upper trunk and pelvic floor Flashcards
In regard to the Sacro-Iliac Joint, why is it important to know the activity level of your patient?
This joint when born is synovial planar joint, in 70% of ppl at age 40 it gradually turns into a fibrous joint, thick collagen fibres, it turns into a fibrous joint because that’s when we lose muscle mass, support from muscles decrease and this joint really needs to be stable so if it doesn’t have muscle mass to support it it has to become fibrous, so if you are active and muscles are still supporting it will delay. This has implications because it changes how you treat the patient
What is the sub-pelvic angle for men and women?
In men this angle is 90 and women its over 110
what is prolapsus?
the anterior displacement of the pelvic viscera
what makes up the pelvic viscera ?
bladder rectum uturus
how does prolapsus happen ?
Over time pelvic diaphragm stretches towards bottom of pelvis, which can displace rectum bladder and uterus can sink causing anterior displacement of pelvic viscera
what is bladder prolapsus called?
vesical prolapsus
what is the difference between an elastic structure and plastic structure
elastic can stretch and return to original size plastic does not return back after a stretch.
what are the two regions of the perenium and why are they called that?
anterior: uro-genital triangle
posterior: anal triangle
because in the anterior region the urethra and the vaginal canal pass, in the posterior regino the anal canal passes
where is the paraneal body
posterior to anal canal
what is the difference between Bulbospongiousus in men and women?
doesn’t reach midline In females because vaginal opening
what are the two parts of the pelvic cavity?
true (lesser cavity) and false (greater) cavity
what are the 7 landmarks that create the suprior pelvic aperture?
sacral promontary, anterior border of sacral ala, terminal line (arcuate line, iliopubic eminence, pectan of pubis), pubis symphasis
what 5 structures create the inferior pelvic aperture?
pubic symphasis, ischio-pubic ramus, ischial tuberocity, sacrotuberous ligament, coccyx
what kind of joint is the sacroilliac joint?
what two movements does it do?
a synovial planar joint. nutation and counternutation
what is nutation and counter nutation?
nutation: promontary moves anteriorly and inferiorly
counternutation: promontary moves posteriorly and superiorly
what is the pubic symphasis?
cartilaginous joint between the two pubic bones (pubic corpora).
what two joints continue with the posterior sacroiliac joint?
sacrospinous and sacrotuberous.
what two muscle groups form the pelvic floor?
pelvic diaphragm and parenium muscles.
what two muscles form the pelvic diaphragm?
lavator ani and coccygeus
what three muscles form lavator ani?
pubo-rectalis, pubococcygeus, illiococcygeus
why is the lavator ani muscle group not considered part of the perenial muscles even though its in the same area?
Because it is not innervated by the same nerve aka pudental nerve.
what features make up the perenial region?
symphasis pubis, ischeal tuberosity, coccyx, paraneal body, anacoccygeal body
name the 5 perenial muscles
deep transverse perenei, superficial transverse perenei, bulbospongiosus, ischioucavernosus, external anal sphvincter
what are the three spaces we talked about?
ischioanal fossa, superficial perineal pouch, deep perinial pouch
what two muscles make up the deep perinial pouch?
deep and superficial transverse perenei
what 4 arteries come off the internal iliac artery?
obturator, greater gluteal, lesser gluteal, and internal pudendal.
what structures do the greater and lesser gluteal arteries pass under?
S1 and S4 nerve respectively.
what two bony landmarks are vertically aligned in the pelvis’ proper orientation
ASIS and Pubic tubercle