Pediatrics Flashcards
When does neonatal conjunctivitis from Chlamydial infections occur? Treatment?
5-14 days after delivery?
Treatment: ORal erythromycin
Linear lesions with pruritus and erythematous streaks with edema and vesicles after camping?
Poison Ivy- Contact Dermatitis
Complications of hemophilia A and B
Hemophilic arhropathy -> iron/hemosiderin deposition leading to sunovitis and fibrosis
Todd paralysis
self-limited, focal weakness that occurs after focal or generalized seiure; presents in the postictal period with partial or compelte hemiplegia involving ipsilateral arm
Herpetic Gingitcostomatitis: Cause, Signs
Cause: HSV1
Signs: Fever, Pharngitis, Erythematous gingiva, Clusters of small vescicles on anerior oropharynx
Signs of Diamond-Blackfan syndrome?
Macrocytic anemia, low reticulocyte count, congenital anomalies
Average age of onset is 3 months
Painful vescibles with “punched out” erosions and hemorrhagic crusting superimposed on a child with atopic dermatitis?
Legg-calve-perthes disease
Average onset 4-10, incisious onset, antalgic gait (less time on one side), long-term pain
Most common bacterial infection in children with CF?
S. Aureus, especially with concurrent influenza.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
scoliosis, joint laxity, skin hyperelasticity
Signs on leukocyte adhesion deficiency?
Recurrent skin and mucosal infections, no pus, poor wound healing
Most common cause of sepsis in sickle cell patients?
S. pneumoniae
X-linked agammaglobulemia?
Alternative name?
Low B-cells, low Ig levels
AKA: Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia
First step in the evaluation of a neonate with emiesis?
Cessation of enteral feeds, NG tube decompression, IV fluids, XRay to rule out pneumoperitoneum
When should you suspect tricuspid atresia?
Cyanotic infant with left axis deviation, small or absent R waves,
Signs of vitamin D deficiency in an infant?
Delayed fontanel closure, enlarged skull, costochondral joints (achitic rosary), long-bone joint widening, genu varum (bowed legs)
Children under 8 years of age should be treated for erythema hronicum migrans from lyme disease with?
Over 8?
Under 8: Amoxicillin
Over 8: Doxycycline
What is spondylolisthesis? Signs?
Developmental disporder characterized by forward slip of vertebrae (L5 over S1)
Signs: Chronic back pain, neurological dysfunction, palpable step-off
Job syndrome?
Normal levels of B-cells, Ig, except with hyper IgE
Acute management of a sickle cell patient with signs of stroke?
Exchange transfusion, dilutes amount of sickled cells in blood
Developmental milestones at 12 months?
Stands well, walks first steps, 2-finger pincer, says first words, separation anxiety, comes when called
Early adolescent obese male that presents with hip or knee pain of insidious onset that causes limping? Treatment?
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
x: surgical pinning
Malignant spindle cell neplasm found in patiens 30-60. Painful mass. Osteolytic lesion whose margins can be well-defined or ragged and moth-eaten
Congenitial CMV infections signs? Treatment?
Growth restriction, microcephaly, periventirular calcification, hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia
Treatment: Valganciclovir
Findings: Soft tissue mass, “sunburst pattern”, periosteal elevation (Codman traingle)
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: Cause? Clincal Manifestations? Complications? Surveillance?
Cause: Desregulation of imprinted gene expression on 11p15
Manifestations: Fetal meacrosomia, rapid growth, macroglossia, hemihyperplasia, medial abdominal wall defects
Complications: Wilms tumor, hepatoblastoma
Surveillance: Serum AFP, abdominal/renal US
Signs of sepsis?
Fever, chills, hypotension, leukocytosis, bandemia
How to diagnose Laryngomalacia?
Confirmation by flexible laryngoscopy for moderate-severe cases
Vertebral, anal atresia, cardiac abnormalities, radial (skeletal) and renal
What findings of a pediatric burn would suggest child abuse?
Sparing flexor surfaces
Diagnostic test for Chronic Granulomatous disease?
Neutrophil function testing
- Dihydrohodamine 123 test
- nitroblue tetrazolium test
Heinz bodies
Aggregates of denatured hemogobin, seen in patients with hemolysis due to G6PD deficiency and thalassemia
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
4 pulmonay veins fail to make the normal connection to the left atrium. Righ atrium received blood from both pulmonary and systemic venous system.
Signs: right venticle hypertrophy, and right axis deviation
Pyridoxine (B6) deficiency
Cheilosis, stomatitis, glossitis, irritability, confusion, depression
Acute Rheumatic fever: Major and minor signs
Major: Migratory Arthritis, Carditis, Subcutaneous nodules, Erythema marginatum, Sydenham Chorea
Minor: Fever, arthralgias, Elevated ESR, CRP, Prolonged PR interval
condensed nuclear chromatin, small nucleoli with scant agranular cytoplasm
Herpangina: cause, signs
Cause: Coxachie A virus
Signs: Feverm pharyngitis, gray vesicles/ulcers on posterior oropharynx, hands, feet
Clincal signs of glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency?
