UWorld Pass 2c Flashcards
Causes of G6PD?
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, dapsone, priaquine, infections
When to consider another medication over lithium in bipolar disorder? Side effects in the kidney of lithium?
Renal dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, lung problems
Risks: nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and tubulointerstinal nephropathy
Methamphetamine use can cause?
How do ACE-I protect?>
Reduce intraflomerular hypertention
Who gets treated with trichamonas?
Both females and partner
Essential tremor -
shaking with intent and movement
Immune thrombocytopenia? Treatment?
abnormally low platelet count, ages 25, purpura, petechia
Treatment: observation, IVIG or glucococorticoids with bleeding
TOrus palantinus
benigh bony grwoth of the midline suture of the hard palate
Polycythemia in the new born? Treatment?
plethoric, iritability, respiratory distress, tachypnea cyanosis, ppor feeding
Treatment: hydration for asymptomatic, exchange transfusion for symptomatic
ecaematous and/or ulcerative rash localized to the nipple and spreads to the areola?
mammary paget disease
Association with adenocarcinoma, which starts if glandular tissue
Acute bipolar depression pharmacotherapy?
quetiapine and lurasidone
Hereditary vs acquired angioedema?
C1q levels are normal in hereditary, depressed in acquired
C4 is depressed in all forms
Most common type of leukemia in children? Signs?
Signs= PAS positive granules, TdT positive, lymphoblasts in peripheral smear
When does acute rheumatic fever present?
2-4 after group A strep infection
Common bile duct vs cystic duct stone?
Common bile duct has jaundice with it
Treatment for tinea corpois?
topical antifungals (clotrimazole, terbinafine)
2nd line oral (terbinafine and griseofulvin)
herpangina cs herpetic gingivostomatitis?
Herpangina- posterior oropharync, summer/early fall, supportive treatment
Herpetic gingivostomatitis- anterior oropharync, treat with oral acyclovir
Hurler disease
Lysosomal storage disease, due to lysosomal hydrolase deficiency
6-months to 2 years with coarse facial features, inguinal or umbiilical hernia, hepatosplenomegaly
CD4 level for chroni cryptosporidiosis infection? Sain?
Less than 180
modified acid-fast stain to reveal oocytes
infection caused by enterovirus, especially coxsachie -> high fever, sore throat
ulcerative lesions found on palate, tonsils, pharynx
Signs of angiofibroma?
nasal drainage and epistaxis, think teenage males
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency? infection risk?
failure to thrive, jaundice, hypoglycemia ->hepatomegaly, convulsion, cataracts,
increased risk of E. Coli infection
Risk factor for shoulder dystocia?
Fetal macrosomnia
acyte calf pain, warmth erythema, ecchymosis on the lower leg?
ruptured popliteal cyst
henoch-Schonlein purpura
purpura on the legs and buttocks with normal platelet count
Management of astham?
SABA (PRN), low-dose corticosteroid, (ICS+LABA), nedium dose ICS+LABA,
How long to treat bacterial prostatitis? Drugs?
4-6 weeks
Empiric- trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or fluoroquinolone
Wernicke encephalopathy?
confusion, oculomotor dysfuncion (horizontal nystagmus, nilateral abducens palsy) and gait ataxia
Alternative name for club foot?
talipes equinovarus
MoA of dobutamine, effect?
beta-1 receptor -> inc. cAMP -> stronger contractility -> increaed output
decreased in left ventircular end-systolic volume
Echinococcus cyst treatment?
Aspiration and albendazole
Horseshoe kidney and absent thumbs?
Fanconi anemia
Statin induced myopathy MoA
Inhibition of intracellular synthesis pathway
Hidrandenitis suppurative
multiple recurrent painful nodules in teh axillae, inguinal folds, and perineal areas, not a single lesion
Risk associated with nephorotic syndrome?
Accerlated atherosclerosis due to increase cholesterol and tryglyceride level
Heart sound present with myocarditis?
audible S3 with pulmonary vascular congestion
TSH changes in pregnancy?
decreased TSH, increased T3 and T4
Exterintestinal menigestations of Ulcerative colitis?
arthritis, uveitis, episcerlitis, erythema nodosum, PSC
Diagnosis? Cause? Presentation?

