Urinary Tract Problems & PUPD in the Horse Flashcards
what is the water maintenance requirements in the horse
40-60 ml/kg bwt/day
what would a polydipsic horse be drinking a day
>100 ml/kg/day
what is a normal urine output
15-30 ml/kg bwt/day
15l for a 500kg horse
what are the ddx for PUPD (5)
- psychogenic PUPD
- secondary renal medullary washout
- endocrine: Cushing’s syndrome
- chronic renal failure
- diabetes insipidus (rare)
what are the causes of psychogenic PUPD
boredem/change of environment/feed
what is secondary renal medullary washout
inability to concentrate urine due to loss of sodium in renal medulla
how does cushing’s cause PUPD
direct inhibition of ADH
how does chronic renal failure lead to PUPD
increased water intake to maintain glomerular filtration rate
what are the types of diabetes insipidus
central vs nephrogenic
both very rare
what are the ways water is lost in equine
urine +/- 20%
feces +/- 75%
what is the normal colour of adult urine
pale yellow to brown
what is the normal colour of foal urine
pale yellow
what is the normal viscosity of adult urine
viscous (mucoid)
what is the normal viscosity of foal urine
what is the normal transparency of adult urine
slightly turbid
what is the normal transparency of foal urine
what is the specific gravity of adult urine
1.006-1.050 (usually 1.020-1.050)
what would the specific gravity be if BUN elevated
>1.020 if BUN increased
what is the normal specific gravity of foal urine
what is the pH of adult urine
what is the pH of foal urine
what is the RBC/hpf in adult horse
<5 cells/hpf
what is the RBC/hpf in foal
what is the WBC/hpf in foal
what is the WBC/hpf in adult
what are PUPD diseases in congenital/young horses (6)
- patent urachus may follow septicemia in neonates
- ectopic ureters – seen in fillies
- rectovaginal fistula
- rectourethral fistula
- polycystic kidneys
- renal agenesis
what are middle aged diseases that can cause PUPD (2)
- urolithiasis (more common in males)
- neoplasia
- bladder neoplasia rare (SCC, transitional cell carcinoma)
- externial genitalia (SCC, fibrosarcoma, melanomata)
what are the diet changes that may cause urinary diseases
important to establish any recent changes
change from pasture to stabling causes dramatic drop in water intake
is forage high in Ca? what supplements?
is water intake adequate?
presence of salt blocks?
what role does the environment play in urinary diseases (5)
- recent change of environment or use?
- any recent trauma? ortho/neuro damage
- more than one individual affected? (ex. EHV, equine protozoal myeloencephalitis)
- access to toxic plants (oak/acorns, exposure to alfatoxins)
- receiving NSAIDs?
what specific complaints from the owner might indicate renal involvement
- weight loss and PUPD
- lethargy or loss of athletic performance
what will the clinical exam entail (9)
- full exam
- collect blood sample prior to sedation
- detailed exam of external organs
- rectal palpation
- collection of sterile urine sample
- bladder/renal ultrasound
- bladder endoscopic exam
- peritoneal fluid collection
- neurological exam
what are clinical signs of urinary diseases (5)
- weight loss common
- can appear lame if external genital pain
- depression if azotemic: pre, post, or intrinsic renal failure
- fever: sheath infection, cystitis, urolithiasis or pyelnonephritis
- anemia: hematuria, CRF
what would the ddx of a mass on the sheath be (4)
- sarcoid (nodular, fibroblastic)
- habronemiasis
- melanoma (cytobrush sample or biopsy)
what would the ddx of a mass on the perianal or perivulvular mass be (5)
- abscess
- post service injury
- fibrosarcoma
- lymphoma (US + aspirate or biopsy)
how would you examine the penis
acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg IV/IM
most reliable for penile relaxation
xylazine 0.3-0.5 mg/kg IV
wait 5-10 mins
what are the components you can evaluate with the rectal exam (3)
- left kidney (right = retroperitoneal) (size, any associated pain)
- ureters
- bladder (size, tone, wall thickness, presence of calculi, is a cystolith palpable?)
what would this penile mass be
squamous cell carcinoma
what would this penile mass be
squamous cell carcinoma
what would this penile mass be
viral papilloma lesions
what would this penile mass be
what would be a ddx for an adult male spraying urine, may be dysuria, swelling of urethral opening
urethral diverticular concretion (bean)