UWorld Pass 2b Flashcards
Hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis, how?
1-alpha hydroxylase is produced in granulomatous activity -> increased 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D
Tacrolimus side effects?
neurotoxicity, glucose intolerance,diarrhea
Treatment for pseudomonas?
Causes of ACL injury? Signs?
Rapid deceleration, direction changes
Signs: “popping” sensation, significant swelling (effusion/hemarthrosis), joint instability
Primary biliary cholengitis- clinical findings?
fatigue, hepatomegaly, pruritis, icterus
Drugs that can cause pill esophagitis?
KCL, tetracyclines, bisphosphonates, NSAIDs
First step in anticoagulation with renal failure?
unfracitonalized herparin
Liver mass with central scar?
gocal nodular hyperplasia
Most common physical symptoms from pancoast tumor?
Shoulder pain
Diagnostic requirements for nacrolepsy
recurrent lapses in sleep or naps (3x/week for 3 months
plus 1 of the following:
- cataplexy (brief loss of muscle tone precipitated by strong emotion)
- low cerebrospinal fluid levels of hypocreit-1, shortened REM sleep latency
Thromboangitis obliterans Signs? AKA? Evaluation? Treatment:
AKA: buerger disease
Less than 45, smoking history, distal lumb ischemia, ulcerations due to nonatherosclerotic occlusion
Evaluation: ischemia on bascular studies (digital plethysmography), segmental occlusion of small and medium vessels on agiography
Treatment: smoking cessation
MCL tear cause? Signs
Cause: pivoting/twisting, lateral impacts
Signs-minimal swelling
Most common cause of spontaneous lobar hemorrhage over > 60?
amyloid angiopathy
Progressive loss of peripheral vision? Treatment?
open-angle glaucoma
Treatment: Mannitol
Abnormal thumbs, hypopigmented/hyperpigmented skin area, cafe au lait spots, middle ear abnormalities, aplastic anemia? Inheritance?
Ganconi anemia
Autosomal recessive or X-linked
Cardiac temponade is
rapid accumulation of blood in the pericardial sack
First step in management after exposure to infectious hep B?
Immunoglobulin and vaccinate
Affects of beta HCG on homrone levels?
total T4 increased,
free T4, unchanged/mildly increased
TSH decreased
Raynaud phenomenia- presentation
Bilateral upper hands
Signs of thyroid lympgoma?
hashimoto thyroiditis, rapidly enlarging, firm guiter with compressive symptoms and systemic B symptoms
Signs of secondary amyloidosis?
Extracellular deposits of polymeric protein, inflammatory arthritis, chronic infections, IBD, mmalignancy lymphona) vasculitis, aymptomatic proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome
Abdomianl pain with hip extension, think?
Appendicitis, psoas sign
Uncel herniation
dilation of the pupil ipsilateral, (oulomotor nerve compression) along with ipsilateral hemiparesis

Allergic conjunctavitis
associated with pruritus, nasal symptoms, no skin rash, watery discharge, URI signs
Signs of lead poisoning?
basophilic stippling, neurological deficits (foot/wrist drop, congitive dysfunction), GI pain, constipation, joint pain, muscle aches, microcytic hypochromatic anemia
common variable immunodeficiency? Treatment?
Presents in adolescence/adulthood, low levels of immunoglobulins from abnormal B-cell differentiation. Increased risk for respiratory infections from encapsulated organisms, giarfia lamblia
Treatment: immuniglobulin infusion
Chorionic villus sampling use? Time?
Use: definitive karyotupic diagnosis
Time 10-13
distented bowel loop in an inverted “U” shape? Cause?
dilated colon
Cause: Sigmoid volvulus
Lower abdominal tenderness, right upper quadrant tenderness, intermentral spotting?
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Bleedng disorder in antiphospholipid syndrome?
Prolonger partial thromboplastin time, nut not prothrombin time
Prothrombin time in normal due to binding of the lupus anticoagulant in vitro
Primary ciliary dyskinesia vs CF?
PCD has situs inversus, due to immobile spermatozoa, normal growth
CF- pacnreatic insuffiency, infertility due to absent vas deferens, failure to thrive
Treatment for severe hypercalcemia?
Aggressive hydration with normal saline, calcitonin to reduce serum calcium
aminoglycoside 0> can cause renal failure
Erysipelas? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Group A strep
infection of upper dermis and superfiscial lymphatic system
rapid development of symptoms due to inflammation, trauam, etc
rash is notable for raised, sharply demarcated borders
highly suggestive is involvement of outer ear
Diagnosis: blood cultures
Treatment: IB antibiotics (ceftriacone, cegazolin, amoxicillin (if not systemic)
Lorazapam vs chlordiazepoxide?
Chlordiazopoxide contraindivated in liver disease
Lorazapam-shorter acting, not metabolized by the liver
Dilation of the pupil
chronic, watery diarrhea without eveidence of systemid symptoms and lactose deficiency? Signs? Pathology?
Microscopic colitis
Watery diarrhea, fecal urgency, incontinence, nocturnal diarrhea
Path: mononuclear infiltrate
What therapy can cause thickening and fibrosis of the pericardium?
Radiation therapy to the chest of rHodgkin lymphoma
Septic shock with elecated lvier enzymes?
Iscemic hepatic injury
Common causes of infective endocarditis?
Staphylococcal - healthcare-associated
stretococcal - community acquired
enterococci - nosocomial-acquired (Especially UTI)
Medications for colds that can cause hallucinations?
HIV patient with white matter lesions with no enhancement/edema? lumbar puncture findings? Treatment?
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (JC virus)
LP: CSF PCR for JC virus
Treamtne: antiretroviral therapy
Cardiac manifestations of COPD?
4th heart sound
Contraindications to copper IUD?
anemia, heavy menstral bleeding
Ascertainment bias?
results from atypical population are extrapolated to the entire population
Treatment for heparin induced thrombocytopenia?
D/C heparin, anticoagulate with non heparin medication (argatroban, hondaparinux)
Signs of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
Temp > 100, abdominal pain/tenderness, altered mental status, hypotension,paralytic ileus with severe infection
(no nausea/vomiting/etc)
Bicept tendor ruptor cause? signs?
Cause-forceful flexion of the arm
Signs: sudden pain with an audible pop and visiblee pulge, where the muscle retacts into the arm
shiny tongue and macrocytic anemia?
B12 deficiency
non-anion gap acidosis and preserved kidney function
rental tubular acidosisr
Signs of hip dysplasia?
