Ankle and Foot Comp. Flashcards
P.O. for tibialis anterior is?
lateral condyle and proximal half of lateral tibia, interosseous membrane
D.I. for the tibialis anterior is?
medial plantar surfaces of medial cuneiform bone and base of 1st metatarsal bone.
what are the short/long positions for tibialis anterior?
short: dorsiflexion and inversion
long: plantar flexion and eversion
P.O. for extensor hallucis longus is?
middle part of anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
D.I. for extensor hallucis longus is?
dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of great toe
what are the short/long positions for extensor hallucis longus?
short: dorsiflexion of TC and extension of digit #1
long: plantar flexion of TC and flexion of digit #1
P.O. of extensor digitorum longus?
lateral condyle of tibia, proximal 3/4 of anterior surface of interosseous membrane and fibula
D.I. of extensor digitorum longus?
middle and distal phalangeal bones of lateral four digits
what are the short/long position for extensor digitorum longus?
short: dorsiflexion of TC and extension of digits 2-5
long: plantar flexion of TC and flexion of digits 2-5.
P.O. of fibularis longus is?
head and proximal two thirds of lateral fibula
D.I. of fibularis longus is?
plantar base of 1st metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform bone
what are the short/long positioning for fibularis longus?
short: plantar flexion and eversion
long: dorsiflexion and inversion
P.O. of fibularis brevis is?
distal two thirds of lateral surface of fibula
D.I. of fibularis brevis is?
dorsal surface tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone.
what are the short/long positioning for fibularis brevis?
short: plantarflexion and eversion
long: dorsiflexion and inversion
P.O. of soleus is?
posterior aspect of head of fibula, proximal 1/4 of posterior surface of fibula, soleal line of tibia
D.I. of soleus is?
posterior aspect of calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
what are the short/long positions for soleus?
short: plantar flexion
long: dorsiflexion
P.O. flexor hallucis longus is?
distal 2/3 of posterior fibula, inferior part of interosseous membrane
D.I. of flexor hallucis longus is?
base of distal phalanx of great toe (hallux)
what are the short/long positioning of flexor hallucis longus?
short: plantar flexion and flexion of digit #1 all jts
long: dorsiflexion and extension of digit #1 all jts
P.O. of flexor digitorum longus is?
medial part of posterior tibia inferior to soleal line
D.I. of flexor digitorum longus is?
plantar bases of distal phalangeal bones of lateral four digits
what are the short/ long positions of the flexor digitorum longus?
short: plantar flexion of ankle and flexion of digits 2-5; all jts.
long: dorsiflexion of ankle and extension of digits 2-5; all jts.
P.O. of tibialis posterior?
posterior tibia below solar line, interosseous membrane, proximal half of posterior fibula
D.I. of tibialis posterior?
tuberosity of navicular, all cuneiforms (plantar), bases of 2nd through 4th metatarsal bones (plantar).
what are the short/long positions of the tibialis posterior?
short: plantar flexion and inversion
long: dorsiflexion and eversion
P.O. of abductor hallucis?
medial tubercle of tuberosity of calcaneus, flexor retinaculum, and plantar aponeurosis
D.I. of abductor hallucis?
medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit
what are the short/ long positions for abductor hallucis?
short: abduction and flexion of great toe
long: adduction and extension of great toe
P.O. of flexor digitorum brevis?
medial tubercle of tuberosity of calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis, and intermuscular septum
D.I. of flexor digitorum brevis?
both sides of middle phalangeal bones of lateral four digits
what are the short/long positions of flexor digitorum brevis?
short: flexion of digits 2-5
long: extension of digits 2-5
P.O. of adductor hallucis? (2 heads)
oblique head: bases of 2nd through 4th metatarsal bones
transverse head: ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints of digits 3-5
D.I. of adductor hallucis?
tendons of both heads lateral to side of base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit.
what are the short/ long positions of the adductor hallucis?
short: adduction of the great toe
long: abduction of the great toe