URGE - Phase 1 Flashcards
Functions of thyroid hormones
mnemonic: matte bikini body guide (MATBBG)
* overall effect is increased protein synthesis and Na/K ATPase activity*
Metabolic enzyme expression increases as a result of increased protein synthesis
ATPase (Na+/K+) activity increases
Thermogenesis increase
BMR increases
Beta receptors increase leading to cardiac changes
Growth and differentiation – increases GH synthesis and enhances its anabolic effects
Synthesis of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland
- Thyroglobulin synthesised from tyrosine residues and moved into colloid
- Iodide (I-) absorbed from blood by Na+ cotransport and moved into colloid
- TPO oxidises iodide to form iodine (I2)
- Iodination by TPO of tyrosine residues to form MIT and DIT on the TG backbone
- Coupling of MIT with DIT to form T3 and T4 catalysed by TPO
- Endocytosis of TG back into follicular cell
- Enzymatic hydrolysis to release T3 and T4 which diffuse out of the cell
- Deiodinase recycles MIT and DIT back into iodine and tyrosine to be recycled
Common causes of thyroid disease
primary thyroid disease = pathology occurs at the level of the thyroid
secondary thyroid disease = pathology occurs at the level of the hypothalamus/pituitary
Grave’s disease: occurs due to presence of autoantibodies that stimulate the TSH receptor, resulting in overactive thyroid regardless of pituitary activity
toxic multinodular goitre: multiple autonomously functioning nodules usually due to mutations in the TSH receptor
solitary toxic nodule/adenoma: may be benign or malignant, singular nodules in the thyroid gland that produce thyroid hormones
TSHoma: TSH secreting pituitary hormone resulting in an overactive thyroid
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: autoimmune reaction to thyroid proteins that results in destruction of the gland (anti-TG, anti-TPO etc.) often begins with a transient hashitoxicosis as the damaged follicles release thyroid hormone
iodine deficiency: lack of dietary iodine results in an inability to synthesis thyroid hormones, primarily occurs in developing countries
reduced TSH drive e.g. hypophysectomy
de Quervain’s thyroiditis: transient thyroid inflammation following other viral infection such as mumps or coxsackievirus, involves a period of thyrotoxicosis as damaged follicles release hormone followed by a hypothyroid phase due to low TSH
postpartum thyroiditis: any thyroid disease occurring within 12 months of parturition, often involves a hyperthyroid phase followed by a hypothyroid phase, thought to be associated with immune changes during pregnancy, more likely if autoantibodies already present
Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism vs. hypothyroidism
Types of amine hormones (origins, solubility)
Layers of the adrenal glands, hormones and their functions
zona glomerulosa – aldosterone (mineralocorticoids), key role in water and electrolyte balance by upregulating the Na+/K+ ATPase in the late distal tubule to retain Na+ and excrete K+
zona fasciculata – cortisol (glucocorticoids), primary hormone of the stress response which has metabolic and immunosuppressive effects
zona reticularis – DHEA (androgens), precursor for sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen which are synthesised in the gonads
adrenal medulla – adrenaline and noradrenaline (catecholamines), the adrenal medulla is equivalent to a postganglionic SNS neuron which releases adrenaline into circulation
Major enzymes of steroid hormone synthesis
Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme: conversion of cholesterol → pregnenolone,
Aromatase: necessary for oestrogen, present in gonads
5α-reductase: catalyses DHT formation, found in sensitive tissues such as prostate, seminal vesicles, scalp, skin
Hormones of the pituitary gland
posterior pituitary
ADH – role in water balance, increases expression of aquaporins to retain more water in the nephron when osmolarity increases
oxytocin – important hormone for uterine contractions in parturition as well as lactation
anterior pituitary
ACTH – stimulated by CRH, stimulates release of cortisol from the adrenal gland as part of the stress response
FSH – stimulated by GnRH, spermatogenesis in males and ovarian follicle activity in females
LH – stimulated by GnRH, release of oestrogen in females and testosterone in males
GH – stimulated by GHRH and inhibited by somatostatin (GHIH), important hormone for growth and differentiation particularly in children/adolescents
prolactin – negatively regulated by dopamine (PIH), stimulates milk production in the breast
TSH – stimulated by TRH, induces release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland for control of basal metabolism
Functions of growth hormone and regulation of its secretion
mnemonic: GIMPLE
- *Glucose** – increases insulin resistance
- *IGF release from liver** – promotes soft tissue and bone growth
- *Mitosis** and differentiation
- *Protein synthesis** – directs energy and amino acids towards protein building
- *Lipolysis** – increased release of FAs for glucose sparing effect
- *Electrolyte balance** – increases retention of Na+, K+ and Cl- as well as GIT Ca2+ absorption
