inhalation!) —S1Q3T (ECG) ????
inflammed lung lining rubs on the pleura?
Why is hypercoagulability seen in pregnancy?
- factor VIII RAISES by 5x in pregnancy
What are some hypercoagulable states ?
- age
- Prgenancy
- Puerperium
- Estrogen therapy
- Trauma/ surgery
- Malignancy
- Infection
- Thrombophilia (heritable/ anti-phosholipid syndrome)
What component of the normal haemostatic system is affected in venous thromboembolism?
– anticoagulant defences
What is seen with thrombophilia?
- familial/ acquired d.o of the haemostatsis mechanism
- -predisposing one to thrombosis
What is seen with thrombophilia?
- FACTOR 5 normal fxn
- –but unable to switch off efficiently
- –5x incr. risk of getting blood clt.