Varicella zoster infection (chickenpox) Flashcards
What type of virus is varicella zoster?
DNA virus
What is varicella zoster responsible for?
Chickenpox - primary infection
Shingles - viral reactivation
What percentage of the antenatal population are seropositive for the varicella zoster IgG antibody?
What is the incidence of chicken pox in pregnancy
3 in 1000
How does primary varicella zoster infection typically present?
Pruritic maculopapular rash - becomes vesicular and crusts before healing
What is the incubation periodof varicella zoster?
10-21 days
How long is a woman infectious with varicella zoster for?
48hrs prior to the rash until the vesicles have crusted
What is varicella zoster infection associated with?
What percentage mortality in mothers does varicella zoster pose?
What investigations are done in varicella zoster?
Clinical diagnosis - history and examination
Diagnostic doubt - immunofluorescence of basal epithelial cells scrapped from vesicle or PCR for varicella zoster DNA. Immunity status - test for IgM and IgG antibodies to varicella zoster
How is varicella zoster in pregnancy managed?
Suspected varicella contact - if mother describes previous primary varicella zoster infection assume immunity, if no previous infection varicella zoster IgG testing is required to confirm immunity status. If not immune, give varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) within 10 days of contact and before any rash appears
Maternal chickenpox - aciclovir (800mg PO 5times a day) within 24 hrs of rash onset and at >20 weeks gestation. Counsel about symptoms of pneumonia and neurological signs. Referral to foetal medicine specialist with serial US examination 5 weeks post infection
Describe varicella vaccination
If a woman is found to be seronegative for varicella zoster IgG pre pregnancy or post partum vaccination should be considered. Do not give during pregnancy
What is the percentage risk of varicella infection of the newborn?
Describe the route of infection causing varicella of the newborn
Direct contact after birth
How is varicella of the newborn treated?
Varicella zoster immunoglobulin and Aciclovir