Diversity Flashcards
Preventing complaints supervisors should
MONITOR- the work environment daily for signs of harassment/discrimination
REFRAIN- from encouraging or participating in acts that could be perceived as harassment/discrimination.
COUNSEL- employees on prohibited behavior
STOP- any acts that may be considered harassment and take steps to intervene even if the employees involved are not under their supervision
TAKING- immediate action to limit work contact between two members where there has been a complaint
REPORT- all complaints of harassment/discrimination to the office of employment diversity whether witnessed or reported, formally or informally
Mission of office of employment diversity is two fold
1) provide continuous training to all department members to increase awareness of our culturally diverse community and police dept. to reduce complaints of harassment, discrimination and bias based policing issues
2) to provide objective, thorough and confidential investigations of those complaints that do arise.
Employment diversity and IAB handle which type of diversity/harassment complaints
ED handles internal complaints IAB- handles external
ED handles complaints based on discrimination, diversity and harassment of what
race, religion, sex, national origin, color, age, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or veteran status
Employment practices that appear neutral but have a disproportionately negative effect on members of a protected class.
Adverse impact
All complaints of discrimination and harassment will be reviewed by the EDS ____ ___ using federal, state laws and EEOC standards as a guideline
EDS director
To start the complaint process contact any supervisor, EDS or IAB to help in filing the complaint. Forwards that to the EDS director including all pertinent information within ___ days of the last incident.
complaints of harassment and/or discrimination or sexual harassment are taken seriously and will be dealt with ___, ___, ____ and _____
promptly, thoroughly, impartially and equitably
Complaints that do not address diversity issues will be directed to alternate forms of resolution. The following forms are available:
Mediation, conflict resolution and IAB. IAB is used when the reported conduct is not based on a protected class as defined by federal or state law or dept policy but still warrants resolution.
Conflict resolution is?
A wide range of processes for alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict, utilizing a neutral third party. Once started this process is mandatory for all parties involved.
Determining what constitutes discrimination under this policy will be accomplished on a ___ by ___ basis.
case by case
Discrimination is further broken down into ____ impact and ____ treatment
adverse and disparate
What is Discrimination
an ACT, PRACTICE or PATTERN of behavior based on an individuals race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military service, sexual orientation. genetic information or political affiliation.
Define Disparate treatment?
A member is intentionally treated differently from other similarly situated members based on that member belonging in one or more of the protected classes.
EDS complaints will be accepted from?
Any source, whether in person, by mail, email or telephone.
Every member of this department has the responsibility to prevent acts of harassment and/or discrimination through the following acts
REFRAINING from participation, REPORTING acts of harassment/discrimination ENCOURAGING any member who confides that they are being harassed/discriminated against to report such acts.
Examples of unwelcome sexual conduct
sexually explicit or gender related statements, purposeful brushing against someone’s body, remarks of a sexual nature about a persons clothing or body, sexual advances.
Individuals who make reports and are later found to have been intentionally false may be subject to ____ _____
disciplinary action
Harassment is?
Any conduct based on an individuals race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, military service, gender identity or expression, disability, religion, genetic information or political affiliation, age that HAS THE PURPOSE OR EFFECT OF UNREASONABLY INTERFERING WITH AN INDIVIDUALS WORK PERFORMANCE OR CREATES AN INTIMIDATING, HOSTILE or OFFENSIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT
If dissatisfied with the disposition, the complainant may seek relief from NERC ( NV equal rights commission), EEOC, or contact the ____ director.
It is not a requirement that the reporting member be the ____ _____ of the offensive conduct.
intending target
Mediation (think NJC)
A voluntary alternate resolution for resolving disputes and conflicts in which a third neutral party the mediator, helps the parties to resolve a dispute or conflict and reach a mutually acceptable resolution. (neighborhood justice center)
a ___ party who has a close relationship (spouse, parent) with a complainant may claim retaliation if they believe they have suffered an adverse employment action as a result of the complainants claim and the close relationship.
Political affiliation is not a protected class as defined by federal or state law but is considered a protected class by the ___
Protection against harassment and or discrimination further extends to those protected under ___ compensation, FMLA, the genetic information nondiscrimination act and the ADA
Reasonable person standard
which states: the victim is subjectively offended and a reasonable similarly situated member of the protected class against whom the harassment or discrimination is directed would be objectively offended.
A form of harassment against an individual who has complained, assisted, or otherwise participated in complaints of harassment or discrimination.
Retaliation occurs when an individual has?
A. COMPLAINED, ASSISTED or PARTICIPATED in matters of harassment/discrimination, B. been subjected to adverse employment actions, a casual link between A and B
Sexual harassment
The UNWELCOME sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that could affect an individuals employment status, opportunities or work performance or could create a hostile work environment.
Some conduct may be inappropriate, unprofessional and or subject to disciplinary action, but would not fall under the definition of ___
Definition of a supervisor
For the purpose of this policy a supervisor is defined as department members who have the authority to undertake or recommend employment decisions, including authority to direct the daily work activities, review work performance, and recommend or implement disciplinary actions affecting department members.
Types of complaints- Discrimination?
An act, practice or type of pattern of behavior based on an individuals race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, military service, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or political affiliation which has a negative effect on an individual or identifiable group compared to the impact members of other groups.
When accommodating a religious request the supervisor will…
1.Notify the EDS Director in a timely manner to begin the formal interactive process. 2.The EDS Director will provide the requestor with a form to fill out 3. Once received, the EDS Director will meet with the requestor 4. EDS director contacts the supervisor reference the accommodation
When conducting an investigation relative to harassment or discrimination, members of the EDS will be considered as agents of the ______ and will function without regard to rank or classification.
32) When the complainant remains _________ the EDS will evaluate the complaint to determine the extent to which it will be investigated