USMLE Step 3 Flashcards
Patient presents with acute onset le5ft foot pain, diminished pulses, pale cooler foot. Young patient (25) with murmur (apical diastolic murmur). Cause?
left atrial myxoma
inheritance of hemophilia A?
x linked recessive
Patient has decreased hearing and subq nodules. Fam hx: dad has bilateral deafness tx with surgery. Patient has hypopigmented spots on his back. MRI shows bilateral cerebellopontine angle masses. Cell type causes sx?
schwann cells - acoustic neuromas develop from proliferation of schwann cells
Rash with stuck on appearance, how do you diagnose? dx?
seborrheic keratosis
benign lesions, clinical exam only
tx of cryptococcal meningitis?
ampotericin B and flucytosine, if worsening mental status consider repeat LPs
HIV patient with lesions. Described as multiple small papules with central umbilication all over body and some have central necrosis. Dx?
cutaneous cryptococcosis
Side effect of TURP for resection of BPH?
dry ejaculate
what factors do you use to monitor lupus nephritis?
serum complement or anti ds DNA levels
trigger for hemodialysis based on lithium level?
greater than 4.0, 2.5-4 with severe neuro sx or AKI, fluids are not working
dx confirmation of urethral diverticulum?
MRI of pelvis or TVUS
length of time for tx of TB meningitis?
12 months
When are corticosteroids used in patient with HIV and PCP?
a-a oxygen gradient > 35, or arterial oxygen tension < 70
HTN agent that causes photosensitivity reactioN?
tx of ringworm of thescalp or tinea capitis?
oral griseofulvin
dx of patient with polyarticular arthropathy associated with hepatomegaly and diabetes?
hereditary hemochromatosis
patient’s with hereditary hemochromatosis are at increased risk for?
hepatocellular carcinoma
tx of seborrheic dermatitis?
selenium sulfide, ketoconazole
topical calcineurin inhibitors
best diagnostic test for lumbar spinal stenosis?
MRI of the spine
best next step for patient with unilateral painless scrotal mass?
US of the scrotum
most common complication to occur from bacterial conjunctivitis?
tx of bacterial conjunctivitis in contact wearers? in non contact wearers?
cipro drops, erythromycin drops
dx of patient with elevated alk phosph and unexplained pruritus? after LFTs and hepatitis panel and US of RUQ what is the next best test?
antimitochondrial antibody levels
what tx can slow progression of PBC
ursodeoxycholic acid
6 contraindications to tPA?
- presence of active internal bleeding
- bleeding diathesis (pltl below 100,000)
- hypodensity in > 33% of arterial territory on CT scan
- intracranial surgery in last 3 months
- BP > 185/110
tx of one lesion of actinic keratitis? tx of multiple lesions?
cryosurgery or surgical excision
5-fluorouracil cream
2 ways to increase oxygenation of patient on vent?
increase PEEP
increase FiO2
tx of gout in patient with renal failure and history of GI bleed? first line tx of gout in normal patient?
intra-art corticosteroids
concern about thyroid nodule after ultrasound. Next step?
get TSH
concern about thyroid nodule if TSH is low. next step?
radionucleotide scan
concern about thyroid nodule if TSH is high. next step?
concerned about neuroendocrine tumor based on labs. Next step?
MRI of abdomen or CT scan
risk of colon cancer in patient by age of 45 if + colon polyps (FAP)
> 95%
3 year old with lump in armpit, fever, dogs and cats at home and attends daycare. next step in management? dx?
cat scratch disease
how do you follow disease activity in SLE patients?
anti double stranded DNA abd
tx of anti-dsDNA abd in patient with arthralgias, serositis, and cutaneous sx?
prednisone and hydroxychloroquine
tx for mixed cryoglobulinemia associated with hep C infection in normal patient. In patient with impaired renal function?
alpha-interferon and ribaviron
alpha interferon
risk of scaphoid fx in patient not treated?
nonunion and avascular necrosis
sx of infant botulism?
constipation, lethargy, poor sucking, weak crying, impaired gag reflex
difference in lab values of hypoPTH vs pseudohypoPTH?
hypoPTH - low ca, high phosph, low PTH
pseudohypoPTH - low ca, high phosph, high PTH
young patient with DM, osteoporosis, HTN and hypokalemia…dx?
cushing syndrome
tx of tinea versicolor?
topical azole
best diagnostic test for concern for prostate bone mets? for MM bone mets? for mixed?
radioisotope bone scan
plain xrays
bone scans/PET
tx of pyloric stenosis?
correct electrolytes and then pyloromyotomy
abx associated with pyloric stenosis?
best tx for raynaud’s?
nifedipine DHP
original tx for toxic megacolon? next tx?
iv steroids, surgery
extraarticular manifestations of ankylosing spondylitits?
eyes - acute anterior uveitis
heart - aortic regurg
lungs - restrictive lung disase, pulm fibrosis
kidney - iga nephropathy
first screening test of patient with scrotal pain?
cremasteric reflex test, then scrotal elevation
patient with jerking movements an hour of waking up and generalized tonic-clonic seizures in a 16 year old dx and tx?
