Validity Flashcards
What is validity?
It refers to the accuracy of the research and its findings
What are the two types of validity?
- Internal validity
- External validity
What is internal validity?
This refers to whether the research measured what it intended to measure.
What is external validity?
This refers to whether the research findings can be generalised to the outside world.
What are the three types of external validity?
- Ecological validity
- Population validity
- Temporal validity
What is ecological validity?
How well the findings generalise to real-life settings and surroundings.
What is population validity?
How well the findings generalise to other people in the target population.
What is temporal validity?
How well the findings generalise to other historical times and eras.
What are the two ways of assessing validity?
- Face validity
- Concurrent validity
What is face validity?
This refers to whether the test or measurement looks/appears to be measuring what the researcher intended to measure.
What is concurrent validity?
This refers to the extent to which a test or measurement produces similar findings to a recognised and more established test of the same topic.
What should be done if a study has poor face/concurrent validity?
Material should be removed, revised, and rewritten.