Child was limp “trendelenburg gait” when learning to walk
soft, rounded, well-demarcated dwelling at the point of the elbow? ROM?
chronic olecranon bursitis, range of motion is normal
After starting amiodarone therapy, how long before pneumonitis can present?
midline defects, polydactyly, curis aplasia?
Patau (trisomy 13)
Aflatoxin B1 association?
Hepatocellular carcinoma
X-rays in chronic gout?
punched-out erosions with an overhanging rim of cortical bone known as a “rat bite”
familial adenomatous polyposis
colorectal cancer, desmoids, osteomas, brain tumors
Congenital effect of carbomazepine? Treatment?
folic acid deficiency, supplement with 4mg of folic acid
Fever, chest pain, hemoptysis
pulmonary nodules with halo sign
in immunocompromised patient?
Invasive aspergillosis
Decrease active and passive ROM?
adhesive capsulitis
Signs of hemochromatosis?
diabetes, hyperpigmented skin (sun exposed), elevated liver enzymes
How to reduce risk of HIV infection?
Circumcision of the infection partner, postexposure prophylacis
Organism responsible for infections in deep puncture wounds? Time?
P. aeruginosa
Tinea cruris- sign? Diagnosis?
Sign: annular lesions with partial central clearing, scay raised border
Diagnosis: KOH prep with septated (segmented) hyphae
baby with irregular breathing at birth?
considere positive pressure ventilation
Babesiosis? Risks?
intraerythrocytic rings (maltese cross), glu-like symptoms, anemia, thrombocytopenia, NE US
Protozoal illness, Ixodes scapularis
Rosl? splenectomy
what is clobeasol?
high potency steroid
Papillary muscle rupture post MI?
2-7 days post
Acute, severe, MR (hypotension, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock), no persist ST changes
CNS findings in fetal alcohol syndrome?
ADHD, learning disabilities, mental retardation
Disultram candidate?
Abstinent and highly motivated
Ovarian torsion vs rupture, doppler?
Ovarian torsion-decreased

Arthritis mutilans
Preferred deliver method in preeclampsia?
Vaginal delivery, c-sections reserved for failed induction, or nonreassuring fetal heart tones
What are the B vitamins?
B1- thiamine
B2 - riboflavin
B3 - niacin
B6 - pyridoxine
B9 - folate, folinic acid
B12 - cobalamin
C - ascorbic acid
Cause of ARDS?
lung injury -> fluid/cytokine leakage into alveoli -> impaired gas exchange -> decreased lung compliance, PHTN
RBC casts?
glomerular nephritis
Theophylline? toxicity?
Theophylline-bronchodilator, used in asthma
Toxicity- CNS stomulation *headahce, insomnia, seizures, HI) cardiac toxicity (arrhythmia)
Most common symptoms on bronchietasis?
mucopurulent sputum streaked with blood, fatigue, weight loss
Post-menopausal woman with new breast mass, first step? Signs of malignancy?
Signs: calcification
Granulomatous inflammation in growth, think?
CMV pneumonia
duspnea, nonproductive cough, low-grade feve, patchy or diffuse ground-glass opacities
Signs of lateral epicondylitis?
pain with resisted wrist extension, pain with passive wrist flexion
How often should infants be fed?
Every 2-3 hours
Cholangitis vs acalculous cholecystitis?
Cholangitis has juandice, caused by gallstone or malignancy, elevated alk phos
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Eczema, micriThrombocytopenia, recurrent infections
X-linked recessive defect in WAS protein
What bilirubin is elevated in hemolytic diseases?
Unconjugated (indirect)
Sertonin syndrome vs TCA
Serotonin has increased bowel sounds, hperreflexia, clonus
Risk factors for necrotizing enterocolitis?
Prematurity, very low birth weigh, reduced mesenteric perfusion (congenital heart disease), enteral feeding (formula > breast milk)
Location of damage in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration?
Cerebellar vermis
UMN signs and sisolated symmetric lower-extremity sumptoms
spinal cord compression
Risk associated with infectious mononucleosis?
Acute airway obstruction
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
GI tract polyposis and mucocutaneous pigmentation, prococious puberty
bradycardia, AV block, hypotension, diffuse wheezing, overdose? Antidote?
Bet bloackers
Treatment: IV atropine, fluids -> glucagon (increased intracellular cAMP
What disease is associated with myasthenia gravis?
c-section with severe abdominal pain, peritoneal signs, hemodynamic instability, vagnal bleeding?
Uterine dehiscence
igns of compartment syndrome
Pain out of proportion to injury, increased pain on passive stretch
Parasthesia in the first sign
Type of lesion in lung squamous cell carcinoma?
Cardiac manifestations of TCA toxicity?
QRS widening
Benztropine treatts?
dystonias and parkinsonism
INR target for heart valve replacement?
2.5-3.5 mitral, 2.0-3.0 aortic
saying for primary hyperaldosterism?
Aldosterone saves socium and pushes potassium out
What does an odds ratio less than 1 suggest?
negative association (decreased risk)
Why is serotonin syndrome increased when taking tramadol?
Tramadol is an analgeic medication with sertonergic activity
Diagnosis of walkenstrom macroglubulinemia?
serum protein electrophorisis (igM spike) and bone marrow biopsy
Affect of PE on the heart?
Decreased cardiac outpout to right ventricular dysfunction
In suspected pancreatic cancer, what is the first step in diagnosis?
US/CT, followed by ERCP
Mycophenolate side effects?
bone marrow suppression
Disease most commonly causing nephrotic syndrome in adults?
membranous glomerulopathy
Signs of CMV in AIDS patients?
CD4 < 50, frequency small volume diarrhea, hematochezia, abdominal pain
Amniocentesis Use?
Use Definitive karytupic diagnosis
Time: 15-20 weeks
Risks of herarin-induced thromocytopenia
thrombus-HIT antobodies -> arterial and venous thrombus
Late diastolic murmur at cardiac apex?
Mitral stenosis
progressive confusion and lethargy over several hours and hyperdensity on head CT?
cerebral amyoid angiopathy
Signs of hypothalamic amenorrhea? Cause?
Cause: excessive weight loss, strenuous activity, chronic illness, eating disorder
Decreased FSH, LH, estrogen -> amenorrhea, bone loss
most commonca use of chronic renal insufficiency in children?
Posterior urethral valves
Cause of hyper IgM?
c-linked genetic defect in CD40 ligand
Management of esophageal perforation?
Antibiotics and supportive caure
surgical repair for significant leakage with systemic inflammatory response
sudden-onset neurological deficits with irregular heart beat?
Cardioembolic stroke
How to diagnose Borrelia burgdorferi?
