Urological Malignancy Flashcards
how does renal cell carcinoma present?
Classic Triad only in 15%
Loin pain 40%
Renal mass 25%
Haematuria 60%
Incidental on imaging
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Weight loss, anaemia, HT, hypercalcaemia
Diagnosis of RCC
CT- Triple phase contrast
High false negative in RCC
describe robson staging of RCC
where are common sites for RCC to metastisise to
what is the treatment for RCC?
Radical Nephrectomy (inc. laparoscopic)
Whole kidney within Gerota’s fascia
Perinephric fat
Partial Nephrectomy (nephron sparing)
Robotis laparoscopy
Radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation
what is the 5 year survival for RCC?
Stage 1 75%
Stage 2 50%
Stage 3 35%
Stage 4 5%
what is the presentation and managenment of balanitis xerotica obliterans?
sclerosis of prepuce, glans, and urethral meatus
circumcision, dilatation of meatus, and resurfacing of glans
what are the different terms for carcinoma in situ and how is it treated?
Erythroplasia of Queyrat
Glans, prepuce or shaft of penis
Bowen’s disease
Remainder of genitalia
if prepuce alone- circumcision
Topical 5 fluorouracil
How does carcinoma of the penis present?
Red raised area penis
Fungating mass, foul smelling
describe the staging of carcinoma of the penis
stage 1: <2cm
stage 2: between 2 and 5 cm
Stage 3: >5cm or infitration of urethra
Stage 4: metastasized
list the different types of germ cell tumours of the testes
Non-seminomatous germ cell tumour
Teratoma, embryonal, yolk sac, choriocarcinoma
Intra-tubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN)
what are the markers used to assess/ monitor/ stage tsticular tumours?
Never raised in pure seminoma
5-10% pure seminoma
Up to 60% teratoma
Tumour burden