Urea Cycle Disorders Flashcards
OTC Deficiency
Ornithine Transcarbamylase
X-LINKED! Most common Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with a normal anion gap and normal glucose Low citrulline, high glutamine Elevated orotic acid
CPS1 Deficiency
Carbomylphosphate Synthetase I
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with a normal anion gap and normal glucose
Mutation on molecular analysis
Citrullinemia Type I/ASS1 Deficiency
Argininosuccinate Synthetase I
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with a normal anion gap and normal glucose
Mutation on molecular analysis
High citrulline
Argininosuccinic Aciduria/ASL Deficiency Argininosuccinate Lyase
In addition to hyperammonemia, has also have
chronic hepatomegaly and trichorrhexis nodosa (node like appearance of fragile hair)
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with a normal anion gap and normal glucose
Mutation on molecular analysis
High citrulline
Enlarged hepatocytes on biopsy, which
may progress to fibrosis
May have AST/AL T elevations
NAGS Deficiency
N-acetyl glutamate synthase
Enzyme that yields cofactor for CPS1
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with normal anion gap and normal glucose
Mutation on molecular analysis
ARG Deficiency
Symptoms of hyperammonemia are triggered by stress/illness
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with normal anion gap and normal glucose Mutation on molecular analysis
High arginine
ORT-1 Deficiency Ornithine translocase (transporter)
Symptoms of hyperammonemia are triggered by stress/illness
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with normal anion gap and normal glucose Mutation on molecular analysis
Citrin Deficiency
Symptoms of hyperammonemia are triggered by stress/illness
Plasma ammonia >150 umol/L with normal anion gap and normal glucose Mutation on molecular analysis