- Clinical (if erythema migrans)
- serology (ELISA, then Western Blot)
Most common cause of renal disease in cirrhosis?
hypoprofusioin disease ue to hepatorenal sydrome
cause increased renin -> hyponatremia
Management of pimary biliary cholangitis?
Ursodeoxycholic acid, transplave if severe
> 40, chronic cough, significant tobacco use, progressive dyspnea?
COPD, evaluate with spirometry
IBD with crypt abscess?
Ulcerative colitis
indications for lung cancer screening?
Low-dose CT yearly in patients 55-80 with more than 30 pack-year histories and active smoking within the last 15 years
acalculous cholecustitis? population? Predispositions? Presentation
acute inflammation of the gallbladder without stones
Population-critically ill
Predisposures: surgery, severe trauma;
Presentation: unexplained fever, RUQ pain, leukyctosis
How to treat viral pleuritis?
Supportive and NSAIDs for pain
X-ray findings of gallstone ileus?
Pneumobilia and gallstones
Signs of mineralocorticoid deficiency?
orthostatic hypotension
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis? Complications?
Acuteepigastric abdominal pain
increased amylase/lipase (3 times normal)
ComplicationsL Pleural effusion, Ileus, pancreatic pseudocyst/abscess/necrosis, ARDS
recurrent seizures and muscle spams in a newborn with cleft palate?
Hypocalcemia in DiGeorges syndrome
fever, night sweats, rapid enlarging medistinal mass?
Diffuse B cell lymphoma (an AIDS defining illness
Uncal herniation? Sign?
mass effect pushes part of the temporal lone laterally and downward agains the tentorium cerebeli
Compression of the third cranial nerce -> dilated, non-reactive ipsolateral pupil, contralateral extensor posturing, come, respiratory compromise
Greatest risk factor for TB?
Recent arrival from an edemic area
First line treatment of alcohol use disorder?
Diagnosis of Sjogran syndrome
Schirmer test (fluid absorption onto a paper in 5 min)
Anti-Ro, Anti-La testing
What causes symptomatic hypocalcemia in patients with liver problems and blood transfusions
chelation of calcium by citrate
Alternative name for hear failure with preserved efection fraction? (HFpEF)? Cause?
Diastolic dysfunction
Cause: HTN, left ventricular hypertrophhy
Treatment for herpes?
Acyclovir, hamciclocir, valacyclovir
Rheumatic heart disease?
Mitral stenosis
Severe left atrial enlargement, concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, ejection fraction 65%?
diastolic heart failure
chronic fluctuating mood disturtabces? How long?
Cyclothymic disorder
More than 2 years (1 year in children)
macrocutic red blood cells, hypersegmented neutrophils, normal methylmalonic acid? Signs, if severe?
Folate deficiency
Severe can be pancytopenia
jaundice, tender hepatomegaly, mild elevation and AST:ALT 2:1, macrocytic anemia
heavy alcohol abuse
child, acute onset of ataxia with disturbances in gain and coordination, symmetric and staggaring fain? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Acute cerebellar ataxia (post-infectious)
oral succimer use?
moderate lead poisoning
What does a cross-sectional trial measure?
Fatigue, anorexia, nausea, blurred visoin, disturbed color perception, caridac arrhythmias? Overdose?
Manifestations of sheehan syndrome?
hypotension, inability to breastfeed, amenorrhea
How is niacin synthesized?
From tryptophan
sudden onset of hypotension, tachycardia, flat neck veins after catheterization on heparin?
retroperitoneal hematoma
Action of dobutamine?
inotrophic agen that cause cause significant vasodilation, hypotension
diagnosis fo hiolain barre syndrome?
Lumbar puncture
How to confirm ovarian torsion?
pelvic ultrasound showing an adndexal mass with absent doppler flow
Significant hypoxia with chest pain?
Pulmonary embolism
Name? Cause?

Livedo reticularis
Cause: vasculic (polyarteritis nodosa, SLE) or vascocclusive (cholesterol emobolization, antiphospholipid syndrome, cyroglobulinemia)
Treatment for aactinomyces?
Penicillin or surgery in extreme cases
Signs of serum sickness? Treatment?
fever, urticaria, polyarthralgia without mucosal involvement, 1 week after exposure to beta lactams, acute hep. B
Treatment: stop offending agent
Cause of hypoxia in OSA? pCO2 level?
hypoventilation -> increased pCO2
HTN and cocaine use puts you at risk for what?
hypertensive vasculopathy -> spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage
advanced bone age in a child with high lutenizing hormone?
Brain MRI with contrast

Tophaceous gout
What is oxytocin structurally similar to?
Common trigger for bronchoconstriction in asthma patients?
Aspirin (most comone) beta blockers
Signs of retrosternal expansion of thyroid lymphoma?
facial plethora, raising arms above head causes head swelling
holosystolic murmur at cardiac apex after mitral valve replacement
paravalvular regurgitation due to valvular dysfunction
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia?
high IgM, hepatosplenomegaly, hyperviscosity syndrome, bleeding
Pulmonary hypertension
mean pulmonary aterial pressure more than25 at rest
Diabeted with protinuria, RBC casts, and hematuria, management?
kidney biopsy
Treatment for hoarding?
CBT, targeting hoarding behavior
Ludwig Angina?
cellulitis of the sublingual or submandibular space, caused from bacterial spread from adjacent spread of infection (dental abscess or tongue infection
What drugs significantly reduce the risk of acute arterial occlusion in thromboembolism in the setting of atrial fibrillation?
Apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, edoxaban, warfarin
osteolytic lesions, fractures, anemia are characteristic of what cancer?
Multiple myeloma
CMV esophagitis? CD4 count?
CD 4 <50
sever odynophagia, without trouble swallowing
long. linear lesions
Diastolic heart failure leads to pulomary arterial HTN, how?
pulmonary venous hypertension
How to calculate specificity from false positive rate?
Bupropion - MoA
norepinerphrine doapmine reuptake inhibitor
SLE vs post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis?
SLE has thrombocytopenia photosensitive skin (rash), PSGN does not
Emergent reversal of warfarin?
Fresh drozen plasma
Which SSRI is associated with what congenital malformation?
Paroxitine, cardiac malformation
*rubicine affects on the heart?
Oxidative damage to cellular membranes of cardiomyocyte -> fibrotic replacement
Treatment for adrenal crisis?
hydrocortisone, dexamethoasone
Pharmacotherapy for anal fissures?
topical anesthetics and vasodilators
Treatment for ingantile hemangiomas?
Timolol if on face
What causes the warfarin skin nexrosis?
