Repro Week 3 Flashcards
At what stage of meiosis are eggs ovulated in the bitch
Metaphase of meiosis I, completion occurs after fertilisation
Where does fertilisation occur?
First 1 third of the oviduct
What events occur at fertilisation?
Sperm and egg membrane fusion depolarises the egg membrane and causes the cortical reaction
Oocyte is activated and completion of meiosis II occurs
What is an ootid?
A cell where both pronuclei of the oocyte and the sperm are visible in the same cell
An embry has 16 cells, what is it called?
A morula
When does totipotency cease?
After the morula
What is the progression of the embryo in the mare?
Fertilised- only fertilised eggs pass into the uterus. The embryo releases prostaglandins E and F that may promote embryo migration
What occurs in a freemartin pregnancy?
Dizygotic twins of female and male, placental fusion occurs and the female is a sterile XX/XY
What does IUGR stand for?
Intra- uterine growth retardation
When does maternal recognition of pregnancy occur?
Before luteolysis
What type of placenta does the sow and mare have?
List hormones produced by the placenta?
Progesterone, oestrogen, prolactin, placental lactogens
What is the gestation for a ewe and when is ‘placental takeover’?
5 months, 50 days
What is the gestation in the queen and when is placental takeover?
65 days, none
What species have placental takeover?
Cow, ewe, mare, humans