Why is a minimum wgt criteria present?
- min. wgt of 50kg (can’t take a good % of blood from a small person)
What is blood screened for?
- Hep B/C/E
- Syphilis
How long do the diff. component sof the blood last?
- Red cells (for 35 day s at 4*C
- platelets for 7 dayss with agitation
- FFP for 3 years at 30* C
What is prothrombin Complex conc.?
- GIVEN to reverse coagulation
Name blood prods drom pharmacy.
- human albumin
- specific Ig
How many red cell antigens exist?
- 37 grs. with 300 variants
- ABO and Rhesus is most important
Whatg does O mean?
-Sugar involved.
What does it mean by being blood gr. A ?
- bloog Gr. A = hae A Ag on red cells
- blood gr. AB= have A and B Ag on red cell s
What ag do blood gr. O present with?
- neither
What does Landsteiner’s Law state?
- when a person LACKS A or B antigen—-the corresponding Ab is produced in their plasma
What Abs do the blood grs. have?
A= ANTI-b ab= NEITHER Abs O= anti- A and Anti-B
Which blood gr. can be given to anyone?
- —-they don’t possess any antigens (so no rxn may occur)
Which blood gr. can RECIEVE any bloood?
When is rhesus antigen specifically important?
- during PREGNANCY
- Anti-D ab can cause TRANSFUSION rxn and hemolytic disease of the FETUS and the newborn
- —avoid exposing RhD negative people to D antigen
Who do you give RhD negative blood to?
- to RhH negative people
How do Abs come about in blood?
- with EXPOSURE to the antigen
Why can’t blood gr. O NOT recieve blood from the other blood grs.?
- it possesses both ANTI-A and ANTI-B abs
- —-
When does agglutination of the blood cells occur?
– when you mix the Ag specific ab to a red cells with the same Ag
How does Ab screening occur?
- pts’ plasma is tested against SEVERAL reagent red cells expre
How to perform IAT crossmatch?
- add pt PLASMA to the donor red cells
- add anti-human globulin
- —no agglutination= ready for transfusion
WHen is red cell transfusion performed?
- symptomatic anaemia (<70g/L Hb)
- Major bleeding
- —–consider causes !
- —-transfuse a single unit of red cells
INdications for platelet transfusion?
- prophylaxis in pts with BONE marrow FAILURE (v.LOW platelet counts)
- —bleeding rx in thrombocytopenic pt
- prophylaxis prior to SURGERY/ procedure in a thrombocytopenic pt
FPP transfusion indication?
- prophylaxis PRIOR to surgery/ procedure in pt with COAGULOPATHY (PT ratio >1.5)
- —-manage MASSIVE hemorrhage
- thos ewith coagulopathy (PT ratio >1.5)
- transfuse EARLY in trauma
- not in ABSENCE of bleeding
What is done to monitor the pt during the transfusion? -
- looking for RASH/ SOB/ pain/ tender arm/ FEVER.
- —-observations to be done every 15 minffs within 60 mins of the transfusion
What are the components of the blood? R