Uworld Infectious Disease 10/6/2018 Flashcards
6 year old with CF has pneumonia and clubbing of the digits with a fever. What is the most likely causative organism
Staphylococcus. YES Pseudomonas pneumonia is more for CF, BUT age matters here. Staph Aureus is most common before the age of 20.
7 year old boy has malaise and head ache 2 weeks after a hiking trip and a tick bite. Rash has a red ring. What is the tx and why
AMOXICILLIN - because he is less than 8 years, and you cant use doxy in <8 kids and pregnancy.
Steps with VAP/Aspiration Pneumo
1) CXR
2) LRT sampling
3) Empiric antibiotics.
40 year old man has 2 weks of fever, malaaise, and 5 lbs weight loss. Has an asymptomatic MVP. He travels a lot. He has decreased breath sounds in lower left lung field, and 2/6 systolic murmur at apex. Labs who WBC 27000, Netup 60%, Bands 15%. IMaging shows left pleural effusion and splenic fluid collection.
INfective endocarditis which is causing a SPLENIC ABSCESS. Think IE because of the previously compromised valve.
38 F has 7 days of fatigue and headache thats getting worse. He has NO confusion, personality chages, or FND. She has thrush, bilateral papilledema, but MRI is NORMAL. What test would confirm
Cryptococcal antigen testing of CSF.
What are features of Cryptococcus Meningoencephalitis
HA, fever, over 2 weeks, papilledema, NORMAL brain MRI, HIV with CD4 <100
Initial Tx of Cryptococcal Meningoencephalitis
Amphoterecin B with FLucytosine
Maintence of Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis
Pregnant patient at 10 weeks has malodorous discharge. Its gray, coats the walls, and shows numerous epithelial cells with bacteria. What is the best management, and what is it
Oral Metronidazol - she has bacterial Vaginosis.
Presentation of Plasmodium vivax aka malaria
CYCLIC Fevers, hepatosplenomegaly, and anemia.
Some features of Inf. Mono
PROLONGED fever, sore throath, jaundice, LAD, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
When do you NOT give Yellow Fever vaccination when they are traveleing.
Allergy to eggs, Immunocompromised <200 CD4, or under immunosupressive therapy like steroids or TNF antagonists, like methotrexate.
Kid has Septic Arthiritis - hip pain with high fever, hypotensive, and leukocytosis
What do you do FIRST
Atherocentesis. THEN empiric antibiotics.
What would be the ABX for a kid with septic arthiritis, when they are <3 months old
Nafcillin or vancomycin + Gentamicin or Cefotaxime. Need coverage for Staph, GBS, AND g - bacilli.
Abx for kid with Septic arthiritis when >3 mo
Nafcillin, Clindamycin, Cefazolin, or Vancomycin. You are just blocking Staph and Strep Species.