- When shall a station get a Production Inspection?
If they miss goal 2 months in a row
- Who can grant a one-time waiver for a Production Inspection?
- What minimum qualification must the Inspector conducting the Production Inspection possess?
Must be DLCPO qualified
- When shall locks and combinations be changed at the NRS?
Lock combinations shall be changed and submitted to the NAVCRUITDIST Security Officer annually or upon the departure of any Recruiter assigned to the NAVCRUITSTA.
- Are Recruiting personnel allowed to disclose Privacy Act Information to the parent of a Prospect who is 17 yrs. old?
- Where can you find guidance on Government Vehicle Rules?
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 4400.1E Logistics Support Manual
- What is the definition of Prospecting?
This is the means by which a prospect is contacted. The purpose of contacting an individual is to arrange and conduct an interview with the prospect.
- What are the market segments in WEBRTOOLS?
None, School, College, Work Force, Prior Service, In-service, Female and Inactive.
- What document is used as a guide to load a Recruiters Working Tickler?
NRD Goaling Letter
- When shall the Working Tickler be loaded and what is the maximum number of Records allowed on a Working Tickler on any given day?
Ticklers will be loaded the last working day of the week and are not to exceed 50 records per day.
- What is a QNE and how long does it stay in the Working Tickler?
Qualified but not Enlisted. Must stay in the Working Tickler for 6 months. Must be contacted at least one time per month for 6 months.
- What does LEADS stand for and how long do they remain in the Working Tickler?
Local Effective Accession Delivery System. Locally and/or Nationally produced LEADS shall be maintained in the Working Tickler for 4 months, until contracted or when disposition renders the LEAD non-workable, whichever comes first.
- How long shall applicant records be maintained in the appropriate Market Segment?
4 years
- What does CIRIMS stand for?
COMNAVCRUITCOM Integrated Recruiting Information Management System.
- How many groups in CIRIMS and what are they?
- Home, Modules, Utilities and Search
- What are the CIRIMS status and Market Segments?
? AF – Affiliation File / AP – DPEP Market Segment / DF – Dead File / DL – Duplicate Lead / IP – In Progress / NA – Not Assigned / NW – Newly Assigned / OV – OSVET Market Segment / PS – Package Submitted / RF – Rating File Market Segment / UN – Unknown
- What are the CIRIMS Source Codes?
AF – Air Force / AP – Army / BP – BUPERS / CC – Call Center / CE – CARIT LANT / DM – DMDC / EW – Campbell Ewald / NF – Fleet to NOSC (FTN) Program / HO – Headquarters / IB – I-Board / JP – JRAP / N3 – CNRC N3 / NC – NASCAR / NL – NALTS / NR – NRPC / NV – Navy / OR – Officer Resignation / RB – Reserve Blueprinting / SC – Supply Corps / SW – SPAWAR / TR – TRMS / WC – TMP / WN – Website (In house)
- How long should CIRIMS applicant records be retained in their appropriate market segments?
4 years
- What is the purpose of blueprinting?
To reduce call reluctance
- What does STEAM stand for?
Standardized Territory Evaluation and Analysis for Management
- How many reports in STEAM and what are they?
- History, Population, Quality and Totals
- What Department is responsible for maintaining STEAM?
- What Department is responsible for the training of STEAM to the Field?
- Where does data for ASAD GNC and ASAD ACC come from?
DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center)
- Where does Navy New Contract (NET) data come from?
- What comprises the Military Available (MA) market?
17 – 34 yrs. old
- What is our Primary Market?
17 – 21 years old
- What is our Secondary Market?
22 – 34 years old
- Someone with an Education Code 11B is what?
Adult Education
- What Education Code is used for Associates, Baccalaureates and Masters Degrees?
D, K and N.
- How many college credits and/or clock hours must a Prospect possess to be considered a Tier 1 applicant?
15 Semester hours, 22 Quarter hours or 675 clock hours. They will be coded as an 118
- If an applicant is coded an 11M, what does that mean and can they join?
Currently attending college to earn 15 Semester hours or 22 Quarter hours. Eligible to join provided they can complete the above credits within 1 year of DEP in.
- What level of Education does a 12H have?
Home School Diploma Graduate
- What level of Education does a 12X have?
Youth Challenge Program
- What level of Education does a 12E have?
- What level of Education does a 12J have?
Certificate of Completion
- What level of Education does a 10I have
No Credentials (Tier 3)
- How is Market Share figured out?