Calcinosis cuis
Deposition of calcium phosporus in the skin
Presents with scattered whitish papules on the skin
Cystinuria? Diagnosis?
impaired amino acid transport
most common stones are cysteine
Diagnosis: cyanide nitroprusside
Hyperthryoidism with diffuse goiter and homoegenout radioiodine update? Treatment?
Graves disease
Pretreatment: beta blocker, antithyroid drugs (PTU, methimazole), radioactive iodine and thrydoiectomy
Perivalvular abscess?
conduction abnormality in a patient with endocarditis
Chronic olgoarthritis, daily fever, rash? Laboratory findings?
systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Labs: leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, markedly elevatyedd ESR, CRP)
Most common cause of pneumonia?
Strep pneumoniae
When to use hypertonic saline?
Na < 120, with profound confusion, seizures, coma
Signs of organophosphate poisoning?
Bradycardia, miosis, rhonchi, muscle fasciculations, salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation
palpable purpura, peorteinura, hematura, arthralgia, hepatosplenomegaly, hypocomplementemia? Associated with?
Mixed essential cryoglobulenimia
Associated with HCV
Treatment for unilateral adrenal adenooma?
Surgery (preferred), aldosterone antgonists (spironolactone, eplerenone)
Signs and cause of ataxia telangiectasia?
T-cell deficiency associated in defect in DNA repair
progressive cerebellar degeneration, high risk of cancer
Next step in management achalasia?
Endoscopic evaluation -> CT (if mass is found)
exofoliative dermatitis
widespread, scaly eruption of the skin
2nd generation antipsychotics drugs are what?
sertonin-dopamine anatagonist binding at serotonin 2A and dopamine D2 receptors
Treatment for cancer-related anoercia/cachexia?
progesterone analogues (megestrol acetate)
cluster of intensly pruritic vescicles and papules that form on the dorsal forearms, knees, buttocks
Celiac disease
Signs of neonatal sepsis?
temperature instability, poor feeding, jaundice, CNS, abnormal WBC
Side effects of trastuzumas?
carddiotoxicity (normally reversible) -> echo at baseline
bounding pulses, which murmur?
aortic regurgitation
Treatment for advanced HIV cachexia?
synthetic cannabinoid
How to calculate number needed to treat?
1/ARR, where ARR is equal to gold standard-trial
anserine bursitis
subacute medial knee pain
If two trials of SSRIs have failed in depression, next step?
Drug with a different MoA (buprorion)
TCA are reserved for treatment-refractory patients)
progressive dyspnea, hypoexmia, diffuse pulmonary crackles, third heart sound
decompensated heart failure
Signs of Marijuana intoxication?
Tachycardia, tachpnea, HTN, dry mouth, conjunctival infection, increased appetite, slow reaction time, slurred speech
Morbits type 1 vs 2
Tyoe 1, prolonged PR, type 2 intermettend dropped QRS complex
febrile neutropenia? Treatment? Organism risk?
ANC < 1500
Organism: P. aeruginosa
Treatment: piperacillin-tazobactam, cegepime, meropenem
Natural Hep B immunity serology?
anti-HBs, anti-HBc
If a patient has a change in headaches, what should be done?
Imaging of the brain to rule out problems
What three pathways (and affects) are blocked with 2nd generation antipsychotics?
mesolimbic (antipsychotic efficacy)
nigrostriatal (EPS, acute dystonia, akathesia, parkinson_
low-pitched early diastolic sound ?
Third heart sound
hemolytic uremic syndrome?
hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure
Before surgery, what should be evaluated in a patient at high risk of cardiac problems?
ECG, cardiac markers, chest x-ray
Bluie lunulae?
Wilson disease, blue lines at base of fingernails
subperosteal hemorrhage limited to one bone space
Tratment for moderate hypertriglyceridemia?
weight loss, moderate alcohol intake, increased exercise, statin therapy
cholinergic agonist used to treat urinary retention
How to confirm carpel tunnel syndrome?
Nerve conduction study
Risk associated with anti thyroid drugs?
propylthiouracil: hepatic failure, ANCA-associated vasculitis
What causes calcium phosphate stones?
hyperparathyroidism, renal tubular acidosis
Risks associated iwth hepatocellular carcinoma?
osteomalacia, hepatocellular carcinoma
ABO hyemolytic disease in O mothers with A or B fetus?
