Female genital mutilation Flashcards
What is FGM?
Surgically changing the genitals of a female for non-medical reasons
Cultural practice
When does FGM occur?
Girls before puberty
Which countries commonly practice FGM?
African countries - Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan and Eritrea
Name the act that talks about FGM
Female genital mutilation act 2003
What does the FGM act 2003 say about FGM
Safe guarding issue
Child abuse
Legal requirement for HCPs to report this to the police
List and describe the 4 types of FGM
Type 1 - removal of part or all of the clitoris
Type 2 - Removal of part or all of the clitoris and labia minora. Labia majora may be removed
Type 3 - narrowing or closing the vaginal orifice (infundibulation)
Type 4 - All other unnecessary procedures to the female genitalia
What are the two main risk factors of FGM
Being from a community that practise FGM
Having relatives affected by FGM
List the immediate complications of FGM
Pain Bleeding Infection Swelling Urinary retention Urethral damage and incontience
List the long term complications of FGM
Vaginal infections - BV
Pelvic infections
Uriary tract infections
Sexual dysfunction and dyspareunia
Infertility and pregnancy related complication
Significant psychological issues and depression
Reduction in engagement with healthcare and screening
Describe the management of FGM
Educate patients and relatives that FGM is illegal in the UK
Discuss the health consequences of FGM
Mandatory to report all cases of FGM <18 to police
Other services - social services and safeguarding, paediatrics, specialist gynaecology or FGM services, counselling
In patients >18, there needs to be careful consideration about whether to report cases to the police or social services. Risk assessment includes considering whether the patient has female relatives at risk or if an unborn child of a pregnant woman affected by FGM is at risk
De-infibulation surgical procedure - to correct the narrowing or closure of the vaginal orifice, improve symptoms and try to restore normal function
Is re-infibulation allowed?