USFS Carding Flashcards
What is the objective of the contract?
To obtain the services for Heavy and Medium (Type I and II) Helicopters fully operated, meeting the
technical requirements of this solicitation and the specifications for operation on an on call, Call When
Needed (CWN) basis by multiple agencies party to various National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
inter-agency agreements.
Section A Requirements and Prices contains what information?
Schedule of Items for each aircraft (includes pay rates, contracted weight, and payload)
Minimum aircraft performance specs
Aircraft Weighing
Maximum Personnel and Work Schedules
Standby and extended standby information
Locations of operations (Alaska, Caribbean, Mexico, Canada)
Contract Pilot Qualification
What is the scope of the contract?
(B1 Scope of Agreement)
The intent of this solicitation and any resultant agreement is to obtain helicopters fully operated by qualified and proficient personnel and equipped to meet the specifications contained herein for offered helicopters used in the administration and protection of public lands.
Keep and maintain safety programs for ground and flight operations
During the availability period the helicopter shall be made available for the exclusive use of the government.
Resource Order
A document given to an operator to dispatch an aircraft for initial USFS CWN mission. This form includes the project name, project order number, and the appropriate government agency.
Flight Hour Limitations
8 hours flight time 10 hours flight time (airport-airport) No more than 36 hours in 6 days No more than 42 hours in 6 days Must have two calendar days off in a 14 day period
Duty Hour Limitations
14 hour duty day followed by 10 hours rest
Travel exceeding 30 minutes will be consider duty time, not paid by the government.
SIC requirements
Meet the requirements of the operator’s certificate
Commercial pilot cert RTC Helicopter
Second Class Medical
No USFS card required
PIC hour requirements
1500 PIC Helicopter 100 helicopter preceding 12 months 100 Weight Class 50 Make and Model 10 Make, Model, and Series last 12 months 100 Turbine Helicopter
200 Mountain
10 Mountain, Make and Model
10 VR
2 VR annual currency
PIC VR Proficiency
May be required to demonstrate during evaluation (see Exhibit 13)
When under active agreement and no VR work is accomplished in 30 days, one hour proficiency flight will be paid for by the government.
Long Line External Obstacle Clearance
1.5 times the rotor diameter (75 feet for the 107)
Load Calculation Chart
A load calculation is performed each day prior to mission, it is not performance planning, simply a means of demonstrating payload in the determined conditions.
Power Assurance Checks
Required to be performed every 10 hours of flight time. CHI will perform these daily prior to departing on the first mission.
Aircraft Weighing
Aircraft are required to weighed within 12 months preceding submission for contract, then thereafter every 24 months.
Aircraft must be re weighed after major repair/alterations or changes to the minimum equipment list that affect CG
Helicopters are to remain at or below the contracted weight.
Maximum Personnel for Payment (Type 1 AC)
10 personnel may be paid
Acceptable work schedules?
12/2, 12/6, or 12/12
CHI utilizes a 12/6 schedule
Standby hours per day?
9 Hours, anything over is Extended Standby
Extended Standby Rate?
Minimum wage x 1.5, plus 20% (Currently $52 per hour)