Urbanisation - Rio Flashcards
What is urbanisation?
The proportion of the world’s population who live in cities. It is the result of natural increase of a population plus migration.
What is urban growth?
The increase in the areas covered by cities
What is rural-> urban migration?
The movement of people from the countryside to the towns/cities
What is natural increase?
Where the birth rate is > the death rate
Where are slow- growing mega cities found? Give examples
South east asia, north america
70% plus urban population
No sqautter settlements
Egs osaka/kobe, toyko, moscow, L.A
Where are growing megacitites found?
South amercia and parts of south east asia
40-50% urban population
<20% in squatter settlements
Egs beijing, rio de janeiro, mexico city
Where are rapid growing megacities found? Give examples
South/south east asia + africa
<50% urban population
72% in squatter settlements
Egs Lagos, mumbai
What is rural to urban migration caused by?
Push and pull factors - these are real or imagined disadvantages of living in a rural area and advantages of living in a town or city
What are the push factors?
- Desertification and soil erosion makes farming difficult
- drought and other climate hazards reduce crop yields
- poor harvest may lead to malnutrition or famine
- there are few hospitals or doctors
- rural areas are isolated due to poor roads
- schools provide very basic education
- farming is hard a poorly paid
- farming is at subsistence level, producing only enough food for the famoly leaving nothing to sell
What are the pull factors?
- there are more well paid jobs
- higher standard or living is possible
- they have friends or family already living there
- better chance of getting an education
- public transport is better
- range if entertainments available
- better medical facilities
Where is Rio?
Situated on Brazil’s atlantic coast at 23 degrees south and 43 degrees west.
Grown up around a large natural bay called Guanabara Bay
How big is Rio? What is the population now? What is the common language?
2nd largest city in Brazil
6.5 million itself, 12 million people in surrounding area
Language is portuguese
What has made Rio have a big population?
- Economic activities have attracted migrants from Brasil ie industry, tourism
- Migrants move to Rio from abroad and rest of Brasil
- also grown due to national increase
- migrants have helped economy to develop ie earning, spending and paying taxes
What are social challenges in rio?
Challenges that are created are made more difficult because of the contrasts between areas which are often very close to one another
What are the problems in health care in Rio?
1) . In 2013 only 55% of the city had a local family health clinic
2) . Services for pregnant women and elderly were poor especially in the west
3) . West zone infant mortality rate is 21 per 1000 and in the south the rate is 6 per 1000
4) . Average life expectancy is 45 in the west and 80 in the south
What are the solutions to health care problems?
A favela - Santa Marta has poor access to roads and no near hospital.
= medical staff took a health kit into people’s homes and were able to treat people. Therefore infant mortality rate had dropped and life expectancy had increased
What is the education problem in Rio?
1) . Only half children continue their education beyond 14 and some get involved in drug trafficking
2) . Shortage of schools nearby
3) . Poor training for teachers
4) . Level of school enrolment is low
What solutions are there to the education problem in Rio?
- Authorities have tried to encourage local people to volunteer
- Giving school grants to poor families to help meet the cost of keeping their children in school
What is the water supply problem in Rio?
1) . 12% of Rios population do not have access to running water
2) . 37% of water is lost through leaky piprs, fraud and illegal access
What solutions are there to the water supply problem in Rio?
- 7 new treatment plants were built
- over 300km of pipes were laid
- by 2014, 95% of population had mains water supply
What is the energy problem in Rio?
1) . Whole city suffers frequent blackouts due to shortage of electricity
2) . People living in poorer parts get their electricity by tapping into the main supply, which is illegal
What solutions are there to the energy problem in Rio
- installing 60km of new power lines
- building new nuclear generator
- developing hydro-electric complex which will increase Rios supply of electricity by 30%
What has the growth of Rios population led to?
- Improvements in Rios roads, transport, services and environment
- policy of improving favelas has improved people’s quality of life
What are the types of employment in Rio?
- oil refining and petrochemical industries
- manufacturing
- tourism
- steel
- construction
- retail and distribution
- service industries
How many and who of the population earns 12% of total income? How many people in favelas are unemployed?
1% are the richest earners
More than 20%
What type of jobs are there in the informal economy? What is it like?
Sheet traders, maids, drivers and labourers-
they are poorly paid less than £60 A month
As people do not pay taxes what happens?
