N - P Flashcards
nose about / around
Search for something. Ask questions about someone.
There was a detective here before nosing around.
open onto
Allow access to something from a door, window.
The kitchen door opens onto our new patio in the garden.
open out
To become bigger, wider.
After the bridge, the river opens out.
open up
- Open a package, parcel.
Open up the new computer and let’s set it up. - Talk frankly. (Informal)
After he had drunk a bit, he really opened up.
opt for
After some moments of indecision, he opted for the black car.
opt in
Choose to take part in something.
If you want to opt in Mike, we need $500 from you.
opt out
Choose not to do something.
You guys go ahead without me. I’m opting out of this deal.
own up
Admit to something.
If you own up that it was you, your father might not be so angry.
pack away
Put things in box, container until later.
Pack that computer away - we don’t use it anymore.
pack in
- (Informal) Stop doing something.
Pack in your playing around, kids! - Do a lot in a short time.
When we toured around Australia, we packed in a lot in only eight days.
pack off
Send a person away, on holiday, etc.
When the war started, many children were packed off to the countryside.
pack up
- Put things in boxes ready to leave.
Pack up your belongings and leave this flat immediately. - (Informal) Stop working.
The car packed up as we got to the top of the hill.
pad out
Make something last longer.
He padded out his speech with a few jokes.
pan out
Turn out, happen in the end.
How did things pan out on holiday?
paper over
Hide faults, flaws in something.
The government is trying to paper over the divisions within the cabinet.
part with
Give something away.
He’s a bit miserly. He hates to part with his money.
pass away
My uncle passed away last year.
pass for / as
Be accepted for something, someone else.
My dad could pass for a Englishman the way he dresses.
pass off
- Happen.
The demonstration passed off without any serious incident. - Present somebody as somebody else.
He passed his secretary off as his sister at the party. - Avoid attention being given to an embarrassing situation.
He was humiliated by his boss but he passed it off as a joke.
pass out
- Faint.
The room was so hot that I passed out. - Distribute, give.
Pass out these exam papers for me please.
pass over
Not to consider someone for a job, promotion, etc.
Due to his previous row with the boss, he was passed over for the new position.
pass up
Fail to take advantage of a situation, opportunity.
That’s a great price for a car. I won’t pass that up!
patch up
Agree to end an argument, a quarrel, etc.
They didn’t speak for two days, but they eventually patched it up.
pay off
A risk that succeeds.
He put all his money on a horse and it paid off.