Protein C deficiency
Causes of lumbar stenosis?
defenerative arthritis, degernative disk disease, thickeing of the ligamentus glavum
Rough skin, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
Caused by niacin deficiency,
Organisms that can cause bloody diarrhea?
E. Coli, shigella, campylobacter
Cause of spinder angiomas?
hyerestrinism due to impaired hepatic metabolism of circulating estrogens
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
hemoglobin/hematocrit =hemoglobin conventration of each erythrocyte
Reversal for warfarin?
Vitamin K and prothrombin complex concentrate
Teenager that experiments with marijuana, alcohol, sexual curiosity, increasing need for privacy and transient oppositional behavior?
Turner syndrome karyotyoe?
45 XO
Polymyalgia rheumatica? Treatment?
Mornign stiffness (proximal joints), age >50, ESP >40,
Treatment: low-dose steroids
What does fish oil reduce?
Tinea versicolor? Organism? KOH findings? Treatment
Salmon-colored, hypo/hyperpigmented macules (hypo after sun exposure)
KOH- blunt hphae and thick walled budding yeast
Treat with selenium sulfide or ketconazole
Hodgkin lymphoma
painless lympadenopathy and B symptoms (night sweats, fevers) with normal peripheral smear and CBC
When do galactoceles occur? Pathogenesis?
Weeks to months after cessation of breastfeeling
due to stagnaget milk
Caused by deposit proteins in the lactiferous duct forming a blockage
50-60, signs of acial involvement (back pain)
Coinfections common with gonorrhea?
Chlamydia, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B
What factor affects a teenager used aof safe sexual practices
Use by peers
Inferior wall MI ECG?
ST elevation in II, III, aVF
Direct inguinal ligament? Cause
older men, weakness of transverse fascia
medial to inferior epigastric vessels
How to calculate the anion gap?
sodium-(Chloride and bicarb)
cause of chronic bursitis?
pressure, driction, overuse, AI disease
Breast feeding jaundice vs breast mild jaundice
Breastfeeding - first week of life, lactation failure (decreased bilirubin eliination), signs of dehydration, suboptimal feeding
Breast mild- starts peaks 2 weeks, high levels of beta-gluronidase in breast milk, adequate breastfeeding/examination
Signs of adenoid hypertrophy? concurrent findings? Diagnosis?
nasal congestion, refractory to medical management, recurrent sinal and ear infections, snoring, mouth breathing
Concurrent findings: tonsilar hypertrophy
Diagnosis is clinical
HUS signs?
shiga toxin cause from E. Coli O157:H7 or shigella
anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure
Rett syndrom: Signs? Cause?
Cause: MECP2 gene
Signs: deceleration in head growth, loss of communicative skills, stereotypical hand movements
Reversal of hepain?
Protamine sulfate
Signs of cerebral palsy?
spastic diplegia - hypertonia, hyperreflexia
intellectual disability
What parts of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis does respiradone affect?
Causes hyperprolactinoma alone
Murmur in pregnancy woman?
systolic ejection murmur
Rotator cuff impingement
pain with abdumction, external rotation, subacromial tenderness, normal ROM, positive impingement tests
Vesicouretheral reflex?
urinary reflux from bladder into the kidneys -> scarring
Shin splints vs stress fracture
Stress fracture demonstrated point tenderness, where as shin splints is more diffuse
Shin splints are also more common in overweight individuals
Inferior MI symptoms?
Hypotension, bradycardia, artioventricular block
Cholchocine -MoA, side effects? Contraindication?
inhibits polymerization of beta-tubulin into microtubules -> prevents migration and activation of neutrophils
Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea
Contraindications - elderly,severe renal dysfunction
fatigue and pruritis scleral itcherus and and elevated alk phos? Association? Cancer risk?
primary sclerosis cholangitis
Association with IBS, mainly UC
Cancer: cholangiocarcinoma
Treatment for NMS?
damtrolene or bromocriptine
peripheral neuropathy is associated with what type of urinary dysfunction?
Overflow incontinence
AIN Signs? Drugs?
Signs: 7-10 days after medication exposure, skin rash, eosinophilia, pyuria,
Drugs: beta lactams, propon pump inhibitors
Renal findings in Alport syndrome? Urinalysis?
Hist: thinned and thickened capillary loops with splitting of the glomerular basement membrane
Urinalysis: hematura and protein
Risk factors for retained placenta?
gestations age 24-27 weeks, stillbirth
olecranon bursitis
high fever, lead pipe rigidity, mental status changes, autonomic instability? Causes? Treatment:
neuroleptic malignancy syndrome?
Causes: drugs, anti-psychotics,
Treatment: stop drug, supportive, dantolene or dopaminergic agents
constipation, back pain, anemia, renal insufficiency, hypercalcemia
Mulitple myeloma
Reasons to report a physician? Who to?
medical psychiatric, substance use
physician health program -> state iicensing board
BRCA cancer risks?
Breast, ovarian
Heart valve replacement with symptoms of heart failure?
prosthetic valve thrombosis (mitral > aortic)
Signs of low serum testosterone?
Decreased libido, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy with gradual onset
How to diagnose anal cancer?
biopsy of the lesion
Diagnosis? Treatment?

Complete heart block
Cardiac pacing
When does vitamin K reverse warfarin?
Over time, when warfarin is stopped. Not approved for ermegency situations
Tremor that worsens at rest, improves with movement? Treatment?
Parkinson’s disease
Treatment: anticholinergics (trihexylphenidyl)
Inheritance pattern in hredrich atarix?
autosomal recessive
plasma renin activity use?
Primary aldosterism diagnosis
Diagnosising a supraspinatus tear?
Drop arm test,
unable to lower arm smoothly and will drop mid-adduction
recent URI, persistent cough productive of yellow, blood-tinged sputum?
acute bronchitis
Complications from heat stroke
Rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, ARDS< coagulopathic bleeding
Substances that can ellicit porphria cutanea tarda?
estrogens, ethanol, hepatitis C
Left ventricular end-diastolic volume and CI in heart failure?
Cardiac index, decreased
What is the risk factor for developmental dysplasia of the hip?
Breach presentation
General signs of Fetal alcohol syndrome?
fetal growth restirction, microcephaly, facial dysmorpholgy
Drugs to decrease ammonia concentration in hepatic encephalopathy?
Laculose to reduce serum levels, and rifaxmin (nonabsorbable antibiotic) , decreasing ammonia producng bacteria
Signs of acute adrenal insufficiency
hypotension/shock nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, fever
undersized jaw
Patient over 50 that is immunocompromised, presenting with meningitis symptoms, iwth waters diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Paget disease
When do aneurysms occure after heart attack? Signs?
