UWorld Form 1 Flashcards
Pt anger & takes out on kids
Pt has anger
Takes on an activity to release
Sublimation = mature defense mechanism
Lower ab pain w/ malodorous vag discharge
Postpartum endometritis
Ca++ dependent
Adhesion to epithelial
Winging scapula
Muscle: serratus anterior
Nerves: C5-C7 long thoracic nerve
Damage: maxillary node dissection — mastectomy + stab wounds
Chloride -bicarbonate exchanger
Pancreatic exocrine secretions
Ab pain
CNS effects = anxiety + confusion + Paranoia
Red-brown urine = portwine
Acute intermittent porphyria
↓ porphobilinogen deaminase
Intermittent (only IN the nerve)
Tx cyanide
Sodium thiosulfate = (excrete in urine sulfur donates)
Hydroxocobalamin = excrete in urine (cobalt binds)
Sodium nitrite = nitrites promotes formation of methemoglobin