Neural and endocrine responses to stress
Neural response:
increase SNS tone and decreased PNS tone, this involves both postganglionic SNS neurons as well as activity of the adrenal medulla
effects – increased HR, bronchodilation, increased BP, arousal, alertness
Endocrine response:
primary hormone involves is cortisol released from the adrenal cortex due to CRH and ACTH release
effects – glucose mobilisation from tissues, immunosuppression, increased BP
Functions of cortisol
mnemonic: AMFIB
- *A1 receptor expression** increases resulting in peripheral vasoconstriction
- *Metabolism** – glucose mobilisation (gluconeogenesis, proteolysis, lipolysis)
- *Fibroblast inhibition** – poor wound healing
- *Immunosuppression** – decreased release of IL-2, inhibition of phospholipase A2 limits arachidonic acid release and therefore synthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins
- *Bone metabolism** – decreases osteoblast activity, collagen synthesis and GIT Ca2+ absorption therefore decreases bone building
Examples of intersex syndromes
the male/female sexual binary is defined in three ways:
- genetic sex: based on presence/absence of Y chromosome
- gonadal sex: presence/absence of the SRY gene which determines testes or ovaries
- phenotype: levels of hormones that influence sexual organ development
Klinefelter’s Syndrome (47XXY): genetic male with small testes and gynaecomastia
Turner’s Syndrome (45X): genetic female with low oestrogen, no breasts, amenorrhea
Overview of glomerular filtration (layers of the filtration barrier, driving force)
Layers of the filtration barrier
- fenestrated endothelium – pore size excludes large molecules/cells, lined with anionic proteins to exclude other anions
- collagenous basement membrane – anionic glycoproteins exclude other anions
- filtration slits between podocyte foot processes – regulate SA available for filtration
Glomerular filtration is driven by Starling forces of the blood plasma and the filtrate already present within the tubules
- hydrostatic pressure of blood favours filtration, this can be regulated by afferent/efferent arteriole radius
- plasma oncotic pressure goes against filtration, drawing fluid back into the capillaries
- tubular hydrostatic pressure also counteracts filtration, increases in urinary obstruction
The overall driving force is normally ~10mmHg in favour of filtration
Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of GFR
Myogenic autoregulation:
smooth muscle reflex in the afferent arteriole that responds to increased stretch due to elevated blood pressure by constricting, protecting the glomerulus in HTN, this also applies in reverse however the afferent arteriole is normally almost fully dilated
Tubuloglomerular feedback:
macula densa cells in early distal tubule respond to Na/Cl flux as an indicator of GFR
- ↑ GFR = ↑Na/Cl flux = release of adenosine = afferent constriction and renin inhibition
- ↓ GFR = ↓Na/Cl flux = release of prostaglandin = afferent dilation and renin release
Mesangial cells:
interstitial cells of the glomerulus that can respond to changes in blood pressure and maintain GFR by contracting/relaxing to alter the surface area available for filtration
there are a number of circulating factors that influence the afferent/efferent arteriolar diameter and therefore the GFR:
- adrenaline – constricts both
- angiotensin II – constricts both but efferent is far more responsive
- ANP/BNP – dilates afferent, constricts efferent
- dopamine – dilation of both
- prostaglandin – dilation of both
activity of SNS nerves that innervate the kidney leads to increased renin secretion, sodium reabsorption and arteriolar constriction that decreases GFR
Reabsorption and secretion along the length of the renal tubule
Description of the medullary interstitial gradient
Maximal water reabsorption can be maintained due to the presence of a medullary interstitial osmotic gradient which drives water reabsorption from the descending loop of Henle and collecting duct, this is established by:
- Countercurrent mechanism – absorption of solutes from ascending loop into descending vasa recta creates a hyperosmotic interstitium
- Urea recycling – ADH driven reabsorption of urea in the collecting duct which is secreted back into the tubule at the loop of Henle maintains a high medullary urea concentration
Regulation of acid-base balance in the nephron
Role of the kidney in acid-base balance relies on two functions which can be regulated:
- HCO3- reabsorption in the PCT via the Na+/H+ exchanger, HCO3- then enters blood via cotransport with Na+ or exchange with Cl-
- H+ excretion in the late distal tubule via K+/H+ exchange and H+ ATPase, these can be trapped in acidic urine by buffering with ammonia and phosphate
Types of RTA
Renal tubular acidosis involves an acidic imbalance resulting from tubular defects
Type 1: distal, reduced H+ excretion in intercalated cells
Type 2: proximal: impaired HCO3- reabsorption in PCT
Type 4: distal, aldosterone deficiency or resistance leads to hyperkalaemic acidosis
Actions of ADH and aldosterone in the nephron
