Urinary Week 1 Flashcards
What are the main functions of the kidney?
Endocrine, acid- base balance, water balance, detoxification, blood pressure, vitamin D and calcium regulation
How do the kidneys act as an endocrine gland?
They produce the hormone erythropoietin
What mechanisms do the kidneys use to control blood pressure
RAAS, blood volume and angiotensin II
What does the kidney aim to remove from the body? `
Urea, ammonia, H-ions, water soluble drugs
What structures are derived from intermediate mesoderm?
Nephros, urinary ducts, adrenal cortex and sex cords of the gonads
What happens to the mesonephros and mesonephric ducts ?
a. Becomes the gonads and b. part of the gonads and adrenal cortex
Describe the development of kidneys in fish and amphibians?
Pronephros is replaced by the mesonephros, which has reproductive and excretory elements
There is no metanephros
What stimulates the formation of the nephrons?
The invasion of the ureteric duct into the metanephros
What is the location of the kidneys?
dorsal lumbar region, right kidney lies in a small fossa of the caudate liver of the lobe and is most cranial
Describe the shape of the porcine kidney
More flattened
What type of liver do dogs, cats, sheep and horses have
Appears unilobar, pyramids partially merged, papillae merged to form renal crest, single pelvis, smooth surface
What are the anatomical landmarks for the left kidney?
Cranial pole= greater curvature of the stomach, left limb of the pancreas and spleen
Medial= adrenal gland
Caudal= SI and colon
What is the purpose of the median ligament?
Connects the bladder to the pelvic floor and linea alba
Describe the cat male urethra?
Sigmoidal urethra, small os penis, glans penis has many small barbs
What are the major blood supplies to the kidney?
Renal, internal iliac and external iliac
What is the innervation to the bladder?
Sympathetic via the hypogastric nerve from the caudal mesenteric ganglion
Parasympathetic from the pudendal nerve
What is the general size of the canine kidneys?
2.5-3.5 X length of L2
What is a positive contrast agent?
Has a high atomic number, compounds like barium or iodine that appear more radiopaque than surrounding tissues
What is a retrograde vaginourethrogram?
Injection of dilute iodine contrast into the urethra (female)
Which contrast medium do you use for a retrograde cystogram?
Depends on clinical situation
Suspected bladder rupture- positive contrast
Mucosal detail- double contrast
What are the advatanges of collecting urine via cystocentesis?
Quick, Aseptic collection, easy when bladder distended, lower risk of iratrogenic haematuria