Market share is determined for each NAVCRUITSTA and Division using the measures that best identify potential Recruiter productivity. STEAM allows the NAVCRUITDIST considerable flexibility in identifying these factors. However, current experience indicates Market Share calculations are most impacted by a combination of population and production factors that provide a good indicator of market potential and is recommended. Market Shares may be calculated with various weights and other combinations of data elements for comparison and to target other markets.
- What is the minimum and maximum RAF (Recruiter Assignment Factor) for a Small Station?
0 – 2.8
- What is the minimum and maximum RAF (Recruiter Assignment Factor) for a Medium Station?
> 2.8 – 4.8
- What is the minimum and maximum RAF (Recruiter Assignment Factor) for a Large Station?
4.81 or greater
- How is the NRS RAF calculated?
NRS Market Share multiplied by the total number of Recruiters assigned to the NRD.
- How many types of RAF are there and what are they?
- T-RAF (Traditional RAF), D-RAF (Distance RAF) and U-RAF (TCU RAF)
- How is T-RAF calculated?
This RAF is historically referred to in STEAM as the recommended method. It should be used as a baseline or starting point from which alternative RAFs are compared. In the calculation of Traditional RAF, 50% of the 17 – 21 year olds in the Market Area (Includes Seniors) and 50% of the calculation is based on the 3 year average of ASAD for that market area.
- How is D-RAF calculated?
Like the T-RAF method, this new method uses DOD accessions for the past 3 years weighting each year at approximately 33%; however it only considers accessions in zip codes that are within 25 miles from the station. The method adjusts the Recruiter assignments for those stations covering extremely large areas. COMNAVCRUITCOM market research shows that few contracts come from beyond 25 miles of any NAVCRUITSTA. The aim of this method is to place the right number of Recruiters closest to the largest number of potential accessions based on distance from the NAVCRUITSTA.
- How is U-RAF calculated?
This method is similar to D-RAF using only the last 3 years of ASAD, each weighted at 33%. However, it only uses territory from zip codes producing 5 or more Test Score Category I-IIIA accessions. The aim of this method is to place Recruiters in Market Areas that have historically produced high quality Recruits.
- How often is STEAM updated?
Data updates in STEAM are daily, monthly, quarterly, and annually. They are managed by the STEAM market research at COMNAVCRUITCOM.
- What does SMART stand for?
Station Market Analysis and Review Technique
- What is the purpose of SMART?
The SMART system was designed to target quality market centers. It shows where Recruiting resources should be focused to achieve the best possible results. Recruiters can compare and analyze strengths and weaknesses in their Area of Responsibility (AOR) so new strategies and training methods may be applied.
- What are the parts of SMART?
Territorial Map, Goal Recap, DEP status board, SOAR/School folders and ASAD.
- What does a Red Star on the Territorial Map mean?
NRS *If it has a P, it is a PTO. If it has an R, Military Reserve Center
- Blue Star?
High School. *If it has an “N”, High School with NJROTC
- Green Star?
2 year college
- Gold Star?
4 year college
- Silver Star?
Trade School or Vo-Tech
- What must be used to explain the codes on a map?
Use a 3x5 inch card affixed to the NAVCRUITSTA Territorial Map to explain coding
- How long do you keep ASAD reports?
Current plus 2 years
- How long do you keep Goal Recaps?
Current plus 2 years
- What is the purpose of the DEP status board?
It is used to maintain a 12 month rolling picture of the DEP pool
- Where should the DEP status board be placed?
It should be placed in a prominent location visible to both the Future Sailors and Prospects
- What does SYTD WG TARGET stand for and its purpose?
School Year to Date Will Grad Target. It is the total number of Will Grads assigned as a target within the NAVCRUITSTA for the present school year. This number will be a percentage of your total Will Grad Market and will be assigned by the Chief Recruiter
- What does DEP accessions on the DEP status board stand for?
Number of New Contracts to date for the current month
- What are the Color Codes used on the DEP status board?
BLACK – Workforce (12L) Males / BLUE – Will Grad (11S) Males / RED – All Non-NSW/NSO Females / GREEN – All NSW/NSO Future Sailors.
- What does SOAR stand for and what comprises it?
School of Area Responsibility and it is comprised of all the zip codes and High Schools.
- What is the NAVCRUIT 1133/37?
School Folder
- How long do you keep School Folders?
Current plus 2 previous school years
- Who is required to review and update regularly the TIER status of schools?
- Why is it important to have territory “Fair Shared” out among the Recruiters?
To ensure that all Recruiters have the same opportunity to be successful.
- How many years average are taken into account when conducting Territorial Breakdown?
3 years of All Services Data
- What is the Military available RC Market?
18 – 39 years old
- What is the RC Primary Market?
NAVET 21 – 39 years old
- What is the RC Secondary Market?