ADH: increases surface expression of aquaporin channels (AQP2) on apical and basolateral surfaces to facilitate water reabsorption, also aids urea absorption in collecting duct
Aldosterone: increases activity of Na+/K+ pump in principal cells as well as the H+ ATPase in intercalated cells, drives sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion
Causes of UTI
Most commonly caused by normal bowel flora: (KEEPS)
- Klebsiella*
- E. coli*
- Enterococcus*
- Proteus*
- Staph. saprophyticus*
Pathophysiology of UTI
Factors contributing to bacterial colonisation:
- patient factors: immunocompromised state, urinary stasis, female sex, diabetes, hygiene
- bacterial factors: virulence factors such as fimbriae and pili that allow adhesion
- bacterial access: catheterisation, surgical inoculation, trauma, sepsis
Once the urinary tract has been colonised by bacteria the result is irritation and inflammation of the urothelium which leads to symptoms – dysuria, frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain, fever
Major types of renal calculi (cause, frequency, shape, imaging)
Pathophysiology of nephrolithiasis
- stones form as a result of urine supersaturation:
- increased solute: diet, high cell turnover, bone metabolism, genetics, infection
- decreased solvent: dehydration, kidney diseaseprecipitation of solutes results in formation of a nidus
- continued precipitation grows nidus into a stone which obstructs the urinary tract typically at constriction points – PUJ, pelvic brim, VUJ
- obstruction causes symptoms including haematuria, loin-groin pain, dysuria, nausea
Imaging signs of ureteric obstruction
- hydronephrosis
- hydroureter
- perinephric stranding
- nephromegaly
Overview of the RAAS including functions of ATII
Nephrotic vs. nephritic syndromes
Features of a urine dipstick test
Definition of anion gap
Anion gap = measured difference between the concentration of Na and the concentration of HCO3 + Cl in the plasma, estimates the amount of unmeasured anions e.g. anionic proteins
- anion gap increases in metabolic acidosis due to lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis etc.
- diarrhoea or RTA leads to loss of bicarbonate but does not alter anion gap due to HCO3/Cl exchange in the nephron
there are many other causes of anion gap increases
Types of diuretics (examples, MOA, potency)
Triple whammy drug interaction
- diuretic: reduces overall blood volume
- ARB/ACE inhibitor: inhibiting ATII effects = efferent vasodilation
- NSAID: ↓ PG synthesis = afferent vasoconstriction
Embryological development of the genitourinary systems
renal system
- urogenital ridge and nephrogenic cord form from the intermediate mesoderm
- nephrogenic cord forms a pronephros, mesonephros (early urine formation) and metanephros which will persist as the functional kidney
- ureteric bud in the mesonephros induces development of the kidney and vice versa
- ascension of the kidney from pelvis to their final position with blood flow from arterial branches that develop from the aorta
- initially urinary outflow is into the cloaca however the UT becomes separated from the GIT by the urorectal septum
- initial development of the reproductive system is common from the genital ridge
- primordial germ cells form around yolk sac and migrate into the embryo and settle on the genital ridge to form an undifferentiated gonad
- formation of male/female structures depends on presence of SRY gene which causes a testis to form and produce hormones – anti-Mullerian (Sertoli) and testosterone (Leydig)
- initial genital ducts in nephrogenic cords
- Wolffian – male structures, persist with testosterone present
- Mullerian – female structures, degenerates with anti-Mullerian hormone present
- external sex organs are also initially the same but differentiate as a result of the presence or absence of testosterone
Classification of acute kidney injury
Prerenal – decrease in renal perfusion
e.g. haemorrhage, dehydration, shock, heart failure, renal artery stenosis
Intrarenal – intrinsic disease within the kidney, typically
e.g. acute tubular necrosis, nephrotoxins, glomerulonephritis, acute interstitial nephritis
Postrenal – obstruction of the urinary tract leading to increase in tubular hydrostatic pressure
e.g. renal calculi, malignancy, BPH
Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and major causes
CKD is diagnosed based on one of the two following criteria:
- GFR <60mL/min
- >3-month history of kidney disease signs such as proteinuria or haematuria
most common causes are diabetes and hypertension as well as PCKD, SLE, obstruction and glomerulonephritis
Types of dialysis
Haemodialysis – blood passes through a dialyser machine which filters the blood, requires an AV fistula or other blood access
- typically done at an outpatient clinic, for 4-6 hours per day, 3 days per week
- can be performed at home with extensive training
Peritoneal dialysis – filtration occurs across the peritoneal membrane with the peritoneal cavity filled with dialysate via a catheter
- exchange takes about 40 minutes and must be done 3-5 times per day
Pathophysiology of T1DM
Autoimmune disease characterised by absolute insulin deficiency due to a type IV hypersensitivity reaction that destroys β cells, symptoms appear when 90% of cells are destroyed
