What is given for arterial thrombosis?
What occurs in arterial thrombosis?
- high pr. system causes intimal damage
- plaques build up in vessel wall d.t recruitment of foamy macrophages (rich in cholestrol)
- may rupture
- platelets will come and form a plug
Clots in legs present as _______
(cramping pain in the leg, induced by exercise)
- see how far they can walk
How to reduce risk of atherosclerotic events?
- treating H.T, diabetes and stopping smoking
- lower cholestrol
- anti-platelet drugs
What occurs with stable plaque?
- Hyalinised and calcified plaque= stable angina
- chest pain when stressed
- intermittent claudications
What occurs with platelets and arterial thrombosis?
- plaque ruptures d.t HIGH pressure
- platelets stick to it –exposed endothelium and release of vWF
- platelets become activated (release of granules; that activate coagulation) —-more platelets activated==> platelet plug
Do plaques from in veins?
NO- low pressure system
List the risk factors of arterial thrombosis.
smoking (toxins raise BP and damages endothelium)
HIGH cholestrol
DM (high glucose damages endothelium; plque formation)
WHat is the lifespan of platelets and wht triggers them to stick together?
- 7 days
- exposure of vWF, collagen and other proteins
What chems promotes the aggregation of the platelets?
- thromboxane A2
How do platelates bind to the endothelial wall/
- ADHESION (platelets stick to collagen via Gycloprotein 1b and vWF)
How do platelets stick to one another?
- STICK TO ONE ANOTHER VIA gpiibiiia and fibrinogen
What is the MOA of aspirin?
- inhibits cyclo-oxygenase (needed to produce thromboxane A2)
- –COO (needed to catalyse the
ADP receptor anta-gonists
P2Y12receptor - found specif. on the platelets
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
reduces prodn of cAMP
What is MOA of abciximab?
- glycoprotein IIb/ IIIa inhibitors
- –blocks aggregation
What is the S.E of ASPIRINA?
- bleeding
- blocks prodn of prostaglandins
- GI ulceration
- bronchospasm
What precautions prior surgery when on anti-platelet drugs?
- STOP anti-platelet agents 7 DAYS prior to elective operations
- —-if severe bleeding (reverse with PLATELET transfusion)
Which is preferred with RCA or LCA blockade?
- RCA (loss of a little heart muscle) ??
How may the an UNSTABLE atherosclerotic plaque present as?
- MI
- UNSTABLE angina
- stroke
- —-> acute organ ISCHEMIA and INFARCTION