Upper Limb Surfacs Anatomy Flashcards
Anatomical boundaries and components of forearm
Elbow - wrist
Radius, ulna, humerororadial, radioulnar, superficial (brachioradialies, carpi, longus and breview, extensor digitorum + digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris), flexior carpi ulnaris + radialis, palmaris longus, pronator teres, pronator quadtratus
Anatomical boundaries and components of the hand
Carpal to finger tips
8 carpals, metacarpets, phalanges
Abductor pollicis brevis, adductor ollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, oppenens pollicis, abductor digiti minimi, flexor figiti minimi, opponents digiti minimi, palmaris brevis,, lumbricals, palmar interossei, dorsal interossei
Boundaries and component of pectoral girdle
Clavicle and scapula
Boundaries and component of upper arm
Superior/inferior/ posterior/ lateral and medial walls
Medial wall of serratus anterior
Ribs 1-4, humerus, coracobrachialis, short head of biceps
From which nerve plexus innervates the upper limb?
Brachial plexus: musculocutaneous, axillary, brachial, radial and ulnar nerve
Location and tissues served by axillary
Medial side of the axillary artery
- arm, axillia and superolateral chest wall
Location and tissues served by cephalic
Anterior antebrachium
- superficial - runs up the shoulder
Location and tissues served by basilic
Medial aspect of forearm at wrist and runs superficially in forearm via the cubital vein
- dorsal venous network of the hand
Location and tissues served by median cubital
Cubital fossa an anterior /flexor aspect of the elbow joint - crease middle of arm and slightly up and down
Location and tissues served by median antebrachial cutaneous
Superficial forearm vein
- drains superficial structures of the forearm and wrist between basilic and cephalic vein
Location and tissues served by dorsal venous network
Within superficial fascia on the back of the hand
- laterally into cephalic vein and medially into basilic vein
What bones are in the elbow joint?
humerus and ulna
what is in the radio carpal joint?
radius, schapoid, lunate and triquetal
what is in the metacarpophalangeal joint?
prximal phalanges and sital metacarpal
what is in the carpal (intercarpal) joints?
all the carpals
what is in the interphalangael joints?
proximal phalanges, base and head of the middle phalanges and base of digital phalanes?
what is in the intermetacapral joints?
What is in the brachial plexus?
musculocataneous, axillary, radial and median
What are the brachial plexus roots?
C5 - T1
List the muscles in the ANTERIOR compartment of the arm
pronator teres, flexor carpi ulnarius, palamris longus, flecor digitorum, profundus, flecor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus. (FLEXORS)
(Coracobrachialis, brachialis, bicep brachii)
List the muscles in the POSTERIOR compartment of the arm
Tricep brachii
All the extensors
- extensor digiforum, communius, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, aconeus, supinator, abdcutor pollicis longus, extensor pollicisi brevis, extensor indices
Name the two major compartments of the upper limb and define their boundary
Lateral and medial septum is the boundary
The two compartments are anterior and posterior
Anatomical boundaries of the 5 compartments of the hand
Thenar - outer thumb
Hypothenar - metacarpal outer portion of 5th phalanx
Adductor - metacarpal thumb + 3rd fingers
Central - between metacarpals attaches to the tendon
Interosseous between metacarpals
What is aponeurosis?
A thin sheath of connective tissue that helps to connect the muscles to your bones
Name the 4 anterior axio appendicular muscles that move the pectoral girdle and their movement and attachment
Pec minor: 3rd 5th lig to costochondral - depression, abduction, internal rotation, protraction
Pec major: adduction - greater tubercle
Subclavius: stabilization of the sternoclavicular joint - inserts into surface of middle of the grove of the clavicle
Serratus Anterior: 1st - 8/9th rib and medial border of scapula - movement is pulling forward towards thorax
Name the two superficial posterior extrinsic shoulder muscles and their attachment + movements
Trapezius - (O) ligament nuchae, C7 - T12, occipital protuberdance (I) Scap, Clav, Acromian - it abdcuts, elevate/depresses
Latissimus Dorsi - (O) T7-T12, L1-L5, sacrum, iliac crest rib 10-12 (I) intertubercle groove of the humerus - lats interally rotate, add and extend the arm.
Name the two deep posterior extrinstic shoulder muscles
Levatator Scapulae
Name the six intrinsic muscles of the shoulder
teres minor
teres major