Mild risk
Signs of thiamine deficiency?
Encephalopathy, oculomotor dysfunction, postural/gait ataxia
Most common type of kidney stones?
Calcium oxylate
aortic valve disease due to valvular disease location? Root disease?
Left sternal border
Root-right sternal border
Auer rods?
Acute myeloid leukemia
Treatment for infective endocarditis?
Intravenous IV
If penicillin sensitive, penicillin G or ceftriaxone
Angelman’s syndrome?
deletion of maternal chromosome 15
Sings: short stateure, dysmorphic features, smiling/laughter, hand-flapping, ataxia, seizures

Secondary syphilis
Fetal hydanotoid syndrome?
Phentoin during pregnancy
orofacial clefts, microcephaly, nail/digit hypoplasia c, cardiac defects, dysmorphic facial features
PCOS, rapid onset hirsutism in a female? Next step?
Androgen secreting neoplasm
Next step: testosterone and DHEAS
Signs of myasthenia gravis? Location?
extra-ocular (diplopia, ptosis), vullbar, summetrical proximal muscle weakness
Location: motor end plate
dark lesion, rubbery feel, no recent changes, suspect?
seborrheic keratosis
Risks of COPD?
secondary spontaneous blep rupture -> air into pleural space
Diagnosis by x-ray
Increased total brain volume is found in?
Pulsus parvus and tardus?
Aortic stenosis
Pentad for thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura? Cause? Diagnosis? Treatment?
thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic enamia, renal insufficiency, neurologic changes, fever
Cause: autoantibody to ADAMTS13
Diagnosis: blood smear showing schistocytes
Treatment: plasma exchanges
How to diagnose CLL?
flow cytometry
How to prevent CAD in patients with inducible iscemia?
antiplatelet therapy
Oatellofemoral pain syndrome
chronic anterior knee pain, common in woman, worsened in prolonged sitting
Histolytica infection? Treatment?
liver abscess on imaging, dysenttery
Treatment: metronidazole and paromomycin (luminal agent), no drainage
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
early syphilis
rapid destruction of spirochetes causing acute febrile illness -> resolves spontaneously within 48 hours
Gaucher disease
glucocerebrosidase deficiency
anemia, throbocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly
Blood smear in people with sickle cell disease will show?
Howell-Jolly nodies
Signs of prepatella tendinitis?
episodic pain and tenderness at the inferior patella and patella tendon
seen in athletes in jumping sports
Lab findings in SLE autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
positive coombs, normal transaminases
Neonatal chlamydial conjuctivits?
5-14 days, watery, mucopurulent discharge, conjunctival injection -> treat with oral erythromycin
Signs of medulloblastoma?
truncal or gain instability, hydrocephalus
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine method of immunity?
t-cell-dependent b-cell response
Enteropathic arthritis
inflammatory bowel disease (acial skeleton)
What type of should dislocation is caused from seizures?
pilonidial disease? Treatment?
young, obese males with sedentary lifestyles
fluctuant mass cehalad to the anus, in the intergluteal region
Treatment: open closure after drainage and sinus tracts excision
dopamine agonist used to treat Parkinson’s disease
Which ovarian masses produce estrogen?
acute inglammatory disorder of the eyelash follicle or tear gland
Alternative treatemnt for syphilis is allergic to penicilliin?
Doxycycline, only desensitize when CNS involvement , failures, or pregnancy
Signs of amphetamine intoxication?
agitation, psychosis, tachycarida, hypertension, mydriasis, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, intracerebral hemorrhage
Leriche syndrome?
bilateral hip, thign, buttock claudication, impotence, summetric atrophy of the bilateral lower extremities
anterior to the ear swelling in a child without vaccines?
Side effect of levodopa and carbidopa?
Hallucinations (in older patients) somnolence, dskinesia
Cauda equina syndrome vs conus medullaris syndrome?
