D - F Flashcards
die down
To become less strong, weaker, quieter.
The noise from that party didn’t die down until after 3a.m.
die for something
Want something very much.
By the time I arrived at the bar, I was dying for a cold drink.
die out
Become extinct; not be used anymore.
The dinosaurs died out millions of years before humans appeared.
dig up
Discover information by investigating.
After the divorce, he dug up a lot of terrible things about her.
do away with
Get rid of, abolish something.
We should do away with all written exams in schools.
do down
Make someone feel unimportant or inferior.
The grumpy old professor was always doing down the new students in the class.
do in
Kill someone (very informal).
He did in his wife with a cake made with rat poison.
do out
When your brother comes to stay, we will have to do out the old guest room.
do up
Fasten, attach.
It’s cold out, so do up your coat before you go out.
do without
Survive without, to not need.
You can use my car today as I can do without it. I’ll work at home.
dole out
To distribute food, clothes, money - especially to the poor.
Every winter, the local government doles out hot soup and blankets to the homeless.
double as
Be used for two purposes.
We put the bed in the lounge and it doubles as a sofa.
double back
Go back on original path.
We realized we had lost the money so we doubled back to look for it.
double up
Begin laughing a lot.
When she saw what her husband was wearing, she doubled up in laughter.
drag on
Continue for a long time, longer than you would like.
The German opera dragged on for four and a half hours. How boring!!
drag out
Make something last longer than necessary.
He drags out meetings because he loves to feel important.
drag up
Mention something to someone, usually an embarrassing story, situation.
He humiliated Eric by dragging up that old story about him and his wife.
draw ahead
Move in front of someone.
The winning car began to draw ahead with only 5 kilometers left of the race.
draw off
- Attract something away from something else.
We drew off the security guards and robbed the money truck. - Remove liquid.
The doctors drew off the excess blood before beginning the operation.
draw on
Use something as a source for inspiration.
I drew on my experience as a teacher when I had my first child.
draw out
- Make a person less reserved.
Teachers are good at drawing out shy children. - Make something last longer than necessary.
I don’t want to draw out this argument. Let’s agree to disagree! - Take something out (esp. money from a bank)
He drew out a thousand dollars to buy the car.
draw up
- Come near and stop (esp. vehicles)
The bus drew up and we all got on. - Prepare a report, set of rules, list.
I drew up a list of possible guests for the wedding.
dream up
Think of an amazing plan, excuse.
He arrives late every day and always manages to dream up something that the boss believes.
dress down
Criticise, discipline someone with angry words or in a humiliating way.
He dressed down his secretary about making personal calls at work.