Use of Force Flashcards
Levels of resistance
Complaint, passive, active, aggressive, aggravated aggressive
Low Level force
1) Officer presence, 2) verbal communications, 3) empty hand tactics (takedowns), 4)handcuffs/other lvmpd approved restraints, 5) baton, 6) lvnr (level one), 7)canine, 8) pinching, 9) blocking
Intermediate force
A level of force that has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain and is greater than low-level force.
These use of force require a us of force report
empty hand with injury, baton (strikes/jabs) lvnr (level 2-3) oc spray, dcd, low lethality shotgun (5 yards or greater) canine, pit
deadly force
baton (strikes on head, sternum, spine, groin or kidneys) low lethality shotgun (less than 5 yards) pit (40 or more) ramming, firearm
parameters of deadly force
protect themselves or others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury, 2) prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the off has pc to believe has committed a violent felony crime and is an imminent threat to human life if escape should occur, offs should give some warning if feasible prior to use of deadly force
elements of deadly force
Ability, opportunity, imminent jeopardy, preclusion
parameters and elements of deadly force
must have one parameter and all elements
when reasonable under totality of circumstances, offs should gather information about incident, asses risks, assemble resources, attempt to slow momentum, and communicate and coordinate a response. should use advisements, warnings, verbal persuasion, other tactics. Ofc may withdraw to a more tactical position
supervisor response de-escaltion
a favorable outcome is enhanced when supervisors become involved in the management of an overall response to violent encounters by coordinating resources and officers tactical actions.
times officers may Use force to affect detention, arrest or conduct a search
off may use reasonable force
1) protect themselves
2) protect others
3) affect a lawful detention
4) affect a lawful arrest
5) conduct a lawful search
six times you can handcuff on terry stops
1) Articulable facts the subject is physically uncooperative
2) articulable facts that a suspects actions at the scene may present physical danger to themselves or others if not restrained
3) reasonable possibility of flight based on the actions of the subject
4) information that the subject is currently armed
5) the stop closely follows a violent crime and the subject matches specific parts of the description
6) when there are articulable facts that a crime of violence is about to occur
t/f In a use of force incident, the governmental interest must match the level of force and intrusion upon an individual’s constitutional rights.
2) CIRT is a team put in place to conduct an administrative examination of high-risk law enforcement operations and _____?
uses of deadly force
3) FIT conducts criminal investigations to determine whether the use of force was legally justified under criminal law. FIT also directs the investigation against a subject who either committed crimes which led to ______ or _______?
Use of deadly force or who has committed crimes against the officer
Intermediate force- A level of force that has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain and is _________?
greater than low-level force
Levels of control- Are broad categories of influence and/or force in identifiable escalating stages of intensity they are identified as _____, ____, and _____?
Low level force, intermediate force and deadly force
Low level force is a level of force or control that is neither likely nor intended to cause _____?
7) Public safety statement series of questions to obtain information to determine if there is an immediate threat to public safety and must be taken in a timely manner. Supervisor must take appropriate action to ensure _____ _____, based on the information received from the PSS
public safety
Reportable force- is required under what circumstances?
A) complaint of injury B) continuing pain c) or force greater than low level force
Serious bodily injury- bodily injury that creates substantial risk of death ; causes serious permanent disfigurement or results in ___ or _____ of the functioning of any bodily member or organ?
prolonged loss or impairment
Significant force- any force which results in treatment at a medical facility due to injuries or _____ caused by _____ officer?
alleged injuries , any officer
What is the difference between a witness officer and an officer witness monitor?
witness officer- officer or supervisor who did not participate or influence use of force, Officer Witness Monitor- Officer not involved in use of deadly force, duties are to observe and prevent discussions regarding incident among witnesses or involved officers.
What are the factors for Graham V Connor involving objective reasonable force?
. Severity of crime at issue, whether the subject poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers, whether the subject is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight, the influence of drugs or alcohol or the mental capacity of subject, time available to an officer to make a decision, availability of officers/resources to de-escalate, proximity or access of weapons to subject, environmental factors or exigent circumstances.
How long is the certification for LVNR provided in the academy?
12 hours
On rifle deployment supervisors, will:
address over deployment, proceed immediately to the incident involving rifle deployment and assume tactical control when possible, ensure that rifle deployment is appropriate for the incident, if rifle deployment is inappropriate for the incident, modify or cancel deployment. Supervisor should designate one deploying officer to complete the rifle deployment report and list all deploying officers as “involved officers”
All use of force reports in blue team will be completely coordinated through the officer’s chain of command and entered in IA pro within ____ calendar days of the event.