Aetiology involves a combination of genetic/environmental/immune factors:
- identified gene loci associated with immune pathways such as the HLA system
- environmental factors suggested including viral infection, diet and vitamin D deficiency
- association with other autoimmune diseases
Pathophysiology of T2DM
Multifactorial lifestyle disease characterised by relative insulin deficiency which occurs due to a combination of
- insulin resistance
- β-cell dysfunction due to overcompensation
Factors associated with development of T2DM include:
- genetics, particularly in relation to β-cell function
- age, physical inactivity, poor diet, obesity, alcohol, smoking
Complications of diabetes
Diagnostic evaluation of diabetes
Any of the following four criteria are satisfactory for a diagnosis of diabetes:
- fasting glucose > 7mmol/L
- two-hour OGTT > 11.1mmol/L
- random BGL > 11mmol/L
- HbA1c > 6.5%
Features of the metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome = a collection of symptoms that often develop together and significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, cause of the syndrome is complex and multifactorial but is associated with poor diet and sedentary lifestyle
Main components:
- abdominal obesity
- insulin resistance
- impaired glucose tolerance
- hypertension
- hypertriglyceridaemia
- low HDL:cholesterol ratio
Main pharmacological treatment for diabetes patients
Overview of gestational diabetes
GDM = abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy due to a failure of compensation for increased insulin resistance that naturally occurs
- steroid hormones from the placenta induce maternal insulin resistance
- normally insulin secretion increases to maintain euglycaemia
- occurs in 10% of pregnancies
Causes of vesico-ureteric reflux
The oblique angle at which the ureters enter the bladder forms a one-way valve when the bladder is contracting however retrograde flow can occur (VUR)
Primary = due to a congenital defect
Secondary = increased vesicular pressure associated with obstruction such as BPH
Consequence of VUR is damage to the ureters and an increased risk of UTI
Types of incontinence
Stress: involuntary leakage associated with exertion due to weakened pelvic floor muscles often due to childbirth trauma, triggers – laughing, exercise, coughing etc.
Urge: ‘overactive bladder syndrome’ in which there is urgency and detrusor contraction despite the bladder not being completely filled
Overflow; occurs when voiding is inhibited/suppressed causing vesicular pressure to overcome the urethral sphincters and loss of urine to bring pressure back down e.g. diabetic autonomic neuropathy
Neurological control of micturition
Pharmacological treatment of incontinence
- antimuscarinics
- β3 mimetics
- afferent nerve targets e.g. botox
Process of sperm production
Spermatogenesis: spermatogonia → spermatids, spermiogenesis: spermatids → spermatozoa
occurs in the seminiferous tubules and regulated by hormones of the HPG axis
- FSH acts son Sertoli cells to maintain spermatogenesis, secrete inhibin for -ve feedback
- LH acts on Leydig cells to produce testosterone which reinforces spermatogenesis via Sertoli cell production of ABP
- spermatogonia continually undergo mitosis to maintain a large population
- some spermatogonia differentiate into primary spermatocytes which undergo meiosis I to form secondary spermatocytes
- as spermatocytes progress towards the lumen they complete meiosis II to form spermatids
- spermatids remain bound to the apical membrane of Sertoli cells where the undergo changes to form sperm – loss of cytoplasm, development of flagellum
- further maturation will later occur in the epididymis (gaining motility) and female reproductive tract (capacitation)
Components of semen
testes + epididymis – sperm
seminal vesicles – thick alkaline secretion, prostaglandins, fructose, bicarbonate, buffers
prostate – citrate, enzymes for activation + liquefaction, spermine, PSA, phosphatase
bulbourethral gland – mucus, buffers
Embryological development of the scrotum
Male sex hormone regulation
Nervous control of erection + ejaculation
erection (PNS): SM relaxation, arteriolar dilation, perineal muscles compress veins
ejaculation (SNS): SM contraction to propel semen, internal urethral sphincter closes
Zones of the prostate
peripheral – posterior zone which is primary area for cancer
central – surrounds ejaculatory duct
transitional – surrounds urethra, main area for BPH
anterior – fibrous, rare for cancer
Major types of prostatic disease
BPH – hyperplasia which typically occurs with age, can cause bladder outflow obstruction
prostatitis – inflammation usually due to UTI or prostate biopsy (transrectal especially)
prostate cancer – malignancy
Common cancers of the urogenital system
Renal tumours
- renal cell carcinoma (RCC) – tubular epithelium malignancy associated with smoking, three subtypes (clear cell, papillary, chromophobic)
- nephroblastoma – most common in paediatrics
- oncocytoma – intercalated cell tumour similar to chromophobic RCC
- stromal tumours – lipoma, leiomyoma, haemangioma etc.
