Uworld Mix 10/3/2018 Flashcards
What symptoms do you see if they obviously have congestive heart failure, and are very SPECIFIC
BNP levels, dyspnea, 3rd heart sounds
Would you see wheezing in CHF?
sometimes, but not specific
Manifestation of Bartonella Henselae and who has it, how do you treat
Vascular Cutaneous Lesion - possibly bleed
B-like symptoms,
HIV aids in cd4<100
tx is Doxycycline or erythromycin, and anti
45 m has sudden onset skin rash, oral lesions with fever. He cant eat or drink due to pain in his mouth and throat. He also had joint pains prior to the skin lesion.s He was given TMP-SMX 5 days ago. 101F, 110/80 mmHG. Conjunctiva both inflamed. Theres erythmatous desquamating rash with scattereed on the trunk and proxumal thighs. IMage looks like skin layer is peeling after a little burn. Dx?
Steven Johnson Syndrome
SJS features
4-28 days after exposure to trigger
acute flu like symptoms BEFORE
Rapid onset macules, vesicles, and bullae
Mucosal involvement - ulcers and PEELING SKIN IN THE MOUTH
TEN involves >10-30% of the body. SJS doesnt
Drugs that can cause SJS
Allopurinol, ABx, anticonvulsants, NSAIDs, Sulfasalazine
Patient with aids has pain with swallowing, fluconazole didnt ork. has linear irregular ulcers, and biopsy shows intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions. WHat med you give
Ganciclovir, NOT acyclovir. They have CMV esophagitis - large linear ulcerations.
How would you describe ulcers from HSV esophagitis, and how do you treat.
multiple, small and well circumscribed round appearance. Has eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions. use ACYCLOVIR
MEN 1 vs MEN2
MEN1 - Pituitary, Parathyroid, Pancreas
Look for Primary hyperPTH, gastrinoma, VIPoma, Insulinoma, glucagonoma
MEN 2 - if you see Parathyroid symptoms, look for Medullary Thyroid Cancer
How do you confirm Parkinsons
Physical Exam
What is causing Parkinsons
accumilation of alpha synuclein within the neurons of the substantia nigra
What do you see in CT of Parkinsons
What prescreening is needed if you are about to start trastuzamab therapy for a HER2 positive breast cancer
Echocardiography - Cardiotoxicity is a known adverse affect of trastuzamab, so if theres already an issue, they can get heart failure
What would you screen or if you are about to start Aromatase inhibitors in a ER positive breast cancer patient
Bone density scan, since it can cause osteoperosis
If you are screening for FVL disease before giving a drug, what drug are you giving?