NPS 18 – 39 and OSVET 21 – 39 years old
- What is the difference between an Enlistment and an Affiliation?
An Enlistment is someone who is not under MSO time. An Affiliation is someone who is still under MSO.
- What are the 5 basic “Target Markets” the Navy Reserve currently has?
- What are the 5 key Market sources for potential RC applicants?
Public and Private schools, Junior and Senior colleges, Vocational/Technical Schools, Key info centers such as government offices (city, county and state), Chambers of Commerce and hospitals
- What does NOSC stand for?
Navy Operational Support Center
- What are the different modes of prospecting?
Telephone, referrals, advertisement (LEADS), mail outs, PDC and Social Networking
- When discussing RC Recruiting, what does attain refer to?
Enlisted or Affiliated into the Navy Reserve
- What is the primary purpose of phone power?
To make contact with the Prospect and obtain an appointment.
- What is “Referral Prospecting”?
Referral prospecting is probably the easiest method for generating activity available to the Recruiter. It entails nothing more than describing the type of individual you are looking for and then asking people if they know anyone who fits that description.
- How long does a Recruiter have to contact a LEAD once it is entered into the system?
24 hours
- How long does a LEAD have before it becomes overdue?
30 days
- How long must a LEAD stay in the Working Tickler and how many times must it be contacted?
It must remain in the Working Tickler for at least 4 months or until final disposition. Must be attempted at least once a month
- How does Social Networking/Internet prospecting work?
Social Networking involves the use of popular social websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Navy sponsored websites with potential prospects. Prospects sought out on Social Networks shall be coded as “SN” on Applicant Logs and in WEBRTOOLS
- What is the purpose of the High School/Community College Program?
The primary purpose, like all Recruiting programs, is to produce “Quality” contracts
- What are the different types of access to schools?
F (Full Access) / L (Limited Access) / N (No Access)
- What are the 3 types of status for schools?
W (Working) / NW (Non-working) / NC (Non-cooperative)
- What is considered a Priority 1 (PRI 1) school?
Where the combination of male Senior population (minus those that go to a 4 year college), ASVAB pass rate, MG I-IIIA%, past and potential results and access to the school indicates that the Recruiter’s efforts should achieve excellent results (i.e. the greatest number of Senior (11S) contracts)
- What is considered a Priority 2 (PRI 2) school?
Where the combination of the same factors in a PRI 1 school indicates that a Recruiter should achieve GOOD results from the time and effort expended.
- What is considered a Priority 3 (PRI 3) school?
Where the combination of the same factors in a PRI 1 school indicates that the Recruiter should only obtain sufficient contracts to keep the school working
- How long does the NRS LPO/LCPO have to provide the DLCPO with a High School/Community College canvassing plan for the upcoming school year?
15 June
- What does RPMS stand for?
Recruiting Production Management System
- What are the parts of the RPMS?
Recruiter/NRS planner, Recruiter/NRS Applicant Log, Recruiter/NRS PATE, DLCPO itinerary and NF Applicant Log.
- How long do you keep the PATE for?
Current plus 2 years
- How long do you keep Planners?
Current plus 12 months
- What is the purpose of the RPMS?
It provides production personnel with the tools necessary to effectively plan and evaluate Recruiting activities to achieve goal
- Who reviews, adjusts and approves the DLCPO monthly planner?
- What is the primary method for planning and executing daily activities?
Via the planner
- What is the “Circle of Life”?
”? PATE, Planner and Applicant Log. The PATE feeds the planner; the Planner feeds the Applicant Log and the Applicant Log feeds the PATE
- In relation to the planner, what is the Color Coding used?
- Prospecting (All): ORANGE
- Appointment, no show or rescheduled: YELLOW
- Interview: GREEN
- Training: PURPLE
- Future Sailors activities/training: RED
- Recruiter Leave/Special Liberty: MAROON
- What is the purpose of the DLCPO Station Visit?
Provide Training, improve production and present awards. Upon completion of the NAVCRUITSTA visit, the DLCPO is required to submit a NAVCRUITSTA visit report to the CR
- Does an ACR maintain an Applicant Log or PATE?
- What are the Sections of the PATE?
- Section 1 : Prospecting Generated
- Section 2 : Prospecting Summary
- Section 3 : Prospecting Plan Guidance
3A: Monthly Goal: How many contracts you are planning on writing that month
3B: Total Monthly Activity Required to achieve goal: Total amount of activity
necessary to achieve goal that month - Section 4 : Other Activity
- What is the purpose of the Applicant Log?
Used by Recruiting personnel to track prospects from initial appointment to final contracting and serves as a training aid.