5 days - 3months
ECG: persistent ST_segment elevation and recent MI, deep Q waves
Diagnosis is ECHO
Immediate management of panic disorder? Long-term?
Short- benzo
Long- SSRI
What does winter’s formula calculate for expected PCO2 level?
1.5 * bicarb + 8+/-2
What causes diastolic dysfunction?
impaired myocardial relaxation and LV stiffness -> increased LV end diastolic pressure
Treatment for urge incontinence?
Bladder training, antimuscarinics (oxybutynin, tolterodine)
What lymphnode changed can be observed?
soft, mobile, less than 2 cm, no systemic symptoms
What are nasal polyps associated with? How to examine?
Associated with: cystic fibrosis
Examine by looking into nostrils
Probenecid - MoA
Promte renal excretion of uric acid crystals in the urine
Second-line if allopurinol of febuxostat is ineffective
Signs of hypocalcemia
Muscle cramps, chvotek and trousseau sign, paresthesias, hyperreflecia/tetany seizures
Gouty arthitis findings on aspiration? Treatment
neddle-shaped, negative birefringement cyrstals
Treatment: NSAIDS (when no contraindications), colchicine. glucorticoids
carbapenem that treats many multidrug-resistant organisms,
Where is histoplasmosis found?
Ohio and mississippi valley
Neurological risk of chronic hypothyroidism?
calcium deposition in the basal ganglia -> extrapryamidal manifestations (movement disorders)
Also develop nephrocalcinosis and cataracts
First step in management peripheral artery disease?
smoking cessation, statin, aspirin
reactive arthritis triad?
nongonococcal urethritis, asymmetric iligoarthritis, conjunctivitis
Dressler syndrome?
pericarditis weeks after an MI
Treatment: NSAIDS
Manifestations of prophyria cutanea tarda? Treatment?
blisters that heal with scarring, hyperpigementation
Treatment: phlebotomy, hydroxychloroquine
Antibiotics for septic hip?
Signs of hypoglycemia
low vlood sugar, systolic hypertension, widened pulse pressure
Signs of moderate to severe group? When to intubate?
Corticosteroids and nebulized epinephrine
Intubate if epi fails
Decreased T3 levels, normal T4 and TSH?
euthyroid sick syndrome
What is required for bipolar II disorder?
MDD plus functional mania
Describe a Bartholin duct cyst?
soft, mobile, nontender mass, at the based of the labium major
Polymyalgia rheumatica? Treatment?
> 50
malaise, fever, proximal muscle pain, weakness, elevated ESR/CRP
Hypotension, teachycardia, distended jugular veins, respiratory variantion in systolic blood pressus is?
cardiac temponate
Cause of testicular torsion?
Twisting of the spermatic cord, due to inadequate fixation
Adjustment disorder? Treatment?
identifiable stressor, onset within 3 months, significant impairment, does not meet MDD
Treatment: psychotherapy
Cause of trenelenburg sign?
Gluteus medius and minimus muscle, innervated by the superior gluteal nerve
Defects associated with cigarette smoking in pregnancy?
IUGR, fetal demise, cleft lip/palate
porphyria cutanea tarda - cause?
deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
X-ray findings in pagent disease?
osteolytic or mixed lytic/schlerotic lesions
Bilirubin problems in asian children?
Decreased uridine diphosphogluconurate glucuronosylthransferase
Crest syndrome
Calcium deposits
Esophageal dysfunction
First step in altered mental status?
Thiamine, followed by glucose
Electrolyte causes of Torsades?
hypomagnesiium, hypokalemia
Diagnosis? Treatment? Risk?

Actinic keratosis
Risk: squamous cell carcinoma
Treatment cryotherapy, fluorouracil
Common risk factor for hypermagnesium in preeclampsia?
Renal insufficiency
Most common congenital CMV findings?
periventricular calcifications and microcephaly
Management of retained placenta?
Uterine massage -> oxytocin -> D and C
Sing sof central adrenal insufficiency?
Decreased cortisol, ACTH
normal aldosterone
First-line treatment for condylomata acuminata during pregnancy?
Topical trichlorroacetic acid
Suspected urethritis, but negative gram stain? gram-negative cocci?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Gram negative cocci- gonorrhea
Signs of sarcoidosis?
Cough, dyspnea, bilateral hilar adenopathy, noncaseating granulomas, hypercalcemia, percalciuria
invasive cords of squamous cells with keratin pearls?
Squamous cell carcinoma
Side effects of niacin use in diabetes?
Worsening glucose control
What is seborrheic dermatitis assoicated with? Treatment?
Parkinson disease and HIV
Treatment: topical antifungals
HSV esophagitis? CD4 count?
round ovoid lesions, concurrent perioral/oral involvement
Why do vondylomata acuminata increase during pregnancy? Subtypes?
HPV becomes more active due to natural immunosuppressive state and hormonal alterations
Tyles 6, 11
High output heart failure? Cause?
Severe anemia, hyperthyroidism, beriberi, paget disease, AV fistulas
joint pain, facial rash, glomerulonephritis in an AA female
PaO2 level for COPD oxygen supplementation?
less than 59mmg Hg with cor pulonale or 55 without
Myxonamtous valve disease, what valve?
Mitral valve prolapse
Nerve involvement in shingles?
Cardiac findings in down syndrome
- Loud S2 due to pulmonary HTN
- Systolic ejection murmur from increased flow across the pulmonary valve from left to right across ASD
- holosystolic mumur from VSD
Bruit in an av fistula?
Continious, palpable thrill
What type of spondyloarthropathy is reactive arthritis?
Risks for developing penile cancer?
Cigarette smoking, HPV, phimosis (tight foreskin stuck over penis)
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis-history, chest imaging, diagnosis? Treatment?
History of asthma, CF
Imaging-recurent, fleeting ingiltrates, bronchiectasis (on CT)
Diagnosis: Eosinophilia, positive skin test for Aspergillus, Aspergillus-specific IgGm elevated aspergillus specific and total IgE
Treatment: corticosteroids for several months and itrazonazole
Palpable thril and a loud, harsh holosystolic murmur in the fourth intercostal space?
CDrugs that can cause cyrstal-induced acute kidney injury? Signs?
Acyclovir, sulfonamides, methotrexate, ethylene glycol, protease inhibitors
Signs: elevated creatinine within 1-7 days after starting drugs
TreaTreatment for invasive aspergillosis?
Voriconazole plus caspofungin
What is chlorperazine? Name others.
Antiemetic with dopamine activity (can cause EPS)
promethazine, metclopramide
Subclinical hypothyroidism
elevates TSH with normal T4, T3
patient is immobilized with hypercalcemia, cause? Treatment?