Urothelial tumours
- benign urothelial papillomas – associated with smoking, age, chemical exposure
- transitional cell carcinoma – soft cancer commonly in the bladder
- squamous cell carcinoma – bladder cancer with squamous component only, most common in developing countries due to infection (squamous cell metaplasia)
Examples of oncogenic viruses
Overview of the menstrual cycle
- late luteal/early follicular: low oestrogen and progesterone reduces negative feedback allowing FSH and LH to increase, initiating follicle recruitment (LH – stimulates thecal androgen production, FSH – stimulates granulosa cell growth and oestrogen production)
- late follicular: oestrogen secretion peaks as the granulosa continues to grow, once a critical time and concentration is reached the HPG axis switches to positive feedback causing an LH surge
- ovulation: LH surge triggers increase in antral fluid and size of the dominant follicle, after 16-24 hours the follicle ruptures and the remaining theca/granulosa become luteal cells
- early luteal: corpus luteum produces oestrogen, progesterone and inhibin
- late luteal/menses: without pregnancy, the corpus luteum will die after 12 days and oestrogen/progesterone levels will decrease initiating menses and increase in FSH/LH
Process of oogenesis
- in utero, primordial germ cells differentiate into oogonia which undergo extensive mitosis to build a substantial population
- some oogonia will enter meiosis and arrest at prophase I (primary oocyte), at birth these will have a single layer of granulosa cells (primary follicle)
- each menstrual cycle, 15-20 primary follicles are recruited by increasing FSH levels causing them to develop theca, more granulosa and fluid (secondary follicles)
- after 6 days, only one secondary follicle remains which is the dominant or Graafian follicle
- LH surge stimulates rupture of the follicle (ovulation) and completion of meiosis I to produce a polar body and secondary oocyte which arrests in metaphase II
- if fertilisation occurs, the fusion of sperm stimulates the completion of meiosis II and formation of a second polar body and a diploid zygote
Steps involved in fertilisation
- capacitation – allows sperm to swim rapidly towards the egg and exposes the enzymes of the acrosome which allow for degradation of corona radiata (granulosa cells) and zona pellucida (glycoprotein layer)
- cortical reaction – binding of sperm to the egg membrane initiates a reaction in which cortical granules are released to harden the zona pellucida to prevent polyspermy
- fusion of the egg and sperm pronuclei to form a diploid zygote
Three stages of implantation
Following fertilisation, the zygote begins to transit down towards the uterus, as it does so it undergoes mitosis → morula → blastocyst (contains fluid and inner cell mass)
Apposition – orientation of the inner cell mass to face the endometrium
Adhesion – of the trophoblasts to the endometrium
Invasion – secretion of proteases/enzymes to invade while the endometrium grows around
Hormones released by the placenta
hCG – ‘saves’ corpus luteum, stimulates testosterone in male foetus
hPL – similar to growth hormone, breast development and alteration of maternal metabolism
oestrogen – breast development, suppresses menstruation
progesterone – maintains endometrium and suppresses uterine contraction, placenta takes over from corpus luteum after ~7 weeks
Major placental abnormalities
Overview of foetal/maternal circulation
Signs/symptoms of pregnancy
Early: tiredness, nipple tenderness, urinary frequency, nausea, dizziness
Late: flushing, back pain, striae, varicose veins, constipation, tachycardia, hypotension
Investigations used to confirm pregnancy:
- βHCG in urine and serum
- transvaginal/abdominal ultrasound
Stages of labour and signs/symptoms
False labour: irregular contraction with no changes when walking, normal cervix, abdominal discomfort only
True labour: contractions ↑intensity ↑duration, back/abdomen discomfort, cervical dilation
Initiation of labour is not fully understood but involves oxytocin stimulating contractions via a positive feedback loop (Ferguson reflex), oestrogen primes the uterus by ↑ oxytocin receptors
- 1-10cm dilatation