They cannot recieve unemployment benefits
What is being done by employment?
- Local government trying to improve education, for young people in the poor and violent areas of the city to reduce unemployment
- Courses are available to for adults who have temporarily left education but want to continue their studies
What types of crime problems are there?
Murder, kidnapping, carjacking, armed assault, street crime also at night
How have police tried to control the crime?
In 2013, they Tried to take back and reduce crime by introducing special units (UPPs) to reclaim favelas from drug dealers
What are houses like in favelas?
Poorly built - made with simple materials ie iron, broken bricks and plastic sheets.
Where are most favelas built? And what is the access like?
Most are built on hillsides which isnt ideal as when it rains heavily it can cause landslides
What are the services like in Favelas?
- 12% if favelas haven’t been improved- they have no running water
- 30% have no electricity
- over 50% have no sewer connections
- people illegally tap into main supplys for electricity and water
- sewers are open which is unhygienic
What is crime like in favelas?
- murder rate is high-> 20 per 1000
- drug gangs dominate the whole favelas commonly,
- many people don’t trust police because of all the violence and corruption that has been caused
What is the health like in Favelas?
- waste is not disposed of properly which builds uo in streets causing more risk to diseased being spread
- infant mortality rate is 50 per 100
- when burning rubbish theres a risk to houses going on fire as some are built of wooden
What is unemployment like in Favelas?
- rates of unemployment are as high as 20%
- lot of employment is poorly paid
- average income is less than £75 a month
Where are favelas located?
Mainly on the edge if the city, in urban industrial areas where jobs are available.
- 60% are in the suburbs
- 25% are in outer parts of city
- some are being built up to 40km from the city centre
Where is Rocinha? How big is it?
A favela built on a very steep hillside overlooks the wealthy areas, largest favela in Rio
What are the economic improvements from the favela bairro project?
- 100% mortgages available so people can buy own homes
- access to credit so people can improve their homes
What are social improvements from the favela bairro project?
- building new health, leisure and education facilities
- police patrols to reduce crime
What are the service improvements from the favela bairro project?
- drainage system for improved sanitiation
- access to a water supply
- cable car to commercial district plus 1 free ticket a day
What are the environmental improvements from the favela bairro project?
- securing hillsides to prevent landslides
- paved and formally named roads
What are the downsides to the Favela bairro project?
Rents have increased and more education and training is needed to improve access to jobs
What are the features of a house a shanty setteemt?
- corrugated tin and iron roof
- taupaulin
- wood
- flimsy construction, not very stable
What are the features of a house from a ‘site and service’ scheme?
- bricks
- roofing tiles
- water tanks and tap which connects to a system toilet
- strong, glas window to let natural light in
- wooden door with lock
- sewage pipe to dispose of watse properly
- the house is basic but more solidly constructed.
- has electricity and connected to water mains and sewage
What is air pollution in Rio like?
Caused by traffic congestion and fumes from factories.
- Mist from the atalantic mixes with the fumes and causes brown smog
What are human causes of Rio’s environment?
- Heavy pollution in the bay due to increasing urbanisation and industrialisation
- huge areas of sprawling squatter settlements
- derecliction due to de-industralised use of heavy industries such as steel
What are the physical causes of Rio’s environment?
- sqautter settlements built on hillsides and prone to landslides
- extensive sprawl along beautiful coastal areas
- mountains limit space for building and make the development of an effective transport system
What are the solutions to traffic congestion in Rio?
- build new toll roads into city centre
- expanison of the metro system to reduce number of vehicles on roads
What are the causes of water pollution in Rio?
- more than 50 tonnes of industrial waste enters the bay
- oil spils from the Petronas refinery
- many of the 55 rivers flowing into thw bay are heavily polluted
What are the solutions for water pollution in Rio?
- fine ships which disharge fuel
- 12 new storage treatment works have been built
- 5km new sewage pipes instilled around badly polluted areas
What are the causes of waste pollution in Rio?
- Waste is often dumped which pollutes water systems which leads to rats and cholera
- worse problems are in favelas due to fee roads and steep slopes
What are the solutions for waste pollution?
- power plant using methane gas from rotting rubbish has been built
What are still some of the problems with the favela bairro project?
- newly built infrastructure is not being maintained
- residents lack skills and respiration to make repairs