Anatomy Flashcards
-The ureters pass ……… to the common iliac vessels to enter the pelvis
what is is the most inferior part of the male peritoneal cavity?
the rectovesicle pouch

in males – the ureter runs …….. to the vas deferens
in females the ureter enters bladder by passing …… the uterine artery
under (water under the bridge)
bladder wall formed mainly by …..
detrusor muscle
what contracts during ejaculation to prevent retrograde ejaculation?
internal urethral sphincter muscle
in males what is the name of the pouch between the rectum and the bladder?
Rectovesical pouch
what are the 2 routes of catheterising a patients bladder?
urethral (more common)
suprapubic (through anterior abdominal wall, avoiding peritoneal cavity)
inside the scrotum the testis sit within a sac called the……
excess fluid within this sac is called a……
tunica vaginalis
most prostate cancers arise from the…..
peripheral zone
root of penis laterally attached to …….
has 3 cylinders of erectile tissue
….. (right and left) and …..
ischium of pelvis
corpus cavernosum
corpus spogiosum (transmits spongy urethra)

retraction of the ….. can constrict the neck of the glans causing the glans to swell
This is called……
what is the blood supply of the penis and the scrotum?

where does lymph from the testes, penis and scrotum drain?

Which ribs offer protection to the kidneys?
What vertebral level are the kidneys?
11 &12
Left Kidney (T12 - L2)
Right Kidney (L1 - L3)
what is the mnemonic for retroperitoneal organs?
S: suprarenal (adrenal) gland
A: aorta/IVC
D: duodenum (second and third part)
P: pancreas (except tail)
U: ureters
C: colon (ascending and descending)
K: kidneys
E: (o)esophagus
R: rectum

- the renal veins are ……. to the renal arteries
- aorta bifurcates at the level of ……
- the common iliac arteries are …… to the common iliac veins

lymph from kidneys goes to…..
lymph from ureters goes to…..
lumar nodes (AA nodes from left kidney and IVC nodes take lymph from right kidney)
Lumbar and iliac nodes take lymph from ureters

where wre the common sites of ureteric constriction?
pelviureteric junction
ureter crossing anterior aspect of the common iliac artery (often crosses the bifurcation)
ureteric orifice (opening into one corner of the trigone on the floor of the bladder)

what is hydronephrosis?
Hydronephrosis – “water inside the kidney”
urine back pressure into the calyces compresses the nephrons within the medullary pyramids leading to renal failure
acute hydronephrosis causes painful stretching of the renal capsule
kidney enlargement due to unilateral hydronephrosis is palpable during clinical examination
which is the only part of the renal system under somatic motor control?
external sphincter and levator ani
what parts of the renal sensory sytem are viceral and what is somatic
all visceral sensory with the exception of somatic sensory in the perineum
between what spinal cord levels do sympathetic fibres leave the spinal cord to join the sympathetic chain?
thoracolumbar outflow is between levels T1-L2
how do sympathetic nerve fibres get from the CNS to the ureters, kidneys and bladder?
they exit the spinal cord between levels T10-L2
they pass through the sympathetic chain without synapsing
they travel within abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves
and synapse at abdominal sympathetic ganglia around the abdominal aorta
after synapsing they travel alongside arteries supplying the organs and join with parasympathetic and visceral sensory nerves to form a periarterial plexus

how do parasympathetic nerves leave the cns to supply the kidneys, ureter and bladder?
the vagus nerve supplies the kidneys
parasympathetic nerves from spinal nerves S2, S3 and S4 supply the bladder
the only parts of the renal system that somatic fibres go to are……
those within the perineum, e.g the urethra (distal to the pelvic floor) and its sphincter (external urethral sphincter and levator ani)
what nerve somatic nerve supplies the urethra and where does come from?
pudendal nerve
S2, S3, S4
where is pain from the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra usually felt?
kidneys- loin
ureters- loin to groin
bladder- suprapubic midline
urethra- perineum
what do nerve fibres entering and leaving at S2-S4 do?
visceral afferents transmit pain signals from urethra
pudendal nerve carries somatic motor nerve fibres that control external urethral sphincter
S3 and S4 form the nerve of the levator ani (Somatic Motor)
parasympathetic nerves also exit at S2-S4
which spinal nerve rami form plexuses?
- the majority of nerves in a plexus carry what type of nerve fibres?
somatic motor, somatic sensory and sympathetic
nerves from the lumbar plexus supply the ……
nerves from the sacral plexus supply the…. and…..
lumbar plexus- lower limbs
sacral plexus- lower limbs and peroneum
what are the nerve roots of the sciatic, obturator, femoral and later cutaneuos nerve of the thigh
sciatic- L4-S3
Femoral and Obturator- L2-L4
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh- L2-L3