Vaccinations - Brand/Generic Flashcards
Influenza Virus
- Brand name
- Afluria
- Fluarix
- FluLaval
- Fluvirin
- Fluzone
- Flublok
- FluMist
Thimerosal -free
Thimerosal contained preservative
Thimerosal free
- Fluzone
- FluMist (also preservative free)
Thimerosal contained preservative (THIM)
- Td
- Hep B
- Influenza
- Meningococcal
Flu Vaccines
- Quadrivalent, live and given via nasal spray
- Age:
- FluMist
- Age: 2-49 y.o
Fluzone HD
- Indication
- Contain
- For senior > 65 y.o
- Contains 4x as much antigen as the standard adult vaccine to help boost immunity
Fluzone Intradermal
- Age
- Contain
- Why give ID
- Age: 18-64
- Contain 1/2 of IM dose but give same response
- ID to avoid muscle pain.
- ID cause more redness and swelling
- Give which flu vaccines
- Age 6-35M: 0.25mL IM repeat in 4W
- Age 3-8 y.o: 0.5mL IM repeat in 4W
- Avoid in
- Age:
- It’s a live vaccine
- Avoid in asthmatics, pregnant, and immuno-compromised
- Age: 2-49 y.o
- Who should get it
- Avoid in
- Which has no egg
- Adm during which months
Get it
- > 50 y.o
- Nursing home
- Chronic respiratory, CVD, renal dysfunction, immumocompromised
- Health care workers
- All children age 6M to 18y.o
Avoid in
- Guillian-Barre Syndrome
- Allergy to chicken eggs & thimerosal
No egg
- Flublok
- Oct - Nov
- Indication
- Who should get it
- 23-valent vaccine given IM/SC
- Adult pneumococcal vaccine
Who should receive the vaccine
- > 65 y.o - 5 yrs since last dose
- Who smoke > 18y.o
- Asthma
- Chronic disease
- Immunocompromised
- Pregnant Women with high risk conditions
- Indication
- Total dose given
- What to do b/4 give it
- Pneumococcal 13-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine
- Peds: 6wks - 5 y.o & > 50y.o
- Give total of 4 doses to ped
- Shake susp vigorously prior to adm
Hep B
- Brand
- Who should get it
- CI
- Infant born of Hep B + Mom
- If diagnosed, what to do
- Engerix-B, Recombivax HB
- 3 Doses total. Refrigerate
Who should get it
- Health care workers/Public safety workers
- IV drug users
- Sexually actives
- Hemodialysis pts
- Inmates
- Adults w/ DM
Hepatitis A
- Brand
- Total of doses
- Who should get it
- Havrix, Vaqta
- Total: 2 doses at least 6M b/w
Who should get it
- All toddlers: age of 12 to 23M
- Travel outside of U.S
- Chronic liver disease
- Food handlers
Live Vaccines
Neomycin allergy
Gelatin allergy
Protect from light
Egg allergy
- All influenza vaccines
- Hep B: Engerix-B, Recombivax HB
- GARDASIL (also protect from light)
- Rotavirus vaccine: RotaTeq, Rotarix
- Typhoid fever: Vivotif Berna
- ProQuad
- Varivax - Varicella
- Zostavax
Live Vaccines - Give SQ
- Varivax - Varicella
- Zostavax
- Rotavirus vaccine: RotaTeq & Rotarix
- Typhoid fever: Vivotif Berna
Neomycin allergy
- Varicella /Zostavax
- ProQuad
- IPOL (also contains: Streptomycin, Polymyxin B)
Gelatin allergy
- Varicella
- Zostavax
Asplenia - Pneumococcal vaccine - Meningococcal Vaccine Protect frm light - GARDASIL (also protect from light)
- Flu vaccines except Flublok
- Yellow fever vaccine
- Brand
- Age given
- Total of doses
Which bacteria
- Tetanus
- Diphtheria
- Pertussis
- Kids: 6W - 6y.o (prior to 7th BD)
- Total of 5 doses
Bacteria covers - Tetanus: Clostridium tetani Rusty nail, locked jaw - Diphtheria: corneybacteria diphtheriae - Pertussis: Bordetella pertussis Whooping cough - high pitch
- Brand
- Indication
- Adacel: Adult age 11-64 y.o
- Boostrix: Adult > 65y.o if close contact w/ children
DTaP CI in kids with history of
- Encephalophathy with prior DTaP
- Unstable neurologic problems
- Hz of sz
=> can use Tylenol or ibuprofen to min fever - Thimerosal allergy
- Total dose
- Age:
- Give to:
- CI
- Strorage
- 2 doses
- Age: 12-15M and 4-6y.o SC
Should receive
- Health care workers, college students, international travelers
- All women of child bearing age but not during pregnancy
- Pregnancy => rubella may cause abortion
- Immunocompromised: Live vaccine
- Neomycin allergy => Rubella
- Severe thrombocytopenia => Measles
- Refrigerate
- What is
- Storage
- Diluent
- MMR + varicella
- Storage: freezer up to 18M
- Refrigerator up to 72H b/4 reconstitution
- Diluent: store at RT or fridge
- Generic
- Total dose
- Storage
- CI
- Vericella
- Give 2 doses
- Storage in freezer
- Pregnant
- Immunocompromised
- Neomycin allergy
- Gelatin allergy
=> Salicylates should AVOIDED 6WKS after varicella due to Reye’s syndrome
- Vericella zoster immune globin
- Give to decrease the severity of chicken pox when give within four days after exposure
- What is
- Indication
- Storage
- Total doses
- Contain
- Polio vaccine => not a live virus
=> OPV: live virus: no longer available in U.S - I: Routine use in infants & children mainly. For adult only if travel to endemic area
- S: refrigerator
- Total doses: 4
- Streptomycin
- Neomycin
- Polymyxin B
- Brands
- Total doses
- Not give after ? age
- Give as young as ? age
- ActiHIB, HibTITER, PedvaxHIB
- 4 doses total
- Not give after 5 y.o
- Give as young as 2M
- What is?
