G Flashcards
get about / get around
Travel or move around.
Despite her age, she gets about very easily.
get across
Explain successfully.
I spoke very slowly but I couldn’t get my ideas across at all.
get along
Be on friendly terms with someone.
He doesn’t get along at all with his sister. They are always fighting.
get around to
Reach the point of doing something.
I am too busy to get around to ringing my father.
get at
- Criticise often
The teacher is always getting at me. I’ve done nothing wrong! - Attempt to explain, make understood.
What are you getting at Jason? Explain it again, slowly!
get away
- Escape.
Despite the best efforts of the police, the criminals got away. - Go on holiday.
If we have a couple of weeks free in July, we hope to get away.
get away with
Escape punishment for something.
He got away with stealing from the shop because no-one saw him do it.
get back
1.Retreat a sensible distance from something.
The police told the crowd to get back from the burning house.
2.Return to a previous position of power.
Though they lost the last election, they are hoping to get back next time.
get by
Survive financially.
I don’t know how she gets by with the money she earns from that job.
get down
Depress, make feel miserable.
Weather like this always gets me down.
get down to
Begin work.
We must get down to work if we want to finish by tonight.
get off
- Leave a bus, train, etc.
You have to get off at the next station for the museum. - Avoid a serious sentence or punishment.
The accused got off because of the excellent character witnesses. - Start an informal relationship with someone.
Mike got off with that girl at the disco on Friday night.
get on
- Enter a bus, train, etc.
I couldn’t get on the bus as it was too full. - Begin work, duties, day.
I have to get on, it’s late. - Become late.
It’s getting on! It’s nearly nine o’clock. - Manage to put clothes, shoes on.
This dress is too small. I can’t get it on.
get on with
- Continue doing work.
I can’t get on with my work if that noise continues! - Have a friendly relationship with someone.
I left the house as I didn’t get on with the people there.
get out
- Leave a bus, train, building, etc.
I always get out at this station. - Remove something with difficulty.
After an hour, the mother managed to get the thorn out of her boy’s hand.
get out of
Avoid doing something.
I was supposed to do a year of military service but I got out of it due to ill health.
get over
- Convey, communicate successfully
The police tried to get over to the motorist the seriousness of his offense. - Survive a traumatic experience.
It took him five years to get over the loss of his son. - Defeat a negative feeling.
I got over my fear of dogs when I stayed with my dog-loving uncle one summer.
get round
- Use flattery or persuasion to convince someone.
He got round his mother by buying her a box of chocolates. - Avoid a law, rule, regulation.
Many rich people are rich because they find a way to get round tax laws.
get through
- Communicate by telephone.
In the snow storm, it was impossible to get through to anyone. - Spend money.
The way he drinks vodka every night, he must get through a fortune! - Progress in a competition.
Liverpool got through to the final by hammering Manchester United 7-1 to leave their manager in floods of tears.
get up to
To do something wrong, bad, mischievous.
Roger is making a lot of noise in there - what’s he getting up to?
give away
- Present to someone free of charge.
He gave away all his kittens as he didn’t have space for them. - Allow a secret/hiding place, etc to be known.
He spoke too freely and gave away the thieves’ hiding place.
give in
- Admit defeat.
I give in! This crossword puzzle is too difficult. - To give something to someone, usually in authority.
I found a set of keys and gave them in to the police.
After the students had finished their exams, they gave them in.
give off
Produce smoke, smell, etc.
I like the color of those flowers but they do give off a strange smell.
give out
1.Strength, supplies which become used up.
His strength gave out when the fourth man climbed on his back.
- Distribute.
Mark, give these papers out to the other students.