Vaccinations Flashcards
What makes up the pentavalent vaccine?
DTP/polio/Hib. Diptheria, tetanus, pertussin, polio, haem influenzae b.
How often is the pentavalent vaccine given and when?
2,3,4 months
What are the brand names of the pentavalent vaccines?
Pediacel and Infanrix IPV Hib.
When is the Men B vaccine given?
2 months, 4 months and 1 year
Name everything that is given at 2 months?
5 in 1, pneumococcal (PCV), men B, rotavirus
Name everything that is given at 3 months?
5 in 1 and rotavirus
Name everything that is given at 4 months?
5 in 1, men B, pneumococcal (13 serotypes)
What does PCV stand for?
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Name everything that is given at 1 year?
Hib (THIS STOPS AT 1) /Men C, MMR (LIVE), pneumococcal (PCV) and Men B ALSO
When is PCV given?
2 months, 4 months and 1 year
What is given children aged 2-7 every year?
Flu vaccine (up nose) (LIVE)
What is given to children at pre-school age/3 years & 4 months?
4 in 1 (DTP/polio), MMR
What is given to girls aged 12/13?
HPV vaccine, given in 2 doses (6-12 months apart)
How many HPV vaccines are given?
Which vaccines are given at 14 years?
3 in 1 teenage booster- Diptheria, tetanus POLIO (NOT PERTUSSIS). and men ACWY
What vaccine is given at 65?
Pneumococcal PPV vaccine, protects against 23 strains
What is given from 65 up, every year?
Flu vaccine