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, valproic acid
patient with mild c diff tx? patient with moderate c diff? patient with severe c diff?
oral metro
oral vanc
iv metro and oral vanc
infant of mother with poorly controlled diabetes have what heart disease?
hypertrophic septum from glycogen deposits
tx of PML from JC virus in HIV positive patients?
highly active antiretroviral therapy
patient with asthma or CF who develops recurrent fever, malaise, cough with mucoid sputum, wheezing or bronchial obstruction dx? tx?
steroids and itraconazol or voriconazole
tx of shingles?
tx of post herpetic neuralgia?
TCAs, gabapentin, pregabalin
first line therapy of onychomycosis?
greatest sensitivity and negative predictive value for diagnosis or exclusion of osteo of the foot? how do you figure out best tx?
MRI with contrast
bone biopsy to guide abx
single most important factor to determine prognosis of patient with COPD?
patient who is immunocompromised who has painless red macules that progress rapidly to bullae and gangrenous ulcers dx? tx?
ecthyma gangrenosum from pseudomonoas, IV abx
tx of child with ITP?
findings of gastric endoscopy in patient with pernicious anemia?
absent rugae in fundus and body
tx of patients with rosacea and pustules? complications associated with rosacea?
topical metronidazole or azelaic acid
ocular manifestations - test 14
old people diagnosed with depression are more likely to develop which type of depression?
alz or vascular dementia
patient’s with celiac disease see what on GI endo?
villus atrophy with increased intraepi lymph
Patient on carvedilol, hydralazine, isosorbide dinitrate furosemide and spironolactone develops fatigue, night sweats, arthralgia, and pleuritis. Dx?
drug induced lupus from hydralazine
pt treated for syphilis develops HA and muscle pain with temp. dx? tx?
jarisch herxheimer reaction, no prevention/tx
most accurate test to confirm complete achilles tendon rupture
no plantar flexion on calf squeeze
side effects from sodium glucose cotransporter 2 medications which promote glucose reabsorption at the level of the proximal renal tubule
vulvovaginal candidiasis, UTIs from glucosuria
side effect of TURP in addition to retrograde ejaculation?
patient with neutropenia presents with fever, eye pain, decreased visual acuity, white mound like lesion in vitreous. Dx? tx?
candida enophthalmitis
vitrectomy and systemic amphotericin B
Tx of 8 mm small densely pigmented lesion with irregular borders in peripheral right choroid? Tx of >10 mm lesions?
repeat exam in 3 months
what contraindications exist for DTaP vaccine?
anaphylaxis within 7 days of admin of vaccine
encephalopathy within 7 days of admin
Most common extrarenal manifestation of ADPKD?
hepatic cysts
most common side effect of saw palmetto? what is it used to treat?
increased bleeding risk, BPH
most common complication associated with compartment syndrome?
acute renal failure
Preventive treatment for cluster headache?
steps if patient positive for strep agalactiae at 14 weeks?
amox now, PCN prophylaxis during labor
best test to differentiate pancreatic malignancy from nonmalignant causes?
endoscopic ultrasound with aspiration
tx of patient with breast CA who has multiple brain mets?
whole brain radiation
patient’s with tourette’s are most at risk of developing what disease?
OCD - beginning of set #10
next step in patient who has resistant HTN?
renal duplex doppler US or CT/MR angio
SLE patients are at increased for what CV effect?
premature coronary atherosclerosis
how do you calculate odds ratio? meaning?
<1 means exposure is associated with lower odds
> 1 exposure is higher odds of outcome
tx if patient has erosive joint disease in RA?
DMARDS (methotrexate)
Patient presents with fatigue, night sweats, arthralgia/arthritis, and pleuritis/pleural effusion who takes carvedilol, hydral, isosorbide, furosemide and spironolactone for heart failure?
drug induced lupus by hydralazine
check anti-histone abd
specific abd in dermatomyositis?
anti-ro, anti-la, anti-sm, anti-RNP, anti-jo1
patient with RA does not respond to methotrexate and hydroxychlorine, next step in management?
add on another agent, infliximab
strongest known risk factor for male breast cancer?
klinefelters syndrome
calcium elevation, renal insuff, anemia, bone pain should make you think?
multiple myeloma
first line therapy for cluster headaches that last > 2 months?
tx of thick plaques of plaque psoriasis?
topical fluocinonide