US constitution Flashcards
A collection of rules, principles and conventions that outlines the political system, location of sovereiginity and the realtionship between the government and those being governed
Federal government
The national government of the USA, consisting of three branches - Congress, the presidency and the judiciary
A system in government in which power and sovereignity are shared between the federal government and individual states
The founding fathers
A term used for those who helped shape the newly formed nation of the USA
What did the founding fathers do?
How was the US constitution formed?
A fundamental belief or ideal.
Constitutional principles mmay not be named in the constitution but they underpin the entire document and can be seen throughout the text
Limited government
A government that is subject to restrictions on the power it can excercise over a country or its citizens. In the USA, these limits are laid out through checks and balances in the constitution
Separation of powers
The complete seperation of the three branches of government; congress (the legislature), the presidency ( the executive) and the judicairy ( the supreme court).
This includes separation of their powers, buildings and personnel
Checks and Balances
The power of one branch to directly prevent the action of another branch
All branches of government can do this which provides a balance of power
Bipartianship = the ability for two or more parties to work together to achieve an outcome. This is enforced by the supermajorities required by the constitution
Codification = A single written document containing all of the constitutional rules and principles
Judiciable = a constitution that contains a higher form of law and therefore allows other laws to be judged against it and be deemed either constitutional or unconstitutional
Entrenched = a constitution that is protected from change through a legal process. For the US constitutioon this is the two stage amendment process, which requires supermajority approval from congress and the states
Enumerated powers
Enumerated powers = powers that are specifically and explicitly written down in the US constitution