Lab Findings?
Doll-like face, thin extremities, short stature, protuberant abdomen
Lab findings: Hypoglycemia, high blood uric acid, total cholesterol, triglymerides, lactic acid levels
What is the next step in management after capillary samples tested positive for increased lead?
Venous blood lead level
Tests used to diagnose DM type 1?
glytamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), IGF-1, IGFBP
Aldolase B deficiency causes?
Fructose intolerance- vomiting, poor feeding, lethargy, serizures or enxephalopathy
Hemolytic uremic syndrome: Signs? Lab findings? Treatment?
Signs: Diarrhea, lethargy, irritability, pallor, bruising or petechiae, oliguria, edema
Lab findings: Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, Incresed hematuria, proteinuria, casts, increased bilirubin
Treatment: Fluid/electrolyte management, blood transfusion, dialysis
What is a small for gestations age newborns at risk for developing?
Hypoxia, perinatal asphyxia, meconium aspiration, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, hypocalcemia, and polycythemia (due to hypoxia)
What congenital heart defects are present in patients with Down syndrome? Presentation?
Complete atrioventricular septal defect
Signs: Loud S2 d/t pulmonary hypertension
Systolic ejection murmur (increased flow across pulmonary valve from left to right shunt)
Holosystolic murmur of VSD (soft or absent if defect is large)
When does alloimmune hemolytic disease occur?
“A” and “B” offspring of “O” mothers
What cardiovascular abnormalities are in turner’s syndrome?
Bicuspid aortic valve
Findings suggestive of hypertrophic adenosis?
Postnasal drip, elongated facial heatures, mucopurulent nasal discharge, loud mouth breathing
VSD murmur description?
Pansystolic murmur hear loudest at the left lower sternal border and a diastolic rumble at the apex due to increase flow across mitral valve
Hereditary spherocytosis
Inc. mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
Spherocytes on peripheral smear
Negatove coombs test
Increased osmotic gragility on acidiied glyceral test
Abnormal eosin-5-meleimide binding test
Child has a desire to kill his mother and must recite a prayer 10-12 times to overcome it. Diagnosis? Treatment?
Diagnosis: Obsessive-compulsive disorder- can be obsessive (symmetry), or compulsive (must hurt mother)
Treatment: First-line: SSRI (Fluoxetine) or CBT
Second-line: Clomupramine and antipsychotic augmentation
Third-line (refractory): Deep-brain stimulation
Severe combined innumodeficiency: Signs
lymphopenia, recurrent infections, and failure to thrive,
ADA deficiency
Defect in Prader-Willi syndrome
Deletion of the paternal copy of chromosome 15q11-q13
Most effective form of emergency comtraception?
Copper IUD
Tetralogy of Fallot murmur?
Harsh systolic ejection murmur over the left upper sternal border, single S2
Workup for a newborn with bilious vomiting without a bowel movement?
Abdominal Xray -> contrast enema
High blast count with strongly positive periodic acid schiff (PAS) reaction, in a 2-10 year old?
Lymphoblastic leukemia
What type of vaccination prevents S. pneumoniae?
Conjugate capsular polysaccharide
Kallman Syndrome
X-linked recessive disorder of migration of fetal gonaotropin-releasing hormoes and olfactory neurons.
Clincal Signs: short stature, delayed or absent puberty, normal genotype and internal reproductive organs, anosmia/hyposmia
Red flags for type 1 DM
Polyuria, polydipsia, enuresis (increased urinary incontinence)
When should gonads be removed in complete androgen insensitivity?
After puberty, the benefits of gonad-stimulated puberty outweigh the risk of malignancy
Alternative name for laryngotracheititis?
Signs of increased intracranial pressure?
Morning vomiting and noctural headaches
Erythema marginatum of Rheumatic fever
What disorders are commonly associated with mitral valve prolapse?
Connective tissue disorders (Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos sundrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, etc)
Infants born to diabetic mothers are at risk for?
Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hyperbilirubinemia, polycythemia
Cardiomyopathy, GI atresia, urinary malformations, hyaline membrane disease
Most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in adolescents?
Immature hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis -> anovulation cycles
Signs of pinworm infections?
Perianal puritus, especially at night, may extend into the volvula in pre-pubertal women
Cyanotic when stressed and asymptomatic at rest?
Tetralogy of Fallot
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
AR disorder characterized by oculocutaneous albinism and recurrent cutaneous infections
Staph. aureus and Strep pyogenese are most common
Components of DiGeorge’s Syndrome?
