V - Z Flashcards
vote down
Reject something by voting against it.
The House of Lords voted down the proposal to ban fox hunting.
vote through
Approve of something by voting for it.
The new budget was voted through with a narrow majority.
vouch for
Express approval, trust in a person.
I will vouch for his story. He is an honest person.
wait on
To act as a servant to somebody, especially by serving food to them
‘Help yourself,’ she said, ‘I’m too tired to wait on you.’
wait out
Wait until the end of something.
We should wait out the storm before leaving the house.
wait up
- Not to go to bed.
I will wait up until Jane gets back from the disco. - (Informal) Wait!
I’m not ready yet. Wait up!
walk away with
Win a competition easily.
We were the best team by a long way and walked away with the cup.
walk into
Meet something unpleasant by accident.
They walked into a bank robbery and were taken hostage.
walk off with
Take, usually by accident.
I walked off with someone else’s bag by mistake.
walk out
Leave, abandon.
Her husband walked out on her and left her to look after two young children alone.
warm down
To exercise slowly at the end of an activity.
We’ll finish the match and then we’ll warm down for ten minutes.
warm to
Start liking something, someone.
I didn’t like crab at first, but I’m warming to it.
warm up
To exercise slowly before an activity.
Don’t go straight out and play before warming up otherwise you will pull a muscle.
wash down
Drink something after eating.
I had a great pizza washed down with premium beer.
wash over
When a sound, noise, argument happens near a person and is ignored.
The loud music my neighbors play every night washes over me now. I am used to it.
wash up
Clean plates, dishes after a meal.
I will wash up if you put the plates in the cupboard after.
watch out
Be careful, cautious.
With all this ice on the roads, watch out when you are driving.
watch over
Be responsible for safety, well-being of someone.
We need a new babysitter to watch over the children.
water down
Dilute, add water to reduce strength of something.
This beer is terrible. I think someone has watered it down.
wear away
Use and damage something with constant use, exposure.
The wind has worn away the inscription on the stone.
wear down
Cause to become weaker, smaller, etc.
I have worn down these shoes totally. I need new ones.
wear off
Reduce the effects of something.
My headache isn’t wearing off. I think I will take an aspirin.
wear on
Time to pass.
As the evening wore on, I got really tired.
wear out
Make tired.
The children really wore me out today. I am exhausted.