Immobilization 0> osterclastic bone reabsorption increase
TreatmentL bisphosphonates
Manifestations of rosacea?
- Erythematotelangiectatic-erythema and facial flushing, roughness or scaling, burning discomfort
- papulopustular rosacea- small papules and pustules resembling acne
- chronic, irregular thickening or the skin, urually involving the nose
- ocular - cornea, conjunctive, lids with burning (foreign body) sensation, blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivits, corneal ulcers, recurrent chalazia
inflammation, fibrosis and stricturing of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts should a “bear and string” batern
primary sclerosing cholangitis
Signs of acute mesenteric ischemia
severe periumbilical pain out of proportion to examination findings, elevated amylase, metabolic acidosis
feeding intolerance, increaseing abdominal girth, bloody stools, vomiting in an infant?
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Laboratory findings for neuroblastoma
elevated catecholamines and metabolistes (VHA, VMA)
flank mass with calcifications
Most comon fort os paroxysmal supraventircular tachycard?
atruiventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
Listeria, gram stain?
gram-positive bacillus
After describing a procedure to a patient, what should be the next step if he denies the procedure?
Ask why
What is strongly associated with nasopharynheal carcinoma? Endemic location?
Ebstein-Barr virus, endemic to southern China

Osteoclastoma, giant cell tumor “soap bubble”
Causes of uric acid crystals?
Tumor lysis syndrome, gout, acidic urine
Neurogenic arthropathy? Cause? Management
Charcot joint
decreased prorioception, pain, temperature caused by diabetes, tabes dorsalis, etc
Management: treating underlying disease, mechanical devices to assist in weight bearing, decrease further trauma
Respiratory papillomatosis?
Perinatal transmission of HOV leading to benign warty tumors on the larynx and/or vocal cords
recommend c-section if large
Urinary frequency and painful, erythematous mass in scrutum over 35? Under 35?
Over 35-Acute epididymitis, E coli
Under 35- acute epididymitis due to Chalymidia/gonorrhea
GI symtoms, high fever, with relative bradycardia, pulmonary infiltrate, suspect? Diagnosis?
Legionelia pneumonophila pneumonia
Diagnosis: urine lesionella antigen
Dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder)
chronic depressed moood for more than 2 years, no symptom free period >2 months, MDD criteria not met
When can candida cause osteomyelitis?
Injection drug users
Liver failure with very low alkaline phosphtase levels, suspect?
Wilson’s disease
Walkenstrom macroglobunemia treatment?
plasma exchange -> reduces blood viscosity
TCA overdose signs?
dilated pupils, hyperthermia, flushed skin, decreased bowel sounds, seizure, QRS widening
Anterior should pain with lifting, carrying, or overhead reaching?
noceps tendinopathy/rupture
Treatment for endometritis?
Flindamycin and gentamicin
When to perform TIPS? What can is worsen?
Patient has ascites and does not respond to diuretics or ongoing active or recurrent bleeding after appropriate treatment
Can worsen hepatic encephalopathy
azathioprine side effects?
dise-related diarrrhea, leukopenia, and hepatotoxicity
Job syndrome?
Hyper IgEm recurrent skin and lung infections
How to calculate the positive predictive value?
True positive/(true positive + false positive)
HOw to confirm the diagnosis of esophageal performation?
Gastrogragin-contrast esophagram or CT esophagram
Side effects of magnesium toxicity?
Hyporeflexia, lethargy, headache, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest
Spondylolisthesis? Signs?
forward slip of the vertebrae (L5 over S1),
Signs: chronic back pain, neurological symptoms
Risks associated with multiple myeloma?
hpogammaglobulinemia, increased risk of infection due to bone marrow infiltratoin
koplik spots?
Fever and otalgia, deviation of the ear, inflammation of the mastoid bone? diagnostic requirments
Acute mastitis, diagnosis is clincal
Treat with intravenous antibiotics and drainage
Asbestosis signs? FEV pattern seen?
Progressive dyspnea over months, no cough, etc.
Digital clubbing and bibasilar end-inspiratory crackles
Pattern: restrictive
Posterior wall MI
ST-segment depression in V1 and C2
Signs of amniotic embolism?
postpartum respiratory collapse (hypotension, tachycarida, loss of consciousness) DIC,
AFP in hepatocellular carcinoma?
Invasive aspergillosis diagnosis?
galactomannan assay, beta-D-glucan
Signs of ascorbic acid deficiency? Name?
Vitamin C
Scury (punctate hemorrhage, gingitivis, corkscrew hair
What drugs cause leukocytosis?
Ststemic glucocorticosteroids
click with late systolic murmur?
Mitral regurgitation, best heart at the apex
Signs of malignanct hypertension?
Who should receive the high dose of folic acid supplementation?
Prior NTD in pregnancy, or anticonvulsant medications
Types of granulomas in UC and crohn’s?
UC- non
Crohn- noncaseating
What type of urine will cause uric acid crystals to form?
concentrated, acidic urine
Indirect inguinal hernia?
patent processus vafinalis
protrudes through deep inguinal ring
travels lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
What diseases have IgE infiltration in the lungs?
asthma, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (CHurg-Strauss), drug induced pneumatitis, parasitic lung infections, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Kallman karytyope?
46 XX, XY
Hemodynamically unstable womanw ith inevitable abortion??
suction curettage
X-ray findings in invasive aspergillosis?
nodules with surrounding ground-glass opacities
High temperature, elevated creatinin, muscle regidity, leukocytosis? Management?
neuroleptic malignanc syndrome
Mangement: stop neuroleptics, restart dopamine agent, supportive, dantrolene/bromocriptine
piloerection is associated with?
heroin withdrawal, hairs standing on end
developmental delay, jerky gait, happy demeanor, hand flapping, seizures
angelman syndrome, Chromosome 15
Alternative to doxycycline for lyme disease?
oral amoxicillin or cefuroxime
Substance use disorder?
continued use despite significant substance-related cognitive, behabioral and physiological symptoms
Presentation of B12 deficiency?
peripheral neuropathy, cognitive dysfunction, subacute combined degeneration, megaloblastic anemia with hypersegmented neutrophils
Treatment for symptomatic sarcoidosis?
Candida- diagnosis? Treatment:
KOH prep
pseudohyphae wth budding yeast forms (blastoconidia)
Treatment: nystatin, miconazole
Alternative to carpel tunnel therapy if splinting failure?
What screening should all patients with cirrhosis undergo?
Endooscopy to exclude varicies
Isoniazide hypersensitivity?
maculopapular rash, pruritis, fever, hepatitis
Acute pericarditis post infarction timframe? ECG findings? Treatment?
