Uworld Mix 10/7/18 Flashcards
74 year old woman is brought in because she had an unprovoked fall last year, and another 6 months ago. She is mildly forgetful, has mood swings, and is depressed. She also has htn and stress urinary incontinence. She has weakness and deficits on the right side. She has low volume of speech and flat affect. what would neuroimaging show.
Cortical/cubcortical infarctions. Has vascular dementia
What condition is associated with MEDIAL temporal lobe atrophy on imaging?
What metabolic conditions do you see with Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hypokalemia, Metabolic Alkalosis from elevated bicarb, which promotes NH3.
What is the immediate treatment for Hepatic Encephalopathy with hypokalemia
Potassium repletion, THEN IVF with lactulose
80 year old woman is in the ED for lethargy and confusion. She has HTN, T2DM, CAD, Peripheral Vasc Disease, and Previous stroke. She had an MI 10 years ago. BP 74/48, pulse is 124/min, resp 24. She has a sacral ulcer with purulent drainage. Slight hyponatremia. Cr 2.2, glucose 250. She has a low normal PCWP, and an increased Mixed Venous O2 sat level. What is the PATHOLOGICAL reason she has Hypotension
Reduced Cardiace Afterload - they have septic shock from the infected ulcer, which is characterized by normal to low PCWP, RA, Increased Cardiac Output, Decreased SVR, and INCREASED McO2!!
What kind of MvO2 is with Septic Shock?
What kind of shock is seen with decreased MvO2
Hypovolemic and Cardiogenic.
Why do you see increased MvO2 with Septic shock
Hyperdynamic circulation, as CO is increased, there is an inability of of tissues to adequately extract O2
Describe Cardiogenic Shock
Cool extremities, hypovolumia, increased PCWP, increased RA, Increased SVR, decreased CO, and decreased contractility.
What do you see when theres a lesion BELOW the pons with a patient with bells palsy.
CN 7 lesion - in the affected side, cant raise the eyebrow, cant close the eye, drooping of the mouth, and no nasolabial fold.
What facial features do you see when the CNS lesion is ABOVE the facial nucleis, aka above the pons
contralateral lower facial weakness that spares the forehead, dysarthria, hemiparesis
Patient has vision problems in the right eye. When he covers his left, and looks at a line grid, the lines look bent and wavy. What is the dx
Macular degeneration.
What is the dx if the patient is complaining of a “enlarging blindspot”
Papilledema, with mass effect.
Patient has RUQ pain, that radiates to the scapula, that gets worse with inspiration. Bilirubin is 1.2, alp is 110, ASt is 48, ALt is 65. Theres leukocytosis and a fever. with a history of asymptomatic gallstones. What is the MOST INITIAL EVENT that lead to this cause.
Impaction of gallstone in cystic duct.
34 female has swelling redness and pain in the RLExtremity, specifically the right carlf. She has elevated plasma homocystein level. She started on heparin and warfarin. What other therapy is indicated
Pyridoxine - the increased homocystein level is indicative for a lack of B6 which would be a cofacter for cytathionine B Synthase.
What labs/UA do you find in a possible cholesterol embolism
Elevated serum creatining, low complements, Eosinophilia, eosinophiluria, WBC/RBCs in urine.
27 female has joint pain that is bilateral, on the hands, Pips, wrists, knees and ankles. Its worse in the morining. She has had few episodes of loose bowel movements with skin itching. The joints arent red or swelling. She is an elementary school teacher with 2 kids. . What is it, and what anitbody is most likely elevated
Ani-parvovirus B19 IgM antibodies. Pb19 show flu like symptoms, with Erythema INfectiosum symptoms in Kids.
Describe Pb19 infection SxS
Flulike, Erythema infectiousmum, Arthiritis that LOOKS like RA, and pure red cell aplasia in Sickle Cell
How can you tell RA from Pb19 in adults?
Pb19 is very acute, and joints lack swelling and stiffness. theres just pain.
What antibiotic do you give for a patient who is under chemo and suddenly has Febrile Neutropenia (high fever with dramatic decrease in WBCs)
Pip Tazo to protect against Psudomona. The priority is antipseudomonal coverage.