OFFICER CRUITMAN VOL 5 (1131.2E) Flashcards
- What is the purpose of the ORPMS?
To manage all available resources within the Navy Recruiting District (NRD) to achieve goal Recruiter production weekly.
- What are the parts of the ORPMS?
- Officer Prospecting App Log,
- Recruiter’s Monthly planner
- O-ACR monthly planner/itinerary
- What is the purpose of the OR applicant Log?
It is a tracking system for applicants who were interviewed and is essential in assisting Recruiters to get “Face to Face” with qualified Prospects in order to expedite the Recruiting process.
- How long are OR Applicant Logs kept for?
Current plus 12 months
- What is the purpose of the OPATE?
It shall be used to analyze Recruiter prospecting and sales performance. Each Recruiter/NRS Commander shall maintain an OPATE based on a 12 month rolling period.
- What is the purpose of the OR Weekly Production Planner?
The weekly planner will be used by Officer Recruiting personnel to plan and coordinated daily/weekly/monthly activity.
- What is the purpose of the O-ACR Monthly Planner/Itinerary?
Each O-ACR shall maintain a monthly planner to be published and distributed to each NRS and key NRD personnel. Keep current plus 12 months.
- How long is the NRS Quarterly visit checklist kept by the R-OPS for?
36 months
- What is the purpose of the Quarterly visit checklist?
Utilized by R-OPS and O-ACR to provide training and improve production.
- How are goal assignments and appointments given to the OR’s?
Based upon the R-OPS/O-ACR input, the NRD CO will provide Annual Officer Programs Goaling Letter to each OR.
- What does PRO BORD mean?
The kit has been QC’d and is being submitted for consideration for a board
- What does PRO REC Y mean?
The kit/Prospect has been professionally recommended yes by the board, but still needs Final Selection (Fin Sel)
- What does PRO REC N mean?
The kit/Prospect has not been professionally recommended
- What does FIN SEL mean?
Final Selection
- How often shall OPATEs be updated?
All OPATEs shall be updated quarterly and reviewed by the CO during the quarterly progress report
- What does OPR stand for?
Officer Production Review
- What is the purpose of the OPR?
It is the single most important weekly interaction between the O-ACR/ NRS Commander and OR.
- What is the purpose of OSMART?
Was designed to target quality market centers.
- What are the parts of OSMART?
- Territorial map,
- new accession overlay,
- goaling letter/monthly goal sheets,
- collegiate status board and school canvassing program
- What do the stars on the territorial map mean?
- Red Star : NRS
- Blue Star: Residency or medical teaching hospital for residence medical programs. If the residency program is considered a current Critical Wartime Specialty, print a CWS on top of or next to the blue star.
- Green Star :2 year college
- Gold Star: 4 year college. If NROTC unit, place N on Gold Star
- Silver Star: NOSC
- What do you use to identify all codes on a map?
Use a 3 x 5 inch card affixed to the NRS territorial map to explain coding.
- What is the purpose of the new accession overlay?
The New Accession Overlay is used to record the location and the quality of actual accessions.
- What do the dots on the overlay mean?
- Yellow dot: Active Programs OCS/ODS Accession (except Medical)
- Blue dot: Navy Reserve GENOFF Accession
- Red dot: AC Medical Accession
- Green dot: RC Medical Accession
- Where in the map do you place dots?
As close to the geographical area of the accessions residence or college/university attending.
- What is the purpose of the goaling letter/monthly gate sheet?
The Recruiter’s current and previous 2 years goaling letter shall be retained on file. The Recruiting Operations Officer (R-OPS) shall maintain a current copy of the Departmental Gate Sheet and retain the previous 2 years on file
- What is the purpose of the collegiate status board?
The collegiate status board is used to maintain a 12 month rolling picture of the collegiate in the pool.
- How often are collegiates required to be contacted?
1 contact a month either electronically or telephonically. 1 Face to Face every quarter.
- What is the purpose of the school canvassing program?
Will include Medical schools, Nursing schools, teaching hospitals, colleges, universities, law schools, seminaries and other post-secondary institutions.
- What is an AVN and who uses them?
Area Visit Notebook. ORs who recruit specifically to reserves use them
- How many sections of the AVN are there?
- Who utilizes the AVN Checklist and how often?
XO/R-OPS/O-ACR quarterly spot check
- What are the 3 target markets for Navy Reserve Officer Recruiting?