Venous thromboembolism in pregnancy Flashcards
What is VTE?
A collective term that describes deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
What is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the UK?
VTE - 1/3 of maternal deaths
Describe how pregnancy increases the risk of VTE
X4-5 increased risk
Changes in the levels of proteins in the clotting cascade (Increased fibrinogen and decreased protein S)
What happens to the risk of VTE during pregnancy?
Increases as pregnancy progresses
Highest risk post-partum
List the risk factors of VTE in pregnancy
Pre-existing factors:
- Thrombophilia
- Medical comorbidity
- Age >35
- BMI>30
- Parity >3
- Smoking
- Varicose veins
- Paraplegia
Obstetric factors:
- Multiple pregnancy
- Pre-eclampsia
- C-section
- Prolonged labour
- Preterm birth
- Stillbirth
Transient factors:
- Surgery
- Dehydration (hyperemesis)
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- Admission/immobility
- Systemic infection
- Long distance travel
Describe the clinical features of DVT
Unilateral leg pain Swelling Pyrexia Pitting oedema Tenderness Prominent superficial veins
Which leg is most commonly affected by DVT in pregnant women and why?
Left leg - compression effect of the uterus on the left iliac vein
Describe the clinical features of PE
Sudden onset dyspnoea
Pleuritic chest pain
Haemoptysis (rare)
What signs on examination may a person with a PE have?
Tachycardia Tachypnoea Pyrexia Raised JVP Pleural rub Pleural effusion Signs of DVT
What are the differentials for VTE
- Cellulitis
- Ruptured bakers cyst
- Superficial vein thrombophlebitis
- Acute coronary syndromes
- Aortic dissection
- Pneumonia
- Pneumothorax
What investigations should be ordered for VTE in pregnancy?
FBC U&Es LFTs Coagulation screen Compression duplex ultrasound ECG CXR ABG CTPA or V/Q scan
What is a V/Q scan associated with?
Higher risk of childhood cancer
Which radiation sparing investigation can be done if a woman is presenting with both DVT and PE
Duplex USS
How are women with symptoms of VTE managed?
Low molecular weight heparin immediately until diagnosis is excluded
How long should anticoagulation be maintained in confirmed VTE?
Throughout pregnancy, until 6-12 weeks post partum