UW 16 Flashcards
Cavitary lesion that moves with position change
Presentation of Histo on CXR or CT
Central or target calcification
Calcified nodes in the lung, mediastinum, spleen, liver
Presentation of acute hemolytic RXN due to ABO incompatibility
W/in 1 hour
Fever, flank pain, hemoglobinuria, renal failure, DIC
Positive Direct Coombs
Renal Vein thrombosis presentation
Sudden onset Abd pain, fever, hematuria
MC in membranous GN
X-ray findings in Gout
Punched out erosions w a rim of cortical bone
X-ray findings in RA
Periarticular osteopenia and joint margin erosions
Ectopic Pregnancy WU
If B-hCG < 1,500 need TVUS
How does B-hCG change in pregnancy? Ectopic?
Doubles every 48 hours initially
Rises slower in Ectopic
Latency period
When amount of time passes before exposure to a risk modifier has a clinically evident effect on disease process
Presentation of constrictive pericarditis
Scarring, loss of elasticity of pericardial sac - prevents venous return to the right heart during inspiration causing right heart failure
Peripheral edema, ascites, hepatic congestion w hepatomegaly, elevated JVP
Best preventive measure for post op atelectasis
Breathing exercises
Forced expiration technique
Incentive spirometry
Hepatojugular reflex indicates
Failing RV that cannot accommodate increase in venous return w abdominal compression
MCC of hepatojugular reflux
Constrictive pericarditis
RV Infarction
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
When to involuntarily admit Psych pts
Command auditory hallucinations to hurt self or others
Danger to self/others
Grave disability to care for self
Presentation of Adult Still’s Dz
Inflammatory disorder
Recurrent high fevers > 39/102
Rash - maculopapular, nonpruritic, trunk and extremities
Do we see arthritis in Post strep GN
No fingertip pain either - think IE
Pathophys of renal probs in multiple myeloma
Obstruction of distal and collecting tubules by large laminated casts that contain paraproteins
Posterior urethral valve Presentation
Boys only
MCC chronic renal insufficiency children
Presentation of AR PKD
Large flank massess
REsp distrress- pulm hypoplasia
Potter faces
Recurrent/chronic pyelonephritis
Parenchymal scarring
Renal insufficiency
Causes of Fetal Growth Restriction
Symmetric - Fetal factors
Asymmetric - Maternal factors
Causes of asymmetric growth restriction
Cigarette smoking
Causes of symmetric growth restriction
Genetic disorders
Congenital heart dz
IU Infxn
MCC IU Infxn
CMV - most women asymptomatic
Metabolic derangement w ASA toxicity
Resp Alkalosis - stimulates resp center in medulla causing tachynea
AG Met Acidosis = uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
Long-term home oxygen for COPD pt reqs
- PaO2 < 55 or SaO2 55%
3. resting awake PaO2.60 w SaO2 > 90
Heme values in Hypovolemic shock
LOW: RAP, PCWP, CI, Mixed venous O2 sat
High: SVR
Heme values in Cardiogenic shock
High: RAP, PCWP, SVR, Mixed venous O2 sat
Heme values in Septic shock
High: CI, Mixed venous O2 sat
Normal/slight low: RAP, PCWP
MCC of First degree AV block w normal QRS duration
Conduction delay in AV node
Pt w fetus w BL renal agenesis and PROM
Allow spontaneous vag delivery
Incompatible w life
Presentation of CLL
Poor prognostic factor in CLL
Presentation Pulmonary contusion
Parenchymal bruising - lung
Tachypnea, tachycardia, hypoxia
PE of pulm contusion
Chest wall bruising
Decreased breath sounds
CXR pulm contusion
Patchy irregular alveolar infiltrate
ARDS v Pulm contusion
ARDS - 24-48 hrs from trauma
BL lung involvement
P. contusion - within 24 hrs
MC predisposing factor - acute bacterial sinusitis
Viral URI
Antipsychotic causes hypothermia
Fluphenazine - inhibits autonomic thermoregulation/body’s shivering
Other typical APs
MC AE of Radioiodine therapy
- Hypothyroidism
2. Ophthalmopathy
Anticholinergic effects of antihistamines
Eye/oropharyngeal dryness
Urinary retention - Inhibit muscarinic receptors in PS - failure of detrusor to contract
Presentation amaurosis fugax and MCC
Transient visual loss
“Curtain falling down”
MCC retinal emboli from Ipsi carotid artery - atherosclerosis
MCC constrictive pericarditis in developing countries
Management of PEA
2. Vasopressors - epineprhine
Management of Pulseless V tach
What does malassezia furfur cause?
Tinea Versicolor - pale, velvety pink/whitish hypopigmented macules
TX: topical selenium sulfide and ketoconazole
PT on OCPs w high BP management
- Discontinue OCP and reassess
- Persists - lifestyle modification
- Low dose thiazide
Presentation of avascular necrosis of femoral head
Sickle Cell
Pain in hip progressive
Polymyositis Presentation
Slowly progressive proximal muscle weakness of LE
Difficulty ascending/descending stairs or rising from sitting
Next - Prox UE weakness = difficulty combing hair
NO skin fidings
Best diagnostic study for polymyositis
Muscle Bx
- mononuclear infiltrate surrounding necrotic and regenerating muscle fibers
Asplenic pts unable to mount which kind of response?
Intracellular killing defect ass’d with
NADPH oxidase deficiency