ut + subjunctive Flashcards
Most men having died, the rest hurried to reach the general.
plurimi mortui, ceteri festinaverunt ut ad imperatorem pervenirent.
These soldiers marched through Italy to help the allies.
hi milites per Italiam contenderunt ut socios adiuvarent.
Many citizens hurried to the temple to praise the goddess.
multi cives ad templum festinaverunt ut deam laudarent.
When he entered the city, very many citizens came to greet him.
ubi urbem intravit, plurimi cives venerunt ut eum salutarent.
A few citizens hurried to the walls to look at the legions.
pauci cives ad muros festinaverunt ut legiones spectarent.
The storm, which attacked the city, was so great that the citizens were terrified.
tempestas, quae urbem oppugnavit, tanta erat ut cives perterriti essent.
Therefore many citizens were so frightened that they departed from the city.
itaque multi cives tam perterriti erant ut ab urbe discederint.
The leaders of the people, fearing that they would be killed, promised gifts.
duces populi, timentes ne necarentur, dona promiserunt.
They feared that the soldiers would kill the new emperor.
timuerunt ne milites novum imperatorem necarent.
The besieged general asked the senators to send help.
imperator obsessus senatores rogavit ut auxilium mitterent.
When the ambassadors arrived, they encouraged the senators to give them help.
ubi legati advenerunt, senatores hortati sunt ut auxilium sibi darent.
He ordered all the citizens to guard the slaves.
iussit omnes cives servos custodire.
imperavit omnibus civibus ut servos custodirent.
When the enemy attacked the city, the citizens begged her to destroy them.
ubi hostes urbem oppugnaverunt, cives eam oraverunt ut eos deleret.
Many citizens begged Marcus to hurry to Rome.
multi cives Marcum oraverunt ut Romam festinaret.
The king ordered everyone to resist the enemy bravely.
rex omnes iussit hostibus fortiter resistere.
rex omnibus imperavit ut hostibus fortiter resisterent.