IA will provide a monthly report to appropriate deputy chief listing all use of force reports which have exceed the ____ day limit.
The following incidents require a Firearm discharge report.
- Accidental discharge of firearm during a law enforcement operation. 2. A firearm discharge resulting in death or serious bodily injury 3. A non-injury or property damage intentional discharge at anything other than a person 4. When shots are fired outside a department range. 5. Resident officer who euthanizes an animal.
t/f Post use of force procedure: Supervisor will complete a Citizen contact for unfounded alleged use of force.
Civilian employee will complete blue team for use of force
yes, empty hand, OC, firearm
t/f All reportable uses of force on a subject regardless of injury will be photographed and downloaded into blue team.
t/f ECD, a supervisor will ensure the data record of the ecd and or the video which a reportable use of force incident occurs will have been uploaded onto blue team prior to the end of shift. (x26 must be uploaded in .pdf or .rtf format
t/f A Supervisor should verify that after an ECD deployment that the probes, wires and cartridge are properly impounded and arrange for replacement cartridge. In case of deadly force CSI will impound the probes, wires and cartridge
t/f In pinching or blocking with contact a use of force will be done and traffic will respond for a traffic incident. CSI should take photos of the cars, scene and all subjects including officers involved.
A supervisor will
A) ensure medical assistance has been requested when applicable B) Respond to scene without necessary delay, if unable to respond request an alternate supervisor at the same level C) Document investigation in citizen contact when alleged use of force is unfounded. D) Ensure the level of force used is non-deadly force E) Notify communications and the area LT or WC to ensure proper notifications are made F) Interview the subject, officer, medical personel and witnesses who claim to have firsthand knowledge of incident, voluntary statements from uninvolved parties. G) Ensure photos are taken an uploaded into blue team H) check surrounding area for video I) third party video allow officer to view only their actions on video and impound it J) review the use of force is justified and in adherence to procedure K) document training deficiencies and misconduct. L) Review that ECD video and cartridge were impounded.
t/f Patrol investigations when available will respond immediately to the scene in a deadly force or serious bodily injury. FIT responds on Any deadly force, PIT over 40, ramming, low lethal less than 5 yards, OIS (fatal or not), in custody death
In a use of force incident, the governmental interest must _____ the level of force and intrusion upon an individual’s constitutional rights.
Imminent Threat
Refers to an impending violence act or resistance that an officer reasonably believes will occur, based on the totality of the circumstances
Force Transitions
The movement escalation/deescalation from the application of one force type to another in conjunction with the “objectively reasonable” standard from Graham v Connor
Deadly Force
Is that degree of force which is likely to produce death or serious bodily injury. It can also be the result of a force option being improperly applied. Deadly Force is not limited to the use of a firearm
Intermediate Force
A level of force that has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain, and is greater than low level force
In use of force incidents, the officer will transition to differing degrees or types of force, including attempts to ___________.
It is the policy of this department that officers hold the ________ ________ for the dignity and liberty of all persons, and place minimal reliance upon the use of force.
highest regard
Medical attention will be summoned for the following Use of Force applications regardless of visible injury or complaint of injury:
- baton/impact weaponsany strikes to the head, neck or groin area 2. OC spray- direct exposure to the facial area 3. LVNR- when applied 4. ECD-Probe strikes to the head, neck or groin area 5. Use of canine-all bites 6. Use of force with a vehicle: PIT over 40, blocking with contact, Pinching, ramming 7. Use of force with a firearm: low lethal- all strikes, Handgun/shotgun/rifleany discharge
Reasonableness must account for the fact that officers are often forced to make split-second judgments in circumstances that are _____, _____ and rapidly _____.
tense, uncertain, evolving
The officer will use a level of force that is necessary and within the range of “____________ -_________” options
Objectively Reasonable
Significant Force
Any force which results in treatment at a medical facility due to injuries or alleged injuries caused by an officer. I.E. Skeletal fractures; injury or complaint of injury to a persons head or sternum area. All significant force is reportable forc
Serious Bodily Injury
A bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death; causes serious permanent disfigurement ; or results in a prolonged loss or impairment of the functioning of any bodily member or organ
Reportable Force
Any use of force which is required to overcome subject resistance to gain compliance that results in death, injury or complaint of injury, complaint of continuing pain or any use of force greater than low level force
The subject’s actions will _____ the Resistance Level and officers will man an objectively reasonable force option choice.