- What is considered the “WHAT” in VALOR?
The “Recruiting Roadmap”
- What are the Sales Phases of the Recruiting Roadmap?
- Engage: Identify a Prospect and understand his/her unique life situation
- Assess: Discover the Prospect’s pressures, plans and problems
- Connect: Validate the Prospect’s pressures, plans and problems through ongoing collaboration
- Reveal: Create a clear vision aligning the Navy’s advantages with the Prospect’s pressures, plans and problems.
- Win: Schedule a meeting with the influencers as needed
- Mentor: Collaborate with the Future Sailor/Collegiate throughout DEP
- What does the Engage Phase of the Recruiting Roadmap focus on?
Focuses on prospecting. Prospecting is the means by which we make contact with Prospects. Some of the methods of Prospecting are Phone, Personally Developed Contacts (PDC) and Referrals
- What are the Prospect Engagement Skills involved with the Recruiting Roadmap?
- Discovery
- Alignment
- Positioning
- Distinction
- Collaboration
- What is the purpose of the Discovery Skill?
To understand the Prospects, wants, needs and decision criteria by asking value focused questions
- What is the purpose of the Alignment Skill?
To build authentic relationships by connecting the Navy’s opportunities with the Prospect’s pressures, plans and problems
- What is the purpose of the Positioning Skill?
To create a positive perception of the Navy’s opportunities by helping the Prospect recognize the Navy’s advantages
- What is the purpose of the Distinction Skill?
To develop a Prospect’s preference for the Navy by distinguishing the uniqueness of the Navy’s value for them
- What is the purpose of the Collaboration Skill?
Done during all the skills, it is designed to work with the Prospect throughout the Recruiting process and mentoring them while in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP)
- What are the Sales Assets associated with VALOR?
- Time
- Team
- Talent
- Territory
- Tools and Technology
- Referred to as the “Five T’s”
- What is considered the “WHO” in VALOR?
Prospect Specific Value Propositions. It is a 7 step collaborative process that is focused on the Prospect. It begins with their pressures, plans and problems. It selects and connects the appropriate Navy opportunities to the Prospect. Designed to articulate the Navy’s advantages, successes and unique value to the Prospect
- What is the definition of a Prospect’s life pressures?
What is happening or not happening in the life of the individual that is causing them to consider the Navy. Its purpose is to establish credibility with the Prospect by seeking to discover specifics about their personal life situation.
- What is the definition of a Prospect’s Plans and Objectives?
This is what the Prospect is doing to try to change their situation and circumstances. The purpose of this is to align with the Prospect’s plans and objectives or help them develop some of their own
- What is the definition of a Prospect’s Problems and Challenges?
These are the types of problems or challenges they are encountering when they try to make their plans a reality. The purpose is to discover a Prospect’s problems and challenges, uncovering potential areas of value
- What is considered an “Open-ended” question?
Requires more than a limited response and encourages discussion. Asked when the Recruiter needs to learn more about the Prospect
- What is considered a “Closed-ended” question?
Requires a specific or limited response and discussion. Asked when the Recruiter needs to validate information
- What is considered a “Thought Provoking” question?
Causes the Prospect to reflect and think. Asked by the Recruiter when they want to promote the Prospect to come to some sort of Self Awareness
- What is considered a “Value Focused” question?
Discovers what the Prospect values. Asked by the Recruiter in order to connect on an emotional level with the Prospect.
- What are the types of Prospect’s objections?
- Apathy: “I don’t care”
- Doubt: “I don’t believe”
- Confusion: “I don’t understand”
- Obstacle: “I don’t like”
- What is the definition of Apathy?
Occurs when a Prospect is happy with their current situation or is resistant to accept a Recruiter’s advancement or conversation. The desired outcome is to gain the commitment to move forward.
- What is the definition of Doubt?
Occurs when a Prospect does not believe or doubts what the Recruiter is saying or does not believe what the Navy can offer. (Typically encountered in Positioning.)
- What is the definition of Confusion?
Occurs when a Prospect does not believe the Navy can deliver or provide something that the Navy actually does. (Typically encountered during Positioning)
- What is the definition of Obstacles?
Occurs when a Prospect does not like something they will have to do or circumstances they will be faced with if they join the Navy (Typically encountered during Positioning or Distinction)
- What are the steps in handling Prospect objections?
