Uworld Set 4 Flashcards
days that atalectasis is common postop
most common organism in spinal epidural abscess
staph aureus
what is the cancer risk with pernicious anemia
gastric carcinoma
initial study of choice in patients with a type A aortic dissection that are hemodynamically stable with no renal involvement
CT angiography
study of choice in patients with a type A aortic dissection that hemodynamically unstable or have renal involvement
what contraceptives should be avoided in patients with breast cancer
hormone containing (prog or estrog, can proliferate breast tissue)
A baby that remains in transverse or breech lie at 37
type of C section that is a contraindication to TOL
classic (vertical) C section
4 major causes of cirrhosis in the USA
viral (B and C (C is more))
chronic etoh
nonalc fatty liver disease
patients with difficulty adhering to dietary restrictions with warfarin and difficulty with INR monitoring post DVT who represent with a DVT
direct Xa inhibitors (riviroxaban, apixaban etc)
thrombolytic therapy reserved for what setting in DVT
massive PE with hemodynamic instability
3 demographics that are at increased risk for legionella pneumophila
chronic lung disease
abdominla pain
decreased urination
following blood diarrheal illness
classic triad of HUS
kidney injury
MAHA thrombocytopenia and increased PT
consistent with
direct coombs testing is positive if the patients have what etiology for anemia
autoimmune destruction
following the histologic confirmation of adenocarcinoma of the stomach what is the next best step in management
CT scan for evaluation of the extent of disease
removal of H pylori is curative for patients with what gastric carcinoma
the purpose of hepatic uridine diphosphogluconurate flucuronosyltransferase
conjugated bilirubin
T/F Asian infants have even further decreased levels of UGT compared to other babies
conjugated bili greater than 2 in an infant
biliary atresia
at what age does the anemia of beta thalessemia and jaundice begin to appear
after 6 months
until that time infants still have fetal Hgb
gold standard for rapidly rising hyperbilirubinemia to prevent kernicterus
what is a very common procedural cause for polycythemia in newborns
delayed cord clamping resulting in excess blood transferred to the fetus from the placental
asymptomatic polycythemia infants treatment
symptomatic polycythemia infants treatment
partial exchange transfusion (blood is replaced by NS)
increased pulmonary vascular markings or fluid in the fissurs on CXR in an infant with resp distress
ABX of choice for bacillary angiomatosis
two medications that are used to decrease serum ammonia in patients with hepatic encephalopathy
lactulose and rifaximin
Drugs such as sedatives narcotics hypovolemia electrolyte changes (hypokalemia) increase nitrogen load (bleeding) infection TIPS
increase the risk for
hepatic encephalopathy
what sort of diet should TIPS patients be put on
low protein (decrease nitrogen load)`
when is neomycin used in HE
if lactulose doesnt work and cannot tolerate rifaximin
ascites not responsive to medical therapy or variceal bleeding non-responsive to endoscopic therapy
weight increase and height increase by 12 months
triple weight and 50% increase in height
hypogonadism impaired wound healing impaired taste immune dysfucntion alopecia rash
fragile hair skin depigmentation
neurologic dysfunction
sideroblastic anemia
soft irregular increases with standing increases with valsalva tortuous bad in the scrotum
varicocele (pampiniform plexus)
why are varicoceles more common on the left side
drains to the left renal vein which passes under the SMA and can be compressed
how can varicocele and spermatocele be differentiated
spermatocele is a cyst that will not increase in size with standing or valsalva
viral infection inhalation and associated with rheumatologic disease
presents with wheezing
proliferative narrowing of medium and small bronchioles
bronchiolitis obliterans
T/F diffuse cutanous SS more commonly involves internal organs
anti scl 70
anti RNA polymerase III antibodies
diffuse cutaneous SS
development of empyema following lung surgery with air on CXR
bronchopleural fistula
prolonged QRS >100msec in TCA overdose
sodium bicarb
seizures caused by TCAs should be treated with
utility of small bowel follow through in obstructed patient
stable that does not respond to initial conservative management
severe pain in cancer patient
short acting opiate
mild to mod pain in cancer patient
topical capsaicin is useful for
mild neuropathic pain (postherpic for ex)
surgery for myasthenia gravis
patient with MS given pyridostigmine that doesnt respond
mycoohenolate mofetil
two Musc agonists for glaucoma
indication for IVIG and plasmapharesis for MS
MS crisis