- Indication
- Gender
- Age
- Cover against HPV?
- Which is genital & cervical cancer
- How to give
- Storage
- GARDASIL is a recombinant Quadrivalent give IM
- Indication: genital warts, anal cancer, cervical cancer
- For men and women
- Age: 9-26 y.o
- Cover: 6, 11, 16, and 18
- Genital: 6 and 11
- Cervical: 16 and 18
- Total of 3 doses IM in deltoid
- 1st dose: select a date
- 2nd dose: 2M from 1st dose
- 3rd dose: 6M from 1st dose
- Refrigerate
- Protect from light
- What is?
- Gender/Indication
- Age
- How to give
- For HPV bivalent type 16 and 18
- Prevention of cervical cancer in females
- Age 10-25 y.o
- Total of 3 doses
- 1st dose: select a date
- 2nd dose: 2M from 1st dose
- 3rd dose: 6M from 1st dose
Rotavirus vaccine
- How it’s given
- # s of doses
- Must give by what age?
- Indication
- Storage
- PO - Live vaccine squeeze ready to use tubes into infants inner cheek. If spits it out, replacement dose is not rec.
- Total 3 doses: 2, 4, and 6M.
- PO - Live vaccine
- Total 2 doses: Start 6W then 2nd dose 1M later.
=> MUST give by 6M
- Indication: prevent gastroenteritis in young children
- Storage: fridge
- What is
- How to give
- Japanese encephalitis vaccine
- 2 doses IM 28 days apart
- Age > 1y.o
Typhoid vaccines
- Brand
- Inactivate/activate
- Age
- Revaccine
- When to give
- How to give
- Storage
- Cause by
Typhim Vi
- Inactivated IM
- 2 years old or older
- Revaccine Q2Y
- Give 2W prior to exposure
- IM
- Storage: RT
Vivotif Berna - LIVE
- Activated give PO
- 6 yrs or older
- Revaccine Q5Y
- Give 1W prior to exposure
- PO: 4 doses QOD 1H prior to meal with cold/warm drink
- Refrigerator => Capsules should be in the foil blister pack in the refrigerator until pt is ready to take them
- Caused by: Salmonella Typhi
Yellow Fever
- Type of vaccine: live/inactivate
- Route of given
- Age to give
- CI
=> to prevent from mosquitoes
- Live
- SC
- Age: >/= 9M
- Age
- Pregnant
- Thymus disease or removal
Rabies vaccines
- Brands
- Post-exposure prophylaxis
- RabAvert, Imovax rabies, BioRab
Post exposure prophylaxis
- 1st Give human rabies immunoglobulin: HRIG on the day of the bite
- Then give IM vaccines on day 0, 3, 7, 17, and 28
- Total of 5 doses
- Haemophilus b + Hepatitis B
- Haemophilus b + DTaP
- only use for the 4th dose
Hepatitis A inactivated + Hepatitis B recombinant
- Neisseria meningitidis serogroups C & Y
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
4 doses
- Age
Meningococcal vaccine conjugate vaccine IM
- Age: 2-55 y.o
- Age
Meningococcal vaccine conjugate vaccine IM
- Age: > 9mo can use> 55 y.o
- Suitable for short term protection. Not as booster
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
- Who should receive it
- College freshmen living in dorms
- Lab personnel who are exposed
- U.S military
- Anyone traveling to endemic area
- Damaged sleen or splenectomy
- Ppl who might have been exposed to meningitis during an outbreak
- Preg Cat C
- Avoid in thimerosal allergy
- Indication
- Storage
Zoster live vaccine
- Indication: for the prevention of shingles in individuals > 50 y.o
- Storage: freezer. Diluent store in fridge or RT