Cauda equina - redicular pain, saddle anesthesia, hyporeflexia/areflecia, late onset bowel and bladder dysfunction
Conus medullaris- symmetric motor weakness, hyperreflecia, early onset bowel and bladder dysfunction
Galactokinase deficiency
cataracts only, otherwise asymptomatic
normal pressure hydrocephalus vs vascular dementia?
vascular dementia has unilateral signs
Common causes of priaprism?
sickle cell disease, leukemia
perineal or genital trauma
neurogenic lesions
medications (trazodone, prazosin)
Low volume urine outpout with high volume times?
Obstruction, especially in unilateral kidneys
G6PD inheritance?
Bone conduction > air condition? Causes?
Conductive hearing loss, cerumen impaction, middle ear fluid, orosclerosis
Risk factors for breast cancer?
Alcohol consumption, hormone replacement herapy, nulliparity, increased at of first birth
How to cool during heat stroke?
Rapid cooling, ice bath
Neuroimaging in schizophrenia?
enlarge ventricles (lateral) and decreased hippocampus and amygdala
S. aureus vs bartonella?
Bartonella is more insidious in onset
epigastric pain that is relieved by leaning forward?
Chronic pancreatitis
How does albuterol affect potassium?
Causes potasium to shift intracellularly via the sodium potassoi, ATPase pump -> hypokalemia
Cause of neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
Dopamine dysregulation via D3 antagonism
What drugs prevent ventircular remodeling post MI?
Defect in Wiskott Aldrich syndrome? Treatment?
impaired cytoskeletal changes in leukocytes, platelets
Treatment: Stem cell transplant
pulsus bisferiens?
biphasic pulse seen in aortic regurgitation separated by a midsystolic click
Hepatic findings in Reyes syndrome?
microvescibular steatosis
ECG findings in left ventricular hypertrophy
high voltage QRS, lateral ST segment depression, lateral T wave inversion
concave abdomen and barrel chest? Managment?
Congeital diaphramatic hernia
Hereditary spherocytosis, risk?
Acute cholecystitis due to pigmented gallstones
calcium around the heart, think?
constrictive pericarditis
How can topical anesthetics cause a blue baby? Lab findings?
Methemoglobinemia, when used excessively
Labs: ~85% pulse ox, normal partial pressure of O2
Morton neuroma
pain between third and fourth toes on the planar surface with clicking sensation
Effects of mitral regurgitation?
papillary muscle displacement -> abrupt and excessive volume overload -> left atrial and ventricle filling pressures
Child with dry cough, hoarseness, inspiratory stridor?
Croup (larynhotrachietis
tricuspid murmur?
holosystolic murmur that becomes louder with inspiration
Muscle fiber injury
symmetrical. proximal muscle weakness, interstial lung disease, esophageal dusmotility, gotton papules
Manifestations of pseudogout?
rhomboid shaped, positive birefringence crystals
chondrocalcinosis on imaging
inflammatory effusion (15,000-30,000)
Men2B syndrome?
Medullary thyroid, pheochromocytoma
Mucosal neuromas/marganoid
Treatment for impetigo?
Topical mupirocin or cephalexin, dicloxacillin, clindamycin
Lambert-Eaton vs Myasthenia Gravia?
Lambert-Easton Calcium channels presynaptic, MG- post-synaptic acetylchine receptor antibodies
Osmotic vs secretory diarrhea?
Osmotic-nonabsorbed, unmeasured osmotically active agent oresent in GI tract -> elecated osmotic gap
Secretory- due to increased secretion of ions -> reduces osmotic gap (associated with surgery, chorlea, etc)
Hepatorenal syndrome
cirrhosis -> splanchnic arterial dilation -> activated renin-angiotensin systen -> rebak vasoconstriction -> decreased perfusion and glomerula filtration
Takayasu arteritis-treatment?
Spin papule with ulceration of nonpurulent odorless draining and primximal lesions along lymphatic chain (without lympadenopathy)? Treatment? Location
Sporotrichosis, think gardeners
dimorphic fungus from decaying vegetation
Treatment itraconazole for several months
treatment for impetigo (topical)
Treatment for group A strep?
Risk with chondrocalcinosis?
calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate
(calcification of articular cartilage
increased MCHC, hemolytuc anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly in northern european decent?
hereditary spherocytosis
What causes cardiac arrest in hypovolemis shock?
loss of right ventricle preload
What is the crescent sign?
arc of ecchymosis distal to the medial malleolus
neiman pick disease type A
cherry red macule, protuberent abdomen, hepatosplenomegaly
fetal by 3
cause dby sphingomuelinase deficiency
Recurrent pneumonia in the same location? Next step?
localized airway obstruction
Next step: CT to identify lung mass
First line treatment for pertussis?
