When may normal hemostatic system go wrong?
- failed to form platelet plug
- failed to form fibrin form
Why may the platelet plug fail to form?
- vessel wall (missing components)
- platelets (Reduced # or fxn)
- VWF (hereditary d.o-AD)
What are some vascular abnormalities?
- MARFAN’S syndrome (valves affected/ lack of collagen in vessels/ hyperflexibility)
- ac
Name an acquired cause of vasculitis.
- –Henoch-schonien purpura (in kids)
- —-viral
- —-could be ITP too
- —presents as PR bleeding AND mucosal bleeding
Which vitamin deficiency results in vasculitis?
- Vitamin C deficiency
- – Scurvy
- –particularly seen in lower limbs, fundi, chest if coughing
Senile purpura
Iary hemostasis
Commonest cause of acquired thrombocytopenia.
- incr. DESTRUCTION of platelets
- more common in YOUNGER kids
WHcih 2 conditions use up platelets?
When is DIC seen
- d.t MASSIVE TISSUE damage
- —-RTA/ Wrong blood transfusion/ malignancy/ OBSTETRIC complication
What is an automimmune cause of peripheral platelet destruction?
ITP: Immune thrombocytopenic Purpura
—-isoimmune (post-transfusion and neonatal)
Causes of platelet fxn defects.
- Hereditary: surface lipoproteins missing
- Acquired (drugs - NSAIDs/ ASPIRIN/// Renal failure)
How does vWF def. present as?
Herditary or ACQUIRED
- —AUTOSOMAL dominant
- common
- generally mild
Acquired causes of thrombocytopenia?
- Reduced prodn (marrow failure)
- incr. destruction
What could go wrong in IIary hemostasis?
- Multiple clotting factor defi. : could be used (DIC in sepsis
- single clottign factor deficiency (failure of prodn—hereditary= Hemophilia A (VIII)
WHat conditions result inmultiple clotting factors def.?
- LIVER FAILURE (fatty liver disease/Iary biliary cirrhosis)
- Vitamin K def. ( warfarin therapy) —–2, 7,9,10
- complex coagulopathy (DIC)
Which clotting factors REQUIRE vitamin K for prodn?
FACTORS 2, 7, 9, 10
they are carboxylated by Vit K; ESSENTIAL FOR FUNCTION
WHere is vitk sourced from?
- diet
- intestinal synthesis
Why are vit. K shots given to bbies?
—risk of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
What is REQUIRED for Vit. K absorprtion?
- requires bile SALTS for absorption in the UPPER intestine
Causes of Vit. K deficiency.
- warfarin
- obstructive jaundice
- malabsorption
- poor dietary intake
- hemorrhagic disease of newborn