- 10cm dilatation to birth – APGAR scores taken 1 and 5 mins after birth, 1-10, >7 normal
- expulsion placenta
- bonding and feeding of baby
Common psychological conditions in the perinatal period
Pathophysiology of ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the blastocyst implants itself outside the uterus, this most commonly occurs in the uterine tube but can also be in the ovary or abdominal cavity
a number of factors can contribute to ectopic pregnancy risk:
- smoking – diminishes ciliary activity
- tubal pathology or tubal surgery
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- previous ectopic pregnancy
Implantation of the blastocyst outside the uterus can result in miscarriage if there is not adequate blood supply or the embryo can begin to grow into the new location often causing bleeding/haemorrhage and pain
Pathophysiology of common STIs that cause discharge in Australia
Pathophysiology of common STIs that cause ulceration in Australia
Pathophysiology of common STIs that cause lumps/bumps in Australia
Medical and surgical management of pregnancy termination
typically involves use of two drugs:
- mifepristone, antiprogestogen which competes for progesterone receptor and induces endometrial degeneration, cervical dilation and increases sensitivity to prostaglandin
- misoprostol, taken 1-2 days later, prostaglandin which dilates the cervix further and induces uterine contractions
many find this more acceptable and surgery is avoided however there is a risk of failure, more adverse symptoms and can only be carried out up to 63 days
a number of methods are available which are carried out under general anaesthesia:
- vacuum aspiration
- dilation and curettage
these procedures are faster, more reliable and can be carried out later but are more invasive, require anaesthesia and have potential for surgical complications
Medical and surgical management of pregnancy termination
typically involves use of two drugs:
- mifepristone, antiprogestogen which competes for progesterone receptor and induces endometrial degeneration, cervical dilation and increases sensitivity to prostaglandin
- misoprostol, taken 1-2 days later, prostaglandin which dilates the cervix further and induces uterine contractions
many find this more acceptable and surgery is avoided however there is a risk of failure, more adverse symptoms and can only be carried out up to 63 days
a number of methods are available which are carried out under general anaesthesia:
- vacuum aspiration
- dilation and curettage
these procedures are faster, more reliable and can be carried out later but are more invasive, require anaesthesia and have potential for surgical complications
Barrier forms of contraception Types, MOA, Advantages and Disadvantages
Hormonal/devices forms of contraception Types, MOA, Advantages and Disadvantages
Surgical and Misc other forms of contraception Types, MOA, Advantages and Disadvantages
Overview of persistent pelvic pain
Persistent pelvic pain = at least 3 months of pain from pelvic organs/structures which is often associated with negative behavioural, sexual and emotional consequences
- often causes depression and anxiety due to sensitive nature of pelvic structures
- causes may include endometriosis, IBS, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis
- neurobiological mechanisms involved may cause pain to spread between structures and for pain pathways to be activated inappropriately
Principles of puberty and adrenarche (hormones, outcomes)
HPG axis (puberty)
While it is active before birth to facilitate sexual differentiation in utero, the HPG axis remains dormant in childhood due to suppression of GnRH until puberty
- in utero – GnRH, FSH and LH seen in weeks 10-12
- neonatal surge of gonadotropins termed ‘mini-puberty’ important for gender identity
- GnRH suppression during childhood – involves NP-Y, melatonin, leptin, stress, exercise, diet
- in puberty there is an increase in GnRH amplitude and pulsatile release due to an unknown stimulus, this leads to production of the sex steroids
Role of sex hormones of the HPG axis is pubertal changes such as development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive development.
