Placental abruption Flashcards
What is placental abruption?
Where a part or all of the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus prematurely
What is placental abruption an important cause of?
Antepartum haemorrhage
What is antepartum haemorrhage?
Bleeding from 24 weeks gestation until delivery
How does abruption occur?
Following a rupture of maternal vessels within the basal layer of the endometrium
Blood accumulates and splits the placental attachment from the basal layer
The detached portion of the placenta is unable to function, leading to rapid foetal compromise
Name the two types of placental abruption
Describe revealed placental abruption
Bleeding tracks down from the site of placental separation and drains through the cervix. Results in vaginal bleeding
Describe concealed placental abruption
Bleeding remains within the uterus and typically forms a clot retro placentally
Bleeding is not visible but can be severe enough to cause systemic shock
List the risk factors for placental abruption
Placental abruption in previous pregnancy Pre-eclampsia and other HTN disorders Abnormal lie of the baby Polyhydramnios Abdominal trauma Smoking or drug use Bleeding in 1st trimester Underlying thrombophilia Multiple pregnancy
List the clinical features of placental abruption
Antepartum haemorrhage - painful vaginal bleeding
If in labour - enquire about contractions
Describe the examination findings in placental abruption
Woody uterus (tense all the time) and painful on palpation
List the differentials of placental abruption
Placenta praevia Marginal placental bleed Vasa praevia Uterine rupture Local genital causes - benign or malignant lesions and infections
What investigations do you do for placental abruption?
FBC, clotting, Kleihauer test, Group and safe, cross match if presentation warrants transfusion, U&Es, LFTs
Assess foetal wellbeing - >26 weeks gestation do a CTG
USS if patient stable
What might be seen on USS in placental abruption?
Retroplacental haematoma
Describe the management of placental abruption
ABCDE approach
Emergency delivery - C-section unless spontaneous delivery is imminent or operative vaginal birth achievable
Induction of labour - avoid further bleeding
Conservative management if not associated with foetal or maternal compromise