< 4 days following MI, pleuritic chest pain,
ECG: Diffuse ST-segment elevation
Treatment: supportive, avoid NSAIDs`
Erysipelas cause?
Group A strep (streo pyogenes
Anti-fungal treatment for tinea pedis
Signs of dementia with Lewy body?
fluctation congition/attention, visual hallucinations, motor manifestations of parkinsonism (postural instability), , visual spacial defects (clock drawing) with memory intact
Diagnosis and treatment fo acalculous cholcystilis?
Diagnosis: US (preferred), HIDA, CT
Treatment: Abx, percutaneous draining, cholecystecctomy once stable
Cerebeller tonsilar herniation signs?
Neck tilt, flaccid paralysis, coma, blood pressure instability, respiratory arrest, extensor posturing
Contraindications to NSAIDS in the treatment of gout?
anticoagulation, acutely worsen heart failure
How to confirm measles?
adjuvant therapy? Salvage?
adjuvant- In addition to stardard therapy (chemo and radiation
salvage-treatment for a disease when stardard therapy fails
Signs of lead poisoning?
Occupation exposure (pain, batteries), anemia, cognitive deficits, peripheral neyropathy, anemia
Entamoeba histolytica signs? Organism type? Treatment
Right upper quadrant pain and fever
single subcapsular cyst in right hepatic lobe
Treatment: metronidazole and intraluminal antibacterial (paromomycin)
What drug has been shown to reduce PTSD nightmares?
Blastomycosis-extramedullar organ affected?
Skin, bone, prostate
mucosal atrophy and granulation tissue in GI tract?
Chronic ischemic colitis
What medications are contra indications with sildenafil? MoA?
Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor
Contraindications: alpha-blockers, nitrates
Subchorionic hematoma
abnormal collection of blood between the placenta and uterus
Legg-calve perthes
idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head, which presents in boys 4-10
presents with mild chronic hip or knee pain of insidious onset as well as antalgic gain
What is the calcium phosphorus produce?
Risk of soft tissue calcification (serum Ca * serum phosphorus > 55
Cause of hereditary hemochromatosis? Treatment?
HFE mutation, serial phlebotomy
HIV associated dementia? Imaging?
deep gray matter structures and causes subacute congitive, behavioral, and motor deficits
Imaging: cerebral atrophy with ventricular enlargement
treatment for ocular rosacea?
lid scrubs, topical antibiotics (metronidazole, erythromycin) and ocular lubricants
24-hour urine cortisol use?
Clincal findings at different bone sites for pagent disease?
Skill- headache, hearing loss
spine- spinal stenosis, radiculpathy
long bones- bowing,gracture, arthritis of adjacent joints
Acamprosate use?
Maintain abstinence in a patient who has already stopped drinking
Lynch syndrome cancer risks? Cause?
Colorectal, endometrial, ovarian
Cause: DNA mismatch repair
Glucocorticoid deficiency signs?
fatigue, loss of apetite, weight loss
Diagnosis? Cause? Signs? Histo findings?

Melanosis coli, chronic laxative use
Signs: loctural bowel movements, watery, frequent, hypokalemia
Histology: pigment in the macrophages of the lamina propria
Findings in CLL?
Extreme fatigue, hepatosplenomegaly, smudge cells, lymphocytosis with mature lymphocytes
Electrolye abnormalities with furosemide?
Hypokalemia, hypomagnesia
Shilling test detects?
pernicious anemia
What labs should be checked prior to starting lithium?
Creatinine, thyriod function
Signs of TSH secreting pituitary adenoma?
overproduction of alpha subunit, with elevated TSH, T4
Ear wax
Hearing loss with bone pain in an older adult?
Pagents disease, osteoclast dysfunction
Major complication of pseudotumor cerebri?
Muddy brown casts?
Acute tubular necrosis, renal tubular epitherlial cells
Over 40 and diagnosed with DM type 2, what drug should be added?
Next step after diagnosing myasthenia gravis?
CT imaging to evaluate thymoma
Side effects of Cyclosporine?
nephrotoxicity, hyperkalemia, HTN, gum hypertroophy, hirsutism, tremor

Ruptured berry aneurysm
When can a gift be accepted by a physician?
When they are small and directly benefit patient care
Hemoglobin levels in fragmentation from prostetic heart valves?
Treatment for borderline personality disorder?
Dialectival behavioral therapy
Microphthalmia and cutis aplasia?
small eyes and absence of the epidermis over the skull, associated with trisomy 13 (Patau
low-grade fever and violaceous skin lesions with scrappings demonstrating yeast?
Features associated with narcolepsy?
hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations
sleep paralysis
Good prognostic factors for schizophrenia?
positive psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions) as opposed to negative symptoms (flat affect, loss of motivation, anhedonia)
Side effects of oxytocin?
hyponatremia, hypotension, tachysystole
Serosanguineous draining and incision pain cause? Risk factors?
incisionla hematoma
Risk factors: obesity, hypocoagubility
Behcet syndrome
painful ulcers on oral and genital areas
heal spontaneously within 1-3 weeks
Is a hematocele painful?
Severe hot flashes, episodic pounding sensationchronic diarrhea, weight loss, valvular heart disease with tricuspid regurgitation
Carcinoid syndrome
Trastuzumab cardiotoxicity?
Myocardial stunning/hibernation without destruction -> reversible
Open angle glaucome? Population Treatment:
Population: AA
Gradual loss of peripheral vision of years, eventually tunnel vision
intraocular pressure is high -> cupping of the optic disk
Treatment: Timolol, laser trabeculoplasty
Name? Diagnosis

Koplik spot, measles
How do uric acid stones form?
chronic bicarb loss through diarrhea -> acid urine -> crystal deposition
How to get urine samples from infants and toddlers in diapers with suspected UTI?
Cath to obtain a sterile specimen
Lab findings in autoimmune hepatitis, most common group affected?
Lab: increase AST/ALT/ALK, total bilirubin levels
Most effected: young woman
Treatment of lyme disease for pregnant, lactating, and children under 8? Alernative, if allergic?
Amoxicillin, Alt. Azithromycin
Acute fever, confusion, headache, neck stiffness, cerebrospinal fluid eveidence of neutrophilic pleocytosis?
bacterial meningitis
Effects of H1-antihistamines in the elderly?
Anticholinergics -> acute urinary retention due to hypoactive detrusor
Dress syndrome? Time?