Conotruncal cardiac defects
Abnormal Facies
Thymic aplasia/hypoplasia
Cleft palate
(t-cell lymphopenia is present)t
Burton agammaglobulinemia- Lab findings
Normal T-cells, absent B cells, low serum immunoglobulin, absent lymphoid tissue
When is a murmur benign?
Normal activity levels, early of mid-systolic, Grade I or II, low-putched muscicle or squeaky tone at LLSB (still’s murmur) or high-pitched at LUSB (pulmonary flow murmur)
Signs of botulisism?
Bilateral bulbar palsies (ptosis, sluggish pupillary response to light, poor sucking), constipation, drooling, and summetric descending flaccid paralysis
Caput seccedaneum
diffuse, sometimes ecchymotic swelling of the scape. Usually involved the portion of the head presenting during vertex delivery. May extend across midline and suture lines
Most common cause of orbital cellulitis?
Bacterial sinusitis
OsGood-Schlatters Disease; traction apophysitis
What are pink stains or “brick dust” in neonatal diapers?
Uric Acid crystals
Seborrheic dermatitis:
Erthematous plques and/or yellow, greasy scales
What are turner’s syndrome at increased risk for?
Osteoporosis- they lack protective estrogen production -> increased bone reabsorption
Cause of intussusception in children younger than 2? Older?
< 2: recent viral illness or rotavirus vaccination
>2: Meckel’s diverticulum, HSP, Celiac disease, intestinal tumor, polyps
Non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (late-onset)
Premature adrenarche/pubarche, sever cystic acne (resistent to treatment), accelerated linear grwoth, advanced bone age
In a child less than 24 months, what should occur after the treatment of her first febrile UTI?
Renal and bladder ultrasound
Signs of fetal alcohol syndome
Small head, small palebrl fissures (eyes), smooth philtrum, thin vermilion border (lip)
What gross motor milestones should occur at 18 months?
Run, kicking a ball
Adolescent male
Benign bone tumor, osteoid osteoma
Pain is relieved by NSAIDS
Treatment for Impetigo?
Oral cephalexin (widespread)
mupirocin (topical, localized)
Fetal exposure to cocaine
Jitteriness, excessive sucking, hyperactive moro reflex
What should all sexually active women under 24 be screened for?
Chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeae
Risks of maternal diabetes?
Macrosomic getus, shoulder dystocia (crepitus, asymmetric moro reflex), clavicle fracture, brachial nerve palsies, perinatal asphyxia, neonatal hypoxic encephalopathy, polycythemia
Heroin intoxication in a fetus, signs?
Interuterine growth retadation, irritability, high-pitched cry, poor sleeping, tremors, sweating, sneezing, diarrhea
What type of vasculitis is Henoch-Schlnlein purpura? Complications?
Immunoglobulin A-mediated
Complications: renal involvement; microscopic or macroscopic hematuria, red cel casts, mild to moderate proteinuria, with normal-slightly elevated serum creatinine
**Can lead to nephrotic syndrome, HTN, acute renal failure
Heart defect associated with Edwards Syndrome? Murmur description?
Holosystolic murmur that is heard beast at the lower left sternal border
Purpose of the CH50 test?
Determines total complement levels
Risk of gonad-derived cancer in turners syndrome compared to general population?
10-30 times higher (15-30%). Gonad development should be closely monitored and an earlier gonadectomy could be required.
Clinical manifestations of Prader-Willi? Common complications?
Poor suck and feeding problems in infancy, compulsive binge-eating and obesity-related problems
Complications: Sleep Apnea, DM type II
What can cause flaccid paralysis? How?
Infant botulism- ingestion of C. botulinum spores from dust
Foodborne- C. botulinum toxin from food
Guillain-Barre syndrome- Autoimmune peripheral nerve demyelination
Tinea Capitis, dermatophyte infection
Tx: Oral terbinefine, friseofulvin, itraconazole, fluconazole
Measles vs Rubella
Measles: High fever (>104), cephalocaudal rash over multiple days , cervical adenopathy
Rubella: maculopapular cephocaudal rash over 24 hours (sparing palms and soles), polyarthralgia
Patient with meningitis and petechial rash?
Neisseria meningtides
What solutions should be used to resusitate an infant that is hypovolemia, but hypernatremia?
0.9% NS
Niacin (b3) deficiency
Pellegra (dermatitis, diarrhea, delusions, glossitis)
Riboflavin deficiency signs:
Angular choelosis, stomatitis, glossitis, normocytic anemia, seborheic dermatitis
Treatment for migraines in pediatric populations?
Acetaminophen or NSAID and supportive mangement (dark room, etc)
Clinical features of medulloblastomas?
Ataxia and truncal instability