HPA axis (adrenarche)
Androgen synthesis from the adrenal gland: CRH → ACTH → androgens
- associated with sexual hair development, oily skin, acne, apocrine sweat (body odour)
- also has a role in growth alongside sex steroids
The onset of HPA axis activation is termed adrenarche, leading to the synthesis of hormones primarily DHEA and androstenedione which cause these changes, this process is not the same as puberty however it normally occurs at the same time, one can occur without the other
Common neoplasms of endocrine organs
Overview of menopause
Transition period leading to permanent cessation of menstruation which typically occurs within the period of age 45-52, menopause is reached 12 months after LMP
- age varies depending on genetics, smoking, oophorectomy/hysterectomy
- begins with a shortening of the menstrual cycle as inhibin fails to suppress FSH and cycles overlap, followed by a lengthening as the ovaries ‘run out’ of ova
- high oestrogen during this time as long cycles with minimal corpus luteum activity producing progesterone, increases bleeding and risk of endometrial cancer
Symptoms: hot flushes (oestrogen influence on thermoregulation), headache, dizziness, sleep changes, GSM (vaginal dryness, incontinence, UTI)
Four phases of clinical trials
phase 1: small number of human participants, focus on safety
phase 2: small/medium number of participants, focus on efficacy + dosage
phase 3: large number of people with the condition of interest – does it have benefit? SEs?
phase 4: continuous monitoring once the drug is available
Outline of the hormones involved in lactation
Progesterone – inhibits/prevents lactation during pregnancy, effect lost with placenta delivery
Prolactin – from anterior pituitary, stimulates milk production, increased by suckling
Oxytocin – myoepithelial contraction to eject milk, increased by suckling
Overview of teratogens
Environmental factors that cause congenital defects by interfering with normal foetal/embryonic development, each has a variable teratogenic window though most occur during the embryonic period from 2-8 weeks
- drugs/chemicals – thalidomide, alcohol, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, cocaine, tobacco smoke
- ionising radiation
- infections – CMV, rubella, Listeria, Toxoplasmosis
Physiological changes that occur during pregnancy
Overview of pre-eclampsia
- Uterine spiral arteries fail to dilate normally causing placental hypoperfusion
- Placenta releases inflammatory proteins into circulation causing widespread endothelial dysfunction and vasoconstriction → hypertension
- Causes damage in kidneys, retina and liver as well as leading to small thrombi which decrease platelet count and cause haemolysis (HELLP syndrome)
- Increased vascular permeability leads to oedema which may cause seizures (eclampsia)
Major types of genetic inheritance and examples of disorders
Overview of imprinting and related disorders
Imprinting = some regions of the genome are normally imprinted or silenced on either the maternal or paternal chromosome meaning there is only one active allele for genes in this region, increasing susceptibility to mutation
- Prader-Willi syndrome: results from a paternal deletion on chromosome 15 where the maternal allele is imprinted, leads to overeating, intellectual disability, hypogonadism
- Angelman syndrome: results from a maternal deletion on chromosome 15 where the paternal allele is imprinted, leads to seizures, ataxia, inappropriate laughter
These diseases can also occur in uniparental disomy, if both chromosomes are inherited from the parent that is normally imprinted
Causes of male and female infertility
Major examples of inherited metabolic disease
Inherited metabolic diseases often result from mutations due to dysfunction of enzymes in metabolic pathways, these cause pathology/symptoms because of either excess substrate or deficiency of product
porphyrias – excess porphyrins in blood due to defects in enzymes that degrade them
pyruvate kinase deficiency – causes haemolytic anaemia due to dysfunction of glycolysis
urea cycle defects – excess ammonia causes symptoms of vomiting, alkalosis e.g. ornithine transcarbomoylase deficiency
glycogen storage diseases
- von Gierke’s: glucose-6-phosphastase deficiency, glucose cannot be released from liver
- McArdle’s: myophosphorylase dysfunction leading to fatigued muscle
phenylalanine/tyrosine disorders
- PKU from phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency, causes symptoms due to build up of phenylalanine and deficiency in tyrosine
- oculocutaneous albinism: inability to produce melanin
- alkaptonuria: excess homogentisic acid
Techniques used in prenatal screening of trisomy-21
- high resolution ultrasound
- maternal serum screening for placental proteins, AFP, HCG, oestriol
- cffDNA test for foetal/placental DNA in maternal circulation
- chorionic villus sampling
- amniocentesis
- foetal blood sampling
- preimplantation testing in IVF
Progesterone and Oestrogen effects