- Recognize: Actively listen to determine the type of objection
- Relate: Empathize and restate what you heard for clarification
- Realize: Ask open and closed discovery questions
- Respond: Align relevant Navy opportunities with the issue
- Reinforce: Position the potential value for the Prospect
- What is the difference between a “Want” and a “Need”?
- Want: Something that the Prospect would like to have
- Need: Something that you have to have
- What are the categories of Navy Opportunity Value?
- Training: Value when the Prospect believes they acquire skills in the Navy that they need and do not have.
- Resources: Value when the Prospect believes the people, technology and infrastructure of the Navy will help them meet their needs and pursue their wants
- Experience: Value when the Prospect believes they will grow and do things in the Navy that would not otherwise be possible for them
- Benefits: Value when the Prospect believes the benefits and services offered by the Navy will provide them with advantages both during and after their service
- Relationships: Value when the Prospect believes they will be enriched by developing new relationships while in the Navy.
- Brand and Reputation: Value when the Prospect believes in the Navy’s core values of “Honor, Courage and Commitment” and wants to be a part of the Navy’s rich tradition
- What is considered the “WHO” in Valor?
The “White Board”
- How many parts are there to the White Board and what are they?
7 parts. They are:
- Pressures
- Plans
- Problems
- Opportunities
- Advantages
- References
- Navy’s Unique Value
- How does a Recruiter leverage the Navy’s advantages for the Prospect?
They use the advantages of the Navy’s opportunities compared with the others the Prospect may be considering. The purpose of this is to understand the Navy’s competitive advantages and then proactively position our opportunities against others.
- How does a Recruiter position the Navy’s similar successes and references?
They will use other individuals with similar pressures, plans and problems and the potential the Navy has equipped and enabled for success. The purpose is to provide comparable examples that the Navy can and will deliver value and reduce the Prospect’s feeling of risk.
- How does a Recruiter distinguish the Navy’s Unique Value to the Prospect?
? This is how the Navy creates unique value for this Prospect by equipping and enabling them to become a Sailor and, in turn, create value for our Country. The purpose of this is to answer the question “Why Navy”?
- What is considered the “WHEN” in VALOR?
The POINTS Meeting Plan
- What does “POINTS” stand for?
- Purpose: Why are we meeting with this individual (and his/her influencers)?
- Outcomes: What do we hope to accomplish in this meeting?
- Intelligence: How much do we know about this Individual?
- Needs: What does this Individual need (or want) from the Navy?
- Teams: Who is participating in this meeting? (Navy Team and Individual’s Team)
- Strategy: What is our strategy to ensure a successful meeting?
- How do you score the POINTS system?
- 0 points: Unclear/Undefined
- 1 point: Partial clarity, definition
- 2 points: Clearly defined
- How do you evaluate the total points assigned to the system?
- 0 – 6 points: Not ready
- 7 – 10 points: Partially ready
- 11 or 12 points: Ready
- How do you drive VALOR adoption through Coaching?
By using the important qualities that will be taught through VALOR. (Sales Training, Sales Management and Sales Coaching)
- What is the definition of Sales Training?
A process for teaching and equipping salespeople to do things they either don’t know how to do or need to do better
- What is the definition of Sales Management?
A process for motivating and ensuring salespeople do the things they should know how to do.
- What is the definition of Sales Coaching?
A process for assessing salespeople and enabling them to optimize their skills and abilities, maximizing their individual performance
- What does someone need to equip and enable them for effective sales coaching?
Willingness and Ability
- Willingness
a. Invest the time
b. Engage with understanding
c. Be willing to listen
d. Provide Feedback- Ability
a. Sales Coaching Process
b. Sales Coaching Skills
c. Sales Coaching Tools
d. Sales Coaching Questions
- Ability
- What are the steps of the VALOR Coaching process?
- Engage and Focus: Creating a coaching environment where the individual will engage effectively and focus on sales priorities.
- Clarify and Validate: Moving the Individual from the vague to the specific by using discovery questions to clarify and validate assumptions and conclusions
- Assess and Connect: Evaluating the situation by assessing ideas, priorities, options and resources then connecting them into strategies.
- Action and Follow-up: Gaining concurrence on specific next steps, resulting in action plans and follow-up with the Individual to review and measure execution.