Vascular Supply to the Upper Limb Flashcards
_______ begins at lateral border of 1st rib and ends at inferior border of teres major muscle.
axillary artery
how many parts is the axillary artery divided into?
the first part of the axillary artery has?
- 1st rib to medial border of pectoralis minor
- enclosed in axillary sheath
- one branch : superior thoracic artery supplying serratus anterior muscle.
the second part of the axillary artery has?
- posterior to pectoralis minor
- two branches: thoraco-acromial artery, lateral thoracic artery (both supply pectoral muscles and breast)
what does the third part of the axillary nerve contain?
- lateral border of pectoralis minor to inferior border of teres major muscle
- three branches
_____ : largest branch, divides into circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries, supplies serratus anterior, teres major, subscapularis, and latissimus dorsi muscles.
subscapular artery
______: (medial location) continuation of axillary artery, ends in cubital fossa.
brachial artery
_______: lies anterior to triceps and brachialis muscle throughout its course, accompanied by the median nerve
brachial artery
what are the branches of the brachial artery?
- many muscular branches
- profunda brachii artery from medial aspect
- superior and inferior ulnar collateral branches
______: (deep artery of the arm) accompanies radial artery in radial groove, divides into anterior and posterior descending branches to allow.
profunda brachii
______: larger of two terminal branches of brachial artery, begins medial to biceps tendon and descends through anterior compartment deep to pronator teres muscle.
ulnar artery
what are the branches of the ulnar artery?
- anterior ulnar recurrent
- posterior ulna recurrent
_____: begin in cubital fossa at neck of radius, passes distally deep to brachioradualis muscle, palpable throughout lateral forearm.
radial artery
what is included in the branches of the radial artery?
- supplies flexor and extensor muscles on lateral side of forearm, radial artery, branches to hand
_______: (branches from the ulnar artery) runs across anterior wrist deep to tendons of flexor digitorum profundus (FDP).
palmar carpal branch
_____: (branches from the ulnar artery) arises proximal to pisiform bone, crosses dorsal to wrist.
dorsal carpal branch
_______: superficial and deep palmar venous arches, dorsal veneers network (arch), both drain to cephalic and basilica veins.
veins of hand
______: basilic vein ascends posteromedially on forearm, cephalic vein ascends on lateral border of forearm, median cubital vein connects cephalic and basilica over cubital fossa.
superficial veins of forearm
_____: paired radial and ulnar veins and interosseous veins accompany arteries of same name, all communicate w/ superficial veins and median cubital vein.
deep veins of forearm
_______: located on anterolateral surface, enters groove b/w deltoid muscle and pectoralis major muscle (deltopectoral groove)
cephalic vein
the cephalic vein empties into termination of?
axillary vein
______: located on the medial side, inferior arm, pierces deep fascia at junction of inferior and middle third of arm, runs superiorly to axillary vein.
basilic vein
______: paired, accompany brachial artery, form at elbow from radial and ulnar veins, have valves, merge w/ basilica vein to form axillary vein.
deep veins
all ____ from arm drains to axillary nodes, including the breasts and thorax.
the brachial plexus is composed of ?
- roots (5)
- trunks (3)
- divisions (6)
- cords (3)
- branches (13 + 4 from roots / terminal branches 5)
______: ventral rami of spinal nerves C5 - T1 ( dorsal scapular nerve C5, long thoracic nerve C5-C7)
______: superior from ventral rami of C5 and 6 (branches nerve to subclavius muscle; suprascapular nerve to supraspinatus muscle, and infraspinatus muscle, shoulder joint), middle from ventral ramps of C7, inferior from ventral rami of C8 and T1.
describe the divisions on the brachial plexus?
- anterior divisions of superior and middle trunks from lateral cord
- anterior divisions of inferior trunk continues as medial cord
- posterior divisions of all three trunks for posterior cord
how are the cords named?
by relationship to axillary artery that they surround (lateral, medial, posterior)
______: pectoral nerve (C5-C7) to pectoralis major and minor muscles, musculocutaneous (C5-C7), root of median nerve (C6-C7).
branches from lateral cord
______: ulnar nerve (C8-T1), brachial cutaneous nerve (C8-T1) supplies skin over medial surface of arm and proximal surface of forearm, and median nerve.
branches from medial cord
_______: upper subscapular nerve (C5-C6) to subscapularis muscle, lower subscapular nerve to teres major muscle and subscapularis muscle, thoracodorsal nerve (C5-C6) to latissimus dorsi muscle, axillary nerve to teres minor muscle and deltoid muscle.
branches from the posterior cord
anterior divisions supply _____ parts of upper limb.
posterior divisions supply _____ parts of upper limb.