Drug - allopurinol and antiepileptics are more common
Reaction (morbiliform eruption that starts of face or upper trunk and becomes diffuse
Systemic symptoms - fever, malaise, diffuse lympadenopathy
Time: 2-8 weeks after starting drug
Signs of myasthenic crisis? Treatment?
revere respiratory weakness -> respiratory failure
Increased feneralized and bulbar muscle weakness
Precipitated by infection
Treatment: plasma phoresis
Acute rheumatic fever?
grank arthritis, erythema marginatum, fever
Clinical manifestations of hereditary hemochromatosis?
elevated liver enzymes, diabetes mellitus, arthropathy (calcium pyrophospate crystal deposition), skin pigmentatio, hypogonadism (dec. labido, erectile dysfunction), restrictive cardiomyopathy
Use of ultrafiltration?
massive volume voerload whose condition does not response adequately to diuretics
Defect in osteogenesis inperfecta?
type 1 collagen mutations
Side effects of beta-2agonists?
reduce serum potassium by driving intracellularly
focal parenchymal scarring and blunted calyces, think? Diagnosis?
Vesicoureteral reflux
Diagnosis: voiding cystourethrogram
Treatment for sickle cell acute chest syndrome?
Transfusion exchange
progressive dyspnea, nonproduce cough, bilateral check crackles, pulmonary infiltrate in someone with antiarrhthymias?
Amiodarone-induced insterstitial pneumonitis
Diagnosis? Description?

“sunburst pattern”
rubbery, mobile mass in young woman? Timing?
fibroadenoma, most commonly found premenstrual
Hematoma presentation
tender, ecchymotic, indurated firm, mass
“popping” sensation followed by serosanguieous drainage and an incision bulge
fascial dihiscence
Signs of testicular cancer?
Age 15-35
Signs: unilateral painless testicular nodule, firm, ovoid mall
Diagnosis: AFP, beta HCG
Treatment: orchiectomy
Short stature, primary amenorrhea, absent thelarche?
Turnery syndrome
scaly papules or plaques on fair-skiin individuals? Risk factors?
Actinic kertosis, chronic sun exposure
What happens in hyperventilation?
Increased bicarb in the urine to reduce the alkylosis
Antibodies found in hashimoto thyroiditis?
antithyroid perocidase
Hyperemesis gravidarum vs normal nausea
Ketones present in the urine define HG
periodic sharp waves of EEG?
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Temporal mandibular joint syndrome?
noctural teeth drinding -> TMJ
Signs of carcinoid syndrome?
Flushing, secretory diarrhea, cutaneous telangiectasias, bronchospasm, tricuspid regurgitation
What type of dementia is associated with primitive refleces?
frontal release isngs -> frontotemporal dementia
Breast cancer that presents with dimpiling?
Inglammatory breast carcinoma “peau d’orange”
Anticholinergic toxicity
hyperthermia, delirium ,dyriasis, dry mucous membranes, urinary retention, decreased bowel sounds
Diagnosis? Treatment?

Acne vulagaris
Treatment: topical retinoids plus organic acids or benzoyl peroxide
Sodium bicarbonate treats what overdose?
Tricyclic and aspirin
How to treat atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia?
vagal maneuvers that increase parasympathetic tone and slow the AV node conduction and increase refractory period
Side effects of SSRI?
decreased labido, decreased arousa, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia in woman, increased efaculation latency in men
Mst common cardiac defect in down syndrome?
complete atrioventricular septal defect
Diagnosis? Cause? Treatment?

Intertrigo, candida special
Causes: disruption of skin barrier, excessive moisture
Signs: “mirror imaging” pattern across skin forl, satelite lesions
When to use tetanus IG?
When patient has symptomatic tetanus, otherwise just give tetanus vaccine
Laboratory findings in primary adrenal deficiency?
Decraese aldosterone, cortisol
increased ACTH
hyperkalemia, hyponatremia
Signs of fiardiasis infection?
watery diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain
How to treat SIADH initially?
fluid restriction
Signs that suggest amyloidosis? HIstology?
rheumatoid arthritis (predisposes to amyloidosis), enlarged kidneys and hepatomegaly
Histology: amyloid deposits that stain with congo red
Why is protein restriction contraindicated in cirrhoses?
Risk associated with thyroid surgery?
Removal of the parathyroid
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
limping as a tolder, painful degerative joint disease
Best trial to measure incidence?
Lab findings in pagent disease?
Elevated Alk Phos, PINP, urine hydrocyproline
Normal calcium, phosphorus
Elevated conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and elevated level sof alkaline phosphatase
cholestasis, US
non functioning gonadotroph adenomas primarily secrete what?
Alpha subunit
What type of aneurysm is a berry?
Subarachnoid, also known as a saccular aneurysm
Polycystic kidney disease
flank pain, hematuria, renal failure, HTN, larege palpable kidneys
No protienuria
Systemic action of Calcium channel blockers? Cause?
Dilation of precapillary vessels (arteriolar dilation)
Cause: increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
Acute Mesenteric ischemia diagnosis?
CT angiogram
red cell distribution use?
Early measurment of iron deficiency, elevated >20% are suggestive
Side effect of carbamazepine?
SIADH via increasinf vasopressin-2 receptors
Diagnostic method for fibroids?
Complications from liver cirrhosis on males?
Testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, loss of sexual hair
Signs of entamoeba histolytica? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Developing nations, contaminated food/water, fecal oral rout (rare)
Findings: colitis (diarrhea, bloody stool with mucus, abdominal pain, liver abscess (RUQ pain, fever)
Diagnosis: stool ova and parasites, stool antigen testing, E. histolytica serology (liver abscess)
Treatment: metronidazole
What does increasing study size do to precision? Accuracy?
Increased precision
No change in accuracy
What factors have the greatest impact at improving blood pressure?
Weight loss, DASH diet
Hallmark of vertricular aneurysm?
persistent STS segment elevation
Stress-induced cardiomyopathy
“apical ballooning syndrome” transient systolic dusfunction of apical and/or mid segments of the left ventricle with hyperkinesis of the basal segments causing “balloon-like” appearance
Treatment of septic pelvic thrombophlebitis?
anticoagulation, broad spectrum antibiotics
Most common congenital infection worldwde?
In acute pneumonia, what is responsible for hypocemia?
right-to-left intrapulmonary shunting
Treatment for myocarditis?
supportive, dieretics, inotropes
Colonoscopy findings of C. Diff?
bowel wall edema, eerythema, friability
mosquito with dormant phase?
p vivax, hides in liver
penetrating abdominal trauma and perotonitis?
Ex lap
Hormone levels in cushings syndrome?
Increased cortisol
decreased ACTH, DHEA
no suppression by dexamethasone