Lower Body Anatomy - Deep Flashcards
Name the three major compartments of the thigh and their boundaries
Anterior: between the medial and lateral intermuscular septa
Medial: medial and posterior septa
Posterior: between the lateral intermuscular septum, medial compartment of posterior intermuscular septum
List the muscles contained within each of the major compartments of the thigh
Anterior: pectineus, sartorius, quadracept femoris
Medial: pectineus, oburatur externus, gracilis, adductor longus + brevis + magnus and minimus
Posterior: Bicep femoris, semimembranous and semitrendinous
Name the three major compartments of the lower leg and their anatomical boundaries
Anterior: lateral to the tibia
Posterior: posterior to the tibia + fibula
Lateral: laterally to the fibula
List the muscles in each compartment of the lower leg
Anterior: tibialis anterior. ext. digitorum longus, fibularis terius, extensor hallucis longus
Posterior: grastoc + soleus, pplntaris, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digotorum, longus, flexor hallucis longus
Lateral - fibularis longus nad fibularis brevis
Name the five compartments of the foot and their boundaries
Central - medially and laterally to the intermuscular septa
Lateral - 5th metatarsal and laterally
Medial - overmetatarsals and base of proximal phalanx
Dorsal - metatarsals, plantar ligament, lateral and medial intermuscular septa
Interossei - between metatarsals
List the muscles contained within the five major compartments of the foot
Central - flexor digitorum brevis, quadratus plantae, lumbricals
Lateral - abductor digit minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digits
Medial - abductor hallucis, adductor hallucis, flexor hallucis brevis
Dorsal - extensor digitorum brevis, extensor hallucis brevis
Interssei - dorsal and palmar interosseous
What is an aponeurosis
Thin sheath of connective tissue that helps connect your muscles to your bones
Where would you find the plantar venous network (vein)?
proximal to the dorsal arch
Where would you find the dorsal venous network (vein) ?
medial side of the foot - midfoot below the ankles
Where would you find the Dorsal metatarsal veins ?
over top of the metatarsals
Where would you find the great saphenous veins?
beside femoral in upper leg and lateral leg from lateral epicondyle to foot of the tibia
Where would you find the popliteal vein?
behind the knee (femoral, popliteal, post tibial)
Where would you find the internal pedundal vein?
ischium - anterior to pubic - anus
Where would you find the superior and inferior gluteal veins?
ala of ilium + top of ischium to neck of femur
Where would you find the internal iliac vein?
base of sacrum - mediallu running of the ilium
Where would you find the femoral vein?
External iliac which is behind the femur and that turns into the popliteal