Milk-alkali syndrome? Lab findings?
excessive intake of calcium an sbsortable alkali (carbonate) -> renal vasoconstriction -> inhibitor of Na-K-2Cl transports -> impaired ADH -> loss of sodium and free water -> hypovolemia and increased rebabsorption of bicarb
Lab: metabolic alkalosus, AKI<, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia
What does HBeAg suggest?
active viral replication
Acute diverticulitis
inflammation due to microperporation of a diverticulum
Treatment for ED in a patient with cardiovascular disease?
Sildenafil = phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor
Inheritance of the muscular dystrophies?
Bcker, duchenne (X-linked recessive)
Myotonic- autosomal dominant expansion of CTG in DMPK on chromosome 19
Riluzole MoA
glutamate inhibitor
Treatment for wolf-parkinson white?
Hemodynamically unstable: electrical cardioversion
Stable- protainamide, ibutilide
Cushing reflex?
Hypertension, bradycardia, hypertension
Angioedema cause?
C1 inhibtor deficiency, defect -> increase in bradykinin and C2b
Best factor for everall patient survical in sudden cardiac arrest?
elapsed time to effective resuscitation (rhythm analysis and defibrillatoin
Signs of bartonella henselae infection? Treatment?
localized papular skin lesion that should initially go unnoticed, with regional lymphadenopathy in 1-2 weeks
Treatment: Azithromycin
Patient with lower urinary tract symptoms and signs of AKI? Next step?
renal ultrasound
Features of chest pain suggestive of esophageal origin?
prolonged pain, asting more than an hour, post prandial symptoms, heartburn, dysphagia
Cyclophosphamide risk?
Bladder carcinoma
Opiod withdrawal signs?
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, muscle pain, lacrination, sweating
Krabbe disease
galactocerebrosidase deficiency
AR lysosomal storage disease
hypotonia, a reflexia, developmental delays
pulsus paradoxus?
cardiac temponade
Most commonca cause of sudden cardiac arrest immedaitely post-infarct?
Peentrant ventricular arrhythmias
Histology findings in xanthelasmas?
lipid-filled macrophages
Erythromycin why contraindicated in pregnancy?
acute cholestatic hepatitis
Biggest risk factor for antiphospholipid syndrome?
First step in managing suspected infective endocarditis?
Blood culture draw
Caput seccendaneum
diffuse, ecchymotic swelling of the scalp
Risk in supracondylar fractures of the humerus?
Brachial artery or medial nerve entrapment
Treatment for all women in labor with active HSV infection?
What does a null hypothesis do?
Show no association between variables of interest
Hyperlipidemia in primary biliary cirrhosis?
HDL increased over LDL, no increased risk for athrosclerosis
nontender nodules on the elbow, high ESR, morning stiffness? Joints involved?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Joints: MCP, PIP, knees, elbow, ankles, shoulder
Tay sacks
caused by beta-hexosanubudase A deficiency
cherry red macula, , loss of motor mile stones, hyperreflexia
First liune therapy for chemotherapy-induced nausea?
Serotonin receptor antagonists (ondansetron)
CMV retinitis vs herpes simplex?
CMV is painless, hemorrhages around vessels with fluffiness, not keratitis
HSV-rapidly progressing bilateral necrotizing retinitis -> central retina necrosis, peripheral vision loss
Ealy findings in NF1?
Marcocephaly, feeding problems, short stature, cafe-au-late spos, learning disabilities
Quad screening findings in down syndrome? 18?
down- increased inhibit A and beta-hCG
18-normal inhibin, decreased everything else
Lab finidngs in G6PD?
low hemoglobin, increased indirect bilirubin, decreased haptoglobin
Electrolyte abnormalities in tymor lysis syndrome?
hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia and phosphatemia, hypocalemia
Affect of PE on V/Q?
Increasd alveolar-artrial oxygen gradient
HTN despital more than 3 hypertensive agents of different clases should be evaluated for? Murmur?
Renal artery stenosis
systolic-diastolic abdominal bruit
Primary polydipsia vs central DI vs nephrogenic?
Primary- increased water, low Na
Central- decreased ADH from pituitary, high Na
Nephrogenic - ADH resistence in kindey, normal Na
Effect modification
external variable positively or negatively impacts the effects of a risk factor
Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
congenital hypoplastic anemia
congenital anomalies, macrocytic anemia, low reticulocyte
Diagnosis? reatment?

Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
emollients, hydrocortisone
photosensitive skin that develops vescicles and bullae with slightly elevated liver enzymes? Association?
porphyria cutanea tarda. associated with Hepatitis C
Causes of myasthenic crsis? Signs? Treatment?
Cauinfection (UTI, fluoroquinolones)
Signs: generalized and oropharyngeal weakness, respiratory insufficiency
Treatment: intubation for deteriorating respiratory status, plasmapheresis or IVIG and corticosteroids
Sertoli-Leydig tumors produce?
elderly patient with severe lymphocytosis, combined with hepatosplenomegaly, lemphadenopathy and bicytopenia (anemia, throbocytopenia)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Hereditary spherocytosis inheritance?
Autosomal dominant
Prader-willi signs? Cause? Complications?
Signs-hypotonia weak suck in ifancy, obesity, short stature, hypogonadism, narrow forehead, almond-shaped eye, downturned mouth
Cause: deletion of paternal chromosome 15
Complications: sleep apnea, DM II, gastric distention/rupture, Death by choking
Initial presentation in coarctation of the aorta?
Epistaxis, headaches, lower extremity claudication
Ramsay-hunt syndrome
herpes infectoin in the ear, presenting with facial nerve palsy and vescicles in the ear canal
resting tremor cause?
basal ganglia dysfunction
Treatment for restless leg syndrome?
Pramprexole, a dopamine agonist
antidote for cholinergic toxicity
Given with atropine and reactives the cholinesterase enzyme
Fear of presenting in pront of people is classified under what?
Social anxiety disorder
Treatment for cocaine toxicity and myocardial ischemia?
intravenous benzodiazepines -> reduce anxiety and agitation
toddler with difficulty swallowing, fedding refusal, and vomiting? Treatment?
goreign body ingestion
flexible endoscopy
Different blood pressures in the upper extremities with palpable thrill in the suprasternal notch? Long term complications?
Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Long-term complications- coronary artery stenosis, myocardial ischemia
Triad for disseminated gonococcal infecion?
polarthralgia, tenosynovitis, painless vesivulopustular skin lesion
Cause of baker cyst?
OA, rheumatoid arthritis
How to reduce flushing with niacin?
Give aspirin
Method of immunity in pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine?
T-cell independent B-cell response
What is gestational HTN?
HTN after 20 weeks
Somoatic symptom disorder vs illness anxiety disorder??
SSD: excessive anxiety and preoccupatio with 1 + unexplained symptoms
IAD: fear of having a serious symptom despite few or no symptoms and constistently negative evuation
Why in antiphospholipid syndrome can RPR be a false positive
They both have cardiolipin
aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease
nasal polyps, wheezing following NSAIDS, asthma
Pharmacotherapy for organophosphate poising? Organophosphate MoA
Atropine -> competes with acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptor
Organophosphate -cetylcholinesterase -> cholinergic excess
Fragile X inheritance?
X-linked dominant
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura should be tested for?
HIV and Hepatitis C
Most common cause of urinary tract obstruction in newborn boys? Leads to?
Posteruir urethral valves -> bilateral hydronephrosos, oligohydramnios, physical anomalies, limb deformaties
Mental status changes, hypothermia, bradypnea, hypoxia? End goal?
opiod intoxication, treat with Naloxone
End goal: breathing rate greater than 12
Structural abdnoralities in the orbitofrontal cortex on imaging? What other structure?
basal ganglia
Patellofemoral pain syndrome, treatment?
activity modification, stretching and strengthening
Takayasu arteritis?
women age <40, with vasculitis involving primary the aotra and brances of the upper body
Characterized by mononuclear infiltrates and granulomatous inflammation of the vascular media -> wall thickeing -> aneurysmal dilation and narrowing